Monday, December 28, 2009

How Can Deocotrs Feel An Enlarged Uterus

The coconut crab, il più grande artropode terrestre del mondo

The coconut crab (Birgus latro Linnaeus 1767) is the largest terrestrial arthropod in the world.

land hermit crab is a famous for his ability to crack coconuts with its strong claws to eat the contents. It is sometimes chiamato "granchio ladro" (in inglese robber crab) o "ladro delle palme" (in tedesco Palmendieb), perché alcuni granchi del cocco rubano oggetti luccicanti come padelle ed argenteria da case e tende.

È anche noto come terrestrial hermit crab ("paguro terrestre"), a causa dell'uso di conchiglie da parte dei giovani individui (tuttavia il termine paguro terrestre si applica anche ad altri paguri terrestri, come per esempio il paguro terrestre australiano Coenobita variabilis). Il granchio del cocco ha differenti nomi locali, come, ad esempio, ayuyu a Guam, unga o kaveu.

Gli esemplari di questa specie giungono in media fino ai 4 kg di peso, 400 mm di lunghezza del corpo, un metro di apertura legs, with males generally larger than females (sexual dimorphism). Some authors have described specimens weighing up to more than 17 kg and a body length of 1 m. It is believed that this is near the theoretical limit for a terrestrial arthropod. However, when the body is supported by water, larger sizes are possible (see, for example, the Japanese spider crab Macrocheira kaempferi). They can reach an age of 30-60 years.

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Imagehosting at Imageloop

Imagehosting at Imageloop

Imagehosting at Imageloop

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Imagehosting at Imageloop

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Musterbation Dolls For Men

Darwin 200, un’iniziativa mondiale per ricordare a 200 anni della sua nascita, l’opera del naturalista e scienziato britannico

darwin200 Darwin200logo Darwin200 was the global event to celebrate the impact that Darwin's ideas have had on evolution, as well as its approach to understanding the natural world and his outstanding example as a scientist, continue to have on our lives.

The winning photos of the contest:

Photography Competition in honor of Charles Darwin 200 Darwin


Photography Competition Darwin 200 was won in the category of Exploration and Research of Nature by Simon Roberts and his picture of this frog


Horniman Museum's aim was to inspire the people to observe more detail the nature, following the work of Darwin. This led to Richard Hutchinson to photograph this "crocodile fish.


Michael Hin was recognized for his photography. His explanation was: "A garden spider male approaches a female with intent to mate.'s Approach was unsuccessful and she killed him."


Dr. Susan M. Cheyne this orangutan caught during the research that was conducted in the project on the behavior and conservation of apes.

darwin200_rana_verde La categoría de la gente joven fue ganada por Alastair Macfarlane, quien comentó que observó esta rana en el Amazonas peruano. “Exhibe algunas de las características de la evolución darwinista”


Sam Baylis: "Nature is full of surprises! Watched this dragonfly larva emerged from her and waited on it to dry out their wings."


Judith Lyons: "Through the action of light, the photographic process reveals the delicate beauty of the internal structure of the flower."


Bastiaan Brak found this larva feasting on aphids of this plant clematis in the garden of his home.


Katya Schouvaloff: "I spotted this swan sitting on her nest built with garbage. Suddenly he got up and showed the seven blue eggs she was brooding.


The prize for the youngest was in the hands of Takeo Broadhurst, who captured this moment when a wasp is devoured by a spider.


Tim Protheroe: "A white crab spider feeds on this bumblebee. The single bee can see ultraviolet as the spider is well camouflaged


Magdalena Nieduzak won the category of students. "In this picture, the stems of Mosses These Seem to embrace, as if They Were for warmth through the freshly fallen snow.

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