Saturday, October 30, 2010

Yellow Mucus Discharge Labor

Vesuvius with its ominous crater, which measures about 1500 feet in circumference, is enough to discourage anyone trying to get too close.

Mount Vesuvius is an active explosive volcano (currently in a quiescent state) situated in Campania in the territory of the homonymous national park, established in 1996. He is currently the top 1281 m. and lies within a caldera 4 km in diameter. The caldera is what remains of the former volcano (Somma) after the great eruption of 79 AD eruption that created the caldera where he formed the Vesuvius.

is a volcano particularly interesting for its history and the frequency of its eruptions. It is part of the mountain Sum. It is located slightly inland from the coast of the Gulf of Naples, for a about six miles east of Naples.

Vesuvius seen from satellite

Viewed from afar, with its gentle slopes and its dashboard form seems created specifically for the make Naples more harmonious city in the world, but just observe it from 'high to be aware of its awfulness. "I saw formidable mountain murderous" I called the Leopards and in fact, like all volcanoes, Mount Vesuvius is a destroyer. With the unique distinction of being the more methodical volcano in the world. Since that first eruption of which we hear in 79 AD that destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum, we can count to this day fifty. The last was in 1944 after the Vesuvius stopped smoking.

But even without his towering plume is always a volcano, and that his menacing crater, which measures about 1500 feet in circumference, is enough to discourage anyone trying to get too close. Far more extensive, but less dangerous than Vesuvius, is instead the crater of Mount Somma with its 75 km. Circumference along which the Trail runs Circumvesuviana. Vesuvius, in fact, consists of two craters and one outside - belonging to the Monte Somma that surrounds the base - and one inside, that is the Great Cone. For this reason, Vesuvius is a volcano "to fence". The valley from Dante's landscape that separates the two cones is called "The Hall of the Horse." An 'other valley, even more frightening, is called "The Valley of Hell."

Vesuvius is a glance of rare beauty in the landscape of the Gulf, especially when viewed from the sea with the city skyline. A famous picture postcard image taken from the hill of Posillipo did come right in the collective imagination of the city of Naples. However, the Vesuvio has a primacy in the world: it is the first volcano that has been systematically studied (by the will of the ruling house of Bourbon) and today is the most monitored volcano and studied.

origins dating back to 1841 (by order of King Ferdinand II of the Two Sicilies) the construction of an observatory (which still works, even if only as an annex of the most modern facilities located in Naples) and we can say that the volcanology, as a true and their scientific research, was born in those years.

Even in more recent years, we are the first decades of the twentieth century, when the U.S. decided to establish an observatory in Hawaii, he remade the experience of Vesuvius.

Since 1944 they have never had its eruptions. However, as the volcano considered in a quiescent state, some legislative measures have identified a red zone comprising 18 municipalities (those National Park of Vesuvius: Boscoreale Boscotrecase, Ottaviano, Pollena Trocchia, Herculaneum, Vesuvius San Jose, San Gennaro San Sebastiano al Vesuvio, Anastasia, Somma Vesuvius, Terzigno, Torre Del Greek, Trecase, Massa di Somma well Cercola, Pompei Portici, San Giorgio a Cremano, Torre Annunziata), the National Department of Civil Protection, in collaboration with the scientific community and local authorities, has prepared a contingency plan which is updated continuously. Municipalities also puts in place cyclically civil protection exercises to prepare the population of the eruption event.
impressions fugitives in the ash that the eruption of "pumice di Avellino" (dated between 1880 and 1680 BC)

Recently, the Region has set up incentives to facilitate the decongestion of the area at greatest risk. This measure of economic incentives, however, has not had the desired result because the populations of the municipalities have shown resistance to leave the sites. In fact, almost everyone says it would have been better (instead of using the funds for these incentives exodus) to create more "escape routes" from the volcano and establish an even more proactive monitoring system to know in advance of any eruptions. In addition, the populations have required substantial changes agli interventi legislativi relativi alla "zona rossa" (ad esempio la diversificazione dei vincoli tra la zona vesuviana marittima da quella della zona interna "sommana" e, ancora, la diversificazione in base alla altitudine).

