Tuesday, March 30, 2010
My Laptop Cursor Wont Move
- Mobbing, harassment, stalking
- The legal framework and technical protection
(workshop - Trento, 15 April 2010)
- environment, innovation and safety at work :
incentives of the Government (article)
http: / / www.governo.it / GovernoInforma / Dossier / incentives / index.html
-Delegation of function
- Criminal Cassation Chamber IV, No 7691 February 25, 2010 (ruling)
http://www.regione.sicilia.it/presidenza/personale/area626/ALLEGATI_SITO/Leggi/Sentenze% 20Corte% 20of% 20Cassazione 20penale/2010-02-25%%% 20Cassazione 20penale% 20sentenza 20n.7691_responsabilità%%% 20legale 20rappresentante.pdf
- liability in the event of an injury to an inmate worker
- Criminal Cassation Chamber IV, No 6694 February 18, 2010 (ruling)
-A. Ossicles, A. Miccio:
" Aggravation" or "New Disease" in the same condition : a suggestive interpretation of the Constitutional Court to exceed the limits set by art. TU No 137 1124/65, review of MP (article)
-Stefano Antonello:
" existential damage and bullying " (article)
Obligation Insurance
-S. Toriello:" The warning art. 16 Consolidated bring an 1124/1965 and subsequent liens on the DPL of the insurance INAIL:
a vexhata quaestio. Among the principle of legality and the principle of efficiency of administrative "(article)
Risk professional
-New and emerging Safety and Health at Work (files)
http://osha.europa.eu/it/publications/outlook/it_te8108475enc.pdf Biological agents
- The contribution of ISPESL for the protection of workers exposed to avian influenza virus (article)
Agents physical-
Legislative Decree 81/2008 Title VIII, Chapter I, II, III, IV and V on prevention and protection against risks from exposure to physical agents in the workplace
- Practical Guidelines (article)
-M. Masi:
La salute e sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro : le politiche delle Regioni nel Nuovo Testo Unico (articolo)
- Programmare la prevenzione degli infortuni sul lavoro : il SINP (articolo)
-P. Desideri:
" La trilateralità nella figura del rappresentante dei lavoratori per la sicurezza territoriale : il ruolo strategico della CONTARP" (articolo)
-A. Marcheselli:
Fire Prevention - The works must be completed before the start of activities (article)
- Works disarmament of a floor in a building site are considered dismantling of temporary structures and shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions on occupational safety, under the direct supervision of an officer responsible for work
- Criminal Cassation Chamber IV, No 45,932 of 1 December 2009 (above)
- Dangerous
- Everything you need to know (files)
https: / / wwwsapp1.suva.ch/sap/public/bc/its/mimes/zwaswo/99/pdf/11030_i. pdf
- The influence of professional values \u200b\u200bin the emergence of job stress and burnout in nursing graduates (article)
- correlation between job satisfaction and stress factors, psychosocial well-being and burnout among nurses working in different areas of health (article)
-Region of Puglia:
" Establishment of the Solidarity Fund to the families of the employees died as a result of accidents in the workplace " (normative)
http://www.regione.puglia.it/index.php? page = read & id = 144 & opt = & file = downfile L_1_25_02_2010.pdf
Administrative Law
-M. Acampora:
Code of Civil Procedure, Title IV,
" Standards for litigation work "
as amended by the "related work" approved by the Senate March 3, 2010 (article)
http://www .adapt.it/acm-on-line/Home/BollettinoAdapt/Ordinario/15marzo2010n9/documento6044.html
- control worker with computer programs
- Supreme Chamber Work, No 4375 February 23, 2010 (ruling)
-Dependent Personal
- worker parent more children under the age of three years, with a handicap - the right to daily passes for each child
- Supreme Chamber Work, No 4623 February 25, 2010 (ruling)
Professional Training
-disciplinary offense for failure to meet the obligation of continuing education
- Supreme Court Sezione III Civile, n. 2235 del 1° febbraio 2010 (sentenza)
-Accordo Interconfederale in materia di Apprendistato Professionalizzante (protocolli e accordi)
Mercato del Lavoro
- Condizioni di legittimità costituzionale dello spoil system
- Corte Costituzionale, n. 81/2010 (sentenza)
-Lavoratore e perdita di chance
- Cassazione Civile n. 5119 March 3, 2010 (ruling)
-E. Massi:
Relocation to the work of particular categories (article)
- Employed and unemployed
- January 2010 ( article)
Social Security
-Art. 2, paragraph 130, Law 191 of December 23, 2009 (Finance Act 2010).
