Saturday, April 24, 2010

Rhino Blueprints In Ratchet And Clank

Eyjafjallajökull is a glacier in Iceland. This volcano has erupted rather frequently since the ice age.

Eyjafjallajökull is a glacier in Iceland. With an area of \u200b\u200b100 km ², is the fifth extension of the glaciers in Iceland.

is located in the south, north of the village and west of the glacier Skógar Mýrdalsjökull.

The name means in Icelandic Glacier Mountains Islands, the word is formed by eyja (islands), Fjalli (mountains) and jökull (glacier), the islands in question are Vestmanna, dominated in the distance.

Eyjafjöll The glacier covers the volcano. In places Fimmvörðuháls the night of March 20, 2010 opened a volcanic crater.

This volcano has erupted rather frequently since the ice age. Before 2010, the last eruption took place from 1821 to 1823, and caused a jökulhlaup (flooding due to defrost the ice) which caused considerable damage.

The end to the south of the mountain was once part of the Atlantic coast. Because the sea has retreated by about 5 km, la nuova costa ha lasciato dietro di sè molte deviazioni ed una miriade di cascate, le più conosciute delle quali sono Skógafoss e Seljalandsfoss. Quando il vento è forte, l'acqua delle piccole cascate può creare un suggestivo rumore paragonabile all'ululato di un lupo.
Due delle lingue del ghiacciaio, Gigjökull e Steinsholtsjökull, terminano in lagune glaciali dove è normalmente possibile ammirare iceberg galleggianti. Nel 1967 parte di un precipizio chiamato Innstihaus, circa 15 milioni di m³ di ghiaccio, si staccò da un versante del ghiacciaio, precipitando nella laguna, 280 m più in basso. L'onda generata fu terribile: si riversò nel fiume Markarfljot con una forza di 21.000 m³/s, portando con sé enormi rocce e spazzando via tutto ciò che si trovava lungo la strada.
Il 20 marzo 2010, dopo 187 anni, si è verificata una nuova eruzione dell'Eyjafjöll che ha causato l'evacuazione di circa 600 persone. Il 15 aprile la presenza di una nube di ceneri vulcaniche emessa dal vulcano ha portato alla chiusura degli spazi aerei e di vari aeroporti di alcuni paesi dell'Europa centro-settentrionale: Regno Unito, l'Irlanda, la Danimarca, la Norvegia, il Belgio, la Francia, la Germania , la Svizzera, la Svezia, la Polonia, l'Estonia, la Lettonia, la Rep. Ceca, l'Austria, l'Ungheria, la Romania. la Spagna e l'Italia.

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Putting Tile On A Frame Around An Old Bathtub

Dna_AltoMilanese and USB wooden seat Constituent Assembly CUB present: "fail on the road" by Renato Curcio and Paul Bellati

" Rejected on the road" presents the results of research conducted with children, many of them children, arrived in Italy alone, with each half, from different parts of the world.
With a question in the heart of who is the earth? Their stories on the impact with the institutions and the Italian company and the reflections that follow we compare the migration process with a new, ultra-modern, and the inadequacy of our culture and the archaism of the institutional responses to it confidential .

Presenting Rejected Road is a way to wonder about the daily report to immigration, employment, training and information. In a stunning political framework of amenities and emptiness of content of all kinds, but full of moments of insult and xenophobia against those who once would have called at-risk groups.

A moment of reflection collettiva stimolata dai racconti di chi sulla strada ci sta per necessità, un modo per comprendere il fenomeno migratorio con tutta la sua complessità e tutta la sua ricchezza.

Confrontiamoci partendo dalla migrazione e la multiculturalità come risorsa e non come causa di difficoltà.

Il libro è il frutto del cantiere di socio-analisi svolto con gli operatori e i ragazzi del centro Belleville, un progetto di Comunità Nuova onlus che ospita giovani migranti che vivono nelle strade di Milano, giovani con poche possibilità di reddito che dormono in baracche, treni, fabbriche dismesse, case abbandonate. Ragazzi che arrivano, spesso da soli, dal Nord-Africa and Eastern Europe, bringing with it dreams difficult to implement in Fortress Europe, in Italy this unprepared, ordinances, safety, racism, media and cultural rights denied, and the rejections of the dead into the sea.

