Friday, November 19, 2010

Will Implantation Bleeding Have Cervical Mucus

's time to chestnuts in Basilicata Basilicata

surprise me. I read a post on the web site Trentino speaking of chestnuts and Basilicata. In continuing the reading, I realize well-defined trails and detailed information. Much more accurate and comprehensive records of many local sites and Basilicata. Running, then I realize that the author of this article is one of the biggest names in gastronomy and its dissemination, Frederick Valicenti i. discovered this, and knowing the thickness in the area ... and more ... I enjoy reading the full post here reproduce.

to eat alone, roasted or boiled, mixed in sweets or in the form of jam, but always sweet and tasty like every year. time chestnuts, a good excuse to gather the family together and spend a Sunday sound and intelligent. Basilicata now has become a favorite from nearby Puglia.

Every weekend during these months of October, November, entire organizations, social clubs, organized also by bus, families, couples or singles, sketch the route of the chestnuts. Routes leading to the discovery of the territory also Lucan starting to gear up with festivals and events autumn always better to catch this segment of the local tourism. From
Melfese to Lagonegrese , from the park of Pollino Val d'Agri hundreds of people arriving tourists in search of chestnut curls, to take as souvenirs or to introduce them to children in schools in their homes. Through this route do it yourself, you rediscover nature trails, beautiful scenery, fall colors that only a region still intact and virgin like Basilicata has to offer.
Groups of people flood the restaurants, hotels, bringing the farm economy that builds loyalty through the knowledge of the matter before any good host, every good cook, and knows every good producer should be able to sell that are typical or chestnuts. Earth chestnut Basilicata offers an incredible variety of biodiversity . Being able to distinguish the brown from castagne non è di vitale importanza ma arricchisce e accresce la conoscenza, il marrone ha forma più arrotondata con facce convesse, cresce al massimo in numero di due per ogni riccio, ha generalmente colore più chiaro, sul biondo caldo, presenta striature longitudinali abbastanza evidenti. Oltre alla dimensione, i marroni sono più grossi, ma esistono castagne normali anch’ esse assai grosse, la caratteristica più importante nella determinazione della qualità di una castagna, e’ il numero di semi contenuti nella buccia esterna.

Secondo alcuni specialisti, il "marrone" e’ una varietà della castagna dotata di un solo seme, il che significa minore o nulla penetrazione della seconda buccia nella polpa. Questo e’ un grosso vantaggio sia per il gusto sia per la lavorazione pratica del frutto.  Oggi meta di passeggiate in famiglia e di sagre di paese, il valore del castagno è sempre stato il frutto ma anche il bosco, la classica “castagnara”, è stata per secoli un’importante fonte di sostentamento e aggregazione nella civiltà contadina. Chiamato anticamente anche albero del pane il castagno ha avuto un ruolo fondamentale nell’economia della montagna fino a pochi decenni fa. L’albero ha pregi per il legno, che è ricco di tannino, resistente, di lunga durata, buono per la costruzione di travi, mobili e infissi. La Castanea sativa, della famiglia delle fagacee, è still a precious plant. Spread throughout Europe began with the Greeks, was enlarged by the Romans and went on continuously throughout the Middle Ages through the work of the monastic orders The purpose of this extension was his double role as culinary resource, the chestnut is a starchy and technology as wood for building. Since the Renaissance, in conjunction with the technical progress in agriculture and the increasing development of cereal, began the crisis of the chestnut.

