Thursday, March 10, 2011
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"a thing in my life I've only seen a child" says Mr. Cosimo -60 year old today.
"It was the '50s and the times were different. Even then the army arrived and helicopters. But there were other times. There were other stories " repeats. Nunzio, 68 years, perplexed by this tragedy never would have imagined that to relive. The
Basilicata and metapontino are not new to these floods of this magnitude and severity, but had heard only the elders who still remember the drama that the territory metapontino lived in November 1959. About 400 mm of rain fell, flooding rivers. Of the just over 10 000 residents, there were nearly 2 000 displaced and 11 dead were counted. Today, at least, Metapontino with over 100 thousand inhabitants is the counting of damages should not cry but fortunately no deaths.
Carry some articles de PRESS, November 1959, dealing with the catastrophe on the front page. A note
controversy: at least then the media were treated and spread the news. Today, no one has noticed Basilicata. Evidently Basilicata does not exist, although many guru squeal of the great renown achieved by our region.
THE RELEASE, 25 November 1959;
casualties over large areas flooded, INTERRUPTED COMMUNICATIONS
devastated by a hurricane THE UNPRECEDENTED coast of Calabria and Basilicata particularly affected by the storms was the plain of Metaponto, the ' fertile garden "of The Reform - Hundreds of acres submerged for more than a meter of water - All the rivers and streams are full - High waves 20 meters down into the beach - massive damage to roads, railway lines, livestock - blocked a train with 100 passengers
A hurricane of violence swept the entire coast is quite exceptional Calabria and Basilicata, which overlooks the Tues' Ionian by the two on Monday night, and all twenty-four hours. ... This disaster is unprecedented even in the plain of Metaponto. This is the " fertile garden" of Lucania of The Reformation, which
has become a squalid mud lake yellow sprout where the farmhouses in the middle of the flooded fields. Hundreds of hectares of land are submerged under a meter and a half feet of water and hundreds of families were forced from their homes and Scanzano Policoro, were blocked in the fields and breast were forced to climb on rooftops to save themselves. Teams of firefighters and police are working for the recovery of people and livestock. In a Policoro zuccherificio e la centrale elettrica sono rimasti invasi dalle acque. Policoro e Scanzano , inoltre, sono al buio. Un treno con cento viaggiatori a bordo è rimasto bloccato, fra Salandra e Ferrandina, dall'acqua e dalle frane: solo con l'intervento degli elicotteri militari, che si attendono di momento in momento, sarà possibile recare soccorso ai passeggeri del convoglio. Tutti i fiumi ed i torrenti sono in piena e minacciano nitri danni. Il traffico stradale è pericoloso e la stata'e n. 175 è interrotta. I danni — che per il momento è impossibile valutare con esattezza — raggiungono centinaia di milioni. A Pisticci la pioggia ha prodotto alcune piccole voragini nelle vie Gioberti, Risorgimento, Mazzini, Principessa di Piemonte e Ruggero VII. Sulla provinciale una frana minaccia l'interruzione del traffico. L'autobus di linea per lo scalo non funziona. Le comunicazioni telefoniche e stradali con Craco , Marconia, S. Basilio e Bosco Salice sono interrotte. Altri allagamenti vengono segnalati un po' dovunque. Le strade sembrano dei fiumi in piena. Mentre tutti i corsi d'acqua del Materano sono straripati con danni ingenti alle campagne, al bestiame ed alle strade, a Matera l'abbondante pioggia ha provocato numerosi ' allagamenti nei bassi e nei nuovi rioni di Serra Venerdì e Pio Decimo. I vigili del fuoco hanno ricevuto chiamate ininterrotte. Numerosissimi ponti, fra i quali quello ferroviario sul Sinni, sono stati distrutti dalla raging waters. The river burst its banks between Scarnato and Agri Policoro, so does the Basento, which has completely isolated station Grassano. The vice-prefect of Matera, Dr. Carneglia, is isolated in the flooded area along with a group of technicians with whom he was trying to study possible remedies to the situation. A rescue team is playing towards the railway station of Grasonville, hoping to rescue the people who live there.