Wednesday, April 21 at 21.30
"Circoloco" Via Matteotti 56,
Rescaldina (I)

Renato Curcio presents "Bounce on the road"

for info: CUB
based in Legnano - avenue Cadorna ang. Via Amendola
tel. 0331.441.869 - 348.06.164.52

What Does Lymphoma Rash Look Like

's meet April 22 from 20.30 in Via Roma 81, Cassina de 'Pecchi to discuss a new future

From beyond the CUB CUB union to participate a turning unit between the base unions a way to count the base: the election of delegates and registration unit!
The unit held between the base unions, the federative pact, the list plural and the communal house.

Together we shall always be stronger. Let's start with the spirit of the new list that combines all the plural acronyms that are still struggling for the rights of workers and using an inter-union delegation.

The undersigned trade union activists FLMUniti-CUB and other categories (trade, chemical, information, etc..) Long have been promoting a shift from the unitary base unions and The time has come to move from words to deeds.

Although the vertices we encounter some resistance see every day but the base is very helpful to unity between the unions of the base. These elements of a party's old guard appear to be any such attempt to boycott the opening of new offices in Cassina de 'Pecchi, opening shared by many precisely because it is the symbol of the new House of Trade Unions of Common Base. (For those who still do not know because we remember that we opened a House of Trade Unions of Common Base in Cassina de 'Pecchi in Via Roma 81). But this resistance has no reason to exist:
FLMuniti and Cub (Base Unitary Confederation) contain the word unity is no coincidence: the idea 18 years ago was to act and set out to unify the reality outside of the trade unions CGIL, CISL and UIL and build an alternative with dissatisfied with the realities of the traditional union politics. From the mid-70s the emergence of new instruments unions (Cobas, Community, Rdb, SlaiCobas, SinCobas, etc.). And hundreds of thousands of working men and women have sought and found often unable to resist .. and not cheap.
And we also saw the birth of many new acronyms than their appearance, among others, were building on previous experience and tried to organize themselves in order to provide more rights for workers and new strength. So much so that employers, governments and confederations (CGIL, however, recently acted in a different way) over time have built more new rules (never definitive) to make it harder for the right of workers to freely choose a union and prevent a political union alternative.

precisely the policy that serves also and especially in a time of crisis. To cope with the crisis are in fact proposed alternatives such as those defined in the assembly of the Covenant and to support the Base is needed per unit path between reality and the full support of organized labor struggles under way.

Per rendere sempre più concreta la svolta unitaria chiediamo a voi lavoratori e lavoratrici di sostenerci e di condividere questo progetto che sta diventando una realtà: proponiamo dunque di andare alla elezioni delle RSU con una LISTA PLURALE ovvero con i simboli e gli statuti di tutte le organizzazioni che si uniscono nel patto e/o che si rendono disponibili e di utilizzare per iscriversi una delega intersindacale con la presenza di tutte le sigle del sindacalismo di base (nella quale l’iscritto/a segnala la intenzione di versare una quota ai centri nazionali per incoraggiarli sulla via della unità).

E’ necessario riprendere il confronto comune per ridefinire il patto di unità d’azione e costruire iniziative di lotta e campagne comuni visto che sul piano generale gli obiettivi sono comuni e condivisi.

E’ necessario per quelle realtà disponibili al processo unitario seppure in tempi più lunghi ma con un percorso esplicito e pubblico verso iscritti e lavoratori e una soluzione intermedia tipo patto federativo.

Riteniamo necessaria la costruzione di un nuovo soggetto sindacale che (semplificando il puzzle del sindacalismo di base) unifichi chi è disponibile da subito e Vi chiediamo di sostenerlo. Noi ci impegniamo a farlo.

Perciò da domani in poi nelle aziende ci presenteremo in a unified way and not only with the category symbol of the Cub.

