Monday, December 27, 2010

How To Masterbate Longer In Shower

SACRED seventeenth century: The fallen Adam and the hidden madness of the mind and

's work father Serafino Salandra is approached often to "Paradise Lost" by Milton but read today reveals unexpected disturbing modernity

The occult delusions of the mind, and Hidden Heart attacks

humano, he is more than true, Reverend Father, that only son'aperti à

that eye, which never knew blindfold men'in shading any created thing.

So begins the work, "Adam Fallen" written by Father Serafino Salandra in 1646. The work is a tragedy that is mixed sacred verse of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise. This work is often compared to "Paradise Lost" written by John Milton: there are many disquisitions on the subject, to the detriment of the work.

As "Adam Fallen" recalls to mind things away from us, the work of Seraphim, however, although thought and written with a view to a kind tardocinquecentesco, is viewed today original and imbued with uneasiness that makes it tremendously if we think modern example of the various themes in the work to what is the idea that our author does shine Eve and how, even today in some cultures the woman fundamentalist is still considered to be subordinate to a male gender.

addition to the characters of Genesis, Serafino uses allegorical figures, the personification of goodness, of Death, the Almighty, simplicity, sin, etc.
elements present in the scene
primordial Earth, Air , Water and Fire; puts onstage choirs of angels, demons and again: describes the content of the work and give the theological references: the transition from the Nature Institute in the Destitute to the Restituta, ie the transition from the paradise in sin until the fall of humanity to the grace of revelation.

This is the setting for the protagonists, Adam and Eve, their weaknesses of men but even more of Adam, who lends the game of seduction and the eternal conflict between sex and chastity. Adam, a man who even has free will appears to be under the thumb of a woman who leads him into a temptation which can not resist, and that consequently all of us condemned to live in sin. When the woman equates man observes Father Seraphim, rushes into the abyss together, because they win the lie, makeup, money, and, of course, lust. Precipice of disaster, born theft, betrayal, and the fratricidal wars.

I wonder if Father Seraphim had lived in these modern times had set his work in the same way by dividing the world into good and evil, angels and demons. I wonder if even for Father Seraphim not only for the Very Reverend Father, "the hidden madness of the mind and the hidden attacks the human heart are visible to the eyes that were never covered by bandages.

of Teresa Russo


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