paid the permissions associated with ROL (reduction of' time) will be deducted in case of accident on the way and disease, with the exception of diseases resulting from long 150-day hospitalization.
So he sets out for the first time in a national contract a principle very serious disease that if the employee has a deduction of accrued benefits.
So far the attendance awards established in business contracts, while open to criticism, they were still bound to pay additional element, today, with the national contract, it states that in cases of illness have a cut of my rights.
If you add to this a limitation in the use of Law 104, paid leave to attend disabled relatives and the fact that the national agreement passes the last two years to three years, it has a picture of a sharp deterioration in the normative part, against an inconsistent economic performance, 122 € gross spread out in 22 months.
It is not clear on this point the position of the CGIL, which first objected to the 'agreement signed between CSIL and UIL-CONFINDUSTRIA laying down new rules of negotiation leading to three years the duration of the national contract, then the national contracts Category quietly accept the new rules!
This is the logical consequence of a way to make the national contract for not a minute ago to strike, However, with the result that even for a limited salary increase (more or less assured as the first escalator) should be granted to companies of the substantial counterpart to the normative part of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement.
and consultation?
Basically just a formality, there is a real possibility for workers to vote in a certificate. As citizens, outside the workplace, workers can vote on everything, but at the factory their employment contract, NEVER!
But to change this state of affairs must be removed to CGIL-CISL-UIL, the monopoly of national bargaining and to do this you must trade unionism Basic is free of serious illness that contradistingue that of sectarianism, where everyone defends his initials as if it were the sole repository of absolute truth, and to unify the forces costriure a big strong union base and in terms of both mass a credible alternative to the CGIL, CSIL and UIL.
How-CUB ALLCA of Varese and Como, along with many other unions of the base, we are working for this unification and an important first step in this direction is the establishment in May of this year 's review of the new base unit.
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