In companies and territorial level meetings we go to extraordinary congress to discuss the prospects.

signatures: Tonino Vetrano (Linkra), Mara Cortellazzi (Nokia Siemens Networks), Angelo Marasco, and Belloni Massimiliano Robert Alberts (IMQ), Sonia Montauto (Secondamano), Mario Fusco (Joint appointment), Silvana Quiet (CSOs Service Center already Omnia) Anna and Antonio Di Gloria Mafalda (Pellegrini) Antonio Sorbino (Cinemeccanica), Piero Savegnago (formerly Xerox), Vito Alice (ex Apierre), Bruno Tallarita (ERC),

defend the unity and spread of trade unionism di base per costruire un alternativa

Un esempio della presenza dei Sindacati di Base in zona Milanoest:

CUB - Meccanici Nokia Siemens Network, IMQ, Cinemeccanica, Alberti, Silanos, IBM, Xerox, ecc; Terziario: Pellegrini, Agilent, Bios, Sercar; Chimici: Antibioticos, Carlo Erba Reagenti,; Informazione: Secondamano, Ocè, Pikappa,; RdB-CUB: Ospedale di Melegnano, Comune di Melzo, ASP “Futura”, A2A di Cassano d’Adda, e Agenzia Entrate Gorgonzola. - All’Ospedale San Raffaele sono presenti sia Sdl che l’Usi; al Golgi Radaelli di Vimodrone RdbCub, Sdl e SlaiCobas. Sdl è presente alla Ferrero. La Confederazione Cobas al Fatebenefratelli e scuola. Lo SlaiCobas in Mediaset e alla Bindi.

In tutti questi casi lavoratori e lavoratrici hanno trovato sulla loro strada uno strumento utile per resistere… a qualcuno il compito di provare a unificare e costruire un alternativa .. farlo tutti insieme sarebbe meglio…. Star fermi e prendere atto delle divisioni non fa per noi…

Nella nuova Casa Comune dei Sindacati di Base a Cassina de’ Pecchi in via Roma 81 tel. 02 95299551, fax: 02 25137196
(non ci trovate più nella sede di via Marconi 38 a Cassina de’ Pecchi).
Per contatti e adesioni:

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Maytag Performance Dryer Pye2200ayw


- Female employment : Italy in Europe tail (files) 20Inail%%% 202010.pdf 20Febbraio

Communications - Update of 'list of diseases for which reporting is mandatory and pursuant to article 139 of the single text approved by Decree of the President June 30, 1965, No 1124, and subsequent amendments (regulations) & tmstp = 1271232652201
-Identification of issues for study and research to be admitted to contribution provided for in Article 197, letter c) of the consolidated text approved by Decree of the President June 30, 1965, No 1124, and its budget (law) & ; tmstp = 1271233967208
of recourse
- action for recovery INAIL following an accident at work
- Supreme Chamber Work, No 2736 8 febbraio 2010 (sentenza)
Infortuni sul lavoro
Nesso eziologico
- Indennizzabilità dell'infortunio in itinere e rapporto autonomo
- Cassazione Sezione Lavoro, n. 6724 del 19 marzo 2010 (sentenza)
Responsabilità - Responsabilità dei medici per morte dopo infortunio
- Cassazione Penale, Sezione IV, n. 5589 dell'11 febbraio 2010 (sentenza)
-S. Catalani: "From
Lancet - Oncology a summary of the review on IARC carcinogens:
metallic elements, dusts and fibers " (article) pdf
-Art. 9, Legislative Decree no. 124/2004
- allowances for radiological risk (ministerial statements)
Occupational Safety

Shipyards - safety at work in road construction (files)

DPI-Commission Decision of 18 March 2010 withdrawing the reference of standard EN ISO 4869-4: 2000 Acoustics
- personal protective equipment for hearing
- Part 4: Measurement of effective pressure sound restoration ear-muffs to the reproduction of sound "in accordance with Council Directive 89/686/EEC (EU legislation) L: 2010:069:0020:0020: EN: PDF
- Regulations for the prevention of falls from building sites (normative) . pdf
cargo handling
- Risk assessment of manual handling of loads :
the choice of reference values \u200b\u200bin the light of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 (article) / 2/06.pdf
-EU Regulation 276/2010 of the Commission of 31 March 2010 amending Council Regulation EC No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and the Council concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) as regards Annex XVII (EU Regulation)
http://eur-lex. / LexUriServ / uri = OJ: L: 2010:086:0007:0012: EN: PDF

