Tourism Matera always speak much Italian. They resist the Sassi and villages, lost to the sea.
Traveller? Routard? No, solo turisti
Dopo un decennio di crescita stavolta la Basilicata tiene grazie alla costa tirrenica. In calo laziali e campani. Forte sempre l’afflusso dalla Puglia. Ma aumentano gli stranieri padroni di casa
Dopo un decennio di aumenti di arrivi nel Metapontino e nella Città di Matera the latest available figures showed a drop in visitors, especially foreigners. At the regional level there has been a substantial growth due to the stability of flows in the Tyrrhenian Potenza who scored a + 8.4%. A
Matera has slowed the influx of foreign visitors, the numbers speak for almost 71,000 arrivals which means a decrease of around 4%. The decline is concentrated among the Germans and the English (first and fifth respectively in total arrivals), the same number of arrivals of U.S. and French (second and third), it is instead an increase of
Japanese (who are quarters before the aforementioned English). Among
Italians, more than 18,000, the people of Puglia are the most faithful. Also increased the Lombard and Emilian; down, however, the Lazio and Campania.
If you calculate, however, admissions, which is the amount obtained from arrivals multiplied by the nights, we notice a strong decrease of registering a foreign - and a 12% increase in Italian with a +8%.
The average stay is about a night and a half tourists, while taking care to note that the subject and its hill has a potential of about 1 million bed days available for an increase in carrying capacity even under new accommodations to medium-high target , 4 and 5 stars. The only city of Matera can count on availability di posti letto di poco superiore ai 2000 spalmati su 97 strutture ricettive.
Nel Metapontino, che è la punta di diamante del turismo lucano per quel che riguarda capacità ricettiva e numeri di arrivi, il trend ha subito una forte battuta d’arresto. Gli stranieri sembra abbiano ormai abbandonato la costa jonica. Si registra, infatti, un saldo negativo di -12% di arrivi, e – 16% di presenze. In una classifica, troviamo tra i più affezionati sempre i francesi, in virtù della presenza sulla costa metapontina del villaggio Club Méditerranée. Notizia non positiva dato che si prevede la possibilità di una chiusura dal prossimo anno della struttura francese e una conseguente perdita di una grossa quota di mercato francese. A drug addict who made numerous market but with a few important economic impact on the territory, as the French hotel guests were hardly likely to leave the hotel and visit the surrounding area.
followed by the Germans, Belgians, Swiss and English, all in decline.
There is a fact that escapes and is difficult to calculate. We are experiencing a phenomenon that invests mainly northern Europeans who have decided to invest directly in Metapontina buy houses or cottages in the historic centers in the country, escaping the detection statistics is important.
Among the Italians arrive unchanged and slightly declining admissions (-0.8%) the bells are the most loyal patrons of the Ionian sea Lucania, Puglia remain unchanged while decreasing domestic demand. Always less that choose Metapontino Lucan. The bad news that came through the media about the disappearance of the beach and its restoration of the coast have led to change Lucan destination for their summer holidays. Lombardy and Lazio followed the latter decreasing.
The average attendance of tourists in the structures remain unchanged at around 7 days per person, which is within the canons of the summer tourism, with the entire industry that, despite the decrease in accommodation (108 years), increases its capacity as you can keep over 20,000 beds with an annual supply of 3 million bed days available, that number could increase if the proposal does not travel circoscrivesse seasonality of the sea.
numbers that appear negative when read in part, but if read in the last decade taking less gray tones and sometimes even positive.
In the decade 1999-2009, in fact, the Basilicata is increased from 1 million 400 thousand presences around 1 million 900 thousand. In Matera switching from nearly 800 thousand visitors each year to almost 1 million 300 thousand, with Metapontino in the Lead, doubling in a decade, the number of presence, almost 600 000 and a passage almost 1 million and 150 thousand.
This meant the consequential increase of seats, passed at the regional level by about 25 000 in 1999 to over 38 000 at the end of 2009, of which over 60% in Matera and its province with nearly 24,000 beds that are proposed in areas of quality and niche with the recent creation of structures of high quality.