Experimental Institute of income protection for employees coordinated and continued in art. 461, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree No 10 September 2003 276, as amended. (INPS circular)
http://www.inps.it/bussola/VisualizzaDoc.aspx?sVirtualURL 2fCircolari =%%% 2fCircolare 2520numero 2520del% 252036% 252009-03-2010.htm% & = & iIDDalPortale iIDLink =- 1
- Redemption periods of employment in socially useful jobs in the measurement of pension (Article 8, paragraph 19, Legislative Decree 1 December 1997, n. 468) (circular INPS)
http:// www.inps.it/bussola/VisualizzaDoc.aspx?sVirtualURL 2fCircolari =%%% 2fCircolare 2520numero 2520del%% 252033% 252005-03-2010.htm & iIDDalPortale = =- 1 & iIDLink
- not lose sick pay an employee who is absent from the survey during the availability times for going to find their mother in hospital
- Supreme Chamber Work, No 5718 March 9, 2010 (ruling)
- INPS Employees:
regarding aggregation
- Supreme Chamber Work, No 3616 February 16, 2010 (ruling)
-cash contributions
- Constitutional Court, No 71, February 26, 2010 (ruling)
http://www.cortecostituzionale.it/giurisprudenza/pronunce/scheda_ultimo_deposito.asp?sez=ultimodep&Comando=LET&NoDec=71&AnnoDec=2010&TrmD=&TrmM =
Salary - economic performance sickness, maternity and tuberculosis. conventional and average wages and salaries or other amounts. 2010. (INPS circular)
http://www.inps.it/bussola/VisualizzaDoc.aspx?sVirtualURL 2FCircolari =%%% 2FCircolare 2520numero 2520del% 252037% 252011-03-2010.htm% & = & iIDDalPortale iIDLink =- 1
-Decree 17 December 2009 - Arrangements for the implementation dei commi 67 e 68 dell'articolo 1 della legge n. 247 del 2007
- Sgravi contributivi sulla quota di retribuzione costituita dalle erogazioni previste dai contratti collettivi aziendali, territoriali ovvero di secondo livello
- Anno 2009 (normativa)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
List All Possible Number Combinations
In relation to the request for extraordinary congress national and local levels by certain realities we must specify that:
- on the basis of national status is crucial that the right of members to know the different positions is observed as on time (at least three months). consider forcing irregular and to overcome the meetings held in several cities (self-proclaimed Congress) that will be part of a process of legalization according to the principles of the Charter later during the meeting in comparison to open all the realities of the class (although not having the status not in good standing with the contributions, etc..) that we propose is taking place at March 29, 2010 at the headquarters of Cassina de 'Pecchi and after sending (the previous week) to the headquarters in Via Roma 81 Cassina de' Pecchi (Mi) 02 25137196 fax and mail infosindacale@gmail.com of data members (complete in order to exercise the right to let him know the different opinions), businesses, business references and any activities (MSW, etc.).
- the national conference is convened on June 25, 2010 in the to be defined;
- local conferences will be held from May 1 and during the month April will be held meetings with delegates and activists entered ee / and to start the debate on these issues. Regulation Congress Congressional Documents and any alternative and / or contributions must be received by the said meeting and by the National Executive in collaboration with local popular will as it will be possible to use the debate to the development of web tools and new technologies.