THE RELEASE, 26 November 1939; Climb to eight victims of the bad weather in Italy in the South A train with 100 passengers isolated helicopter rescue in flooded areas collapsed bridges, broken roads and railways - Metaponto In the most damage - A girl burnt another drowned; a man swallowed by a chasm - Increase the number of homeless
The wave of bad weather last night was particularly struck Sicily and Calabria, is now investing lifts Puglia, Basilicata and especially the area of \u200b\u200bMetaponto. The three confirmed victims. Another five have occurred in Calabria for which the total number rises to eight. Have collapsed road and rail bridges, communications are blocked in many places. The railroad stopped on the line is always the Ionian, from Taranto to Reggio Calabria. Many stations are trapped by the mud. About five kilometers of track were torn near Metaponto. Whole pieces of road were swept into the sea along the Ionian coast, near di Scanzano, Ginosa Marina e altrove. Il treno 1952, con 100 viaggiatori a bordo, è bloccato fra Ferrandina e Salandra. Durante il giorno si è tentato di rifornire i passeggeri con elicotteri e aerei anfibi, ma date le cattive condizioni atmosferiche e di visibilità", non si sa se i lanci siano riusciti. Soltanto in serata il convoglio è stato raggiunto da squadre di soccorso. Complessivamente la zona alluvionata supera i quattromila ettari. I treni in partenza da Matera verso il sud, sulle ferrovie calabro-lucane (Matera è il solo capoluogo italiano non servito dalle Ferrovie dello Stato) sono stati sospesi. Si spera che domattina un convoglio possa spingersi fino a Pisticci . Le linee telegrafiche e telefoniche sono in gran parte interrupted. The Naples-Taranto railway bridge is severely damaged and the underlying ballast train slid under the raging waters, breaking the line. Basento arch of the bridge over the river collapsed. Even arch of the bridge over Cavone is disposed of. Whole supports are submerged. The stretch of road before the bridge over Basento was demoted. Stone posts and telegraph poles were felled. Light Navy have been used to identify the farmers who took refuge on the roofs of houses. Landslides and disruptions have been reported throughout the area but now the rescue services can work more quickly to the flow of water. In flooded areas, the work of rescue and food supply is through the use of boats and helicopters. Among the victims of the storm so far found in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Assumption Rago Potentino include the child of 4 years, killed by lightning that hit the family home in the city of Perticara Guard, and an unidentified young man, who lost their lives falling into a crevasse in the countryside of Grassano to shelter from the rain. A girl of nine years, Angela Rocco drowned in Policoro . A truck load of bricks, taken by storm as it passed through the resort town of Torre del Satriano di Lucania, drifter is falling over a cliff. Were injured in the accident, the driver Raffaele Grosso and the owner of the cargo Sappaturo Franco, Silvio addition to Pepe who traveled with them. All three injured were admitted to hospital with a prognosis of provincial power. The area most affected by the storms Luke, as we have said, is that of Metapontino where thousands of hectares have been invaded by the water overflows the rivers Sinni, Agri and Basento and Torrent Third Cavone. The damages in the billions, but at present it is impossible to assess if only approximate.
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join the Facebook group and share the content will help to achieve our appeal to many people as possible. Link
E 'have created a poster that you can print and hang on the bulletin boards in public places that frequentatate meeting, containing all relevant information for donations. Link to poster
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CF: 009 4725 0437, or 5%
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Especially in this period is essential to the practical help to try to "salvage and clean up as much as possible from local marks left by the river mud. Please take a few hours of your leisure time and offer concrete help maybe with the your job skills can help solve some of the many problems we face.
For those wishing to offer help in this way can contact and go directly to or send an email to
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a farm of 10 acres with fully grown and certified organic vegetables, fruits, flowers and aromatic plants of purchase in the farm shop where children, disabled, sell the farm products grown by themselves. Through this activities, the boys are gaining more confidence, ability to relate to a more dignified and autonomous growth.
totally inserted in the region, "Land and Life," is progressing more and more. In addition to working members attending the company as other boys, the first after school job placement, educational assistance such as grants, and work is under study and start with the support of the Lega del Filo d'Oro, the inclusion in the company of the visually impaired.