Stress-MG Cassitto:
" The clinical approach of physicians to workers exposed to occupational stress " (article)
- Operating Guidelines for the risk assessment work-related stress (article)
- Regulations on exercise of the power of sanction by the Authority for the Supervision of Public Contract Works, Services and Supplies in al'art. 8, paragraph 4, of Legislative Decree 163/2006 (law)
- general requirements for the award of public contracts for works, services and supplies under Article . 38 of Legislative Decree 12 April 2006, No 163, as well as awards of subcontracts.
to interpretation and application (detrminazione No 1 of January 12, 2010) (legislation) & numgu & editorial = 10A02979 = 66 = 1270621460948 & tmstp -
interpretation of the concept of a public works contract
- European Court of Justice, Sec. No III C-451/08 (Case)
- Answers to questions on income from employment (instructions Revenue Agency)
http: / / 20n%. 20del% 2026E%%% 2029% 202010.pdf 20marzo
- Obligation restraint on the amount subject to attachment (article)

Dismissal - Legitimate dismissal for disciplinary reasons, the worker who refuses the transfer
- Cassazione n. 7045 del 24 marzo 2010 (sentenza)
- Incidente stradale causato da un lavoratore conducente un autoarticolato di servizio
- Cassazione Sezione Lavoro n. 5548 dell'8 marzo 2010 (sentenza)
-M. Ranieri:
"L'abbigliamento nei luoghi di lavoro: dalla tuta blu al velo usa e getta" (dossier)
- Riconosciuto il danno da mobbing al dipendente humiliated by more than
- Supreme Chamber Work, No 7382 of March 26, 2010 (ruling)
- continuous Labour Force Survey - Fourth quarter 2009 (report)
- The European Commission intends to significantly reduce the pay gap between men and women (Article)
Previdenza Sociale
- Ammortizzatori in deroga agli apprendisti licenziati
- Istruzioni (circolare INPS)
-A. Franza:
Il mancato versamento dei contributi previdenziali, evasione o truffa ? (articolo)
Pubblica Amministrazione
-C. Rapicavoli:
" Trasmissione per via telematica dei certificati di malattia " (articolo)
Procedure Concorsuali
- Scelta delle graduatorie per nuove assunzioni: precedenza a quella più remota
- TAR Puglia - Lecce, Sezione III, n. 590 del 23 febbraio 2010 (sentenza)
Rapporto di lavoro
- Lo svolgimento di mansioni superiori nel pubblico impiego
- Consiglio di Stato 15 marzo 2010 (sentenza)
- Delega per la presentazione di istanze di cassa integrazione extraordinary gains of Presidential Decree 218/2000 (ministerial statements)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Southparkonline777 Wa


warn all workers SEA SEA Handling SpA and enrolled in the Cub Transportation Province of Varese and they set out the procedures for the Provincial Congress of Varese CUB Transportation to be held May 21, 2010.

Congress factory SEA Group,

where they will elect delegates to the Provincial Congress, will take place on

April 15, 2010
from 10.00 to 13.00
at the CRAL company

site at Terminal 2 of Malpensa
in conjunction with the Assembly paid Preconvention
SDL cross.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Brazilian Wax Louisville Prices

Bears Finnish taiga. Photographic project about the bear in central-eastern Finland, near the border with Russia.

The border that separates the two countries, the so-called no-man's-land (no man's land) is still covered by vast rainforests, inhabited by a large population of brown bears.

In order to make these shots, the photographer Stefano Unterthiner spent nearly eighty nights in a wooden hut of one meter for two: a little lost in the ambush Finnish taiga, which allowed us to show the real nature, season after season, this magnificent animal, but also to tell her encounters with wolves and wolverines.

The images are published in the October issue of National Geographic Italy and in a book ("The night the bear", Editions Ylaios -, che sarà in vendita a partire dal prossimo ottobre. Parte dei proventi ricavati dal libro andranno a sostenere un progetto IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) per la protezione dei cuccioli di orso, vittime della caccia in Russia.

La taiga sostituisce la tundra a sud della cosiddetta linea degli alberi, vale a dire il punto in cui luce e calore estivi sono sufficienti per la crescita degli alberi fino ad avere portamento arboreo (si ricorda che nella tundra alcune specie arboree hanno portamento arbustivo o prostrato, a causa delle avverse condizioni ambientali).