The dates of meetings and business premises must be agreed and coordinated with the national executive to allow the presence of various opinions and present employees to choose from.
E 'worth remembering that the statute must be respected says
Art. 6 - Il Congresso Il Congresso è il massimo organo deliberante e si riunisce ogni 3 anni. La convocazione straordinaria del Congresso può essere richiesta dal Comitato Direttivo a maggioranza di 2/3 nonché da 3 Associazioni regionali e/o provinciali associate. L’ordine del giorno del congresso è fissato dal Comitato Direttivo e deve essere reso noto almeno 3 mesi prima della data di convocazione.
Difference Between Studless

Viene approvato con 4 voti a favore il seguente o.d.g.:
Il congresso straordinario sulla base dello statuto provinciale e nazionale viene convocato tenendo conto delle proposte del Comitato Direttivo Nazionale per il 25 giugno 2010 e consegnando agli iscritti le diverse opinioni su cui scegliere.
Pertanto il congresso della CUB Informazione di Milano si propone che venga realizzato il giorno 8 maggio in sede da definire.
E’ stata fatta una richiesta di anticipare la data del 25 giugno e invitiamo il direttivo nazionale ad esaminarla.
Riceve tre voti a favore e quindi viene respinta la richiesta di realizzare il congresso di Milano il 10 aprile 2010.
Verbale a cura di
Lara Visentin
Monday, March 22, 2010
Stripper Term Tie Off

Donations can be made directly to your bank account or at the premises of MAGIS CUB VARESE below that then the association will pay.
Foundation MAGIS agreement with the Italian Province of the Society of Jesus and the LMS, CVX, Peoples and other members, is mobilized in the help and assistance in the population at the side of the Jesuits in the field.
Early in the contacts are identified on site and enabled contacts that will enable us di indirizzare aiuti in modo efficace sia con riferimento alle prime emergenze che per la successiva lunga fase di post emergenza e ricostruzione.
La Compagnia di Gesù è presente in Haiti con quattro case e diverse opere principalmente proprio a Port au Prince. Il delegato per Haiti, P. François Kawas sj, ha informato che nessun Padre è rimasto vittima del terremoto e che le strutture sono state colpite meno di altre ma avranno bisogno di riparazioni. Dal primo momento esse sono state messe a disposizione della popolazione locale. Scrive P. Francois: “abbiamo grosse difficoltà per aiutare i nostri vicini, che abbiamo ospitato per la notte. Quello che abbiamo visto è indescrivibile: morti ovunque e case distrutte in tutte le areas of the capital. "
Alongside the Jesuit fathers were mobilized Haiti and the Dominican Republic's employees together with the Jesuit Service for Refugees and Migrants occur in that country, which has already formed two committees and has visited the scene of the tragedy to prepare and provide effective relief aid and long-term. In these times all works of the Society of Jesus, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean are coordinating response plans and rescue the people of Haiti.
initiatives Magis help of the Foundation shall be conducted in coordination with the Network
Xavier, the Jesuit European network, in particular with the English Entreculturas, who for years worked with Fe y Alegria Haiti.
His Deputy P. Ramiro Pampols sj wrote in the early hours after the earthquake. "The city is destroyed, the people wandering the streets in the midst of multitudes of corpses. We do not know where are our friends and there is no possibility of communication. We are scared to go out but also to enter the house. "
To give substance to their conscious participation in the basic needs of affected populations, you can make a donation * indicating "Haiti Emergency" on the accounts for the MAGIS: account: 909010 - bank account: IBAN: IT07 Y030 6903 2001 0000 0509 259 at INTESA-SANPAOLO - Via della Stamperia, 64 – ROMA
Le offerte versate al MAGIS da persone fisiche e dagli enti soggetti all'Ires (imposta sul reddito delle società) sono deducibili dal reddito imponibile sino al 10% del reddito complessivo dichiarato e comunque nella misura massima di 70mila euro annui (art. 14 D.L. n. 35/05).
