Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Laptop Cursor Wont Move


- Mobbing, harassment, stalking
- The legal framework and technical protection
(workshop - Trento, 15 April 2010)
- environment, innovation and safety at work :
incentives of the Government (article)
http: / / www.governo.it / GovernoInforma / Dossier / incentives / index.html
-Delegation of function
- Criminal Cassation Chamber IV, No 7691 February 25, 2010 (ruling)
http://www.regione.sicilia.it/presidenza/personale/area626/ALLEGATI_SITO/Leggi/Sentenze% 20Corte% 20of% 20Cassazione 20penale/2010-02-25%%% 20Cassazione 20penale% 20sentenza 20n.7691_responsabilità%%% 20legale 20rappresentante.pdf
- liability in the event of an injury to an inmate worker
- Criminal Cassation Chamber IV, No 6694 February 18, 2010 (ruling)
-A. Ossicles, A. Miccio:
" Aggravation" or "New Disease" in the same condition : a suggestive interpretation of the Constitutional Court to exceed the limits set by art. TU No 137 1124/65, review of MP (article)
-Stefano Antonello:
" existential damage and bullying " (article)
Obligation Insurance
-S. Toriello:" The warning art. 16 Consolidated bring an 1124/1965 and subsequent liens on the DPL of the insurance INAIL:
a vexhata quaestio. Among the principle of legality and the principle of efficiency of administrative "(article)
Risk professional
-New and emerging Safety and Health at Work (files)
http://osha.europa.eu/it/publications/outlook/it_te8108475enc.pdf Biological agents

- The contribution of ISPESL for the protection of workers exposed to avian influenza virus (article)
Agents physical-
Legislative Decree 81/2008 Title VIII, Chapter I, II, III, IV and V on prevention and protection against risks from exposure to physical agents in the workplace
- Practical Guidelines (article)
-M. Masi:
La salute e sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro : le politiche delle Regioni nel Nuovo Testo Unico (articolo)
- Programmare la prevenzione degli infortuni sul lavoro : il SINP (articolo)
-P. Desideri:
" La trilateralità nella figura del rappresentante dei lavoratori per la sicurezza territoriale : il ruolo strategico della CONTARP" (articolo)
-A. Marcheselli:

Fire Prevention - The works must be completed before the start of activities (article)
- Works disarmament of a floor in a building site are considered dismantling of temporary structures and shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions on occupational safety, under the direct supervision of an officer responsible for work
- Criminal Cassation Chamber IV, No 45,932 of 1 December 2009 (above)
- Dangerous
- Everything you need to know (files)
https: / / wwwsapp1.suva.ch/sap/public/bc/its/mimes/zwaswo/99/pdf/11030_i. pdf
- The influence of professional values \u200b\u200bin the emergence of job stress and burnout in nursing graduates (article)
- correlation between job satisfaction and stress factors, psychosocial well-being and burnout among nurses working in different areas of health (article)
-Region of Puglia:
" Establishment of the Solidarity Fund to the families of the employees died as a result of accidents in the workplace " (normative)
http://www.regione.puglia.it/index.php? page = read & id = 144 & opt = & file = downfile L_1_25_02_2010.pdf
Administrative Law
-M. Acampora:
Code of Civil Procedure, Title IV,
" Standards for litigation work "
as amended by the "related work" approved by the Senate March 3, 2010 (article)
http://www .adapt.it/acm-on-line/Home/BollettinoAdapt/Ordinario/15marzo2010n9/documento6044.html
- control worker with computer programs
- Supreme Chamber Work, No 4375 February 23, 2010 (ruling)
-Dependent Personal
- worker parent more children under the age of three years, with a handicap - the right to daily passes for each child
- Supreme Chamber Work, No 4623 February 25, 2010 (ruling)
Professional Training
-disciplinary offense for failure to meet the obligation of continuing education
- Supreme Court Sezione III Civile, n. 2235 del 1° febbraio 2010 (sentenza)
-Accordo Interconfederale in materia di Apprendistato Professionalizzante (protocolli e accordi)
Mercato del Lavoro
- Condizioni di legittimità costituzionale dello spoil system
- Corte Costituzionale, n. 81/2010 (sentenza)
-Lavoratore e perdita di chance
- Cassazione Civile n. 5119 March 3, 2010 (ruling)
-E. Massi:
Relocation to the work of particular categories (article)
- Employed and unemployed
- January 2010 ( article)
Social Security
-Art. 2, paragraph 130, Law 191 of December 23, 2009 (Finance Act 2010).
Experimental Institute of income protection for employees coordinated and continued in art. 461, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree No 10 September 2003 276, as amended. (INPS circular)
http://www.inps.it/bussola/VisualizzaDoc.aspx?sVirtualURL 2fCircolari =%%% 2fCircolare 2520numero 2520del% 252036% 252009-03-2010.htm% & = & iIDDalPortale iIDLink =- 1
- Redemption periods of employment in socially useful jobs in the measurement of pension (Article 8, paragraph 19, Legislative Decree 1 December 1997, n. 468) (circular INPS)
http:// www.inps.it/bussola/VisualizzaDoc.aspx?sVirtualURL 2fCircolari =%%% 2fCircolare 2520numero 2520del%% 252033% 252005-03-2010.htm & iIDDalPortale = =- 1 & iIDLink
- not lose sick pay an employee who is absent from the survey during the availability times for going to find their mother in hospital
- Supreme Chamber Work, No 5718 March 9, 2010 (ruling)
- INPS Employees:
regarding aggregation
- Supreme Chamber Work, No 3616 February 16, 2010 (ruling)
-cash contributions
- Constitutional Court, No 71, February 26, 2010 (ruling)
http://www.cortecostituzionale.it/giurisprudenza/pronunce/scheda_ultimo_deposito.asp?sez=ultimodep&Comando=LET&NoDec=71&AnnoDec=2010&TrmD=&TrmM =

Salary - economic performance sickness, maternity and tuberculosis. conventional and average wages and salaries or other amounts. 2010. (INPS circular)
http://www.inps.it/bussola/VisualizzaDoc.aspx?sVirtualURL 2FCircolari =%%% 2FCircolare 2520numero 2520del% 252037% 252011-03-2010.htm% & = & iIDDalPortale iIDLink =- 1

-Decree 17 December 2009 - Arrangements for the implementation dei commi 67 e 68 dell'articolo 1 della legge n. 247 del 2007
- Sgravi contributivi sulla quota di retribuzione costituita dalle erogazioni previste dai contratti collettivi aziendali, territoriali ovvero di secondo livello
- Anno 2009 (normativa)


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