Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What Are Some Myths About Noses

Banker Po ... Lucan

Un mio amico ha deciso che il mio blog non va bene e in preda ad uno dei suoi raptus di vario genere (può essere Ipomania ? )mi impone modifiche e invia suggerimenti e articoli.

Tra le indicazioni di letture, (è un onnivoro di quotidiani e attualità, mai mettersi a discutere con lui se ne esce perdenti), mi invia quest'articolo che lega l'attualità economica nazionale alla Basilicata.Un ragioniere della Basilicata diventa uno degli uomini più importanti della finanza bancaria nazionale.

Archivio cartaceo generously. Last year, a year of economic crisis, a number of Veneto Bank has been something like three million and 700 thousand euro compensation. A sum that places him in the leading positions in the ranking of the best paid manager in Italy, just behind Corrado Passera, head of the great

Intesa, the largest bank in the country.
Not bad for an accountant, born in 1949, left his native Miglionico
Ba silicate, and landed about twenty years ago the population of Montebelluna and Asolo, Treviso , Northeast deep corner of Italy far from the places of big business, the salons and the stock exchange. Jones is a man of few words, until recently virtually unknown in the circles of the other finance. From its share, however, the head of the Veneto Banca leader as an absolute monarch. And like any sovereign has recently been granted even some luxuries. Last year, for example, has bought a property in the historic center of Vicenza. The price was around four million euro. As paid? Simple: Jones has requested a loan in the bank. His. That was promptly granted a loan of 3 million, with facilities reserved for employees, at a rate of 1, 5 per cent per annum. A few years ago, in 2006, the same consul had received another 2.5 million credit facility for granted, even then, by Veneto Banca. The banker also loves the countryside. A society that is headed by the wife in 2008 found a large farm in Puglia. A major purchase, of three million Euros and more. And even in this case between creditors of the acquiring company are Veneto Banca.
Meanwhile the feast of the province has changed its name. Now called Veneto Banca, but continues to define "local", with roots firmly planted in its territory of origin, including small and micro enterprises. Although now a force to grow and to buy other institutions, the roots of the old People's Montebelluna have spread to much of the peninsula. And Jones, thirteen years in the saddle, first as general manager and later chief executive, now runs a battleship with 47 billion collection, 6,200 employees and 575 branches, of which only one third in the Northeast, the rest in Lombardy, Piedmont, Brands and then down in Puglia and Basilicata. There's also a discreet presence abroad, in Romania, Moldova, Croatia and Albania. All countries are not easy in terms of credit, but frequent goal of many entrepreneurs from our own, especially in the Northeast, looking for cheap investments.
But these are private affairs. All maneuvers are held strictly behind the scenes. For his audience, for the thousands of shareholders of the bank that every year the cheer at the meeting, Jones remains party winning manager from Treviso, in fact, from Montebelluna, the conquest of Italy. Even the League of the courts, would make one of his, a banker Po in permanent service owner. Last April, the last general meeting, the new governor of the Veneto, the League's Luca Zaia, he showed up on purpose to praise the institute and its chief Treviso. But Jones is not a fool. It has so far been careful not to get involved: cordial relations, but nothing more, maybe because they can not help but remember his Southern origins. On the other hand, the banker does not lack any good hook in the Roman palaces, as demonstrated by the excellent relationship with the television journalist Bruno Vespa, who has also become a shareholder in the bank with a block of shares valued around eight million euro. The boom in the Veneto Banca, the real one, is recent history, with a dozen acquisitions over a four to five years. The last of the series, completed between 2008 and 2010, are the most important Popolare di Intra, BancApulia, Cassa di Fabriano, the Bank Intermobiliare Turin. In short, it means that since 2006 the collection has more than tripled. The transfer market has left its mark in the budget of Veneto Banca. Goodwill weighs on the accounts of the companies bought more than 1.2 billion €, and many analysts believe that Jones has paid too dearly for his expansion step of charge. Not for nothing that the ratings agencies Standard & Poor's and Fitch have recently downgraded from stable and negative feedback on the development prospects of the group based in Montebelluna. Some of the banks acquired in need of urgent treatment for back together budgets. The recovery then occurs far from simple. Especially in a time of economic crisis. The head of Veneto Banca but so far always rejected any criticism of the sender. "We are solid, always repeated. It apparently does not fear even the recession threatens the world of small businesses in the targeted his institution. The financial statements of Veneto Banca so far proved him right. In 2009, the accounts held. Net profit for the group even increased from 116 to 121 million, but you have to take account of eighty million non-recurring income (and therefore not recoverable) from the sale of investments. In the first half of 2010 profits were in line (42 million) with those recorded last year, again thanks to tens of millions of extraordinary receipts. The most risky bet, however, will be to be able to integrate into a single group, many banks are so different from each other. In Treviso, as always, trust Consoli. The Bank of Italy, however, marks it up close. And a few months ago, after a long inspection, has sanctioned the CEO of Veneto Banca for "deficiencies in internal controls and organization." The fine amounted to 12 000 €. Really a small thing for the millionaire Consoli. from the daily act of November 10, 2010


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