Friday, August 27, 2010

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The volcano or Paricutin Paricutin is the youngest volcano in the world and appears in some versions of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. The Physalia

Paricutin or Paricutin The volcano is the youngest volcano in the world and appears in some versions of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. It is located in the state of Michoacán, Mexico, between the villages of San Juan Parangaricutiro and to Angahuan. He

Named for the village of the same name that was completely overwhelmed by its eruption started on 20 February 1943.

The eruption lasted 9 years and advanced to the lava a dozen miles, there were no victims because the population had enough time to save himself, but he buried two villages: Paricutin Viejo and San Juan Parangaricutiro (Parhikutini and in Parangarikutirhu Purépecha). The first was completely cleared: very close to the point where there was now the volcano's crater, the second is only visible to the left tower of the church facade and the back wall with the altar.

Filming of the volcano during its eruptive activity were included in the film 20th Century Fox's "The Captain from Castile," released in 1947, with Tyrone Power.

Litfiba in 1993 I wrote the song "Under the Volcano" and filmed a promotional video just below the volcano Paricutin.

Parigutin The volcano is mentioned in the movie Volcano - Los Angeles 1997 and is presumably the source for the plot of the film (considering that the film forms a volcano right in the middle of Los Angeles as the first had been formed in the field of Paricutin.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

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looks like a jellyfish but is actually a colony of organisms. with tentacles that reach ten meters.

The Physalia physalis, whose common name is the Portuguese caravel, a family sifonoforo Physalidae.

is often confused with a jellyfish, although a colony of four different types of polyps mutually dependent for survival, with tentacles that reach 10 meters and contain a dozen poisons that, in some cases can cause paralysis and cardiac arrest .

Habitat and distribution.

is widespread in tropical and subtropical seas, but occasionally is also in the western Mediterranean Sea. In the summer of 2009 they have been sighted a colony of about 50 examples off the English coast near Murcia.


È composta da una sacca galleggiante lunga circa 15 cm costituita da un organismo pneumatoforo. Ad essa sono attaccati dei tentacoli lunghi fino a 30 metri e fortemente urticanti costituiti da individui dattilozoidi incaricati di ricercare e catturare il nutrimento e dirigerlo verso gli individui gastrozoidi. Della riproduzione si occupano invece gli individui gonozoidi.

La parte emersa è di colore azzurro violacea a volte tendente al fucsia. Ha proprietà aerodinamiche che apparentemente sono modificabili tramite contrazioni muscolari della cresta. Galleggia sospinta dal vento ad un'angolazione dipendente dalla curvatura della parte emersa e dalla resistenza della parte sommersa. Ha più di 10 tipi di veleni diversi sui suoi tentacoli, each characterized by its color, are not yet known remedies for some of its poisons. The tentacles of Physalia physalis can cause paralysis and even cardiac arrest of a man.
Nutrition and behavior.

gastrozoidi polyps are part of the "digestive system" of the colony and react quickly to the presence of food to get entangled with the mouth and hook. Digest their food by secreting enzymes that break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

driven by the wind while floating in the water by contracting the tentacles fishing, relaxing and catching small fish, crustaceans and other components of the plankton.


Octopus Tremoctopus such are immune to the venom of Physalia physalis and are known to tear the tentacles and use them for defensive purposes.

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

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The best photos from National Geographic Society, June 2010.

The National Geographic Society (NGS ), whose headquarters are located in Washington, DC in United States, is one of the largest scientific and educational institutions without profit. His

interests include a variety of disciplines such as geography, archeology and natural sciences, but also care for the environment and conservation of historical heritage, and finally the study of culture the world and its history.

The historic goal that the National Geographic Society has always set it to "increase and diffuse geographic knowledge while promoting the protection of human culture, history and natural resources" - "to INCREASE and diffuse geographic knowledge while Promoting the conservation of the world's cultural, historical, and natural resources ".

His own president and generale - CEO (chief executive officer) - dal marzo 1998, John M. Fahey, Jr. , afferma che lo scopo della NGS è quello di portare le persone a prendersi cura del proprio pianeta. La società è gestita da ventitré membri del consiglio degli amministratori fiduciari costituito da un gruppo di esimi educatori, uomini d'affari, importanti funzionari governativi, e conservazionisti. L'organizzazione sponsorizza e promuove l'esplorazione e la ricerca scientifica. La società pubblica inoltre una rivista, chiamata National Geographic Magazine e altre riviste, libri, pubblicazioni scolastiche, mappe, filmati e inserti web in numerose lingue e paesi di tutto il mondo. La NGS ha un fondamento educativo attraverso which gives grants to organizations for educational purposes with the aim of enhancing geographic education.

The same Committee Riscerca and Exploration has given grants for scientific research, and recently gave his nine thousandth donation and the various properties include a range of 360 million people per month worldwide. In fact, the National Geographic maintains a museum open to the public in the city of Washington, DC , and helped the sponsorship of major traveling exhibitions such as "King Tut " shows that exposed povenienti wonderful finds from the tomb of young pharaoh of ancient Egypt, which involving several American cities, ending with exposure to Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. The exhibition "King Tut" is present in London. The National Geographic Society also contributed to the exhibition of "Cultural Treasures of Afghanistan", which was established in May 2008 at the National Gallery of Art in DC Washindton . The exhibition will move in the following eighteen months to the 'Houston Museum of Fine Arts ", the' Asian Art Museum in San Francisco, and finally to" Metropolitan Museum "in New York City .