The sale of biological products to school canteens, municipality, allows students to know and understand the world that disability should not be marginalized but also provides opportunities for integrated relationship, why are invited to visit the farm and learn about the daily life and experience of agriculture.
For more than two years has started in the tourism activities that offers accommodation in rooms, duly equipped for people in need, with food and biological products.
Our association ViaggieMiraggi Brands promotes the reality of solidarity economy in 2008 and every year we very much welcome visits by school groups or small groups of adults who are always very impressed by the courage and service of all members of the cooperative to agriculture Biological and boys inserted in the workplace.
About 20 of the boys, but not assisted financially duly paid, are preparing for this new business by attending professional training courses: the reception of guests, as well as nurserymen food employees will have access to and greenhouses where to plant seedlings and grow vegetables and flowers. Courses required for professional development and useful for the most important personal growth.
who has followed this year by the Cooperative is surprised to see these guys capable autonomous and independent, that is to carry out their work with people with reference guides, but not constant. The location
Cooperative Land and Life in the green, the beauty of nature gives a breath of relaxation and detachment frantic the activity that society imposes.
Contact details of Earth and Life
78 62019 - Recanati (MC)
Tel 0717501584 Fax 0717501584
coop.terraevita @
Sunday, February 27, 2011
What's The Joke In The Duck Song
Un viaggio fotografico che attraverso i colori vuole raccontare la vita sulla Terra. Da sabato 12 febbraio al Palazzo delle Esposizioni di Roma la mostra fotografica "I Colori del Mondo" con gli scatti dei grandi maestri della fotografia di Nat Geo.
Un’altra grande mostra nazionale di National Geographic Italia. E ancora una volta al Palazzo delle Esposizioni di Roma.
Dopo “Acqua, Aria, Fuoco, Terra”, “Madre Terra” e “Il Nostro Mondo”, proponiamo una rassegna fotografica dedicata a “I Colori del Mondo”.
Con le immagini realizzate da alcuni grandi professionisti, che lavorano e collaborano with the magazine internationally and nationally, we have built a photographic journey through the colors that tells the life on Earth.
Inside the yellow frame of our brand, which includes all the colors, the visual pathways will be four.
Red color of earth, fire, communities, customs and traditions, women, children and men. It is the color of the heart, blood, passion.
Green: Green the world in all its forms, the green of hope. It is the color of nature, vegetation and life.
White: the immaculate of the places affected by heating global risk animals for survival, innocence, purity.
Blue: the color of the water and sky, seas and its "inhabitants" of joy and peace to exist.
Visitors to the exhibition will feel - enhanced dall'allestimento completely new compared to previous exhibitions National Geographic Italy - to experience a fascinating adventure into the depths of color and energy, and ideas that reflect contrasts between the present and the future of the world, the strength and weakness of plants and animals, humility, pride, sorrow and happiness degli esseri umani.
Sguardo di bambina
Fotografia di Lynn Johnson
Una bambina di quattro anni con la madre a Girimi, in Kenya.
Il riposo degli scaricatori
Fotografia di Pascal Maitre
Operai contano la paga dopo aver scaricato un camion.
The Photography of Alex Webb
A Guatemalan child who lives in an abandoned train station in Tapachula, Mexico.
Photo by Randy Olson
Military and civilian
Photography Lynsey Addario / VII Network
An American soldier speaks with two Afghan women and their children in an outpatient clinic of Helmand province.
Photograph by George Grall
Maryland, USA: a species of Papilio glaucus caterpillar spins a protective cloth on a leaf.
Meraviglie d'autunno
Fotografia di Melissa Farlow
In autunno, le foglie di un acero giapponese si tingono di rosso intenso nello stato americano del North Carolina.
Pilgrimage high altitude
Photo by Lynn Johnson
Photograph by Steve Winter
A Bengal tiger photographed by a remote control car in the Kaziranga National Park, India.
La chiesa e il taxi
Fotografia di Sam Abell
Una tipica chiesa dell’isola greca di Santorini in una giornata nuvolosa.
