Per l’ennesima volta ci vediamo costretti ad informare i lavoratori Agusta del nuovo colpo di mano, e della totale scorrettezza, da parte di chi strombazza in ogni momento la sua grande democraticità. Ancora una volta, questo “campione di democrazia” che è la Fiom, il presunto sindacato degli operai, assomiglia sempre di più ad un coacervo di opportunisti, sempre meno capaci di tutelare i lavoratori ma, molto bravi quando di tratta di salvaguardare i propri interessi.
I fatti: qualche giorno fa sono apparsi, alle bacheche aziendali , comunicati che informavano i lavoratori, a cose fatte, che era stato re-elected the Board of Management of the CRAL Agusta ("only" about 10 years later ...!). Several members questioned the CRAL us to understand why they had not been informed of this event and because they could not use their legitimate chance to vote.
Its Statute CRAL, we are sure (as in all associations), it is anticipated that the members elect a Board of Management, is this one, a democratic transition but required in this case not so was entered and found themselves the names of newly elected members in a bare statement hanging on some boards.
What could be the reason of such behavior is easily understood, for if they did vote all members of the CRAL you could explore the possibility that the board of management could enter delegate some "enemy" and, perhaps, unwilling to bear the shame of sharing " cake "... ... and that cake!
A mountain of hours paid,
no control over economic management and program
no public budget
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