Nella zona della taiga le estati sono leggermente più lunghe e più calde, con periodi di crescita (vale a dire statisticamente liberi dal rischio di gelate) abbastanza lunghi; gli inverni, però, sono paradossalmente anche più freddi che lungo la fascia artica, vista la maggior continentalità. Questi inverni molto rigidi, unitamente alle precipitazioni scarse (in alcune stazioni non si superano i 200 mm annui) influenzano la crescita della foresta, come ad esempio è il caso della Jacuzia che vede le temperature minime invernali scendere anche sotto i -60 °C; nonostante le temperature estive relativamente elevate, quindi, il sottosuolo rimane permanentemente gelato (permafrost) ad eccezione di uno strato attivo profondo non più di un metro, un metro e mezzo. Gli alberi non riescono ad approfondire le radici e la foresta appare più rada, stentata, con altezza minore.

Per quanto riguarda le specie, sono quelle caratteristiche delle foreste di conifere: larici (Larix sibirica), abeti rossi, pini di varie specie, oltre ad alcune latifoglie resistenti come betulla e pioppo (soprattutto la specie tremula). Il sottobosco è magro, vista anche la povertà dei suoli e il clima freddo.

La fauna, analogamente a quanto succede nella tundra, è povera in specie: fra i carnivori maggiori sono il lupo, la lince e, peculiarità della taiga siberiana, la tigre siberiana; sono presenti e importanti inoltre anche orsi e renne, oltre agli uccelli, prevalentemente migratori.

Il suolo più rappresentativo taiga environment is called the podzol, identified with this name in the FAO classification and the name of spodosol in Soil Taxonomy, it is an acid soil, due to the decomposition of conifer needles, with leaching of iron oxides and hydroxides causing the presence of colored horizons below others bleached and impoverished. Even where it appears this type of soil, the soils in the taiga are still poor and thin, due to very low temperatures slow down biological processes. Podzol soils typical pierce gradually moving towards the steppe lands in the so-called gray transition.

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Chocolate Truffle Orgin


the base unions CUB - RDB
in agreement with the CSO services have provided a basis

Advisory and Support Service for models
730 - Unique - ICI - RED

Withdrawal documentation to complete the 730 and only
will be made from April 10 to May 10, 2010
by appointment by contacting the offices CUB - RDB:
Varese tel. 0332.239163 : MONDAY
9,00-12,00 / 15 to 18.30
----------- TUESDAY / WEDNESDAY ---------
15-18.30 / 15 -18.30
THURSDAY 9,00-12,00 / 15 to 18.30
FRIDAY ------------ / 15 to 18.30
Gallarate tel. 0331.777798:
MONDAY 9,00-12,00 / 15 to 18.30
----------- TUESDAY / WEDNESDAY 15 to 18.30
9,00-12,00 / 15-18 , 30
THURSDAY 9,00-12,00 / 15 to 18.30
FRIDAY ------------ / 15 to 18.30
Free your precompiled
The 730 service compilation and is provided free
to workers and retirees enrolled for l’anno 2010
o in possesso della Carta Servizi CUB 2010.
La Carta Servizi CUB 2010 è disponibile da Gennaio 2010
e viene rilasciata a fronte della sottoscrizione di un contributo.
La Carta Servizi CUB 2010 garantisce l’assistenza fiscale per il 2010.
DOCUMENTI per compilare il mod. 730/2010
Per evitare di dimenticare i documenti necessari per la compilazione della dichiarazione dei redditi, leggete i punti successivi e preparate quei documenti in vostro possesso (in fotocopia leggibile) che corrispondono a quelli elencati, magari mettendo una “X” nell’apposito quadratino. Prima di venire al Centro di Raccolta del CAF S.d.B., fate un ultimo controllo:

