Thursday, May 27, 2010

Calories On Chicken Curry

The Matterhorn is completely shrouded in mystery, has a distinctive look so that is always recognizable.

Il Cervino, completamente avvolto di mistero, si erge a 4.478 metri fra il Vallese ed il Piemonte.

Che lo si osservi da Zermatt o dall'Italia, presenta un aspetto così caratteristico che è sempre riconoscibile.

La sua prima ascensione nel 1860 è rimasta celebre perché fu realizzata dal giovane incisore inglese Edward Whymper, il quale cinque anni più tardi doveva essere uno dei so­pravvissuti del primo dramma del Cervino: la morte di quattro compagni di cordata dopo la loro vittoria sulle implacabili creste della vetta.

Gustave Dore explained the fall of these men, rushed from deep in the abyss of the Matterhorn glacier, 1500 feet below. In 1871 the peak was won by a woman, Lucy Walker, followed a few weeks later by the American Meta Brevoort, who crossed the mountains from side to side, up from Zermatt to Breuil and descending. Since then all the peaks of the Matterhorn were explored, including the diabolical north wall.

The name derives from the French in Italian "Cervin," which derives from the Latin "Mons Silvanus," that is wooded mountains. In fact, in past centuries, because of the milder climate that made possible, inter alia, the crossing of the Alpine hills during most of the year, This mountain was covered with forests.

This "Optimus" climate was the reason of the importance of Valle d'Aosta in the Roman era and the founding of Augusta Praetoria Salassorum (now Aosta). Following the process of corruption of the Latin, from "Silvanus" has reached "Servin" (pronounced "servèn"), in French. Horace-Bénédict de Saussure, who was among the first cartographers of the Kingdom of Sardinia, however, wrong in the transcript, recording the name "Cervin" in French is pronounced the same way. The Italian name is derived accordingly, pointing to an incorrect reference to deer.

is located in the Central Alps, on the watershed between Italy and Switzerland, along the Pennine Alps from which it stands isolated from the rest of the other peaks, overlooking the towns of Breuil-Cervinia in Italy and Zermatt in Switzerland.

has four main walls oriented to the cardinal points: the north face looks Zermatt in Switzerland, the east wall overlooking the Gorner glacier, the south wall above Breuil-Cervinia in Italy and the west wall is facing Dent Héréns . These walls are connected by many peaks: the south-west ridge that Cresta del Leone, and the northwest ridge that Zmutt Ridge, the North-East ridge that dell'Hörnli Ridge and the ridge south-east ridge that Furggen.

The summit consists of two distinct peaks connected by a thin edge of the ridge. The highest peak is called Cima Switzerland the lowest (only two meters) is called Cima Italian. The Swiss-Italian border instead follows the ridge itself, which coincides with the line of watershed, as enshrined in the Convention of 24 July 1941 between the Swiss Confederation and the Kingdom of Italy.

This convention establishes the principle of the watershed as a natural boundary line and indicate specifically in which case it abandons the criterion. The Matterhorn is not a member.

The two peaks are then shared between the two states.
After the first historic conquest of the Matterhorn was the scene of many businesses along the climbing walls and ridges. Among the others are worthy of note: Albert Mummery, 1879 - the first ascent of the ridge Zmutt (with guides Alexander Burgener, Augustin Gentinetta and Johann Petrus), Walter Bonatti, 1965 - the first winter ascent of the north wall (solo) and Hans Kammerlander, 1992 - climbing the four peaks in 24 hours.

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Friday, May 7, 2010

Graduation Enterpices

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Virtual Plastic Surgery Software Lizenz


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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Woodbury Commons Hemes

The cult of the Pachamama, the goddess of the earth, agriculture and fertility. The

Pachamama (anche Pacha Mama o Mama Pacha) significa in lingua quechua Madre terra.

Si tratta di una divinità venerata dagli Inca e da altri popoli abitanti l'altipiano andino, quali gli Aymara e i Quechua. È la dea della terra, dell'agricoltura e della fertilità.

Reasons for worship.

The reasons that led to worship Pachamama addition to Inti (Sun God) seems to be as follows: *

Inca mythology includes a duality: male god Inti and had to have a high and low female counterpart, the cult of
* Inti was actually reserved for an elite, while the worship of Pachamama was more related to the rural world, and thus to the people.


