Thursday, March 10, 2011

Best Defeat Autism Now Doctor

WAS 1959 and disappeared under the water Metapontino

"a thing in my life I've only seen a child" says Mr. Cosimo -60 year old today.

"It was the '50s and the times were different. Even then the army arrived and helicopters. But there were other times. There were other stories " repeats. Nunzio, 68 years, perplexed by this tragedy never would have imagined that to relive. The
Basilicata and metapontino are not new to these floods of this magnitude and severity, but had heard only the elders who still remember the drama that the territory metapontino lived in November 1959. About 400 mm of rain fell, flooding rivers. Of the just over 10 000 residents, there were nearly 2 000 displaced and 11 dead were counted. Today, at least, Metapontino with over 100 thousand inhabitants is the counting of damages should not cry but fortunately no deaths.

Carry some articles de PRESS, November 1959, dealing with the catastrophe on the front page. A note

controversy: at least then the media were treated and spread the news. Today, no one has noticed Basilicata. Evidently Basilicata does not exist, although many guru squeal of the great renown achieved by our region.

THE RELEASE, 25 November 1959;
casualties over large areas flooded, INTERRUPTED COMMUNICATIONS
devastated by a hurricane THE UNPRECEDENTED coast of Calabria and Basilicata particularly affected by the storms was the plain of Metaponto, the ' fertile garden "of The Reform - Hundreds of acres submerged for more than a meter of water - All the rivers and streams are full - High waves 20 meters down into the beach - massive damage to roads, railway lines, livestock - blocked a train with 100 passengers
A hurricane of violence swept the entire coast is quite exceptional Calabria and Basilicata, which overlooks the Tues' Ionian by the two on Monday night, and all twenty-four hours. ... This disaster is unprecedented even in the plain of Metaponto. This is the " fertile garden" of Lucania of The Reformation, which
has become a squalid mud lake yellow sprout where the farmhouses in the middle of the flooded fields. Hundreds of hectares of land are submerged under a meter and a half feet of water and hundreds of families were forced from their homes and Scanzano Policoro, were blocked in the fields and breast were forced to climb on rooftops to save themselves. Teams of firefighters and police are working for the recovery of people and livestock. In a Policoro zuccherificio e la centrale elettrica sono rimasti invasi dalle acque. Policoro e Scanzano , inoltre, sono al buio. Un treno con cento viaggiatori a bordo è rimasto bloccato, fra Salandra e Ferrandina, dall'acqua e dalle frane: solo con l'intervento degli elicotteri militari, che si attendono di momento in momento, sarà possibile recare soccorso ai passeggeri del convoglio. Tutti i fiumi ed i torrenti sono in piena e minacciano nitri danni. Il traffico stradale è pericoloso e la stata'e n. 175 è interrotta. I danni — che per il momento è impossibile valutare con esattezza — raggiungono centinaia di milioni. A Pisticci la pioggia ha prodotto alcune piccole voragini nelle vie Gioberti, Risorgimento, Mazzini, Principessa di Piemonte e Ruggero VII. Sulla provinciale una frana minaccia l'interruzione del traffico. L'autobus di linea per lo scalo non funziona. Le comunicazioni telefoniche e stradali con Craco , Marconia, S. Basilio e Bosco Salice sono interrotte. Altri allagamenti vengono segnalati un po' dovunque. Le strade sembrano dei fiumi in piena. Mentre tutti i corsi d'acqua del Materano sono straripati con danni ingenti alle campagne, al bestiame ed alle strade, a Matera l'abbondante pioggia ha provocato numerosi ' allagamenti nei bassi e nei nuovi rioni di Serra Venerdì e Pio Decimo. I vigili del fuoco hanno ricevuto chiamate ininterrotte. Numerosissimi ponti, fra i quali quello ferroviario sul Sinni, sono stati distrutti dalla raging waters. The river burst its banks between Scarnato and Agri Policoro, so does the Basento, which has completely isolated station Grassano. The vice-prefect of Matera, Dr. Carneglia, is isolated in the flooded area along with a group of technicians with whom he was trying to study possible remedies to the situation. A rescue team is playing towards the railway station of Grasonville, hoping to rescue the people who live there.
THE RELEASE, 26 November 1939; Climb to eight victims of the bad weather in Italy in the South A train with 100 passengers isolated helicopter rescue in flooded areas collapsed bridges, broken roads and railways - Metaponto In the most damage - A girl burnt another drowned; a man swallowed by a chasm - Increase the number of homeless
The wave of bad weather last night was particularly struck Sicily and Calabria, is now investing lifts Puglia, Basilicata and especially the area of \u200b\u200bMetaponto. The three confirmed victims. Another five have occurred in Calabria for which the total number rises to eight. Have collapsed road and rail bridges, communications are blocked in many places. The railroad stopped on the line is always the Ionian, from Taranto to Reggio Calabria. Many stations are trapped by the mud. About five kilometers of track were torn near Metaponto. Whole pieces of road were swept into the sea along the Ionian coast, near di Scanzano, Ginosa Marina e altrove. Il treno 1952, con 100 viaggiatori a bordo, è bloccato fra Ferrandina e Salandra. Durante il giorno si è tentato di rifornire i passeggeri con elicotteri e aerei anfibi, ma date le cattive condizioni atmosferiche e di visibilità", non si sa se i lanci siano riusciti. Soltanto in serata il convoglio è stato raggiunto da squadre di soccorso. Complessivamente la zona alluvionata supera i quattromila ettari. I treni in partenza da Matera verso il sud, sulle ferrovie calabro-lucane (Matera è il solo capoluogo italiano non servito dalle Ferrovie dello Stato) sono stati sospesi. Si spera che domattina un convoglio possa spingersi fino a Pisticci . Le linee telegrafiche e telefoniche sono in gran parte interrupted. The Naples-Taranto railway bridge is severely damaged and the underlying ballast train slid under the raging waters, breaking the line. Basento arch of the bridge over the river collapsed. Even arch of the bridge over Cavone is disposed of. Whole supports are submerged. The stretch of road before the bridge over Basento was demoted. Stone posts and telegraph poles were felled. Light Navy have been used to identify the farmers who took refuge on the roofs of houses. Landslides and disruptions have been reported throughout the area but now the rescue services can work more quickly to the flow of water. In flooded areas, the work of rescue and food supply is through the use of boats and helicopters. Among the victims of the storm so far found in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Assumption Rago Potentino include the child of 4 years, killed by lightning that hit the family home in the city of Perticara Guard, and an unidentified young man, who lost their lives falling into a crevasse in the countryside of Grassano to shelter from the rain. A girl of nine years, Angela Rocco drowned in Policoro . A truck load of bricks, taken by storm as it passed through the resort town of Torre del Satriano di Lucania, drifter is falling over a cliff. Were injured in the accident, the driver Raffaele Grosso and the owner of the cargo Sappaturo Franco, Silvio addition to Pepe who traveled with them. All three injured were admitted to hospital with a prognosis of provincial power. The area most affected by the storms Luke, as we have said, is that of Metapontino where thousands of hectares have been invaded by the water overflows the rivers Sinni, Agri and Basento and Torrent Third Cavone. The damages in the billions, but at present it is impossible to assess if only approximate.


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