The future seems uncertain, but the attention of many foreign media and new forms of public-private investment to the province Matera and open new scenes are difficult to interpret, but could give pleasant surprises. Giuseppe Melillo
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
What To Write In My Sisters Baby Shower Card
Christmas is not an invention of the Church but an overlap junction pagan cult following the conversion to the Catholic religion of the Roman Empire. The Natalis was present in the Roman calendar, April 21 as Natalis Romae, which celebrated the founding of the city and 19 December, the day dedicated to Dies Natalis Solis Invicta to the birth of the sun revolved around the cult of Mithras, which was introduced in 218 AD and made official by Aurelian. The feast was later shifted to December 25. It seems that at a later stage, Christians have replaced the Feast of Sol Invictus with the Feast of the Birth of Christ.
Some survivals (?) Popular in some centers the inner Basilicata, new rituals have resisted creating a syncretism with pre-existing ones, of pagan origin and propitiatory. Maybe this is one of the explanations to the presence in some locations
Lucan Bonfire of Christmas. A Nemoli and San Fele the Christmas Eve bonfires are lit in the symbolic function would be to heat the little child just born, and protection from frost and cold. Function that St. Francis, when he thought the crib, gave the breath of the ox and donkey. A fire
San Fele Christmas lasts all the Gion and indicate the fire is the end of the day off. A Nemoli, stacked up in the square logs and wood in the big bonfire will be lit on Christmas Eve that will remain active until the Epiphany. Here you will find a community consuming traditional sweets accompanied by the music of bagpipes and pastoral bagpipes. The flames and fire, always and in all religions and societies have always been mentioned as elements of the party whose symbolism was related to purification, to cast out the darkness of evil and the negative but also had a strong valence of rebirth. In addition, the fire that burned inside the fireplace, was the element center around which families Lucan, rich and poor gathered during the winter days.
Bonfire Christmas Nemoli (source Pro Loco Nemoli ) |
Some survivals (?) Popular in some centers the inner Basilicata, new rituals have resisted creating a syncretism with pre-existing ones, of pagan origin and propitiatory. Maybe this is one of the explanations to the presence in some locations
Lucan Bonfire of Christmas. A Nemoli and San Fele the Christmas Eve bonfires are lit in the symbolic function would be to heat the little child just born, and protection from frost and cold. Function that St. Francis, when he thought the crib, gave the breath of the ox and donkey. A fire
San Fele Christmas lasts all the Gion and indicate the fire is the end of the day off. A Nemoli, stacked up in the square logs and wood in the big bonfire will be lit on Christmas Eve that will remain active until the Epiphany. Here you will find a community consuming traditional sweets accompanied by the music of bagpipes and pastoral bagpipes. The flames and fire, always and in all religions and societies have always been mentioned as elements of the party whose symbolism was related to purification, to cast out the darkness of evil and the negative but also had a strong valence of rebirth. In addition, the fire that burned inside the fireplace, was the element center around which families Lucan, rich and poor gathered during the winter days.
Monday, December 27, 2010
How To Masterbate Longer In Shower
SACRED seventeenth century: The fallen Adam and the hidden madness of the mind and
's work father Serafino Salandra is approached often to "Paradise Lost" by Milton but read today reveals unexpected disturbing modernity
So begins the work, "Adam Fallen" written by Father Serafino Salandra in 1646. The work is a tragedy that is mixed sacred verse of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise. This work is often compared to "Paradise Lost" written by John Milton: there are many disquisitions on the subject, to the detriment of the work.
As "Adam Fallen" recalls to mind things away from us, the work of Seraphim, however, although thought and written with a view to a kind tardocinquecentesco, is viewed today original and imbued with uneasiness that makes it tremendously if we think modern example of the various themes in the work to what is the idea that our author does shine Eve and how, even today in some cultures the woman fundamentalist is still considered to be subordinate to a male gender.
addition to the characters of Genesis, Serafino uses allegorical figures, the personification of goodness, of Death, the Almighty, simplicity, sin, etc.
elements present in the scene
primordial Earth, Air , Water and Fire; puts onstage choirs of angels, demons and again: describes the content of the work and give the theological references: the transition from the Nature Institute in the Destitute to the Restituta, ie the transition from the paradise in sin until the fall of humanity to the grace of revelation.
This is the setting for the protagonists, Adam and Eve, their weaknesses of men but even more of Adam, who lends the game of seduction and the eternal conflict between sex and chastity. Adam, a man who even has free will appears to be under the thumb of a woman who leads him into a temptation which can not resist, and that consequently all of us condemned to live in sin. When the woman equates man observes Father Seraphim, rushes into the abyss together, because they win the lie, makeup, money, and, of course, lust. Precipice of disaster, born theft, betrayal, and the fratricidal wars.