In August, the Andean people, still practice the cult of gratitude to the Pacha-mama, giving back to mother earth the nourishment it provides. It is a moat, a huge hole in which all bidders participating the ritual, are put in food, food and dishes that are specially prepared. Each participant pays a portion of food, giving thanks to Mother Earth. After the hole is completely covered, and each participant places a stone. After forming a veritable heap of stones called Apache. Usually it always chooses the higher ground to ensure that it is as close as possible to the Sun (Inti).

the Pachamama are, as yet, made offers (or ch'alla challa) because the soil may be more fertile and to propitiate the harvest.

The offer is to sacrifice a llama fetus shedding His blood in the soil. Other times the offering to Pachamama may consist of some coca leaves.

The priest.

The cult was led by a priest, said Amauta. Nowadays, despite the cult is still practiced, no longer exists and this figure Amauta the term fell into disuse.

In modern cult of the Pachamama Amauta Paqo is replaced by a (wise) who teaches spirituality and communicate to new generations. The spiritual legacy of Paqo happens in three ways: *

oral transmission from master to disciple,
* transmission of knowledge of traditional medicine in the future Paqo
* (chosen due to natural phenomena) becomes in contact through a spiritual brotherhood, called Qhapaqkanga.


Pachacamac, god of the sky, joined Pachamama and from this union were born twins, a boy and a girl. As in other Andean myth, the father died, or according to other legends, he disappeared at sea or was a prisoner of a spell on an island of the coast.

Pachamama was widowed and alone with her children. On Earth, darkness reigned. In the distance they saw a light that followed, climbing mountains, crossing lakes and battling monsters.

Finally they came to a cave known as Waconpahuin, inhabited by a man named Wakon. He had Heat a potato and a pot of stone. Asked the two children of Pachamama to fetch water. The two late and tried to seduce Wakon Pachamama. Vistosi refused killed, ate his body and put the remains into a saucepan.

The twins returned and asked the mother. Wakon would tell them nothing and said she would return at times, but the days passed and the mother did not return.

Huaychau bird that announced the dawn of the twins took pity and told what happened to their mother warning them of the danger they were staying with Wakon. Children's hair tied Wakon, slept in the meantime, a large stone and fled in a hurry. They met

una volpe, Añas, che dopo aver chiesto loro perché scappavano e dove stessero andando, li nascose nella sua tana. Nel frattempo Wakon si liberò e si mise in cerca dei gemelli. Incontrò dapprima vari animali a cui chiese se avevano visto due gemelli, ma nessuno seppe aiutarlo. Incontrò, infine, Añas. Questa gli disse che i bambini erano in cima ad una montagna e che avrebbe potuto, una volta in cima, imitare la voce della madre in modo che i bambini uscissero allo scoperto.

Wakon si mise a correre affannosamente verso la cima e non si accorse della trappola che nel frattempo l'astuta volpe Añas gli aveva teso. Wakon cadde da un burrone e, morendo, causò un violento terremoto.

I gemelli rimasero con Añas che gli alimentava con il suo sangue. Nauseati chiesero se poteva andare a raccogliere qualche patata. Trovarono un'oca (Oxalis Tuberosa, un tubero simile alla patata) assomigliante ad una bambola. Giocarono con essa, ma si ruppe un pezzo. I bambini smisero di giocare e si addormentarono.

Nel sonno la femmina sognò di lanciare il suo cappello in aria e che questo rimanesse sospeso senza ricadere. La stessa cosa accadeva, nel sogno, ai suoi vestiti. Una volta sveglia raccontò il sogno al fratello. Mentre i bambini si domandavano il significato del sogno, videro in cielo una corda lunghissima. Incuriositi si arrampicarono e salirono.

Alla cima della corda videro il loro padre, Pachacamac, impietosito per le loro disavventure. Riuniti al loro padre, vennero trasformati nel Sole (il maschio) e nella Luna (la femmina).

Per quello che riguarda Pachamama, essa rimase sempre in basso, assumendo la forma di un imponente nevaio chiamato, anche oggi, La Viuda (la vedova).

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