Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How To Take Mid Ear Fluid Ou

Venetian increases the toll motorway concessions, public authorities are silent!



Da tempo si parla dei problemi relativi al casello autostradale di Mirano Dolo (VE), dovuti alle assurde tariffe applicate: chi esce a Mirano e rientra per Mestre paga 70 centesimi, mentre chi prosegue diretto da Padova a Mestre paga 2,70 euro! Ovviamente migliaia di auto escono a Mirano e rientrano subito dopo, intasando quotidianamente il traffico locale. Per risolvere il problema, si chiedeva a gran voce di liberalizzare realmente e per tutti il tratto Mirano-Mestre, eliminando l’iniquo balzello. Invece, a quanto pare, la CAV (Concessioni Autostradali Venete) ha deciso la strada meno logica ma piĆ¹ remunerativa: increase the toll for all, taking it from the current 70 cents to more than € 2.

seems a bit 'weird groped to solve a problem like this by increasing the toll rates. It seems very shortsighted not to calculate the logical consequences: many motorists commuters can not afford € 5 per day for the highway will have on ordinary roads .

This will obviously increase the traffic to a frightening, intolerable to a clogging of the municipalities visited, a steep rise in the pollution of the towns in particular with regard to fine particles.

Region silent, municipalities declare themselves incompetent on the motorway companies make their interests, and the citizens pay. Pagano, an increase of 300% of the toll, charged with incredible inconvenience of traffic, they pay in health.

I think it's important and urgent that all those who can intervene to take place, because once you finally have a preference to citizens' rights to economic and political interests of the usual suspects.

course of your interest, Sincerely


Loris Schivardi


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