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Playing Pokemon With The Visual
Circolare numero 35 del 09-03-2010
Assegno di maternità di base concesso dai Comuni (art. 74 del D.Lgs. 151/2001 già art 66 L. 448/1998 ? D.P.C.M. 452/2000, artt. 10 e ss.): titoli di soggiorno validi per la concessione dell?assegno.
Circolare numero 36 of 03.09.2010
Art.2, paragraph 130, Law 191 of December 23, 2009 (Finance Act 2010).
Experimental Institute of income protection for employees coordinated and continued referred to? Art. 61, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree No 10 September 2003 276, as amended. Procedural instructions.
Message number 6827 of 09/03/2010
periods of suspension of the ratio of apprenticeship for maternity and parental . Clarification on tax obligations.
Circular No. 37 of 03.11.2010
economic benefits for sickness, maternity e di tubercolosi . Salari medi e convenzionali e altre retribuzioni o importi. Anno 2010. L. Finanziaria 2010: art. 2, comma 153.
What Soda Gives The Best Gas
- Stranieri: in aumento lavoratori e infortunati (dossier)
-A. Bena: " Epidemiologia degli infortuni sul lavoro : un quadro internazionale" (articolo)
- Atto costitutivo dell'Osservatorio Nazionale sugli Infortuni Mortali e Gravi (normativa)
Liability - Conduct abnormal and unpredictable worker
- Fourth Criminal Cassation Chamber, No 7267 February 23, 2010 (ruling)
-E. Massi:
" The penalties for the unlawful employment of foreign workers from non " (article)
http://www.dplmodena.it/massi/Stranieri% 206% 20 -% 20prova 20sanzioni%%% 20UE 20extra. pdf
-S. Toriello:
" benefits of casual work after the 2010 financial
- The voucher system" (article)
- Compensation for professionalism "mortified"
- United Civil Court of Cassation, n. 4063 February 9, 2010 (ruling)
- Preventing and combating the phenomenon of bullying (article)
http: / / www.puntosicuro.it/italian/index.php?VM=articolo&IA=9696
- National Prevention Plan 2010 to 2012 (guidelines)
http://www.puntosicuro.it/_modules / download/download/100303_PNP2010.doc
- Memorandum of Understanding for the improvement of the activities prevention and control of security in the areas of road construction and as well as for the promotion of safety culture in the workplace in schools (MoU)
http://www.interno.it/ BCB2A432-5A9C-4CDF-BB71-63B4F573D034/ForceRequestingFullContent/BCB2A432-5A9C-4CDF-BB71-63B4F573D034/mininterno/export/sites/default/it/assets/files/18/00079_Protocollo_dxIntesa_terni.pdf
- maps of spatial risk (article)
- accident and resulting temporary disability of a worker employee
- Payments made by the employer
- Recoverability by the third party
- Prescription biennial
- Civil Appeal No. Section Three 2844 February 9, 2010 (ruling)
occupational hazard - Psychosocial risks, prevention and active participation (files)
http://www .ispesl.it / documenti_catalogo / RischiPsicosocialiSettoreCredito.pdf
Occupational Safety
- The obligations of Personal Protective Equipment (ministerial statements)
http://www.puntosicuro.it/italian/index. php? VM = article & IA = 9716
-DPI absence of harmonized standards CE
- Conformity with the essential safety
- TAR Friuli Venezia Giulia, Section I, No 34 of 28 January 2010 (above)
Stress - Risk Assessment work-related stress (article)
http : / / www.diario-prevenzione.it/docbiblio/Consulta.pdf
Display Screen Equipment - The Physician and staff of computer screens (files)
http://www.inail.it/repository/ContentManagement/ node/N920130549/AddettiVDT2010.pdf
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
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La Legge “Collegato Lavoro” garantisce nuove tutele per le aziende ai danni dei lavoratori: più difficile vincere cause di lavoro, impugnare licenziamenti ingiusti, ottenere giusti risarcimenti.
