Monday, December 13, 2010

How Big Was John Holmes?

2006 The Guardian article and change the country's oil harp

Moni Ovadia con Vincenzo Coviello nel film «Alma Story»
Moni Ovadia with Vince Coviello

Una scena nel film di Papaleo «Basilicata coast to coast» e ora una docufiction con Moni Ovadia ispirata alla tradizione musicale

L’utilitaria di Michele Treves, il personaggio interpretato da Moni Ovadia, si ferma senza benzina
davanti al centro oli Eni di Viggiano, cuore della Val d’Agri dove esiste il maggior giacimento di petrolio dell’Europa continentale. «A chi tanto a chi niente» commenta con la cantilena del luogo Vincenzo Coviello, detto "Cusumiello" because it is known here as the nickname for the name. Thus begins Alma Story, directed by Gerardo Lamattina docufiction on a story by Dario Zigiotti, presented Nov. 28 at MEI (Meeting of Independent Labels) in Faenza. In
Alma read many story characters Viggiano, which was a stronghold of Sanseverino, the Sangro, the
Loffredo, ending in marquisate Sanfelice. Co-star is the pharmacist Nino Caiazza, president of the Pro Loco of life and a keen photographer. A small part on whether the versatile Dr. Caiazza was earned in Basilicata coast to coast, Rocco Papaleo's film, but the country in whose entrails flowing black gold that has given new life to all of Basilicata was little represented. So the son of Nino, Luca Caiazza, a pharmacist and he too Councillor for Culture, was the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a film entirely dedicated to Viggiano one night surfing the net came across an interview with Moni Ovadia, a group of students. The actor, writer and musician who has made the music popular in Italy with Ashkenazi folklore "Oylem Goylem" he told students of research conducted by his mentor Roberto Leydi, one of the founders of our ethnomusicology, viggianese on the harp. The only case of harp portative known in Italy.
Ovadia had struck at the heart Luca Caiazza, and at school, like all children of the place, he had to memorize the verses of the nineteenth-century poet Pier Paolo Parzanese, "I am viggianese the harp neck." A poem of 1838 photographing the fate of a community from the mid eighteenth century to the early twentieth century had found sustenance in a trade, that of the busker portative harp, flute and violin, recorded in the eighteenth-century statues of the Nativity in Naples Cuciniello and a series of documents released by the work of a brilliant ethnologist, Enzo Alliegro. Lecturer at the University of Naples, Alliegro, which is about to publish a history of ethnography Italian, born right here in Basilicata Viggiano and also with the pioneering work of Ernesto De Martino and Carpitella Diego, and author of The harp lost (Argo), where documents and explains the strange destiny of this country of which well you can make trades on behalf of a table of the couple between 1809 and 1910: on 4076, 2433 (60%) were farmers, while 537 musicians (13%). Next, craftsmen, owners, pastors, professionals. The Alma's artistic community has been so celebrated with a film thanks to the river of money that bear the black gold royalties. "We spend two hundred and fifty thousand euro a year for operations cultural, "says Luca Caiazza, leader of a program that ranges from a jazz festival in a festival concert harp, a competition named after the renowned flutist Leonardo De Lorenzo and one dedicated to film culture.
quarter of a million euro a year for the culture lot for a town of 3,150 people, but little compared to the approximately fifty million euro in ten years flowed into the coffers of the City.
Pozzo di petrolio dell'Eni davanti a Viggiano
Eni oil well before Viggiano
Engineer Giuseppe Alberti, mayor of the second term
Pd, burned four anni fa da un’intervista in cui passava per un amministratore che non sapeva come gestire questa manna, snocciola ora con sicurezza dati e programmi. I 18 pozzi attivi a Viggiano sui 28 della Val d’Agri (ma i pozzi in totale sono una cinquantina) producono oltre cinquantamila barili di petrolio al giorno che vengono processati nel grande centro oli dell’Eni prima di essere trasferiti con un oleodotto a Taranto. Secondo l’intesa firmata con l’Eni, alla Regione va il 7 per cento del valore del petrolio. Di questo 7 per cento, il 15 va direttamente ai Comuni, il resto dovrebbe essere ridistribuito dalla Regione alle aree interessate, anche se non sempre è così. Comunque al Comune di Viggiano, a seconda del prezzo del petrolio, arrivano annualmente dagli otto ai quindici milioni di euro. E questo flusso di denaro potrebbe continuare per ancora quindici-vent’anni. «A parte il settore culturale - riassume il sindaco Alberti - una ventina di milioni sono stati stanziati per opere pubbliche che comprendono una piscina coperta, un palazzetto dello sport, un museo nella restaurata villa dei marchesi Sanfelice che abbiamo acquisito». Oltre 3,6 milioni vanno poi a sostegno dell’occupazione, secondo un bando che prevede l’erogazione per 36 mesi di mille euro alle aziende lucane che impieghino una viggianese, novecento se il viggianese è di sesso maschile. Un programma particolare con 4,8 milioni riguarda poi le attività produttive: un imprenditore having a good investment project of four hundred thousand Euros will be able to receive up to two hundred thousand in grants. Then there are two million for agriculture ... Viggo is said that Joseph Nigro 'Terranevra, "so nicknamed for having toiled in the fields all his life, the death of his ass, the last remaining example in the country, has decided to apply to the City to buy a new one.
Uno stemma con l'arpa su una casa di Viggiano
A coat of arms with the harp on a house Viggiano
Viggiano new Bengodi
? "At the end of the eighties, when he signed Raffaele Di Nardo for the region the agreement with the Eni oil as a challenge we accepted, "says Victor Prinzi, the communist mayor in 1980 for twenty years and now Councilor nell'Idv Viggiano," but it seems to me that you are facing problems starting from the tail. Only this year has been set up the Centre Val d'Agri environmental impact assessment and environmental investments seems to me not even go in the right direction for real support for employment and secure a future for our children! " . The local economy can not be based solely on grants, as the fifty billion pounds came after the earthquake of November 23, 1980 Viggiano that hit hard. Along the same lines is the doctor Giambattista Mele, who speaks of "an increase of cancer in Basilicata safe even if you can not do the oil equation = cancer, for monitoring has never been done and a committee was created this year alone City. " Then Apple warns: "On two occasions, November 24, 2008 and February 2, 2009 from the center of oil has risen to a roar and flame safety has reached 35 meters." But Eni denies that it is never an accident. There are fears for the health of citizens but also for the well-known crops: beans Sarconi, Pecorino di Moliterno, wine in the Val d'Agri, which has been recognized doc grazie alla sapienza dei fratelli Pisani.

