Un’altra grande mostra nazionale di National Geographic Italia. E ancora una volta al Palazzo delle Esposizioni di Roma.
Dopo “Acqua, Aria, Fuoco, Terra”, “Madre Terra” e “Il Nostro Mondo”, proponiamo una rassegna fotografica dedicata a “I Colori del Mondo”.
Con le immagini realizzate da alcuni grandi professionisti, che lavorano e collaborano with the magazine internationally and nationally, we have built a photographic journey through the colors that tells the life on Earth.
Inside the yellow frame of our brand, which includes all the colors, the visual pathways will be four.
Red color of earth, fire, communities, customs and traditions, women, children and men. It is the color of the heart, blood, passion.
Green: Green the world in all its forms, the green of hope. It is the color of nature, vegetation and life.
White: the immaculate of the places affected by heating global risk animals for survival, innocence, purity.
Blue: the color of the water and sky, seas and its "inhabitants" of joy and peace to exist.
Visitors to the exhibition will feel - enhanced dall'allestimento completely new compared to previous exhibitions National Geographic Italy - to experience a fascinating adventure into the depths of color and energy, and ideas that reflect contrasts between the present and the future of the world, the strength and weakness of plants and animals, humility, pride, sorrow and happiness degli esseri umani.
Sguardo di bambina
Fotografia di Lynn Johnson
Una bambina di quattro anni con la madre a Girimi, in Kenya.
Il riposo degli scaricatori
Fotografia di Pascal Maitre
Operai contano la paga dopo aver scaricato un camion.
The Photography of Alex Webb
A Guatemalan child who lives in an abandoned train station in Tapachula, Mexico.
Photo by Randy Olson
Military and civilian
Photography Lynsey Addario / VII Network
An American soldier speaks with two Afghan women and their children in an outpatient clinic of Helmand province.
Photograph by George Grall
Maryland, USA: a species of Papilio glaucus caterpillar spins a protective cloth on a leaf.
Meraviglie d'autunno
Fotografia di Melissa Farlow
In autunno, le foglie di un acero giapponese si tingono di rosso intenso nello stato americano del North Carolina.
Pilgrimage high altitude
Photo by Lynn Johnson
Photograph by Steve Winter
A Bengal tiger photographed by a remote control car in the Kaziranga National Park, India.
La chiesa e il taxi
Fotografia di Sam Abell
Una tipica chiesa dell’isola greca di Santorini in una giornata nuvolosa.
Fotografia di Shaul Schwarz
Adepti del culto della Santa Muerte a Città del Messico
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