Friday, December 10, 2010

Women Doctors And Penises

An old article in the Guardian: Matera 2006

I wanted to take an old (?) Guardian article which speaks of Matera and from the beginning, in my humble opinion, to a series of articles and attention from many foreign journalists (see NY Times or Financial Times).
A common thread that draws world attention, especially Anglo-Saxon, a new goal and definition: Lucaniashire Materashire or more detail.
The article ranges from surreal landscapes to directors che qui hanno girato i loro film fino a descrivere hotel che nel loro integrarsi con l'ambiente urbanistico dei Sassi hanno creato un'esperienza senza eguali sul pianeta.

Articolo del Guardian, Saturday 3 June 2006

Rock chic

 The surreal landscapes of Basilicata have inspired a generation of film directors. Now the area is getting its own glamorous makeove. . . leggi l'articolo


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