Saturday, July 31, 2010

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the Negev desert, sand box and dreams, the latest version of the scientific imagination on the future of Israel.

The Negev desert is a region that is located in the southern part of the state of Israel.

It is shaped like an inverted isosceles triangle, an area of \u200b\u200bsome 13,000 km ², with the summit in the Red Sea, bordered to the east with Jordan, with Egypt in the west and north of the Gaza Strip (far north-west ), the central regions of Israel and the Dead Sea (the north-east).

view Zionism as a resource center, the Negev has been under development since the founding of the State of Israel, with the establishment of chemical industries in Be'er Sheva, Sdom, Ramat Hovav and Zin, and agricultural development Air in the valley that connects the depression of the Dead Sea with the Red Sea coast.

was the site of ancient copper mines of Timna, dating back to the Kingdom of Israel and now a tourist destination.

Careful use of water policy has allowed the establishment of agricultural settlements in arid areas. One example is the kibbutz of Sde Boker, located in the center of the Negev in the ancient Nabatean city of Avdat, which was home to one of the founders of the modern state of Israel, David Ben Gurion, after his retirement from active political life.

the extreme southern tip of the region, overlooking the Red Sea, lies the port city of Eilat.

Nevertheless, the Negev has had its share of history: Abraham chose to put his home in Be'er Sheva in the places chosen by them during the Nabatean caravan trade of their valuable assets.

For this and many other reasons, the Negev has become one of the most important places for tourism.

The more diverse and different peoples lived in the Negev: the nomadic peoples like the Canaanites to the Philistines, Edomites, the Byzantines, the Nabataeans to get up to the Israelis today. The economy of these populations was based mainly on sheep farming and agriculture for adding a second stage in the business.

The story is particularly affascinante.I Nabataean Nabataeans were the lords of the desert in which established a location known as "The Way of Spices." Camel caravans crossed this route carrying spices, perfumes and salt from Yemen to the east of the port city of Gaza.

Along the way places were built for the rest of the caravan and it is still possible to see the witness in places like Ovdat and Mamshit.

Modern settlements in the Negev began about 100 years ago, when some communities chose to settle here. They were joined by 11 other settlements whose founding members built the first houses in one night.

After the founding of the State of Israel David Ben Gurion, who was elected to the prima volta come Primo Ministro d’Israele, promosse gli insediamenti nel Negev e dopo che lui stesso si stabilì nella località di Sde Boqer molti altri insediamenti si svilupparono.

Il Negev è considerato un deserto per la scarsità di precipitazioni che qui cadono ogni anno e cioè meno di 200 millimetri annuali ed è diviso in differenti regioni cominciando dalla depressione di Ber Sheva -Arad nel nord, fino alla catena montuosa nel centro ed Arava ed Eilat nel sud.

Sebbene il Negev sia arido per la maggioranza dei giorni dell’anno, le sue distese desolate ed i letti dei suoi fiumi asciutti, qui la natura è davvero sorprendente.

In inverno, nonostante la piccola quantità di acqua, il Negev è ricoperto di fiori meravigliosi, tra cui splendidi anemoni rossi.Quando vi sono forti venti essi possono causare impressionanti rigonfiamenti all’interno dei letti dei fiumi.

Oggi il Negev è la porta verso il deserto. Esso offre incantevoli angoli naturali, luoghi di carattere storico archeologico, primavere e le testimonianze di differenti composti agricoli.

Il turismo nel deserto è un settore di sviluppo e molti turisti ne esplorano le distese a piedi, in bicicletta o utilizzando ogni genere di veicolo via terra.

Il Negev è anche una scatola di sabbia e di sogni, e al mattino ci appare da lontano, sul giallo del deserto, l’ultima versione della fantasia scientifica israeliana on the future: a large round structure, a kind of umbrella semirovesciato standing on steel legs.

Near the roundabout there is a linear structure like a long snake of a hundred meters, which concentrates the sun and moves in harmony with it, focusing her multiplied on a huge heat pipe in which it moves a liquid that turns energy.

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Friday, July 23, 2010

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10 animal species in the world at risk of extinction.

In biodiversity, also taking its cue from the report of the Wildlife Conservation Society, which puts the spotlight on mammals, amphibians, reptiles and birds considered "Critically Endangered" by IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, we wanted to draw a sad list of the species in the world that face extinction in just a few years because of deforestation and the resulting loss of habitat along with pollution, both industrial and agricultural.