Especially guaranteed companies that use massive exploitation of precarious work.
becomes a possibility to derogate from the National Collective Bargaining Agreement, "certificate", through committees, individual contracts containing clauses pejorative: it limited the jurisdiction of the court, and encourages the use of arbitration. The trap of
dl. 1167. It provides (Article 33, paragraph 9) that when you sign a contract of employment before one of the many local committees which are assigned the task of certifying whether the employment contract defines an employed or self-employment (employee type a project), or of indefinite duration and other conditions, the worker must make a drastic choice:
the employee must adhere to, or reject a compromise with which s' agrees, if future labor disputes arise, to renounce recourse to the courts in favor of arbitration proceedings or conciliation, which, given the socio-economic imbalance that exists between the two sides, one can easily predict the outcome so that the Constitutional Court has repeatedly ruled against the use of arbitration in labor disputes.
Given this device introduced by dl. 1167, to justice at work will become a luxury that few workers can afford the risk. In any case, the worker who wants to take the risk, find a judge with his hands tied. This is because, the strengthening of the arbitration is matched by the weakening of the court. In fact, art. 32 (paragraphs 1 and 2) of the drawing states that the court, faced with a labor dispute, shall be limited solely to establish whether the contract between the employer and the employee has been concluded in legitimate or not. The new law expressly prohibits the action on the technical, organizational and productive. In this way the possibility for the court to exercise justice and to the employee to obtain, is definitely impaired.
- Against this latest attack on workers
- To defend the art. 18 of the Workers
- on Freedom of Association
FRIDAY 'March 12, 2010
(last 4 HOURS shift workers)
of 9.00
Monday, March 8, 2010
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Certification of contracts and arbitration: there is the ability to hire workers through blackmail to sign an individual contract "certificate", where we guarantee the "free will" of the worker to accept less favorable exemptions to laws and collective agreement, and where the employee waiver in advance, in case of litigation or dismissal, to go before the magistrate, (giving the full protection of the law): in this case, the judge was replaced by an arbitration panel may decide that regardless of the laws and collective bargaining; maximum discretion on the part of the arbitration, in cases of dispute to the workers employed on contracts precarious and atypical (determined cocopro etc ...).
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
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- Conditions for use of facilities provided for in art. C. 33 5 of Law 104/92
- Council of State No 825 of 15 February 2010 (decision)
Dismissal - Dismissal for overcoming in behavior and decay
appeal - Supreme Court Civil Chamber, No Work 1861 January 28, 2010 (ruling)
-Directive of the Minister for Public Administration and Innovation for the monitoring of flexible work
under Article 36, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree No 30 March 2001 165 (regulations)
-S. Toriello:
" benefits of casual work
accessory after the Finance Act 2010" (Article)
Equal Opportunity
-Legislative Decree 25 January 2010, No
5 - Implementation of Directive 2006/54/EC on the
principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment for men and women in employment and occupation (normative)
http://www.gazzettaufficiale.it/ guridb / dispatcher? datagu = 1 & service = 02/05/2010 & task = detail & numgu = editorial = 29 & 010G0018 tmstp = 1267776390269 &
- Equal opportunities and equal treatment for men and women in matters of employment and occupation (Article)
Work relationship
- The limits of legitimacy of the spoils system
- Constitutional Court n . 34, February 5, 2010 (ruling)
-L. Broadsword, D. Noretta:
may be illegal dismissal of public employee who has put in place the facts and conduct thesis avoidance systems detect the presence (article)
-S. Lazzini:
The requirement of regular contributions, as a condition of participation in the competition, to be held on the date of expiry of the deadline for bid
- Council of State No 178, January 19, 2010 (article)
-G. Pipeschi:
" Specificity of criminal proceedings relating to the effects of exposure to asbestos with particular reference to the investigation stage" (article)
http://www.personaedanno.it/cms/data/ articoli/files/017208_resource1_orig.pdf
- monitoring and recording of occupational exposure to asbestos :
legislation, instruments and results (article)
http://prevenzioneoggi.ispesl.it/pdf% 5Cfoc2009_01_1_it.pdf
Salary - Italian workers operating in countries outside the EU:
compulsory insurance not covered by agreements social security.
