Friday, February 5, 2010

How May Calories In Vegetable Chow Mein Take Away

Odyssey of a passenger on the failure of the Company


Riceviamo dalla Sig.ra Stefania la cronistoria, che riportiamo integralmente, di un volo cancellato dalla Compagnia Meridiana... via sms!!!

La Redazione ACU


24 gennaio 2010 23.08

Sono portavoce della nota che leggerete, il passeggero in questo momento è BUS ...

Note also published on the Facebook page ... I do not know if it will remain there for long.

*** It all started at 20.30 last night about BEEP BEEP text message: "Dear passengers to inform you that the flight tomorrow IG3492 CT-FI has been deleted." Have you ever received a text message so '? For a moment you are freezing the blood and you say, but it's a joke? The cancellation of flights announced by text message?? Let's call the landline number 078 ... and something falls on the line but ...

You must call the toll-free 89 ... After about 30 minutes a1 € per minute an operator responds and wonder if it's true.

He replies "Yes, it is been deleted "(more silence ..) -" sorry ... and I do that?? I left in CT? I paid for a flight! "-" If I want to offer a CT-BO at 20.20 "-" and arrived in Bologna I do? There 's the bus? "-" A moment please "(15 \\ 20-minute piece of music to 1 € per minute) there is' BUS which will result in FI, - (must call tomorrow and book everything. "-" 'cause not do it now? are online! Why' I call? other 1 / 2 hour to 1 € per minute? "-" we open at 7.30 tomorrow morning, and calls the book immediately fly ..- "Ok, if I have not alternative." The next day

AT 7.30> all lines are busy at the moment, stay in line to not lose the priority gained ... (Worse than Emule!) "Responds the operator-x" - "Hi I am a passenger with COD XXX, I would like to book the CT-BO of 20:20 and confirmation of the bus." - The Bus', a moment (10min jingle at 1 € per minute), but received a text message that informs you that there is' the bus? "-" NO "He said your colleague yesterday !!"-" a while (10min jingle at 1 € per minute) "-" there is ok ' the bus! "-" OK, book me, please! "-AT CHECK-IN" Hi, Bologna? - "Please" - "I wanted to know how to find the bus on arrival" - " ; There you will find a resp. Sundial that tells you "LANDED AT 22:10 THERE'S A BO 'NO! NO RESP., HOSTESS OR SELLER OF SANDWICH! PASSENGERS ABANDONED! YOU MUST PLAY HIDE AND SEEK TO FIND ALL THE BUS IN THE AIRPORT WITH 0 DEGREES AND THERE ARE ALSO THE ELDERLY AND !!!*** 'was really a shameful situation, not for the canceled flight, although I would have my own theory of why , too few passengers, will not make you fall in spending volare un aereo cosi' vuoto, puff cancelliamolo e chissenefrega!!!, ma comunque se ci sono stati davvero problemi, quello puo' anche capitare ma NON il modo in cui è stato gestito. Innanzitutto la comunicazione di un volo per SMS, ma scherziamo??? Persone di una certa età non sanno leggerli gli sms!!! lavoro in un call center e mi occupo di customer satisfaction 1. non usate gli sms per comunicazioni cosi' importanti, sono davvero patetici! Rischiate solo di far spaventare\innervosire\agitare il cliente e ancor di piu' se poi deve chiamare un numero cosi' oneroso e comunque rischiate che la vostra comunicazione non vada a buon fine. Chiamatelo telefonicamente, spiegategli i motivi, non fatelo sentire abbandonato, potrebbe essere un Elder, a person with problems ... and remember that the passenger has paid for (in my case € 220 !!!!), and distress you have caused YOU! 2. And if the person is agitated and angry, do not answer tartly, you get paid for this, for you to bear your problems and your passenger to solve! I do not know if it will delete this note, we also see in what 'your seriousness, you have behaved honestly today as the most unreliable \\ disorganized and unfortunately, the airline is mentioned above is done only by you, but I want to emphasize that it is for cancellation of the flight, "MAY 'happen," but it is the abandonment of your passengers is really sad. Finished what 'we could fly passengers on the CT ex-FI January 24 to know why' has been canceled if the ground was different from my assumption made above lines? In witness, a passenger who has just made your lair to free all the BUS!

*** *** ***

January 24, 2010 23:44

Dear Ms. Stefania,

Thank you for writing us and informed. Tomorrow, after the necessary checks and how to 'run was the cancellation of the flight between Catania and Florence, with particular regard to compliance with the procedures of assistance to our customers, we will make' a more complete response and, hopefully, I'll ' ways to mitigate at least in part, il giudizio che attualmente si e' fatta della ns Compagnia.

Nel frattempo, nel formularLe le mie più' sentite scuse a nome di Meridiana, Le posso dire con certezza che il volo e' stato cancellato per l'indisponibilita' dell'aeromobile, che ieri sera e' stato danneggiato a Cagliari dall'urto accidentale di un mezzo aeroportuale della societa' di gestione.

Le rinnovo le ns scuse per il disagio e porgo I miei distinti saluti.


Responsabile Relazioni Esterne

*** *** ***

25 gennaio 2010 00.03

Gentilissima Dott.ssa X.Y.,

non credevo di ricevere una risposta, nè tantomeno so 'instant saw the time, and this, however, since the topic is not so pleasant, there is a credit.

remains (we all passenger) waiting for a more 'complete response and of course we would be quite happy to read the procedure for a refund or free flight for the same route. It would be very serious and responsible company ... more ... Do you have a website .. write these warnings ... you write a page on FaceBook these warnings ... not force people to call a 89 ... to charging exorbitant ... Good Job



*** *** ***

January 25, 2010 16:21

Dear Ms. Stefania,

would like to extend the Company's most sincere apologies for any inconvenience experienced as a result of the cancellation of that object.

I ask you kindly to provide references for the passenger to make an accurate check on what happened.



Head of Customer Relations

Meridiana SpA

Management Centre Airport 07026 Olbia (SS) - Italy

*** *** ***

January 25, 2010 22:42


the unlucky passenger is Ms. XX

Reservation code XXXXX


Friday, January 22, 2010 FLORENCE - CATANIA flight IG3491

return flight (supposedly) Sunday, January 24, 2010 CATANIA - FLORENCE IG3492 flight

any questions and / or clarification can contact Mr, r XX, which reads us a copy, delivered to your mobile or your email address xxxxxxxx yyyyyyy.xxxxxx.

sure your feedback


January 27, 2010 15:30

.... We look ....

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