I wonder if Father Seraphim had lived in these modern times had set his work in the same way by dividing the world into good and evil, angels and demons. I wonder if even for Father Seraphim not only for the Very Reverend Father, "the hidden madness of the mind and the hidden attacks the human heart are visible to the eyes that were never covered by bandages.
of Teresa Russo
's work father Serafino Salandra is approached often to "Paradise Lost" by Milton but read today reveals unexpected disturbing modernity
The occult delusions of the mind, and Hidden Heart attacks
humano, he is more than true, Reverend Father, that only son'aperti à
that eye, which never knew blindfold men'in shading any created thing.
So begins the work, "Adam Fallen" written by Father Serafino Salandra in 1646. The work is a tragedy that is mixed sacred verse of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise. This work is often compared to "Paradise Lost" written by John Milton: there are many disquisitions on the subject, to the detriment of the work.
As "Adam Fallen" recalls to mind things away from us, the work of Seraphim, however, although thought and written with a view to a kind tardocinquecentesco, is viewed today original and imbued with uneasiness that makes it tremendously if we think modern example of the various themes in the work to what is the idea that our author does shine Eve and how, even today in some cultures the woman fundamentalist is still considered to be subordinate to a male gender.
addition to the characters of Genesis, Serafino uses allegorical figures, the personification of goodness, of Death, the Almighty, simplicity, sin, etc.
elements present in the scene
primordial Earth, Air , Water and Fire; puts onstage choirs of angels, demons and again: describes the content of the work and give the theological references: the transition from the Nature Institute in the Destitute to the Restituta, ie the transition from the paradise in sin until the fall of humanity to the grace of revelation.
This is the setting for the protagonists, Adam and Eve, their weaknesses of men but even more of Adam, who lends the game of seduction and the eternal conflict between sex and chastity. Adam, a man who even has free will appears to be under the thumb of a woman who leads him into a temptation which can not resist, and that consequently all of us condemned to live in sin. When the woman equates man observes Father Seraphim, rushes into the abyss together, because they win the lie, makeup, money, and, of course, lust. Precipice of disaster, born theft, betrayal, and the fratricidal wars.
I wonder if Father Seraphim had lived in these modern times had set his work in the same way by dividing the world into good and evil, angels and demons. I wonder if even for Father Seraphim not only for the Very Reverend Father, "the hidden madness of the mind and the hidden attacks the human heart are visible to the eyes that were never covered by bandages.
of Teresa Russo
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Catchable Flying Pokemon In Pokemon Silver
Controsenso Basilicata Basilicata
Shock Rock - Rock Chic
What a time, not even that far, had declared the shame of a nation, for so much poverty and misery that you reigned, those same places that were a source of moral shock to the public places have become glamorous, trendy, very chic places who "are undergoing a spectacular reinvention." Rock Chic entitled, in June 2006, the famous British newspaper The Guardian in an article on his umpteenth Sassi di Matera. A city hidden in the world that if it were real you would think is described by one of Calvino Invisible Cities. "
Hidden for thousands of years in the region of Basilicata sunburned" Matera suddenly appears in the eyes of astonished journalists Thumb-that following the crumbs left by the film world fascinated "by the spell of the landscape" discover a world "as surreal as it is breathtaking." A landscape continuing the Guardian cha "pilgrimages inspired a whole generation of film directors and movie stars." The ancient cave-dwellings and dilapidated converted into hotels grew HIP, Highly Individual Places, That make travel memorable, not places of residence or simple step but they same destination for the uniqueness of the landscape and the articulation of the structure and capable of making an unforgettable journey. The article quotes the author of your HIP HIP Hotel and Escape, Herbert Ypma, who besides being a famous photographer is also a guru of travel and its contents and directions are followed closely by media and travelers. Herbert Ypma, enthusiast says Matera hotels with "sweeping views of the Sasso Barisano, an experience without equal in the world. This is an incredible mix of narrow streets and staircases, arches, doorways and stone houses that sprout from the soft tufa rock and colonization. At sunset, take a sweet, golden color. Similar articles in foreign newspapers today are increasingly frequent enough to arouse curiosity and interests. This focus is shifting the goal of tourists and investors, mostly Anglo-Saxons, a new destination to Italian and Mediterranean cuisine. Someone coined the term or Lucaniashire Materashire, doing to the most famous Chiantishire area Tuscan retreat or become home of choice for many British people. But here, in Matera and villages that the corolla, the English are not looking for such campaigns and vineyards in Tuscany. At least not primarily. They come to discover and be surprised by a sensory dimension, involving the atmosphere which are the countries, by the habits of the neighborhood, the reappropriation of biological time. And all within walking distance of their home, in the heart of the Western world, "this remote and timeless Italy, currently under regeneration, remains one of the hidden gems in Europe." You feel the presence of a world that has stories to tell, landscapes and places that appear as epiphanies, all over-CHIC. In short, as The Guardian put it: "the new place to be."
