Tuesday, March 23, 2010

List All Possible Number Combinations

Information CUB National Steering Committee Minutes March 19, 2010 Board Minutes

Il congresso straordinario Nazionale
CUB Informazione
è convocato per il 25 giugno 2010

In relation to the request for extraordinary congress national and local levels by certain realities we must specify that:
  • on the basis of national status is crucial that the right of members to know the different positions is observed as on time (at least three months). consider forcing irregular and to overcome the meetings held in several cities (self-proclaimed Congress) that will be part of a process of legalization according to the principles of the Charter later during the meeting in comparison to open all the realities of the class (although not having the status not in good standing with the contributions, etc..) that we propose is taking place at March 29, 2010 at the headquarters of Cassina de 'Pecchi and after sending (the previous week) to the headquarters in Via Roma 81 Cassina de' Pecchi (Mi) 02 25137196 fax and mail infosindacale@gmail.com of data members (complete in order to exercise the right to let him know the different opinions), businesses, business references and any activities (MSW, etc.).
  • the national conference is convened on June 25, 2010 in the to be defined;

  • local conferences will be held from May 1 and during the month April will be held meetings with delegates and activists entered ee / and to start the debate on these issues. Regulation Congress Congressional Documents and any alternative and / or contributions must be received by the said meeting and by the National Executive in collaboration with local popular will as it will be possible to use the debate to the development of web tools and new technologies.
    The dates of meetings and business premises must be agreed and coordinated with the national executive to allow the presence of various opinions and present employees to choose from.

E 'worth remembering that the statute must be respected says
Art. 6 - Il Congresso Il Congresso è il massimo organo deliberante e si riunisce ogni 3 anni. La convocazione straordinaria del Congresso può essere richiesta dal Comitato Direttivo a maggioranza di 2/3 nonché da 3 Associazioni regionali e/o provinciali associate. L’ordine del giorno del congresso è fissato dal Comitato Direttivo e deve essere reso noto almeno 3 mesi prima della data di convocazione.



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