Italy could well disappear to see 266 species considered by international experts on the brink of extinction or already extinct, such as Monaco or the vulture headed Duck, a beautiful duck-billed Teal. They are about to leave the ark Italian many marine species, including sharks, manta rays, common dolphins, monk seals, sea turtles, fin whales and dozens of birds that frequent our lakes and ponds, including ducks, waders, and then bats lizards, newts and snakes. Rivers at risk if you consider their people: dozens of species of fish considered almost extinct, including sturgeon, carp del Garda, bleak Apennines. Lots of plants in danger almost unknown but valuable because of many unique islands, a complaint to the depletion of fragile environments such as coastal or high-altitude meadows. Sicily and Sardinia in the head in the richest regions of biodiversity, already at risk and who are now called upon to help with specific safeguard policies. The complete Red List was published by IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, of which WWF is a member, and the framework, compared to previous years, whole is worse

1) Turtle Angonoka ( Astrochelys yniphora) .

Angonoka The tortoise is endemic to Madagascar and is considered the world's rarest tortoise . From the most recent evaluations of the IUCN estimated surviving population of approximately 400 individuals confined in an area of \u200b\u200b60 km2 in Baly Bay in northwestern Madagascar. The main causes of this complex situation is certainly the disappearance habitat of this species by man. The forest is on fire to make way new areas for agriculture and cattle breeding. And today is one of the most sought after prey by traffickers of exotic species. could become extinct in the next 30 years .

2) Cuba crocodile (Crocodylus rhombifer ).

The population of this reptile is reduced to little more than 4,000 copies distributed in two small areas of the island. Scientists believe that most of these animals is, however, consists of Hybrid : intersections with the most common American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus). The crocodile cuba is strongly hunted for its meat .

3) Rana green eyes ( Lithobates vibicarius) .

Even this little frog, about 6 cm long, is facing extinction. There remain several hundred distributed between Panama and Costa Rica . In addition to habitat loss due to deforestation and pollution threaten the hapless amphibian was added chytrid (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis), a fungus that is killing many amphibians in the world.

4) Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo Abel).

It is a bit 'the symbol of the campaign of Greenpeace's deforestation. The Sumatran orangutan is likely to become extinct even before scientists have had time to study it in depth. E ' an exclusive to the province of Aceh
in the south of' island of Sumatra. The population has dwindled to about 6,000 individuals . Their habitat has been replaced by the cultivation of oil palm and often the younger fish fall into the hands of traffickers of exotic species.

5) White-headed Langur

Il presbite dalla testa bianca è una scimmia originaria dell’isola di Cat Ba , nella Baia di Ha Long, in Vietnam. E’ di colore completamente nero , ma la sommità del capo, le guance e il collo sono di colore bianco. Hanno abitudini diurne e sono molto socievoli. Purtroppo ne restano solo 60 esemplari . Oltre alla perdita dell’habitat la popolazione è decimata dai cacciatori: dal corpo delle scimmie vengono estratte diverse sostanze utilizzate nella medicina tradizionale cinese.

6) Il pipistrello della Florida
(Eumops floridanus).

This bat is the largest in Florida, and was considered extinct until 2002. Scientists there discovered a small colony in Fort Myers and today its population is composed of one hundred copies. Affected by pollution and degradation of the places where it lives and reproduces.

7) vaquita (Phocoena sinus).


The Gulf of California porpoise, or vaquita ("little cow" in English) is the most endangered cetacean in the world . And 'present only in northern Mexico where it is threatened by fishermen's nets, which often remains entangled. Today there are only 150 individuals in nature. To save the Mexican government has banned the use of certain types of fishing net, considered extremely dangerous to marine mammals.

8) of the Channel Islands Urocione ( Urocyon littoralis)

The urocione is a small fox native 6 of the 8 islands of the Channel Islands in California. And 'one of the most endangered species in the world with a population of only a thousand copies . The reasons for this decline are the diseases carried by dogs domestici e la predazione da parte dell’aquila reale.