documentation relating to income in 2009:
q Mod 730 or only one made in 2009 for the 2008 income;
q Mod.CUD/2010- certification and compensation of employees or similar board, awarded by the employer or institution for the year 2009;
q Receipts advance payment / taxes paid in 2009, compensation paid in mod.F24
q, q
Proceedings of the ownership, sale, inheritance and land for construction in 2009, handled and / or an overview cadastral
q Other taxable income PIT 2009 (example: child support al'ex spouse, casual self, fees for amateur sports, etc ...); Q
Certification dividend stocks 2009.
panel B - ICI due to: q
Bulletins ICI paid in the year 2009.
documentation about the deductible and deductible expenses incurred in 2009
q Receipts healthcare costs q
general and specialist medical expenses, eyeglasses, dentures and for the purchase or rental of equipment or medical equipment and related medical prescriptions; q Cost
help and assistance for the handicapped;
q expenses adapted vehicles for disabled people;
q Receipts voluntary contributions, repayment benefit, reunion, return of shares undue pension, other contributions compulsory social security, insurance INAIL housewives;
q receipts RC AUTO (CSSN) paid in 2009;
q contributions to the household and family service workers (receipts);
q contributions to supplementary pension schemes and / or individual;
q Contributions for the ransom of the degree of family tax paid (receipts), interest expense payments
q receipts and copies of loan contracts and real estate, real estate brokerage fees
q (invoice agency and sales contract);
q Expenditure on education (tuition, registration and attendance), q
funeral expenses;
q expenses for attending gyms, swimming pools etc. (receipts membership or subscription-age 5-18 years);
q expenses for attending public or private kindergartens (receipts or receipts for payment, invoices, bank bulletin post);
q receipts life insurance and accident;
q Cost of purchase subscriptions to local public transport, regional and interregional
q expenses incurred by teachers with an annual charge for the refresh and training;
q receipts for expenses incurred by the adoptive parents to follow procedures for taking foreign minors;
q donations to the NGO, NGOs, academic institutions, public research, political parties, religious institutions ..., q
inherent Documentation gli assegni erogati per il mantenimento del coniuge (sentenza di divorzio, quietanze liberatorie, codice fiscale ex coniuge);
q Spese per l’assistenza personale di soggetti non autosufficienti (certificato medico, dichiarazione dell’addetto all’assistenza);
q Spese veterinarie;
q Spese per sostituzione frigorifero o congelatore, classe A+ (fattura, modalità di smaltimento del vecchio);
q Spese per acquisto motori ad elevata efficienza di potenza e variatori di velocità (fattura, scheda raccolta dati, ricevuta invio all’Enea, certificazione del produttore solo per i motori);
q Spese per acquisto mobili, elettrodomestici, televisori e computer finalizzato all’arredo of refurbished buildings (bills and transfers);
Deduction 36% for building renovations, 2009:
q Copies of bank transfer or postal orders, invoices and received a copy of the recommendations of the start of work to the Operational Pescara
q To work condominium, a declaration of condominium administrator.
Deduction for energy-saving 55% 2009: Certificate of
q affidavit prepared by a qualified technician;
q Proof of sending documents over the Internet Enea / recommended;
q invoices evidencing the costs with labor costs highlighted;
receiving transfers q bank or post office;
q To work condominiums, a declaration of condominium administrator-copy shareholders' meeting - table micron.
Benefits for landlords and tenants (Law 431/98-Contratti conventional): q
Owners: Lease contract (art. 2, Law 431/98, c.3 and art.5, c.2) complete the details of registration and a copy of the complaint ICI;
q Tenants: Lease contract (art. 2, Law 431/98, article 4 and c.3, c.2 and 3).
Deductions for rent (for tenants, young people 20-30 years, college students and out of the office workers outside the region): q
leases granted under Law 431/98.
Other expenses ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

photocopy of an identity document to any self-certification

What's new:

> the ability to deduct 20 per cent for the 'purchase of furniture, televisions and computers aimed furnishing of refurbished buildings (under 'E' - line with the E37. 4);
> the extension of the deduction of 20% for replacement
> refrigerators and freezers and for the purchase of engines for high
> efficiency and variable speed drives (under 'E' - with the E37 line. 1, 2 and 3);
> the provision of a deduction for the personal safety of the sector, defense and rescue (quadro 'C' - rigo C14);
> la proroga della detrazione del 55% per le spese relative agli interventi finalizzati al risparmio energetico degli edifici esistenti e, in taluni casi, la possibilità per gli eredi o gli acquirenti di questi immobili di rideterminare il numero delle rate residue (quadro 'E' - righi da E38 a E40);
> la proroga della detrazione del 36% per le spese di ristrutturazione edilizia (quadro 'E' - righi da E33 a E36);
> la possibilità per i soggetti colpiti dall' evento sismico verificatosi in Abruzzo il 6 aprile 2009 di fruire del credito d'imposta per la riparazione, la ricostruzione o l'acquisto degli immobili danneggiati (quadro 'G' - righi da G5 a G6);
> The extension of tax deduction of 19% for the costs of self-updating and training of teachers (under 'E' - Rows to E19 to E21);
> the extension of tax deduction of 19% for the purchase Subscriptions to the services of local public transport, regional and interregional (under 'E' - Rows to E19 to E21);
> the ability to deduct 19% for expenses incurred by parents to attend nursery (under 'E' - Rows to E19 to E21);
> the opportunity for private sector employees who were paid by the employer compensation for productivity growth that is expected IRPEF a substitute, to choose a different method of taxation of such compensation (under 'C' - line C5);
> the possibility for owners of property located in the Abruzzo region to benefit from the reduction of 30% of income from the lease or bailment of such property for families whose main residences were destroyed or declared uninhabitable as a result of the earthquake of April 6 (under 'B').

