It is located about 100 km (road) east of Akureyri, about fifty km from Husavik on the north coast of Iceland (and is 500 km from Reykjavík).
37.3 km ² is large, up to 4.5 meters deep is located 277 m above sea level
The area is known for the presence of a dozen species of ducks crowding in colonies of hundreds or even thousands of individuals the waters of the lake, fond of insects (especially flies) that crowd the banks of the lake, so that the name of the lake means "Lake of the flies.
Located in an extremely volcanic saw from 1975 to 1984 nine eruptions. On the shores of the lake you can see stunning lava formations created by lava glowing in contact with the cold water that has formed structures in some areas as high as tens of meters, known as "castles blacks" for the color of lava rock, or mazes where pleasant paths branch out into contact with this extreme nature. In other areas of the lake there are lava formations called "pseudo-craters" created by violent explosions of hot lava over the 1000-1100 ° C under pressure with cold water.
These impressive formations branch off towards the lake, in some cases giving rise to the hill where you can admire the beautiful view of the lake and the surrounding regions.
Not far away you can see plumes of white smoke coming from small craters communicating with the underground and the unmistakable silhouette of the largest volcano in the region: the Krafla, which erupts every ten years or so.
Not far from the lake runs the fault line that divides the continental plates of Europe and America, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which crosses the region north of the island, then along the bottom of ' throughout the Atlantic ocean. It is in constant activity away Europe and America at the rate of ten to twenty millimeters per year. The
solfataras Myvatn, Claasic have the appearance of those stretches in which liquid mescolano le lave ed il vapor d'acqua con emanazioni di fumarole solfidriche, dal caratteristico odore di uovo marcio.
E' la solfatara di Pozzuoli, presso Napoli, che ha dato il suo nome a tutte le formazioni del genere ch es'incontrano particolarmente in Islanda, in Giappone ed in Nuova Zelanda. Il ribollire delle lave è completato dalla eruzione di geyser: a intervalli regolari la pressione diventa tale che un getto d'acqua bollente, di limpidezza cristallina, è proiettato a parecchi metri di altezza.
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