9) Damalisco di Hunter (Beatragus hunteri)

Il damalisco di Hunter è un' antilope africana , presente in una regione ristretta fra il fiume Tana (Kenya) e il fiume Juba in Somalia, e nel Parco di Tsavo Est (Kenya). Ne restano solo 600 individui minacciati dalla perdita dell’habitat . La popolazione di damalischi negli anni ha subito due periodi di contrazione. Nel periodo 1976-1978, la popolazione è scesa da 14.000 a 2.000 individui e nel 1995, probabilmente a causa di un incremento del bracconaggio, la popolazione è crollata up to 600 individuals. Kenya is carrying out some conservation projects, protecting a small population of a hundred animals in the park of Tsavo East

10) Tortora of Grenada ( Leptotila Wells).

This rose-breasted bird is an animal most representative of the Caribbean island of Grenada. Its population today numbers just over 150 individuals that are shrinking more and more of their habitat and increase the number of predators such as cats, mongooses and rats. To protect the small colony of doves, the government launched a ten-year plan.

To see the animal species in danger of extinction throughout the world, I suggest you visit this blog .

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perishable sculptures by Claire Morgan.

Young Irish artist who lives and works in London, he honed his interest in the biological , the natural processes, and the physical connotation of perishable materials.

His works, have been exhibited in numerous solo exhibitions collective and throughout Europe.

Claire Morgan (Belfast, 1980) is a young artist with a passion for perishable materials that assemble by the thousands, creating shapes sculptor suspended in time and space.

report was made in Italy, winning the first prize of young sculptors Pomodoro Foundation in Milan, with an arrow made from about five cherries.

He has exhibited in several solo exhibitions in Belfast and London. In 2004 he won the annual scholarship and Roy Noakes Award of the Royal Society of British Sculptors. He lives in Newcastle and London. His works

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Source: Claire Morgan & The online newspaper

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

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The best photos from National Geographic Society, May 2010. La Mer de Glace

The National Geographic Society (NGS ), whose headquarters are is Washington, DC in the United States, is one of the largest non-profit scientific and educational institutions.

His interests include a variety of disciplines such as geography, archeology and natural sciences, but also care for the environment and conservation of historical heritage, and finally the study of culture the world and its history.

The historic goal that the National Geographic Society has always set it to "increase and diffuse geographic knowledge while promoting the protection of human culture, history and natural resources" - "to INCREASE and diffuse geographic knowledge while Promoting the conservation of the world's cultural, historical, and natural resources ".

His own president and general manager - CEO (chief executive officer) - from March 1998 John M. Fahey, Jr. says that the purpose of NGS is to get people to take care of our planet. The company is run by twenty-three members of the board of trustees made up of a group of eminent educators, businessmen, important government officials, and conservationists. The organization sponsors and promotes the exploration and scientific research. The company also publishes a magazine called National Geographic Magazine and other magazines, books, publications School, maps, movie clips and websites in several languages \u200b\u200band countries around the world. The NGS has an educational foundation through which gives grants to organizations for educational purposes with the aim of enhancing geographic education.

The same Committee Riscerca and Exploration has given grants for scientific research, and recently gave his nine thousandth donation and the various properties include a range of 360 million people per month worldwide. In fact, the National Geographic maintains a museum open to the public in the city of Washington, DC , and helped the sponsorship of major traveling exhibitions such as "King Tut "Shows that exposed povenienti wonderful artifacts from the tomb of the young pharaoh of ancient Egypt, which involved numerous American cities, ending with exposure to Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. The Exhibition" King Tut "is present in London. The National Geographic Society also contributed to the exhibition of "Cultural Treasures of Afghanistan", which was established in May 2008 at the National Gallery of Art in DC Washindton . The exhibition will move in the following eighteen months to the 'Museum of Houston Fine Arts ", the ' Asian Art Museum in San Francisco, and finally to" Metropolitan Museum "in New York City .

Serra da Leba, Angola
Photograph by Kostadin Luchansky

Pantanal, Brazil

Photograph by Mike Bueno

Rideout Bay, Ontario
Photograph by Lee Anne Carver

Afghan National Policeman, Kabul

Photograph by Shashwat Saraf

Beijing Tourists

Photograph by Tsi Wang

Nagqu Horse Festival, Tibet
Photograph by Michael Yamashita, National Geographic

Bridal Procession
Photograph by Antonino Puppi

Night Landscape, Tanzania
Photograph by Antonio Busiello

Hazrat Ali Mosque, Afghanistan
Photograph by Shashwat Saraf

Sidewalk Café, Paris
Photograph by Steven Greaves

fonti: National Geographic Photography & Wikipedia

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