Eruzioni del Vesuvio in tempi storici

Dopo l'eruzione del 79 - che fu l'ultima delle eruzioni "pliniane" ed anche la prima dei tempi storici-, il Vesuvio ha avuto innumerevoli eruzioni, di svariati tipi, qui sotto cronologicamente elencate:

Eruzioni esplosive
  • 203, 472, 512, 680 (o 685), 968, 999, 1680, 1682, 1685, 1689.
Eruzioni effusive
  • 1717, 1725, 1728, 1730, 1751, 1752, 1755, 1771, 1776, 1785, 1805, 1810, 1812, 1813, 1817, 1820, 1831, 1855, 1858, 1867, 1868, 1871, 1884, 1891, 1895, 1899, 1929.
Eruzioni effusivo-esplosive
  • 1036, 1068, 1078, 1139, 1631, 1649, 1660, 1694, 1698, 1707, 1714, 1723, 1737, 1761, 1767, 1779, 1794, 1822, 1834, 1839, 1850, 1861, 1872, 1906, 1944.
Eruzioni dubious
  • 787, 991, 993, 1007, 1305, 1500.
Vesuvius seen from Via Nazario Sauro (Napoli)


Vesuvius and Castel dell 'Ovo

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Softair Desert Eagle Co2 Kaufen Oö

The best photos from National Geographic Society, August 2010. The octopus

The National Geographic Society (NGS ), whose headquarters are located in Washington, DC in United States, is one of the largest non-profit scientific and educational institutions.

His interests include a variety of disciplines such as geography, archeology and natural sciences, but also care for the environment and conservation of historical heritage, and finally studio della cultura del mondo e della sua storia.

Lo storico obiettivo che la National Geographic Society si è da sempre prefissato è di "incrementare e diffondere la conoscenza geografica e allo stesso tempo di promuovere la protezione della cultura dell'umanità, della storia e delle risorse naturali" - "to increase and diffuse geographic knowledge while promoting the conservation of the world's cultural, historical, and natural resources" .

Il suo stesso presidente e direttore generale - CEO (chief executive officer) - dal marzo 1998, John M. Fahey, Jr. , afferma che lo scopo della NGS è quello di portare le persone a prendersi cura del proprio pianeta. La società è gestita da ventitré membri del consiglio degli amministratori fiduciari costituito da un gruppo di esimi educatori, uomini d'affari, importanti funzionari governativi, e conservazionisti. L'organizzazione sponsorizza e promuove l'esplorazione e la ricerca scientifica. La società pubblica inoltre una rivista, chiamata National Geographic Magazine e altre riviste, libri, pubblicazioni scolastiche, mappe, filmati e inserti web in numerose lingue e paesi di tutto il mondo. La NGS ha un fondamento educativo attraverso il quale dona concessioni alle organizzazioni a fine didattico con lo scopo di valorizzare l'educazione geografica.

Lo stesso Comitato per la Riscerca e l'Esplorazione ha offerto concessioni for scientific research, and recently gave his nine thousandth donation and the various properties include a range of 360 million people per month worldwide. In fact, the National Geographic maintains a museum open to the public in the city of Washington, DC , and helped the sponsorship of major traveling exhibitions such as "King Tut " shows that exposed povenienti wonderful finds from the tomb of young pharaoh of ancient Egypt, which involved numerous American cities, ending with exposure to Franklin Institute in Philadelphia.

The exhibition "King Tut" is present in London. The National Geographic Society also contributed to the exhibition of "Cultural Treasures of Afghanistan", which was established in May 2008 at the National Gallery of Art in DC Washindton . The exhibition will move in the following eighteen months to the 'Houston Museum of Fine Arts ", the' Asian Art Museum in San Francisco, and finally to" Metropolitan Museum " in New York City.

