Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Acl And Meniscus Surgery

RELATED WORK, THE LAW OF ART around. 18: FRIDAY 'general strike for March 12, 2010 Varese and

Approvato il D.Ls 1167 “Collegato Lavoro”, la legge per aggirare l’art. 18 dello statuto dei lavoratori sul licenziamento senza giusta causa, si smantellano le fondamentali tutele dei lavoratori.

La Legge “Collegato Lavoro” garantisce nuove tutele per le aziende ai danni dei lavoratori: piĆ¹ difficile vincere cause di lavoro, impugnare licenziamenti ingiusti, ottenere giusti risarcimenti.
Especially guaranteed companies that use massive exploitation of precarious work.
becomes a possibility to derogate from the National Collective Bargaining Agreement, "certificate", through committees, individual contracts containing clauses pejorative: it limited the jurisdiction of the court, and encourages the use of arbitration. The trap of

dl. 1167. It provides (Article 33, paragraph 9) that when you sign a contract of employment before one of the many local committees which are assigned the task of certifying whether the employment contract defines an employed or self-employment (employee type a project), or of indefinite duration and other conditions, the worker must make a drastic choice:

the employee must adhere to, or reject a compromise with which s' agrees, if future labor disputes arise, to renounce recourse to the courts in favor of arbitration proceedings or conciliation, which, given the socio-economic imbalance that exists between the two sides, one can easily predict the outcome so that the Constitutional Court has repeatedly ruled against the use of arbitration in labor disputes.

Given this device introduced by dl. 1167, to justice at work will become a luxury that few workers can afford the risk. In any case, the worker who wants to take the risk, find a judge with his hands tied. This is because, the strengthening of the arbitration is matched by the weakening of the court. In fact, art. 32 (paragraphs 1 and 2) of the drawing states that the court, faced with a labor dispute, shall be limited solely to establish whether the contract between the employer and the employee has been concluded in legitimate or not. The new law expressly prohibits the action on the technical, organizational and productive. In this way the possibility for the court to exercise justice and to the employee to obtain, is definitely impaired.

  • Against this latest attack on workers
  • To defend the art. 18 of the Workers
  • on Freedom of Association

FRIDAY 'March 12, 2010
Varese and

(last 4 HOURS shift workers)
of 9.00


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