Fotografia di Shaul Schwarz
Adepti del culto della Santa Muerte a Città del Messico
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Why Am I Always D.c From Maplestory
JEWS fleeing Nazism and anti-fascists
may seem far-fetched to many, persuaded by a partial information conveyed through novels and movies, but Mussolini's Italy was a haven for Jewish refugees fleeing Germany and his anti-Semitic policy. Many were using Italy as a place of passage to go to Palestine, others were directed to Latin America or North America.Verso the end of 1934 the Italian prefectures were about 1100 "refugees from Germany of the Jewish faith" ( and Polish nationals) and in May of 1936 the number of "Jewish German citizens" amounted to about 1500. With the "census of foreign Jews" in September 1938 in view of the promulgation of leggi razziali italiane si schedarono più di 4100 ebrei rifugiati: 2800 tedeschi, 280 polacchi di Germania, 400 austriaci e
640 cittadini di stati ignoti. All’entrata in vigore dei provvedimenti per la difesa della razza in Italia si contavano in totale, secondo la Direzione Generale per la Demografia e la Razza, quasi 10.000 ebrei stranieri. Con l'entrata in guerra il governo fascista varò una serie di misure di sicurezza tra cui per l’internamento dei cittadini delle nazioni nemiche e dei sovversivi. Seguirono provvedimenti a difesa della razza, si procedette con gli arresti di uomini ebrei di età compresa tre il 18 e i 60 anni, di nazionalità tedesca, polacca e ceca oppure apolidi. Le donne e i bambini, Instead, they were concentrated in isolated locations under the control of the police in so-called "free internment. Basilicata had the privilege of being a place of" reception "of many political opponents of the regime, subversives in various ways, criminals called" mafia "of allogeneic (especially ethnic minorities, in this case mainly Slavic and Balkan), of Italian Jews and foreign Jews. Its historic isolation meant that many countries within the region, and badly served by rail or public transport and difficult to connected with the outside world, an ideal solution for the creation of internment camps, labor camps and detention details. Accettura, Garaguso, Grasonville, Grottole, Cracow, Pisticci Montescaglioso Pisticci, Nova Syrians were the places where they ended the "mafia". Other centers were added: Aliano, Ionic Colobraro Montalbano, Pomarico, Rotondella, San Giorgio Lucano, Tursi. It is assumed that in these places came to more than 2,500 political prisoners and nearly 200 of the common border and "mafiosi." Some of the stories of people and places known, told and studied. Carlo Levi's character has amply described and depicted his period of confinement in Basilicata. Colony of special confinement, defined as "labor colony" was the place where now stands the town of Marconi, who received hundreds of islands confined from deportation as Pantelleria, Ustica, Lampedusa, Ponza. But some areas were also a place of internment for foreign Jews of various nationalities, including Austrians, Poles, Greeks, Yugoslavs, Czechs, Hungarians, Russians, were interned in the municipalities of Ferrandina, Matera, Pisticci, San Giorgio Lucano. Recently, new research indicates new tracks and information. From the files appear and last names from the distant sound and an unlimited Bluhweiss, Bojm, Eisler, Frischer, Ickovic, Kafka, Solomon, Steiner, Wittenberg to name a few. Names and stories that the great history and literature have overshadowed. Maybe someday, when you speak of confinement in Basilicata not speak only of Carlo Levi.
Joseph Melillo
Monday, January 31, 2011
Can You Get Skin Cancer In Your Armpit?
Between the mountains and woods of Lucan, I found a place to put it mildly strange and fascinating . The House in the woods , I saw his profile FB (# casanelbosco ) and Twitter (# lacasanelbosco ). I looked at the photos through Flickr ; picture Indeed, the Park and place.
Honestly I would recommend such a place a few miles, about 15, from the city of Potenza, but so far from the modern world and for that submoderno intimacy and spatially immersive nature that you breathe in this environment.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Americantrip Online Pl
seems an old refrain of music that sometimes comes back. But if you decide whether to continue to listen or just turn off, change stations or change tracks. In this situation you are forced to stand by and watch, a bit like the movie A Clockwork Orange, when Alex one of the "bad boys" has become part of a rehabilitation therapy and was forced to listen to Beethoven and see the images that ran on the video. Well! more or less so, with the only difference that we can turn the eyes away and raise the consciousness.