I fedeli portano a spalla la prima domenica di maggio la statua della Madonna nella cappella sul monte
I fedeli portano a spalla la prima domenica di maggio la statua della Madonna nella cappella sul monte
Una voce di dissenso si alza anche dalla Basilica di Viggiano
, che ospita la Madonna Nera, protettrice della Lucania e vero simbolo del paese. Citata nel Cristo si è fermato a Eboli di Carlo Levi e nei racconti di Leonardo Sinisgalli, la Madonna venerata dal Cinquecento anche in Calabria e in Campania sembra passata in secondo piano. Don Paolo D’Ambrosio, il colto parroco di Viggiano, non ha gradito il cartello che accoglie visitors after a recent decision of the City Council: "Welcome to Viggiano, harp and country music." In truth a few hundred meters before there is another sign, in 1995, which defines "Viggiano city of Mary." Don Paul says: "I do not recognize the transaction cultural pointing unilaterally on the harp and music. I do not want money, but I ask: what has been invested in the religious heritage? Nothing. " In fact, the Marian cult in Viggiano date from the thirteenth century, when according to tradition, the mountain of the country, 1775 meters, was discovered a wooden effigy of the mother of Jesus saved the iconoclastic fury of obvious influences that affected bizantini. Già una bolla di Giulio II nel Cinquecento parlava del culto della Madonna di Viggiano e nel 1892 alla cerimonia di incoronazione della protettrice della Basilicata parteciparono 30mila fedeli. La Regina della Lucania, che viene portata a spalle sulla cappella del monte ogni prima domenica di maggio e riportata in paese ogni prima domenica di settembre, con l’arrivo del petrolio sembra aver perso il centro della scena, tanto che don Paolo parla con sospetto di «rinascita massonica ». Una cultura, quella dei fratelli muratori, introdotta a Viggiano dai suonatori ambulanti che nelle capitali europee assorbivano idee liberali e socialiste. Tanto che nel 1911 quasi un terzo dei capifamiglia si dichiarava ateo.

Benvenuti nel paese di Maria, dell’arpa e del petrolio. E delle molte contraddizioni.

dal Corriere della Sera del 6 dicembre 2010

La cappella sul monte, a 1775 metri (servizio fotografico di Nino Caiazza)
La cappella sul monte, a 1775 metri (servizio fotografico di Nino Caiazza)
La storia

Cultura religiosa e laica corrono parallele a Viggiano, nella cui basilica è ospitata la statua lignea della Madonna Nera, patrona della Basilicata. Oltre al culto mariano, Viggiano custodisce un treasury of traditions attached to the harp portative. I Viggiano were from the eighteenth to early twentieth-century musicians will stroll in the great European centers, but then also in America and Australia. In this tradition goes back to the docu-fiction with Moni Ovadia, "Alma Story," which was presented to the November 28 Mei di Faenza. Viggiano has known in its modern history, two terrible earthquakes. The first, in 1857, destroyed the country and had eight hundred dead. The second was that of the severe earthquake that struck Nov. 23, 1980 Irpinia and Basilicata. Viggiano said the Municipality was severely damaged and has received about 50 billion dollars for reconstruction.


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