Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Body Aches What To Do When My Body Aches

New Vodafone tariffs.

at the end of 2009 the mobile operators have announced a lowering of the maximum cost of the SMS in Italy, the highest in Europe. As expected, these new rates do not even see the shadow.
But you can always get worse: not only, in fact, Italy will be among the countries at a cost of sending SMS to Europe's highest, but it can also boast that position in the ranking of costs for light use of Internet connectivity by phone.
Vodafone, in fact, from February 15 will force its customers to use a daily rate for data traffic, and not actually consumed in traffic, a minimum of € 1.5 per day. Attached the new plan.
The impression is this: Vodafone (but how long it takes for other players to adapt?) Is going to arbitrarily raise the conditions of use for non-intensive users of mobile Internet, violating net neutrality and creating a serious injury against a broad range of consumers. True, there are already flat rates, but why exclude the possibilities offered by all mobile users who connect daily, making a traffic light a few KB? From this choice would be penalized for any application, now widespread and common, which by mail and instant messaging services reaching navigation / mapping from mobile which do not require intensive use of the Internet mobile.
What do you think?
soon, Luigi Orsi Carbone

The following Annex:

New rates for basic Internet browsing

Useful information for customers Rechargeable

The new daily rate for navigation Internet on mobile made through the access point and, since March 15, 2010, through access points and, forecasts for the traffic made in Italy:
- 1.50 € including VAT per day up to 100 MB of traffic
- beyond that threshold, the rate will be 1, € 50 per 100 MB prepaid units of 100 KB.
Access to the homepage of the Vodafone live! will be free. As for the
Internet surfing by using Vodafone Internet Key PC or mobile phone as a modem via the access point rates (including VAT), the new tariff schedule for connections made from ' Italy:
- 5 € including VAT per day, up to 500 MB of traffic.
- Later daily threshold the fare is 1 € for every 10 MB, charging units in advance of 100 KB.
Daily rates to surf the Internet using your mobile phone will be available from January 15, 2010 for re-activation of SIM and SIM for all those on which, for technical reasons, you must do this suspension and reactivation of GPRS .
For Rechargeable SIM activated before 15 January 2010, the fee will be applied progressively from 15 February 2010 and be completed by March 15, 2010.

to know the actual date of availability of the new daily rate on your cell phone number, click on the GO button and follow the directions reported.


For full details on the conditions for surfing the Internet from mobile abroad click here.
The fee for PC to surf the Internet from abroad does not change.
To learn how to freely exercise the right of withdrawal click here. Discover all the offers
to surf the Internet from your PC and your cell phone.

Technorati Tags: Vodafone


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