Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pros And Cons To Selling Organs Alive

solfataras Myvatn, stretched liquids that mix the lava and the steam fumaroles with emanations of hydrogen sulfide.

The near Myvatn is the fourth location Reykjahlíð largest natural lake in Iceland.

It is located about 100 km (road) east of Akureyri, about fifty km from Husavik on the north coast of Iceland (and is 500 km from Reykjavík).

37.3 km ² is large, up to 4.5 meters deep is located 277 m above sea level

The area is known for the presence of a dozen species of ducks crowding in colonies of hundreds or even thousands of individuals the waters of the lake, fond of insects (especially flies) that crowd the banks of the lake, so that the name of the lake means "Lake of the flies.

Located in an extremely volcanic saw from 1975 to 1984 nine eruptions. On the shores of the lake you can see stunning lava formations created by lava glowing in contact with the cold water that has formed structures in some areas as high as tens of meters, known as "castles blacks" for the color of lava rock, or mazes where pleasant paths branch out into contact with this extreme nature. In other areas of the lake there are lava formations called "pseudo-craters" created by violent explosions of hot lava over the 1000-1100 ° C under pressure with cold water.

These impressive formations branch off towards the lake, in some cases giving rise to the hill where you can admire the beautiful view of the lake and the surrounding regions.

Not far away you can see plumes of white smoke coming from small craters communicating with the underground and the unmistakable silhouette of the largest volcano in the region: the Krafla, which erupts every ten years or so.

Not far from the lake runs the fault line that divides the continental plates of Europe and America, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which crosses the region north of the island, then along the bottom of ' throughout the Atlantic ocean. It is in constant activity away Europe and America at the rate of ten to twenty millimeters per year. The

solfataras Myvatn, Claasic have the appearance of those stretches in which liquid mescolano le lave ed il vapor d'acqua con emanazioni di fumarole solfidriche, dal caratteristico odore di uovo marcio.

E' la solfatara di Pozzuoli, presso Napoli, che ha dato il suo nome a tutte le formazioni del genere ch es'incontrano particolarmente in Islanda, in Giappone ed in Nuova Zelanda. Il ribollire delle lave è completato dalla eruzione di geyser: a intervalli regolari la pressione diventa tale che un getto d'acqua bollente, di limpidezza cristallina, è proiettato a parecchi metri di altezza.

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Where Can You Buy Soft Lips Chapstick

The best photos from National Geographic Society, July 2010.

The National Geographic Society (NGS ), la cui sede si trova a Washington, D.C. negli Stati Uniti , è una delle più grandi istituzioni scientifiche ed educative senza profitto.

I suoi interessi comprendono svariate discipline come la geografia, l'archeologia e le scienze naturali, ma anche la cura per la conservazione dell'ambiente e dei patrimoni storici, ed infine lo studio della cultura del mondo e della sua storia.

Lo storico obiettivo che la National Geographic Society si è da sempre prefissato è di "incrementare e diffondere la conoscenza geografica e allo stesso tempo di promuovere la protezione della cultura dell'umanità, della storia e delle risorse naturali" - "to INCREASE and diffuse geographic knowledge while Promoting the conservation of the world's cultural, historical, and natural resources ".

His own president and general manager - CEO (chief executive officer) - from March 1998 John M. Fahey, Jr. . says that the purpose of NGS is to get people to take care of our planet. The company is run by twenty-three members of the board of trustees made up of a group of eminent educators, businessmen, important government officials and conservationists. The organization sponsors and promotes the exploration and scientific research. The company also publishes a magazine called National Geographic Magazine and other magazines, books, school publications, maps, movie clips and websites in several languages \u200b\u200band countries around the world. The NGS has an educational foundation through which gives grants to organizations for educational purposes with the aim of enhancing geographic education.

The same Committee Riscerca and Exploration has given grants for scientific research, and recently gave his nine thousandth donation and the various properties include a range of 360 million people per month worldwide. In fact, the National Geographic maintains a museum open to the public in the city of Washington, DC , and helped the sponsorship of major exhibitions pitches as the "King Tut " shows that exposed povenienti wonderful artifacts from the tomb of the young pharaoh of ancient Egypt, which involved numerous American cities, ending with exposure to Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. The exhibition "King Tut" is present in London. The National Geographic Society also contributed to the exhibition of "Cultural Treasures of Afghanistan", which was established in May 2008 at the National Gallery of Art in DC Washindton . The exhibition will move in the following eighteen months to the 'Houston Museum of Fine Arts ", the' Asian Art Museum in San Francisco, and finally to the" Metropolitan Museum " a New York City .

King Penguins

Photograph by David Schultz , My Shot

Strikingly colored, an adult king penguin stands out in a sea of chicks on South Georgia Island.

(This photo was submitted to My Shot .)

Baboon, Bronx Zoo

Frog, New Guinea

Photograph by Tim Laman, National Geographic

Hylarana aurata , found in the Foja Mountains of New Guinea, one of the remotest and most difficult to reach places on Earth.

Lion’s Mane Jellyfish

Photograph by Paul Nicklen, National Geographic

A lion's mane jellyfish nestled in a kelp frond.

Cheetahs, Kenya

Photograph by Mauro Mozzarelli , My Shot

Most wild cheetahs are found in eastern and southwestern Africa. Perhaps only 12,000 of these big cats remain, and those are under pressure as the wide-open grasslands they favor are disappearing at the hands of human settlers.

(This photo was submitted to My Shot.)

fonti: National Geographic Photography & Wikipedia

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