Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Grecian Hair Ornaments

Tourism Matera always speak much Italian. They resist the Sassi and villages, lost to the sea.

Traveller? Routard? No, solo turisti

Dopo un decennio di crescita stavolta la Basilicata tiene grazie alla costa tirrenica. In calo laziali e campani. Forte sempre l’afflusso dalla Puglia. Ma aumentano gli stranieri padroni di casa

Dopo un decennio di aumenti di arrivi nel Metapontino e nella Città di Matera the latest available figures showed a drop in visitors, especially foreigners. At the regional level there has been a substantial growth due to the stability of flows in the Tyrrhenian Potenza who scored a + 8.4%. A
Matera has slowed the influx of foreign visitors, the numbers speak for almost 71,000 arrivals which means a decrease of around 4%. The decline is concentrated among the Germans and the English (first and fifth respectively in total arrivals), the same number of arrivals of U.S. and French (second and third), it is instead an increase of
Japanese (who are quarters before the aforementioned English). Among
Italians, more than 18,000, the people of Puglia are the most faithful. Also increased the Lombard and Emilian; down, however, the Lazio and Campania.
If you calculate, however, admissions, which is the amount obtained from arrivals multiplied by the nights, we notice a strong decrease of registering a foreign - and a 12% increase in Italian with a +8%.
The average stay is about a night and a half tourists, while taking care to note that the subject and its hill has a potential of about 1 million bed days available for an increase in carrying capacity even under new accommodations to medium-high target , 4 and 5 stars. The only city of Matera can count on availability di posti letto di poco superiore ai 2000 spalmati su 97 strutture ricettive.

Nel Metapontino, che è la punta di diamante del turismo lucano per quel che riguarda capacità ricettiva e numeri di arrivi, il trend ha subito una forte battuta d’arresto. Gli stranieri sembra abbiano ormai abbandonato la costa jonica. Si registra, infatti, un saldo negativo di -12% di arrivi, e – 16% di presenze. In una classifica, troviamo tra i più affezionati sempre i francesi, in virtù della presenza sulla costa metapontina del villaggio Club Méditerranée. Notizia non positiva dato che si prevede la possibilità di una chiusura dal prossimo anno della struttura francese e una conseguente perdita di una grossa quota di mercato francese. A drug addict who made numerous market but with a few important economic impact on the territory, as the French hotel guests were hardly likely to leave the hotel and visit the surrounding area.
followed by the Germans, Belgians, Swiss and English, all in decline.
There is a fact that escapes and is difficult to calculate. We are experiencing a phenomenon that invests mainly northern Europeans who have decided to invest directly in Metapontina buy houses or cottages in the historic centers in the country, escaping the detection statistics is important.
Among the Italians arrive unchanged and slightly declining admissions (-0.8%) the bells are the most loyal patrons of the Ionian sea Lucania, Puglia remain unchanged while decreasing domestic demand. Always less that choose Metapontino Lucan. The bad news that came through the media about the disappearance of the beach and its restoration of the coast have led to change Lucan destination for their summer holidays. Lombardy and Lazio followed the latter decreasing.
The average attendance of tourists in the structures remain unchanged at around 7 days per person, which is within the canons of the summer tourism, with the entire industry that, despite the decrease in accommodation (108 years), increases its capacity as you can keep over 20,000 beds with an annual supply of 3 million bed days available, that number could increase if the proposal does not travel circoscrivesse seasonality of the sea.
numbers that appear negative when read in part, but if read in the last decade taking less gray tones and sometimes even positive.
In the decade 1999-2009, in fact, the Basilicata is increased from 1 million 400 thousand presences around 1 million 900 thousand. In Matera switching from nearly 800 thousand visitors each year to almost 1 million 300 thousand, with Metapontino in the Lead, doubling in a decade, the number of presence, almost 600 000 and a passage almost 1 million and 150 thousand.
This meant the consequential increase of seats, passed at the regional level by about 25 000 in 1999 to over 38 000 at the end of 2009, of which over 60% in Matera and its province with nearly 24,000 beds that are proposed in areas of quality and niche with the recent creation of structures of high quality.
The future seems uncertain, but the attention of many foreign media and new forms of public-private investment to the province Matera and open new scenes are difficult to interpret, but could give pleasant surprises. Giuseppe Melillo


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