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Controsenso Basilicata 15/12/10 |
What a time, not even that far, had declared the shame of a nation, for so much poverty and misery that you reigned, those same places that were a source of moral shock to the public places have become glamorous, trendy, very chic places who "are undergoing a spectacular reinvention." Rock Chic entitled, in June 2006, the famous British newspaper The Guardian in an article on his umpteenth Sassi di Matera. A city hidden in the world that if it were real you would think is described by one of Calvino Invisible Cities. "
Hidden for thousands of years in the region of Basilicata sunburned" Matera suddenly appears in the eyes of astonished journalists Thumb-that following the crumbs left by the film world fascinated "by the spell of the landscape" discover a world "as surreal as it is breathtaking." A landscape continuing the Guardian cha "pilgrimages inspired a whole generation of film directors and movie stars." The ancient cave-dwellings and dilapidated converted into hotels grew HIP, Highly Individual Places, That make travel memorable, not places of residence or simple step but they same destination for the uniqueness of the landscape and the articulation of the structure and capable of making an unforgettable journey. The article quotes the author of your HIP HIP Hotel and Escape, Herbert Ypma, who besides being a famous photographer is also a guru of travel and its contents and directions are followed closely by media and travelers. Herbert Ypma, enthusiast says Matera hotels with "sweeping views of the Sasso Barisano, an experience without equal in the world. This is an incredible mix of narrow streets and staircases, arches, doorways and stone houses that sprout from the soft tufa rock and colonization. At sunset, take a sweet, golden color. Similar articles in foreign newspapers today are increasingly frequent enough to arouse curiosity and interests. This focus is shifting the goal of tourists and investors, mostly Anglo-Saxons, a new destination to Italian and Mediterranean cuisine. Someone coined the term or Lucaniashire Materashire, doing to the most famous Chiantishire area Tuscan retreat or become home of choice for many British people. But here, in Matera and villages that the corolla, the English are not looking for such campaigns and vineyards in Tuscany. At least not primarily. They come to discover and be surprised by a sensory dimension, involving the atmosphere which are the countries, by the habits of the neighborhood, the reappropriation of biological time. And all within walking distance of their home, in the heart of the Western world, "this remote and timeless Italy, currently under regeneration, remains one of the hidden gems in Europe." You feel the presence of a world that has stories to tell, landscapes and places that appear as epiphanies, all over-CHIC. In short, as The Guardian put it: "the new place to be."
Monday, December 13, 2010
How Big Was John Holmes?
2006 The Guardian article and change the country's oil harp
Una scena nel film di Papaleo «Basilicata coast to coast» e ora una docufiction con Moni Ovadia ispirata alla tradizione musicale
L’utilitaria di Michele Treves, il personaggio interpretato da Moni Ovadia, si ferma senza benzina davanti al centro oli Eni di Viggiano, cuore della Val d’Agri dove esiste il maggior giacimento di petrolio dell’Europa continentale. «A chi tanto a chi niente» commenta con la cantilena del luogo Vincenzo Coviello, detto "Cusumiello" because it is known here as the nickname for the name. Thus begins Alma Story, directed by Gerardo Lamattina docufiction on a story by Dario Zigiotti, presented Nov. 28 at MEI (Meeting of Independent Labels) in Faenza. In
Alma read many story characters Viggiano, which was a stronghold of Sanseverino, the Sangro, the
Loffredo, ending in marquisate Sanfelice. Co-star is the pharmacist Nino Caiazza, president of the Pro Loco of life and a keen photographer. A small part on whether the versatile Dr. Caiazza was earned in Basilicata coast to coast, Rocco Papaleo's film, but the country in whose entrails flowing black gold that has given new life to all of Basilicata was little represented. So the son of Nino, Luca Caiazza, a pharmacist and he too Councillor for Culture, was the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a film entirely dedicated to Viggiano one night surfing the net came across an interview with Moni Ovadia, a group of students. The actor, writer and musician who has made the music popular in Italy with Ashkenazi folklore "Oylem Goylem" he told students of research conducted by his mentor Roberto Leydi, one of the founders of our ethnomusicology, viggianese on the harp. The only case of harp portative known in Italy.
