Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Why Am I Always D.c From Maplestory

Basilicata, land of refuge and exile

JEWS fleeing Nazism and anti-fascists

may seem far-fetched to many, persuaded by a partial information conveyed through novels and movies, but Mussolini's Italy was a haven for Jewish refugees fleeing Germany and his anti-Semitic policy. Many were using Italy as a place of passage to go to Palestine, others were directed to Latin America or North America.Verso the end of 1934 the Italian prefectures were about 1100 "refugees from Germany of the Jewish faith" ( and Polish nationals) and in May of 1936 the number of "Jewish German citizens" amounted to about 1500. With the "census of foreign Jews" in September 1938 in view of the promulgation of leggi razziali italiane si schedarono più di 4100 ebrei rifugiati: 2800 tedeschi, 280 polacchi di Germania, 400 austriaci e

640 cittadini di stati ignoti. All’entrata in vigore dei provvedimenti per la difesa della razza in Italia si contavano in totale, secondo la Direzione Generale per la Demografia e la Razza, quasi 10.000 ebrei stranieri. Con l'entrata in guerra il governo fascista varò una serie di misure di sicurezza tra cui per l’internamento dei cittadini delle nazioni nemiche e dei sovversivi. Seguirono provvedimenti a difesa della razza, si procedette con gli arresti di uomini ebrei di età compresa tre il 18 e i 60 anni, di nazionalità tedesca, polacca e ceca oppure apolidi. Le donne e i bambini, Instead, they were concentrated in isolated locations under the control of the police in so-called "free internment. Basilicata had the privilege of being a place of" reception "of many political opponents of the regime, subversives in various ways, criminals called" mafia "of allogeneic (especially ethnic minorities, in this case mainly Slavic and Balkan), of Italian Jews and foreign Jews. Its historic isolation meant that many countries within the region, and badly served by rail or public transport and difficult to connected with the outside world, an ideal solution for the creation of internment camps, labor camps and detention details. Accettura, Garaguso, Grasonville, Grottole, Cracow, Pisticci Montescaglioso Pisticci, Nova Syrians were the places where they ended the "mafia". Other centers were added: Aliano, Ionic Colobraro Montalbano, Pomarico, Rotondella, San Giorgio Lucano, Tursi. It is assumed that in these places came to more than 2,500 political prisoners and nearly 200 of the common border and "mafiosi." Some of the stories of people and places known, told and studied. Carlo Levi's character has amply described and depicted his period of confinement in Basilicata. Colony of special confinement, defined as "labor colony" was the place where now stands the town of Marconi, who received hundreds of islands confined from deportation as Pantelleria, Ustica, Lampedusa, Ponza. But some areas were also a place of internment for foreign Jews of various nationalities, including Austrians, Poles, Greeks, Yugoslavs, Czechs, Hungarians, Russians, were interned in the municipalities of Ferrandina, Matera, Pisticci, San Giorgio Lucano. Recently, new research indicates new tracks and information. From the files appear and last names from the distant sound and an unlimited Bluhweiss, Bojm, Eisler, Frischer, Ickovic, Kafka, Solomon, Steiner, Wittenberg to name a few. Names and stories that the great history and literature have overshadowed. Maybe someday, when you speak of confinement in Basilicata not speak only of Carlo Levi.

Joseph Melillo


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