After this introduction post here an article that circulates in the network on the most hazardous waste dump largest in Europe, which will be located, with the approval of many, regardless of race, gender, faith, etc.. in the town of Ferrandina.
Coming the hazardous waste dump Europe's largest
Sometimes they come back. Was out for months more. It seemed a danger averted. And, instead, in total silence of local institutions, the hazardous waste dump proposed by Basento Environment, by decree of 22 April 2010, he obtained a favorable opinion from the Ministry of Environment and environmental protection of land and sea, concert with the Ministry of Heritage and Culture. Where? Obviously in places Venita, the 'Eldorado "the business of disposing of waste. The news are binding the Environment and Legality Ola (Organization lucanaambientalista) that less than a week ago, had recorded a video with all stages of the "tour of rubbish" by a Casalena Venita: five landfills in just twenty kilometers immersed in the ravines and dotted with wild vegetation and scented broom.
DIMENSIONS - But back to the draft Basento Environment. The landfill of hazardous waste (formerly 2C) will cover a superficieiniziale of 47,000 square meters with a storage volume of 316,740 cubic meters, divided in 40,000 cubic meters per year for eight years.
WHAT dispose '- The mega facility can accommodate all types of hazardous waste. For example, they will be disposed of: waste oil refining and natural gas purification, wastes from organic chemical processes and inorganic wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of coatings (paints, varnishes, enamels); wastes from thermal processes ; wastes from chemical treatment and coating of metals and other materials, waste products from shaping and physical and mechanical treatment of metals and plastics, oil wastes and wastes of liquid fuels, organic solvents, refrigerants and propellants; wastes from animal health care and or related research activities, waste products from plants treatment of waste treatment plants acquere flue off-site, etc.. etc. .. It is not enough. "In fact, as well as the types of waste specifically mentioned in the list of waste that can be collected from the landfill in question - report Ola legal environment - the decree provides that they can be disposed of as" wastes not otherwise specified in the list, "the which means, practically, There will be disposed of absolutely everything. The decree of the Ministry, also provides that to be the Basilicata region to assess the coherence of the system with the real needs of regional waste. "
COMPANY '- "Surroundings Basento" belongs to the Iula Group, which owns 20% ownership of the Company IEA (jointly held by the multinational Veolia) who has recently given the green light for the construction of a biomass power plant ('an incinerator in disguise, "continue to support environmental organizations) right next to the hazardous waste dump has just been approved by the Ministry. And 'good Veolia is also noted that the co-owner, along with group companies Sum of Technopark Pisticci, which also provides for the treatment of waste.
ITER - the mega landfill begins to speak in the summer of 2005. A project to learn of the existence and the characteristics of the public notice published, as required by law, a local newspaper at startup of the process to obtain the Environmental Impact Assessment, submitted direttamenteal Ministry of Environment. To stop the landfill will not be able to even over a thousand signatures collected by the city committee, arose spontaneously sub pages to say no to the cemetery of hazardous waste tra i calanchi di Venita. Il 17 marzo 2008 la Commissione di verifica dell'impatto ambientale Via e Vas del ministero dell'Ambiente, esprime parere favorevole al progetto della megadiscarica di rifiuti pericolosi presentato dalla“Basento Ambiente”, dando atto, fra l'altro, che il Comune di Ferrandina, con una nota trasmessa a termine scaduto per l'invio di osservazioni, aveva espresso la propria contrarietà alla realizzazione della discarica pur senza tuttavia supportare tale parere contrario con documentazione o notazioni tecniche di carattere ambientale. Da allora, dal marzo del 2008, esclusivamente l'associazione“Ambiente e Legalità”di Ferrandina, con l'adesione della Ola, ha lottato strenuamente per evitare un annunciato environmental disaster. Indeed, it has repeatedly encouraged the public and local politicians to investigate the problem and to make common cause.
