1 - Sweden will not be more now that nation which prided itself as a benchmark for the Protection of Civil Rights;
2 - countries which have always denied their civil rights and freedom of the press, Russia, China, Iran, lines up alongside Assange in the name of freedom of the press (oh my God, has lost the last shred of decency).
Among the many items around, I like the espresso here given in full.
The buffalo Assange rapist
Lara Crinò But you have understood what is the formal reason why it ended up in jail? Here is the surreal story of a sexual assault never happened, a condom broke and that his accusation is baseless
(07 December 2010) The Italian Foreign Minister Frattini, accepting with joy the news of Julian Assange, has left go to a phrase too: "It was time, luckily the international siege has been successful."
an admission, not too implied that sexual matters for which the founder of Wikileaks is finished in a prison in London are just an excuse, and that is in for what your site has revealed in recent days.
is therefore worthwhile to see what is the story of the crazy 'rape' per cui, formalmente, Assange è finito in manette a Londra, dopo che nei giorni scorsi l'Interpol aveva emesso un mandato contro Julian Assange per 'crimini sessuali'.
In realtà, tecnicamente, ciò che sta emergendo è che il fondatore di Wikileaks è stato arrestato per aver violato una legge svedese che, in un'interpretazione estesa, arriva a punire chiunque commetta qualsiasi forma di scorretteza relativa ad atti sessuali anche consensuali.
Ma andiamo con ordine.
Come riportato dal settimanale americano Newsweek ad agosto 2010, a far nascere il 'caso' della giustizia svedese contro Assange è stato un avvocato sed esponente socialdemocratico svedese, Claes Borgstrom named (study Borgstrom and Bostrom, Stockholm) representing two women whose statements led the investigation against mr. Wikileaks for 'sexual misconduct'. The
customers Borgstrom (we'll call, as did the international media, A and B) have both indicated that they had sexual relations with Assange last August, during his stay in the Swedish capital entitled "War and the role of the media" organized by the Brotherhood Movement, a Christian group linked to the social democratic party. Both were reported to the police's reluctance to use condoms Assange and accuse him of not wanting to undergo following reports, as by their request, on a test that would exclude sexually transmitted diseases.
The statements of the two women have brought the issue - and then the rapid cancellation - of the charge of rape, and subsequent parallel investigation for alleged 'harassment'. The Guardian published a detailed chronological account of the alleged sexual encounters with women A and B, that in both cases would be initiated by consensus but would then include both what the second would be "non-consensual sex" for refusing to Assange to use condoms.
is how the British Daily Mail tells the story: "When (Assange and woman) have returned from dinner, they had a sexual relationship, but there was a problem with the condom. It was broken. The woman believed that Assange had done it on purpose, but he argued that it was an accident. In any case, the next day, during the conference, A. appeared relaxed and calm. During the same conference had met the woman Assange B, another very pretty blonde, younger woman's A. B admits the woman tried to involve his hero in a conversation. Assange seemed pleased to have such an ardent admirer and, says B, looked at 'any time'.
The Daily Mail reports that, according to a source close to the Swedish police, during sexual intercourse seguito alla loro conoscenza donna B. avrebbe insistito con Assange per usare il preservativo, ma la mattina i due avrebbero avuto un rapporto non protetto. Questo, sempre secondo il Daily Mail "ha costituito la base per l'accusa di stupro. Tuttavia, la mattina dopo l'evento la donna B. era abbastanza serena da scendere a comprare la colazione per Assange".
In sostanza, le accuse delle due donne nei confronti di Assange di essere stato sessualmente scorretto per non aver usato il profilattico non sono state immediate: soltanto diversi giorni dopo i rapporti, le due donne hanno ritenuto che il comportamento di Assange poteva essere penalmente perseguibile. In questo senso, per le due donne sarebbe stato decisivo il rifiuto di Assange a farsi fare examination of AIDS, which they requested.
an admission, not too implied that sexual matters for which the founder of Wikileaks is finished in a prison in London are just an excuse, and that is in for what your site has revealed in recent days.
is therefore worthwhile to see what is the story of the crazy 'rape' per cui, formalmente, Assange è finito in manette a Londra, dopo che nei giorni scorsi l'Interpol aveva emesso un mandato contro Julian Assange per 'crimini sessuali'.
In realtà, tecnicamente, ciò che sta emergendo è che il fondatore di Wikileaks è stato arrestato per aver violato una legge svedese che, in un'interpretazione estesa, arriva a punire chiunque commetta qualsiasi forma di scorretteza relativa ad atti sessuali anche consensuali.
Ma andiamo con ordine.
Come riportato dal settimanale americano Newsweek ad agosto 2010, a far nascere il 'caso' della giustizia svedese contro Assange è stato un avvocato sed esponente socialdemocratico svedese, Claes Borgstrom named (study Borgstrom and Bostrom, Stockholm) representing two women whose statements led the investigation against mr. Wikileaks for 'sexual misconduct'. The
customers Borgstrom (we'll call, as did the international media, A and B) have both indicated that they had sexual relations with Assange last August, during his stay in the Swedish capital entitled "War and the role of the media" organized by the Brotherhood Movement, a Christian group linked to the social democratic party. Both were reported to the police's reluctance to use condoms Assange and accuse him of not wanting to undergo following reports, as by their request, on a test that would exclude sexually transmitted diseases.
The statements of the two women have brought the issue - and then the rapid cancellation - of the charge of rape, and subsequent parallel investigation for alleged 'harassment'. The Guardian published a detailed chronological account of the alleged sexual encounters with women A and B, that in both cases would be initiated by consensus but would then include both what the second would be "non-consensual sex" for refusing to Assange to use condoms.
is how the British Daily Mail tells the story: "When (Assange and woman) have returned from dinner, they had a sexual relationship, but there was a problem with the condom. It was broken. The woman believed that Assange had done it on purpose, but he argued that it was an accident. In any case, the next day, during the conference, A. appeared relaxed and calm. During the same conference had met the woman Assange B, another very pretty blonde, younger woman's A. B admits the woman tried to involve his hero in a conversation. Assange seemed pleased to have such an ardent admirer and, says B, looked at 'any time'.
The Daily Mail reports that, according to a source close to the Swedish police, during sexual intercourse seguito alla loro conoscenza donna B. avrebbe insistito con Assange per usare il preservativo, ma la mattina i due avrebbero avuto un rapporto non protetto. Questo, sempre secondo il Daily Mail "ha costituito la base per l'accusa di stupro. Tuttavia, la mattina dopo l'evento la donna B. era abbastanza serena da scendere a comprare la colazione per Assange".
In sostanza, le accuse delle due donne nei confronti di Assange di essere stato sessualmente scorretto per non aver usato il profilattico non sono state immediate: soltanto diversi giorni dopo i rapporti, le due donne hanno ritenuto che il comportamento di Assange poteva essere penalmente perseguibile. In questo senso, per le due donne sarebbe stato decisivo il rifiuto di Assange a farsi fare examination of AIDS, which they requested.
source: http://espresso.repubblica.it/dettaglio/la-bufala-di-assange-stupratore/2139842
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