could also be said that almost we have become accustomed to living with them, spiders, flies, beetles, lice, dust mites,
Let's see what their true appearance under the magnifying glass and learn its features.
Pholcidae is a family of spiders belonging to the order Araneae Arachnida.Il class name comes from the greek folkòs ie bow-legged , initially attributed to the hero Homeric epithet Thersites, which makes it a good idea of conformation of the long legs of these spiders, and the suffix-IDAE IDEA, which denotes the membership of a family.
are very common in homes and so have many nicknames: Long Legs spiders, cellar spiders, house spiders, spiders in Tuscany so blessed. Very fragile constitution, the bodylenght of these spiders varies from 2 to 10 mm, while the legs can easily exceed the 30 mm. The color varies from gray to brown with various streaks. The genera and Pholcus Smeringopus have the body shape of the shell of a peanut.
is able to reproduce very easily and the ability to lay eggs in any decaying organic material in nature, both for the speed with which the larvae reach the adult state, making them When reproducing: about ten days.
His life, under optimal conditions of food and environment, is about 8-10 days during which it can lay up to 1000 eggs (150-200 at a time every 3-4 days).

The American cockroach (Periplaneta American Linnaeus, 1758 is an arthropod belonging to the order Blattoidei. It is one of the most common pests in urban areas around the world and the largest species of cockroach among those who share living spaces with humans.
The American cockroach is a small flier and rarely flies. It is also a mediocre climber and most times you can see on the ground. It can move easily over rough surfaces like wood or concrete blocks, but can not climb walls or other surfaces.
Bugs, pidocchio parassita che succhia il sangue delle persone.
Melmid, prospera nella farina di grano e nei prodotti di cui fanno parte semi e cereali.
Cat Flea, vivere solo per 30 giorni, una delle pulci più comuni.
Spyfluelarve, hole that can be used to clean wounds.
Dust mites
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The American cockroach is a small flier and rarely flies. It is also a mediocre climber and most times you can see on the ground. It can move easily over rough surfaces like wood or concrete blocks, but can not climb walls or other surfaces.

Ctenocephalides felis, o pulce del gatto è un insetto cosmopolita, nella fase adulta parassita esterno ematofago dei felini domestici, ed occasionalmente di molti altri mammiferi, principalmente cane e uomo. Come tutti i congeneri, è relativamente poco specie specifica, e non esita a parassitare ospiti differenti in the absence of those elected. Can support various parasites and infections.
The larval stage takes place in the house guest, with a diet of organic debris, mostly dried blood and excreta of adults. Among the diseases that are caused, even occasionally, you remember the Bartonellosis, the parasitic tapeworm Dipylidium caninum, murine typhus and some allergic dermatitis.
The larval stage takes place in the house guest, with a diet of organic debris, mostly dried blood and excreta of adults. Among the diseases that are caused, even occasionally, you remember the Bartonellosis, the parasitic tapeworm Dipylidium caninum, murine typhus and some allergic dermatitis.

The locations of the house where the mites are present in greater quantity are the bed (mattresses, pillows, quilts, blankets) and armchairs upholstered furniture on which we spend a lot of time and where you create the best conditions of temperature and humidity.
From these locations the mites are spread in the surroundings, nestling in the materials that preferentially collect more dust (floors, carpets, curtains, soft toys, books).
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