conventional Remuneration for the year 2010 (circular INAIL)
- cd abdicated The receipt signed by the worker in relation to compensation biological damage
- Supreme Court Chamber Work, December 14, 2009 (ruling)
Blame the worker
- wrongful conduct of the injured
- Supreme Court Chamber, No Job 25 of 5 January 2010 (above)
Liability - Head of Prevention and Protection and omissions
- Criminal Appeal, Section 4, No 1834, January 15, 2010 (ruling)
- Role and spheres of responsibility
- Supreme Court Penal Section 4, No 1490's January 14, 2010 (ruling)
- Posting and release of liability
- Labor Cassation Chamber No 215 11 January 2010 (above)
-M. Arena:
" Sentencing of legal persons in connection with the crime of manslaughter multiple omics committed in violation of the accident prevention regulations " (note above)
http://www.filodiritto.com/index.php?azione=visualizza & iddoc = 1722
-R. Covino:
" driving time" and "Working Time:
inspections in road (article)
http://www.dplmodena.it/altri/Tempi% 20Guide% 20to% 20autotrasporto% 20 -% 20Covino.pdf
-Ministry of Economy and Finance
- Decree of 12 November 2009
- insurance status of workers who have joined programs emerging from irregular employment (normative)
http:// www.gazzettaufficiale.it/guridb/dispatcher?service=1&datagu=2010-02-22&task=dettaglio&numgu=43&redaz=10A02207&tmstp=1267092012613
- Danni alla professionalità e mobbing
- Cassazione Civile Sezione 3, n. 2352 del 2 febbraio 2010 (sentenza)
- Dipendente delle Poste vittima di mobbing
- Tribunale di Reggio Calabria Sezione Lavoro (sentenza)
Regolarità contributiva
-S. Toriello:
DURC e lavoro nero. Una breve ricognizione normativa (articolo)
- Infortuni sul lavoro e malattie professionali (diritto alla revisione della rendita)
- Corte Costituzionale, n. 46 dell'8 febbraio 2010 (sentenza)
Agenti chimici
-M. Jost; C. Pletscher:
Monitoraggio biologico e valori di tolleranza biologica delle sostanze da lavoro (articolo)
- laser printers, copiers and toner
health hazards (article)
- prevention of risks to atypical jobs (article)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
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Continue with choices racist policies, exacerbated recently by the application of the rules contained in the so-called 'security package', as we recite the excellent results decreased landings without saying which are due to the barbaric practice of rejections in the sea from where immigrants are sent to die in the deserts of Libya, but is silent on the calls that even the UN refugee agency turns to Italy for no law on asylum.
Monday, March 1, 2010
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La TIA è un tributo
Prime pronunce di merito dopo la sentenza della Consulta
Con la sentenza n. 27/2010, la Commissione Tributaria provinciale di Reggio Emilia si è uniformata al principio sancito dalla Corte costituzionale, secondo cui la TIA ha natura tributaria. E' quindi nulla la bolletta/fattura TIA emessa con IVA. Per un ulteriore approfondimento si rimanda al commento a firma di Elisa Manoni, di prossima pubblicazione su GT - Rivista di giurisprudenza tributaria.
Di rilievo è la recente sentenza della Commissione Tributaria Provinciale di Reggio Emilia n. 27 depositata in segreteria il 15 febbraio 2010; l’argomento è la ormai famosa questione dell’ applicazione dell’IVA sulla Tariffa di Igiene Ambientale (c.d. TIA) dopo la sentenza della Corte Costituzionale; si ricorda, infatti, che la Consulta con la sentenza n. 238 datata 16-23 luglio 2009, ha stabilito sostanzialmente che la tariffa rifiuti è in realtà una tassa, perché il suo costo non è proporzionale al servizio.