Since then and until the nineteenth century, the chestnut suffered a slow and gradual abandonment occur despite expansions of local significance that, over the centuries, they vary the distribution of chestnut, at least in Italy. At the end of the nineteenth century began the decline of the real chestnut, and lasted for decades because of the competition of multiple causes, such as changes in dietary habits of European populations, the introduction of alternative materials such as metal and plastic in ' exhibition of artifacts and infrastructure projects, civil and agricultural crisis of the tannin industry after the thirties, the growing interest in other species from forest wood, chestnut as alternatives to the black locust and cherry, the human pressure on forest environments. Even the cuisine of both fresh and dried chestnuts, had its ups and downs but has managed to preserve the memory of the recipes as keeping food on the basis of the typical old canteen, which is now ample space in the menus of restaurants and trattorias guardians of each region.
The most simple, usable at home, and 'prolonged immersion, 8 days in water at room temperature. Revolt often the first day to come to the surface as flawed, but the water does not change throughout the period. Then rinse and dry carefully, putting them in a cool place for 2 or 3 weeks, once you dare to keep them for months in jute bags. Nowadays c 'and' a system even easier, the chestnuts, in fact, can be stored in the freezer with no problems, with only two caveats: a small incision in the frozen if you plan to roast and prior immersion in water to identify those buggy.
How to cook: To roast
need to practice on one side of the skin incision and then cook over an open fire in an iron pan perforated. To boil, boil immersing them in lightly salted cold water and flavored with bay leaves or fennel seeds. Peel and sieve, then become the basis of many classic recipes, sweet or savory. Chestnuts can also boil or simmer after first having peeled; In this case, just cut the peel and soak for 5 minutes in boiling water, peeling away. Then boil them with a little water and letting the flavors more suited to undo or holding the tooth. . Or put them to simmer in a pan with butter and vegetables such as celery, leeks, onions, cover with broth and cook until you get an excellent side dish or the ingredient is ideal for stuffing. The starting point is described by cooking you can get jams, ice creams, savory creams, puddings. Many traditional recipes such as the chestnut cake, polenta, pancakes, require the use of chestnut flour, available in any supermarket, but other recipes require the use of dried chestnuts. In this case, soak them in warm water and clean them of any residual internal peel before cooking. With dried chestnuts you get a lot of classic country cooking soups.
To make a good meal without the digestive problems can be combined with chestnuts and other starchy foods with vegetables, while it is definitely not recommended combination with fruits, milk, yogurt and low-fat cheese . Finally, you can eat the chestnuts with legumes, protein, fruits, oil and fats. But even simple roasted chestnuts, rustling in the iron pot, perforated, rejoice a bit 'all, with the desire to vino novello.
Munnulata” di Castelsaraceno
Ingredienti 300 gr di castagne 150 gr di fagioli 1 cucchiaio di olio extravergine di oliva 1 spicchio d’aglio 1 cucchiaio di polvere di peperone macinato Procedimento Sbucciare le castagne: corteccia esterna, metterle in acqua fredda per un pò e togliere le pellicine interne quindi bollire le castagne in pignata con acqua e un pizzico di sale, far cuocere evitando una cottura prolungata, non far ammorbidire troppo le castagne. Cuocere a parte i fagioli rossi, preferibilmente, comunque non bianchi, in acqua con un pizzico di sale nella pignata. A cottura ultimata mischiare fagioli e castagne. In una padella oil and fry garlic powder pepper (puparul pisat: u CIFT) pour into the mix of chestnuts and beans and serve
cake, brown Marradi
For the dough: 1 kg of mashed brown 1 liter of milk 4 eggs 400 grams sugar teaspoon of vanilla extract, half a glass of rum, 2 tablespoons alchermes, a pinch of salt grated rind of a lemon. For the pastry: 200 gr flour 1 tablespoon of butter milk and water as required.
Preparation: Carve the browns, especially when still fresh, and boil on high heat for 2 or 3 minutes using the perforated pan or passing them in the microwave. Then proceed to the peeling. Boil them in water salted water for about an hour. Drain and strain through fine sieve. Mix the puree with brown sugar, vanilla, lemon peel, rum el'alchermes. Beat eggs and add to the mix. Let stand for about two hours. Combine the milk and stir well. Meanwhile, mix the flour with the butter, milk and water enough to obtain a sheet with a rolling pin to roll. Cover the pan and then with this sheet including the edges. Pour the mixture into the pan to brown not exceed a height of 4 cm. Bake in preheated oven at 120 degrees for about three hours making sure that the mixture never reaches the boiling point. Check the cooking by dipping a toothpick, which in the right area, will come out completely clean. This cake must be cut in cold lozenges better the day after cooking. A variation of the recipe is to simmer the chestnuts in half milk and half water, or only in milk. In almost all the old recipes, whose common characteristic is that of maximum simplicity of the products used, the chestnuts were boiled in water, cooking that keeps them whole and makes them more digestible. The rich families were cooking the other hand, in the past, the chestnuts in milk, as they do today.

Friday, November 19, 2010 by Frederick Valicenti


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