THE NOTICE - To protect the land and environment and public health law has always sent to all parties concerned an act of formal notice and has come even to make a complaint at the public prosecutor of Rome ( Dr. Cocomello). Complaint, the association notes, "that the state is curiously still registered against unknown persons, and only for the offense of abuse of office, despite being denounced the crime of forgery." As a result of the insistence of the "Environment and Legality ", the Commission Via e Vas Environment Ministry was forced - as if to" strengthen "its first opinion, issued a year earlier, to issue a further opinion, the No 254 of 27.03.2009, on which it based the decision of the Ministry Decree of 22 April, available on the website of the Ministry-VIA-decrees.
THE BATTLE CONTINUES - If it were not for the warm and heartfelt participation of the population of Ferrandina, who has participated in numerous subscription against the hazardous waste dump Europe's largest, certainly the last day , and only, defense against the aggression of territory Ferrandina, namely the Association of Environment and Legality ", he would surrender in the face of many difficulties that comes in at the local and national. "Of course it is - the association does know-that this battle, undertaken to protect the environment and the rule of law, can not and should not diminish in the face of a decision of the Ministry of Environment, which are considered technically and legally incorrect. For these reasons, the association and the Environment and Legality Ola, promote initiatives aimed at collecting signatures and funds, to face, as permitted by democracy and the rule of law, this is believed to be the worst disaster that the territory Communities Ferrandina, Pisticci Pomarico and Cracow, and the health of these populations, has faced over the past centuries. "
Margaret Agatha
The Daily Basilicata
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Bra Size Cup Comparison
January 17 is the feast dedicated to Saint Anthony , better known as Sant'Antuono, holy particularly revered in the past. He died Jan. 17 in an Egypt where he was born and lived. The year was 356 and he had one hundred and six years. In life he abandoned the family and distributed the goods to devote himself to contemplation in the sand desert and live a life of prayer, poverty and chastity. It 'was the founder of monasticism and the first of the abbots and spiritual father (abba). His figure of the hermit saint and powerful healer spread rapidly in East and subsequently in the West, where it was invoked as the patron saint of butchers and pork butchers, farmers and breeders, and above all protector of animals
home. In the past each stall or shelter for animals had a holy card with the image of the saint to protect the site. Legend has it that on the night of the stables Sant'Antuono animals spoke, describing the defects and vices of their masters, complaining of the violence and mistreatment during the year. Widespread ebbe l’Ordine
di Sant’Antonio cui compito era, tra l’altro, curare i malati afflitti dall’herpes zoster conosciuto come il “fuoco di Sant’Antonio” . La dedizione ai malati degli Antoniani col tempo fu però offuscata da interessi poco evangelici che condussero l’ordine al declino e al decadimento fino all’ assorbimento nell’Ordine dei Cavalieri di Malta . Ma la figura e l’importanza del santo, presso il mondo agropastorale e popolare, non hanno mai avuto riserve. Il suo valore aumentava con l’aumento del bestiame e della pratica dell’allevamento. Uso comune in molti comuni lucani era di benedire gli animali all’alba del 17 January in front of churches. On this day, dedicated to Sant'Antuono and kill the pig, an event that required an important date. The pig was an animal central to the family economy, it drew a lot, and nothing was lost from the blood used to make cakes to the skin, feet and intestines, cooked in various ways according to local practice. The figure of the pig, the Christian symbol of greed, and filth of the devil is actually linked to the saint for its healing abilities. The Antonians had obtained permission to raise these animals in residential areas because of their fat was used to anoint the sick suffering from shingles. The pigs were nutriti a spese della comunità e circolavano liberamente nel paese con al collo una campanella. In molti centri ,al tramonto, si accendeva un grosso falò come buon augurio per il nuovo anno. Ma oggi , il giorno di Sant’Antuono si danno inizio ai festeggiamenti del carnevale. Infatti si dice: “Sant’Antuon maschere e suon”. Molti i centri della Basilicata e soprattutto della provincia di Matera all’alba del 17 si svegliano con i riti del carnevale. Tricarico , con le prime luci del giorno, è ravvivata dal suono dei campanacci agitati, dal rumoreggiare dei figuranti vestisti con maschere di mucche e i tori che, dopo essersi radunate nel centro storico, si dirigono verso la chiesa di Sant'Antonio abate. Qui il parroco celebra la messa, aperta anche agli animali, e al termine impartisce la benedizione agli animali. Dopo aver compiuto i rituali tre giri attorno alla chiesa, comportandosi come una mandria, nei modi e nel frastuono, si dirigono verso il centro a simboleggiare la transumanza.
