the base unions CUB - RDB
in agreement with the CSO services have provided a basis
Advisory and Support Service for models
730 - Unique - ICI - RED
Withdrawal documentation to complete the 730 and only
will be made from April 10 to May 10, 2010
by appointment by contacting the offices CUB - RDB:
Varese tel. 0332.239163 : MONDAY
9,00-12,00 / 15 to 18.30
----------- TUESDAY / WEDNESDAY ---------
15-18.30 / 15 -18.30
THURSDAY 9,00-12,00 / 15 to 18.30
FRIDAY ------------ / 15 to 18.30
Gallarate tel. 0331.777798: MONDAY 9,00-12,00 / 15 to 18.30
----------- TUESDAY / WEDNESDAY 15 to 18.30
9,00-12,00 / 15-18 , 30
THURSDAY 9,00-12,00 / 15 to 18.30
FRIDAY ------------ / 15 to 18.30
Free your precompiled The 730 service compilation and is provided free
to workers and retirees enrolled for l’anno 2010
o in possesso della Carta Servizi CUB 2010.
La Carta Servizi CUB 2010 è disponibile da Gennaio 2010
e viene rilasciata a fronte della sottoscrizione di un contributo.
La Carta Servizi CUB 2010 garantisce l’assistenza fiscale per il 2010.
DOCUMENTI per compilare il mod. 730/2010 Per evitare di dimenticare i documenti necessari per la compilazione della dichiarazione dei redditi, leggete i punti successivi e preparate quei documenti in vostro possesso (in fotocopia leggibile) che corrispondono a quelli elencati, magari mettendo una “X” nell’apposito quadratino. Prima di venire al Centro di Raccolta del CAF S.d.B., fate un ultimo controllo:
documentation relating to income in 2009:
q Mod 730 or only one made in 2009 for the 2008 income;
q Mod.CUD/2010- certification and compensation of employees or similar board, awarded by the employer or institution for the year 2009;
q Receipts advance payment / taxes paid in 2009, compensation paid in mod.F24
q, q
Proceedings of the ownership, sale, inheritance and land for construction in 2009, handled and / or an overview cadastral
q Other taxable income PIT 2009 (example: child support al'ex spouse, casual self, fees for amateur sports, etc ...); Q
Certification dividend stocks 2009.
panel B - ICI due to: q Bulletins ICI paid in the year 2009.
documentation about the deductible and deductible expenses incurred in 2009
q Receipts healthcare costs q
general and specialist medical expenses, eyeglasses, dentures and for the purchase or rental of equipment or medical equipment and related medical prescriptions; q Cost
help and assistance for the handicapped;
q expenses adapted vehicles for disabled people;
q Receipts voluntary contributions, repayment benefit, reunion, return of shares undue pension, other contributions compulsory social security, insurance INAIL housewives;
q receipts RC AUTO (CSSN) paid in 2009;
q contributions to the household and family service workers (receipts);
q contributions to supplementary pension schemes and / or individual;
q Contributions for the ransom of the degree of family tax paid (receipts), interest expense payments
q receipts and copies of loan contracts and real estate, real estate brokerage fees
q (invoice agency and sales contract);
q Expenditure on education (tuition, registration and attendance), q
funeral expenses;
q expenses for attending gyms, swimming pools etc. (receipts membership or subscription-age 5-18 years);
q expenses for attending public or private kindergartens (receipts or receipts for payment, invoices, bank bulletin post);
q receipts life insurance and accident;
q Cost of purchase subscriptions to local public transport, regional and interregional
q expenses incurred by teachers with an annual charge for the refresh and training;
q receipts for expenses incurred by the adoptive parents to follow procedures for taking foreign minors;
q donations to the NGO, NGOs, academic institutions, public research, political parties, religious institutions ..., q
inherent Documentation gli assegni erogati per il mantenimento del coniuge (sentenza di divorzio, quietanze liberatorie, codice fiscale ex coniuge);
q Spese per l’assistenza personale di soggetti non autosufficienti (certificato medico, dichiarazione dell’addetto all’assistenza);
q Spese veterinarie;
q Spese per sostituzione frigorifero o congelatore, classe A+ (fattura, modalità di smaltimento del vecchio);
q Spese per acquisto motori ad elevata efficienza di potenza e variatori di velocità (fattura, scheda raccolta dati, ricevuta invio all’Enea, certificazione del produttore solo per i motori);
q Spese per acquisto mobili, elettrodomestici, televisori e computer finalizzato all’arredo of refurbished buildings (bills and transfers);
Deduction 36% for building renovations, 2009: q Copies of bank transfer or postal orders, invoices and received a copy of the recommendations of the start of work to the Operational Pescara
q To work condominium, a declaration of condominium administrator.
Deduction for energy-saving 55% 2009: Certificate of q affidavit prepared by a qualified technician;
q Proof of sending documents over the Internet Enea / recommended;
q invoices evidencing the costs with labor costs highlighted;
receiving transfers q bank or post office;
q To work condominiums, a declaration of condominium administrator-copy shareholders' meeting - table micron.
Benefits for landlords and tenants (Law 431/98-Contratti conventional): q
Owners: Lease contract (art. 2, Law 431/98, c.3 and art.5, c.2) complete the details of registration and a copy of the complaint ICI;
q Tenants: Lease contract (art. 2, Law 431/98, article 4 and c.3, c.2 and 3).
Deductions for rent (for tenants, young people 20-30 years, college students and out of the office workers outside the region): q
leases granted under Law 431/98.
Other expenses ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
photocopy of an identity document to any self-certification What's new:
> the ability to deduct 20 per cent for the 'purchase of furniture, televisions and computers aimed furnishing of refurbished buildings (under 'E' - line with the E37. 4);
> the extension of the deduction of 20% for replacement
> refrigerators and freezers and for the purchase of engines for high
> efficiency and variable speed drives (under 'E' - with the E37 line. 1, 2 and 3);
> the provision of a deduction for the personal safety of the sector, defense and rescue (quadro 'C' - rigo C14);
> la proroga della detrazione del 55% per le spese relative agli interventi finalizzati al risparmio energetico degli edifici esistenti e, in taluni casi, la possibilità per gli eredi o gli acquirenti di questi immobili di rideterminare il numero delle rate residue (quadro 'E' - righi da E38 a E40);
> la proroga della detrazione del 36% per le spese di ristrutturazione edilizia (quadro 'E' - righi da E33 a E36);
> la possibilità per i soggetti colpiti dall' evento sismico verificatosi in Abruzzo il 6 aprile 2009 di fruire del credito d'imposta per la riparazione, la ricostruzione o l'acquisto degli immobili danneggiati (quadro 'G' - righi da G5 a G6);
> The extension of tax deduction of 19% for the costs of self-updating and training of teachers (under 'E' - Rows to E19 to E21);
> the extension of tax deduction of 19% for the purchase Subscriptions to the services of local public transport, regional and interregional (under 'E' - Rows to E19 to E21);
> the ability to deduct 19% for expenses incurred by parents to attend nursery (under 'E' - Rows to E19 to E21);
> the opportunity for private sector employees who were paid by the employer compensation for productivity growth that is expected IRPEF a substitute, to choose a different method of taxation of such compensation (under 'C' - line C5);
> the possibility for owners of property located in the Abruzzo region to benefit from the reduction of 30% of income from the lease or bailment of such property for families whose main residences were destroyed or declared uninhabitable as a result of the earthquake of April 6 (under 'B').