Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What To Write In My Sisters Baby Shower Card


Bonfire Christmas Nemoli (source Pro Loco Nemoli )
Christmas is not an invention of the Church but an overlap junction pagan cult following the conversion to the Catholic religion of the Roman Empire. The Natalis was present in the Roman calendar, April 21 as Natalis Romae, which celebrated the founding of the city and 19 December, the day dedicated to Dies Natalis Solis Invicta to the birth of the sun revolved around the cult of Mithras, which was introduced in 218 AD and made official by Aurelian. The feast was later shifted to December 25. It seems that at a later stage, Christians have replaced the Feast of Sol Invictus with the Feast of the Birth of Christ.

Some survivals (?) Popular in some centers the inner Basilicata, new rituals have resisted creating a syncretism with pre-existing ones, of pagan origin and propitiatory. Maybe this is one of the explanations to the presence in some locations
Lucan Bonfire of Christmas. A Nemoli and San Fele the Christmas Eve bonfires are lit in the symbolic function would be to heat the little child just born, and protection from frost and cold. Function that St. Francis, when he thought the crib, gave the breath of the ox and donkey. A fire
San Fele Christmas lasts all the Gion and indicate the fire is the end of the day off. A Nemoli, stacked up in the square logs and wood in the big bonfire will be lit on Christmas Eve that will remain active until the Epiphany. Here you will find a community consuming traditional sweets accompanied by the music of bagpipes and pastoral bagpipes. The flames and fire, always and in all religions and societies have always been mentioned as elements of the party whose symbolism was related to purification, to cast out the darkness of evil and the negative but also had a strong valence of rebirth. In addition, the fire that burned inside the fireplace, was the element center around which families Lucan, rich and poor gathered during the winter days.



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