Cliffs of Moher, Ireland
Photograph by Jim Richardson, National Geographic

Green Sea Turtle, Hawaii

Photograph by Lorenzo Menendez, My Shot

Baobab Trees, Tanzania

Photograph by Tom Schwabel, My Shot

Mongolian Man

Photograph by Charles Meacham, My Shot

Terraced Rice Field, China

Photograph by Thierry Bornier, My Shot

Scottish Sheep

Photograph by Marc Lanciaux, My Shot

Boatman, Philippines

Photograph by Gerardo Sabado, My Shot

Potato Field, India

Photograph by Johnny Haglund, My Shot

Mambukal Mudpack Festival

Photograph by Alfonso Lizares, My Shot

Noodles, Thailand

Photograph by Dean McCartney, My Shot

sources: National Geographic Photography & Wikipedia

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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Can Tight Underwear Prevent Ur Penis From Growing

giants of the rivers and lakes, from India to the Congo.

tiger fish, freshwater sharks and other giant creatures (and dangerous) that live in rivers and lakes.

Fish Texans with muzzle crocodile sharks love upstream, parsnips from 550 kg with a kind of poisonous Bayonet 20 cm long.

Fish elusive, threatening, shrouded in legend that inhabit the rivers as the tales of terror that fishermen have been handed down.

The tiger fish is the most dreaded of all: it has teeth that interlock to trap such as the piranha and it is so aggressive attack even crocodiles.

Hunted, studied and then released into the water by biologists as Jeremy Wade (pictured).

Atractosteus spatula is one of the typical American freshwater fish of large size: it was in fact captured in Louisiana a specimen that weighed over 135 kg and was about 3 meters long.
Now it is increasingly rare even in his preferred environment (an arc from the Gulf coast of Veracruz to the Missouri and Ohio rivers). This huge predator had been "accused" of eating fish for sport fishing and waterfowl.

careful studies have shown that the charge was groundless because it actually feeds on fish essentially devoid of interest to fishers and crabs.

Zambezi shark (Carcharhinus leucas), also known as carcarino leuca or shark, shark species is a potentially dangerous man, often confused with the bull shark (also because of its English name, Bull shark, often clumsily translated literally).
The carcarino has the ability, unique among sharks can live in fresh or salt water. The species is threatened by overfishing.

E 'a mainly tropical and subtropical shark that rarely goes to temperate waters. You can often see in coastal waters, even lower. His physical supports high variations in the salt gradient, and this can easily be found in freshwater, where it can safely live and reproduce.

Himantura chaophraya caratterizzata dal corpo piatto romboidale, grandi pinne pettorali a forma di ali, coda sottile e lunga, occhi posti sul dorso, bocca ventrale. Si differenziano dalle "cugine" razze della famiglia rajidae per la presenza dell'aculeo velenoso sulla coda, il quale produce l'ittioacantossina e provoca effetti simili alla cancrena e al tetano. Gli esemplari più grandi (appartenenti alla specie Himantura chaophraya) possono raggiungere 4,60 metri di lunghezza e 1,90 metri di larghezza.
Negli esemplari di maggiori dimensioni, l'aculeo può arrivare fino a 35-40 centimetri di lunghezza, ha un profilo dentellato ed è rivestito da una epithelial sheath. At the root dell'aculeo are two poison glands that secrete a substance composed of the enzymes 5-nucleotidase and phosphodiesterase, which destroys the cells, and serotonin, which causes muscle contractions.

The action of this cocktail is necrotizing and this is added the possibility of severe bacterial infections also. Depending on the affected area dall'aculeo, the course may even be fatal (see the example of television presenter Steve Irwin, who died in Australia after a blow from a stingray Sept. 4, 2006). The sting usually is broken and remains in the wound: the animal is not a serious injury, as grows at a rate of about 1-1.5 centimeters per month.

Hydrocynus or Goliath tiger fish. Exceed 1.8 m in length and can weigh over 57 kg. The tiger fish which is in the Congo River is the largest of the species.

These fish are found in many African rivers and lakes of the continent and are ferocious predators with distinctive protruding teeth. Have teeth in the shape of daggers protruding when mouth is closed

The Acipenser Transmontanus is an endemic species of Pacific coast of North America between Alaska and Baja California. It was introduced in many other states in the U.S. and Europe, including Italy, where, however, do not know if you play spontaneously.

is an anadromous species that live in the sea and enters the rivers only for reproduction but also know people who spend their entire lives in rivers.

Like other sturgeons, which can be distinguished only by counting the fin rays and the characteristics of bony shields skin.

The color is gray to brownish gray with white belly and fins. Exceed 6 meters in length, a size of 2 meters is considered common.

The Bagarius yarelli is one of the largest varieties of catfish was widespread in the south and southeast Asia. Reaches 2 meters long and weighs about 80 kg. It feeds mainly on shrimp, but can also eat small fish and aquatic insects.
His relationship with man is becoming quite particular subject of media attention when reports emerged of some of those who claimed that his power base was the funeral pyres semibruciati bodies in the rivers under the Himalayas.

It is assumed that some drownings were caused by large specimens that have attacked bathers in the river. This is the subject of a television documentary aired as an episode of Animal Planet series Monsters River.

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