With a question in the heart of who is the earth? Their stories on the impact with the institutions and the Italian company and the reflections that follow we compare the migration process with a new, ultra-modern, and the inadequacy of our culture and the archaism of the institutional responses to it confidential .
Presenting Rejected Road is a way to wonder about the daily report to immigration, employment, training and information. In a stunning political framework of amenities and emptiness of content of all kinds, but full of moments of insult and xenophobia against those who once would have called at-risk groups.
Presenting Rejected Road is a way to wonder about the daily report to immigration, employment, training and information. In a stunning political framework of amenities and emptiness of content of all kinds, but full of moments of insult and xenophobia against those who once would have called at-risk groups.
A moment of reflection collettiva stimolata dai racconti di chi sulla strada ci sta per necessità, un modo per comprendere il fenomeno migratorio con tutta la sua complessità e tutta la sua ricchezza.
Confrontiamoci partendo dalla migrazione e la multiculturalità come risorsa e non come causa di difficoltà.
Il libro è il frutto del cantiere di socio-analisi svolto con gli operatori e i ragazzi del centro Belleville, un progetto di Comunità Nuova onlus che ospita giovani migranti che vivono nelle strade di Milano, giovani con poche possibilità di reddito che dormono in baracche, treni, fabbriche dismesse, case abbandonate. Ragazzi che arrivano, spesso da soli, dal Nord-Africa and Eastern Europe, bringing with it dreams difficult to implement in Fortress Europe, in Italy this unprepared, ordinances, safety, racism, media and cultural rights denied, and the rejections of the dead into the sea.
Wednesday, April 21 at 21.30
"Circoloco" Via Matteotti 56,
Rescaldina (I)
Renato Curcio presents "Bounce on the road"
for info: CUB
based in Legnano - avenue Cadorna ang. Via Amendola
tel. 0331.441.869 - 348.06.164.52
Renato Curcio presents "Bounce on the road"
for info: CUB
based in Legnano - avenue Cadorna ang. Via Amendola
tel. 0331.441.869 - 348.06.164.52
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