Monday, April 5, 2010

Is Geographic Tongue Caused By A Virus


E 'National Agreement was signed on rubber plastic and contains a very serious:

paid the permissions associated with ROL (reduction of' time) will be deducted in case of accident on the way and disease, with the exception of diseases resulting from long 150-day hospitalization.

So he sets out for the first time in a national contract a principle very serious disease that if the employee has a deduction of accrued benefits.

So far the attendance awards established in business contracts, while open to criticism, they were still bound to pay additional element, today, with the national contract, it states that in cases of illness have a cut of my rights.

If you add to this a limitation in the use of Law 104, paid leave to attend disabled relatives and the fact that the national agreement passes the last two years to three years, it has a picture of a sharp deterioration in the normative part, against an inconsistent economic performance, 122 € gross spread out in 22 months.

It is not clear on this point the position of the CGIL, which first objected to the 'agreement signed between CSIL and UIL-CONFINDUSTRIA laying down new rules of negotiation leading to three years the duration of the national contract, then the national contracts Category quietly accept the new rules!

This is the logical consequence of a way to make the national contract for not a minute ago to strike, However, with the result that even for a limited salary increase (more or less assured as the first escalator) should be granted to companies of the substantial counterpart to the normative part of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement.

and consultation?

Basically just a formality, there is a real possibility for workers to vote in a certificate. As citizens, outside the workplace, workers can vote on everything, but at the factory their employment contract, NEVER!

But to change this state of affairs must be removed to CGIL-CISL-UIL, the monopoly of national bargaining and to do this you must trade unionism Basic is free of serious illness that contradistingue that of sectarianism, where everyone defends his initials as if it were the sole repository of absolute truth, and to unify the forces costriure a big strong union base and in terms of both mass a credible alternative to the CGIL, CSIL and UIL.

How-CUB ALLCA of Varese and Como, along with many other unions of the base, we are working for this unification and an important first step in this direction is the establishment in May of this year 's review of the new base unit.

Pisces Love For Scorpio Comment


A mountain of hours available to questi “paciaore”

Per l’ennesima volta ci vediamo costretti ad informare i lavoratori Agusta del nuovo colpo di mano, e della totale scorrettezza, da parte di chi strombazza in ogni momento la sua grande democraticità. Ancora una volta, questo “campione di democrazia” che è la Fiom, il presunto sindacato degli operai, assomiglia sempre di più ad un coacervo di opportunisti, sempre meno capaci di tutelare i lavoratori ma, molto bravi quando di tratta di salvaguardare i propri interessi.

I fatti: qualche giorno fa sono apparsi, alle bacheche aziendali , comunicati che informavano i lavoratori, a cose fatte, che era stato re-elected the Board of Management of the CRAL Agusta ("only" about 10 years later ...!). Several members questioned the CRAL us to understand why they had not been informed of this event and because they could not use their legitimate chance to vote.

Its Statute CRAL, we are sure (as in all associations), it is anticipated that the members elect a Board of Management, is this one, a democratic transition but required in this case not so was entered and found themselves the names of newly elected members in a bare statement hanging on some boards.

What could be the reason of such behavior is easily understood, for if they did vote all members of the CRAL you could explore the possibility that the board of management could enter delegate some "enemy" and, perhaps, unwilling to bear the shame of sharing " cake "... ... and that cake!

A mountain of hours paid,
no control over economic management and program
no public budget