His interests include a variety of disciplines such as geography, archeology and natural sciences, but also care for the environment and conservation of historical heritage, and finally studio della cultura del mondo e della sua storia.
Lo storico obiettivo che la National Geographic Society si è da sempre prefissato è di "incrementare e diffondere la conoscenza geografica e allo stesso tempo di promuovere la protezione della cultura dell'umanità, della storia e delle risorse naturali" - "to increase and diffuse geographic knowledge while promoting the conservation of the world's cultural, historical, and natural resources" .
Il suo stesso presidente e direttore generale - CEO (chief executive officer) - dal marzo 1998, John M. Fahey, Jr. , afferma che lo scopo della NGS è quello di portare le persone a prendersi cura del proprio pianeta. La società è gestita da ventitré membri del consiglio degli amministratori fiduciari costituito da un gruppo di esimi educatori, uomini d'affari, importanti funzionari governativi, e conservazionisti. L'organizzazione sponsorizza e promuove l'esplorazione e la ricerca scientifica. La società pubblica inoltre una rivista, chiamata National Geographic Magazine e altre riviste, libri, pubblicazioni scolastiche, mappe, filmati e inserti web in numerose lingue e paesi di tutto il mondo. La NGS ha un fondamento educativo attraverso il quale dona concessioni alle organizzazioni a fine didattico con lo scopo di valorizzare l'educazione geografica.
Lo stesso Comitato per la Riscerca e l'Esplorazione ha offerto concessioni for scientific research, and recently gave his nine thousandth donation and the various properties include a range of 360 million people per month worldwide. In fact, the National Geographic maintains a museum open to the public in the city of Washington, DC , and helped the sponsorship of major traveling exhibitions such as "King Tut " shows that exposed povenienti wonderful finds from the tomb of young pharaoh of ancient Egypt, which involved numerous American cities, ending with exposure to Franklin Institute in Philadelphia.
The exhibition "King Tut" is present in London. The National Geographic Society also contributed to the exhibition of "Cultural Treasures of Afghanistan", which was established in May 2008 at the National Gallery of Art in DC Washindton . The exhibition will move in the following eighteen months to the 'Houston Museum of Fine Arts ", the' Asian Art Museum in San Francisco, and finally to" Metropolitan Museum " in New York City.
Rajasthan, India Photograph by
April Maciborka
"This portrait taken in a city Was Called Bundi in Rajasthan, India. This man shone in the setting sun, His skin glistening, his eyes vibrant and his turban matching the color of the old painted wall behind him. I just couldn't let the photographic opportunity pass me by."— April Maciborka
Photograph by Alex Tattersall
A venomous lionfish breaks into a huge ball of swirling baitfish.
Hills Palouse, Washington
Photograph by Anil Sud
Sunrise lights up the verdant hills of Palouse, Washington, beneath the watchful gaze of a lone early bird.
Dwarf Minke Whale
Photograph by Steffen Binke
A dwarf minke whale cuts through the water, its many throat grooves clearly visible.
Lake of the Moon, India
Photograph by Dhurjati Chatterjee
The azure waters of Chandra Tal—Lake of the Moon—in Himachal Pradesh, India, reflect the vivid hues of a bright Himalayan day.
Patten Pond, Maine
Photograph by Christine Guinness
"My daughter and her friend were flipping their hair, and I started taking photos and was delighted with the result. We are at the lovely Patten Pond in Maine in the summer of 2009."— Christine Guinness
Photograph by Stephen Oachs
The rising sun illuminates Black Rock Desert and the Fly Geyser, which sends a continuous stream of scalding, mineral-laden water sky-high.
Mahout and Elephant
Photograph by Cesare Naldi
Nazroo, a mahout (elephant driver ), poses for a portrait while taking his elephant, Rajan, out for a swim at Radha Nagar Beach in Havelock, Andaman Islands.
Mahó Beach, St. Maarten
Photograph by Kent Miller
Landing at Princess Juliana International Airport, 747 thrills visitors to looming on Maho Beach, a famous plane-watching spot.
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