Giuseppe Melillo
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
How To Repair Fried Hair
Petra is a city located about 250 km south of Amman, the capital of Jordan, in a basin among the mountains to the east of Wadi Araba, the great valley extending from the Sea Dead to the Gulf of Aqaba. His name was Reqem Semitic or Raqmu (the 'Colorful'), attested in the Qumran manuscripts.
was a city in ancient Edomite and then became the capital of the Nabataeans. Around the eighth century was abandoned after the fall of trade and natural disasters, and although the ancient caves housed Bedouin families have until recent years was in a sense forgotten until then modern. The archaeological site was revealed to the Western world by the Swiss Johann Ludwig Burckhardt in 1812.
The many facades carved into the rock, largely attributable to the tombs, make it a unique monument, which was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO December 6, 1985. The surrounding area is from 1993 National Archaeological Park. In 2007, moreover, Petra was declared one of the so-called seven wonders of the modern world.
Petra is located halfway between the Gulf of Aqaba and the Dead Sea, at an altitude between 800 and 1396 meters above sea level (the urban area is located around 900 m) in the mountainous region of Edom to the east of Wadi Arab, about 3 hours drive from Amman.
The location and availability of water made it a place conducive to the development and prosperity of a city. The site is accessible only from the north-west, a narrow mountain path, and east through a canyon about 1.5 km long and up to 200 meters deep, the Siq, which housed the main access road.
Tombs of Petra were carved gullies and rocky sides of mountains, while the urban area, due to lack of vegetation, is characterized by a large outcrop of rocks of the collapse of the elevations of the buildings, so rock stones are visible in each point.
The funeral constructions are largely derived nell'arenaria polychrome Paleozoic age (delta deposit Cambrian / Ordovician - Forms of Umm Ishrin Sandstone), a sedimentary rock produced by the sedimentation and accumulation of small grains of sand. The result of this process is a rock consistent and durable, yet easy to dig, organized in layers or banks.
A particular feature of these sandstones is the change in color, with shades from yellow ocher to fiery red to white, due to different concentrations of oxides during the long process of consolidation. These spectacular color changes are particularly visible on the ceiling of Many tombs of Petra.
Around Petra are also rocks containing silica, which the Nabataeans exploited to produce a waterproof cement. The entrance of the city is an ancient river bed, a deep gorge cut in the high sandstone cliffs that was turned into a trench road elsewhere by diverting the stream.
The area of \u200b\u200bPetra is very close to the system-Dead Sea Jordan Valley, characterized by intense tectonic activity, with kinematic processing transtensive left, related to separation (rift) between Arabian and African plates. On 19 May 363, and again in 419, 551 and 747 earthquakes that took place damaged the city and its monuments.
still see installations designed to collect and distribute the water over and above the steep slopes of the soil, particularly dams and tanks in the open. For the collection there was also a major network of underground tanks. To the northeast and southeast of Petra, the Siq waters flowed in tunnels dug into the rock and plastered with waterproof plaster, or a supply water on a gentle slope, made of terracotta pipes or ceramic. This network supplied the aqueduct, 200 tanks (many of which were located on Mount Umm al-Beira, which means "Mother of the tanks), catch basins and a nymph, who was a fountain public part of the tanks, even reusing older structures, however, can be attributed to later periods in urban areas. Another network, a much larger scale allowed to pick up water sources and more distant neighborhoods to supply higher. All of these water systems led to Petra about 40 million gallons of water per day.
From a technological standpoint, the water distribution system in Petra has been compared to that of Rome the same time, and it was certainly enough to cover the needs of the city. Were actually the Romans who used the water network as a system of military pressure, cutting the aqueduct at of a siege, just as it did centuries later - in revenge for the story - to their city for work Vitige.
The result of this control was the creation of water resources at the time of an artificial oasis, the installation of which only ruins remain today.
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