Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Americantrip Online Pl

Return the risk of "hazardous waste landfill Europe's largest"

seems an old refrain of music that sometimes comes back. But if you decide whether to continue to listen or just turn off, change stations or change tracks. In this situation you are forced to stand by and watch, a bit like the movie A Clockwork Orange, when Alex one of the "bad boys" has become part of a rehabilitation therapy and was forced to listen to Beethoven and see the images that ran on the video. Well! more or less so, with the only difference that we can turn the eyes away and raise the consciousness.
After this introduction post here an article that circulates in the network on the most hazardous waste dump largest in Europe, which will be located, with the approval of many, regardless of race, gender, faith, etc.. in the town of Ferrandina.

Coming the hazardous waste dump Europe's largest
Sometimes they come back. Was out for months more. It seemed a danger averted. And, instead, in total silence of local institutions, the hazardous waste dump proposed by Basento Environment, by decree of 22 April 2010, he obtained a favorable opinion from the Ministry of Environment and environmental protection of land and sea, concert with the Ministry of Heritage and Culture. Where? Obviously in places Venita, the 'Eldorado "the business of disposing of waste. The news are binding the Environment and Legality Ola (Organization lucanaambientalista) that less than a week ago, had recorded a video with all stages of the "tour of rubbish" by a Casalena Venita: five landfills in just twenty kilometers immersed in the ravines and dotted with wild vegetation and scented broom.

DIMENSIONS - But back to the draft Basento Environment. The landfill of hazardous waste (formerly 2C) will cover a superficieiniziale of 47,000 square meters with a storage volume of 316,740 cubic meters, divided in 40,000 cubic meters per year for eight years.

WHAT dispose '- The mega facility can accommodate all types of hazardous waste. For example, they will be disposed of: waste oil refining and natural gas purification, wastes from organic chemical processes and inorganic wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of coatings (paints, varnishes, enamels); wastes from thermal processes ; wastes from chemical treatment and coating of metals and other materials, waste products from shaping and physical and mechanical treatment of metals and plastics, oil wastes and wastes of liquid fuels, organic solvents, refrigerants and propellants; wastes from animal health care and or related research activities, waste products from plants treatment of waste treatment plants acquere flue off-site, etc.. etc. .. It is not enough. "In fact, as well as the types of waste specifically mentioned in the list of waste that can be collected from the landfill in question - report Ola legal environment - the decree provides that they can be disposed of as" wastes not otherwise specified in the list, "the which means, practically, There will be disposed of absolutely everything. The decree of the Ministry, also provides that to be the Basilicata region to assess the coherence of the system with the real needs of regional waste. "

COMPANY '- "Surroundings Basento" belongs to the Iula Group, which owns 20% ownership of the Company IEA (jointly held by the multinational Veolia) who has recently given the green light for the construction of a biomass power plant ('an incinerator in disguise, "continue to support environmental organizations) right next to the hazardous waste dump has just been approved by the Ministry. And 'good Veolia is also noted that the co-owner, along with group companies Sum of Technopark Pisticci, which also provides for the treatment of waste.

ITER - the mega landfill begins to speak in the summer of 2005. A project to learn of the existence and the characteristics of the public notice published, as required by law, a local newspaper at startup of the process to obtain the Environmental Impact Assessment, submitted direttamenteal Ministry of Environment. To stop the landfill will not be able to even over a thousand signatures collected by the city committee, arose spontaneously sub pages to say no to the cemetery of hazardous waste tra i calanchi di Venita. Il 17 marzo 2008 la Commissione di verifica dell'impatto ambientale Via e Vas del ministero dell'Ambiente, esprime parere favorevole al progetto della megadiscarica di rifiuti pericolosi presentato dalla“Basento Ambiente”, dando atto, fra l'altro, che il Comune di Ferrandina, con una nota trasmessa a termine scaduto per l'invio di osservazioni, aveva espresso la propria contrarietà alla realizzazione della discarica pur senza tuttavia supportare tale parere contrario con documentazione o notazioni tecniche di carattere ambientale. Da allora, dal marzo del 2008, esclusivamente l'associazione“Ambiente e Legalità”di Ferrandina, con l'adesione della Ola, ha lottato strenuamente per evitare un annunciato environmental disaster. Indeed, it has repeatedly encouraged the public and local politicians to investigate the problem and to make common cause.

THE NOTICE - To protect the land and environment and public health law has always sent to all parties concerned an act of formal notice and has come even to make a complaint at the public prosecutor of Rome ( Dr. Cocomello). Complaint, the association notes, "that the state is curiously still registered against unknown persons, and only for the offense of abuse of office, despite being denounced the crime of forgery." As a result of the insistence of the "Environment and Legality ", the Commission Via e Vas Environment Ministry was forced - as if to" strengthen "its first opinion, issued a year earlier, to issue a further opinion, the No 254 of 27.03.2009, on which it based the decision of the Ministry Decree of 22 April, available on the website of the Ministry-VIA-decrees.

THE BATTLE CONTINUES - If it were not for the warm and heartfelt participation of the population of Ferrandina, who has participated in numerous subscription against the hazardous waste dump Europe's largest, certainly the last day , and only, defense against the aggression of territory Ferrandina, namely the Association of Environment and Legality ", he would surrender in the face of many difficulties that comes in at the local and national. "Of course it is - the association does know-that this battle, undertaken to protect the environment and the rule of law, can not and should not diminish in the face of a decision of the Ministry of Environment, which are considered technically and legally incorrect. For these reasons, the association and the Environment and Legality Ola, promote initiatives aimed at collecting signatures and funds, to face, as permitted by democracy and the rule of law, this is believed to be the worst disaster that the territory Communities Ferrandina, Pisticci Pomarico and Cracow, and the health of these populations, has faced over the past centuries. "

Margaret Agatha
The Daily Basilicata


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