Imagehosting at Imageloop

Rajasthan, India Photograph by

April Maciborka

"This portrait taken in a city Was Called Bundi in Rajasthan, India. This man shone in the setting sun, His skin glistening, his eyes vibrant and his turban matching the color of the old painted wall behind him. I just couldn't let the photographic opportunity pass me by."— April Maciborka

Imagehosting at Imageloop


Photograph by Alex Tattersall

A venomous lionfish breaks into a huge ball of swirling baitfish.

Imagehosting at Imageloop

Hills Palouse, Washington

Photograph by Anil Sud

Sunrise lights up the verdant hills of Palouse, Washington, beneath the watchful gaze of a lone early bird.

Imagehosting at Imageloop

Dwarf Minke Whale

Photograph by Steffen Binke

A dwarf minke whale cuts through the water, its many throat grooves clearly visible.

Imagehosting at Imageloop

Lake of the Moon, India

Photograph by Dhurjati Chatterjee

The azure waters of Chandra Tal—Lake of the Moon—in Himachal Pradesh, India, reflect the vivid hues of a bright Himalayan day.

Imagehosting at Imageloop

Patten Pond, Maine

Photograph by Christine Guinness

"My daughter and her friend were flipping their hair, and I started taking photos and was delighted with the result. We are at the lovely Patten Pond in Maine in the summer of 2009."— Christine Guinness

Fly Geyser, Nevada

Photograph by Stephen Oachs

The rising sun illuminates Black Rock Desert and the Fly Geyser, which sends a continuous stream of scalding, mineral-laden water sky-high.

Imagehosting at Imageloop

Mahout and Elephant

Photograph by Cesare Naldi

Nazroo, a mahout (elephant driver ), poses for a portrait while taking his elephant, Rajan, out for a swim at Radha Nagar Beach in Havelock, Andaman Islands.

Imagehosting at Imageloop

Mahó Beach, St. Maarten

Photograph by Kent Miller

Landing at Princess Juliana International Airport, 747 thrills visitors to looming on Maho Beach, a famous plane-watching spot.

sources: National Geographic Photography & Wikipedia

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pokemon Heart Gold Rom Patch

Thaumoctopus mimicus surprising for its extraordinary ability to camouflage. The

Octopus camouflage (Thaumoctopus mimicus, Norman et Hochberg 2005) is the only species of octopus Thaumoctopus.

lives in the tropical seas of Southeast Asia, was only officially discovered in 1998 off the coast of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Inhabit the nutrient-rich waters of estuaries.

Measure up to 60 cm in length. Its natural color is white with brown stripes, very variable even in a few seconds.

This animal can imitate the physical appearance and movement of more than fifteen different creatures, including sea snakes, lionfish, flatfish, sea stars, crabs, molluscs, jellyfish and sea anemones [1].

Can you do the twisting their body, hiding in some parts sand and changing its color.

This species mimics the species most suitable to scare the predator is in front, thus obtaining the maximum effect.

addition to knowing how to change color at an incredible speed, this seas Asian mime, described scientifically only in 1998, he also manages to imitate in form and way of moving several poisonous or dangerous animals, keeping predators at bay.

If you have to swim on a sandy bottom, for example, is the imitation of toxic Thaumoctopus sole peacock, bringing his arms around the flattened body, mottled stain and swaying a few centimeters of sand.

If you must move in midwater, here it is becoming darker and stiffen the tentacles, imitating the stings of venomous lionfish.

Finally, if pursued by a predator fish, sticks his head in a hole in the bottom of the stric accentuates its livery and leaves out only two arms., In a convincing simulation of a poisonous sea snake. The mimic octopus

is also probably the only species in the world to have combined the two main categories of mimicry, that is the camouflage (in colors and shapes which can be confused with the environment) and the baptismal mimicry (imitation of dangerous animals ).

The first is the specialty of molti animali, dai camaleonti alle lepri artiche, dai gufi ai fasmidi, insetti il cui corpo imita alla perfezione ramoscelli e foglie.

Un esempio classico di mimetismo battesiano è invece quello delle farfalle sudamericane Caligo, sulle cui ali sono disegnati realistichi occhi di gufo, destinati a spaventare uccelli malintenzionati. E' anche bellissimo il travestimento da ape delle inofensive mosche sirfidi.

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