In sintesi, niente tariffa, niente imposta sul valore aggiunto, con tutte le complicazioni per il rimborso degli arretrati agli utenti e il cambio di regime dei soggetti che operano in campo IVA.
Il caso
La questione affrontata dai giudici della CTP di Reggio Emilia nasce dall’impugnazione, by a taxpayer, a invoice issued by the company that manages the waste, the bill was issued as consideration for the service of municipal waste and similar for two local employees, and was inclusive of VAT issued in October 2009, after then, the decision of the consultations which he stated the nature of taxation and therefore the inapplicability of value added. The action was for the annulment of the note issued by the operator, and also against the City for levying body.
analysis of judges
The analysis conducted by judges of First Instance ruling in the dense subject of this commentary is objectively a great interest in various aspects analyzed, it will consider the points which are considered useful and are linked to the ruling made last summer by the Constitutional Court. The CTP
notes that the sentence no 238/2009, the Constitutional Court held that the TIA is a tribute, to be completely identical to the waste tax. As such, the proceeds received may not be subject to value added tax , instead affects only the fees of the services . The subject applicant seeks the annulment of the bill for lack of requirements by the Advisory and in the alternative non-VAT debenza.
The Commission finds merit in law and in consultation with the judgment stated with absolute clarity and thoroughness that the TIA is a tribute
· the withdrawals have authoritative structure and synallagmatic: the service must be established compulsorily by the municipalities and those required to pay can not avoid that obligation, subject to mandatory grounds for exclusion or facilitation;
o to the payment of the TIA can be provided for bills conforming to the requirements provided by law for acts tax, resulting in actionable even of acts that have the same function of investigation and settlement of charges;
° like are the criteria for the two samples commensuration: potential to both detect the production of waste and they , proof of the absence of a relationship synallagma between payment and service, are also payable if the manufacturer demonstrates that it has adequately provided for disposal;
· both levies are outside the scope of VAT , in view of the absence of a relationship sinallagma.I of lower courts observe that the disputed bill is legitimately contested by the taxpayer.
As provided in the consultation, the bills / invoices of the TIA must meet the requirements of the law for tax charges. In the areas of collection, payment of the folder should contain, among other things, the 'header responsible for the procedure, the' entry role, and the issuing and service thereof, the consequences related to 'breach of the obligation resulting from the role, modalities, the term judicial organ that could be used.
The invoice / bill for the purpose of classification of the tax act, must necessarily be integrated with the requirements described above. Among other things, the document issued by the management which is intended to pay the Health Fee Environment (TIA where the term never appears) does not include the requirements just mentioned, however, but requires the payment of VAT, according to The Look, is not due into account the absence of relationship sinallagmaticità.
The ruling of the Constitutional Court No 238, 16/23 July 2009 was published in OJ No 30 of 29 July 2009, under Article. 136, paragraph 1, of the Constitution "when the Court declared unconstitutional a provision of law or enactment having the force of law, the law ceases to have effect the day after the publication of the decision. " A previous case
A brief note also the recent decision of the judges of CTR Toscana which shows that even the question of TIA present issues not clarified. The judges of the merits of the Regional Tax Commission of Tuscany who have spoken with sentence 27/13/2010 substantially stated that VAT is payable on the TIA, at least in cases where the service is to manage a company. The tax, in fact, according to the judges responsible Tuscan is due when a service is intended to satisfy a public interest is carried out under the company.
The CTP of Reggio Emilia in the final part of the sentence is not limited to bottles, after the Constitutional Court, the application of VAT on the TIA, but also says nothing the invoice issued by the managing because without the mandatory information for the acts of local tax .
By virtue of the foregoing, the Tax Commission upholds the claim of the taxpayer and declare void the invoice issued by the operator of the service and ordered to pay the costs in the amount of € 800, both quoted the managing body, both the City as a levying body.
(Commission tributaria provinciale REGGIO EMILIA 15/02/2010, n. 27)