Ovadia had struck at the heart Luca Caiazza, and at school, like all children of the place, he had to memorize the verses of the nineteenth-century poet Pier Paolo Parzanese, "I am viggianese the harp neck." A poem of 1838 photographing the fate of a community from the mid eighteenth century to the early twentieth century had found sustenance in a trade, that of the busker portative harp, flute and violin, recorded in the eighteenth-century statues of the Nativity in Naples Cuciniello and a series of documents released by the work of a brilliant ethnologist, Enzo Alliegro. Lecturer at the University of Naples, Alliegro, which is about to publish a history of ethnography Italian, born right here in Basilicata Viggiano and also with the pioneering work of Ernesto De Martino and Carpitella Diego, and author of The harp lost (Argo), where documents and explains the strange destiny of this country of which well you can make trades on behalf of a table of the couple between 1809 and 1910: on 4076, 2433 (60%) were farmers, while 537 musicians (13%). Next, craftsmen, owners, pastors, professionals. The Alma's artistic community has been so celebrated with a film thanks to the river of money that bear the black gold royalties. "We spend two hundred and fifty thousand euro a year for operations cultural, "says Luca Caiazza, leader of a program that ranges from a jazz festival in a festival concert harp, a competition named after the renowned flutist Leonardo De Lorenzo and one dedicated to film culture.
quarter of a million euro a year for the culture lot for a town of 3,150 people, but little compared to the approximately fifty million euro in ten years flowed into the coffers of the City.
Engineer Giuseppe Alberti, mayor of the second term Pd, burned four anni fa da un’intervista in cui passava per un amministratore che non sapeva come gestire questa manna, snocciola ora con sicurezza dati e programmi. I 18 pozzi attivi a Viggiano sui 28 della Val d’Agri (ma i pozzi in totale sono una cinquantina) producono oltre cinquantamila barili di petrolio al giorno che vengono processati nel grande centro oli dell’Eni prima di essere trasferiti con un oleodotto a Taranto. Secondo l’intesa firmata con l’Eni, alla Regione va il 7 per cento del valore del petrolio. Di questo 7 per cento, il 15 va direttamente ai Comuni, il resto dovrebbe essere ridistribuito dalla Regione alle aree interessate, anche se non sempre è così. Comunque al Comune di Viggiano, a seconda del prezzo del petrolio, arrivano annualmente dagli otto ai quindici milioni di euro. E questo flusso di denaro potrebbe continuare per ancora quindici-vent’anni. «A parte il settore culturale - riassume il sindaco Alberti - una ventina di milioni sono stati stanziati per opere pubbliche che comprendono una piscina coperta, un palazzetto dello sport, un museo nella restaurata villa dei marchesi Sanfelice che abbiamo acquisito». Oltre 3,6 milioni vanno poi a sostegno dell’occupazione, secondo un bando che prevede l’erogazione per 36 mesi di mille euro alle aziende lucane che impieghino una viggianese, novecento se il viggianese è di sesso maschile. Un programma particolare con 4,8 milioni riguarda poi le attività produttive: un imprenditore having a good investment project of four hundred thousand Euros will be able to receive up to two hundred thousand in grants. Then there are two million for agriculture ... Viggo is said that Joseph Nigro 'Terranevra, "so nicknamed for having toiled in the fields all his life, the death of his ass, the last remaining example in the country, has decided to apply to the City to buy a new one.
Viggiano new Bengodi ? "At the end of the eighties, when he signed Raffaele Di Nardo for the region the agreement with the Eni oil as a challenge we accepted, "says Victor Prinzi, the communist mayor in 1980 for twenty years and now Councilor nell'Idv Viggiano," but it seems to me that you are facing problems starting from the tail. Only this year has been set up the Centre Val d'Agri environmental impact assessment and environmental investments seems to me not even go in the right direction for real support for employment and secure a future for our children! " . The local economy can not be based solely on grants, as the fifty billion pounds came after the earthquake of November 23, 1980 Viggiano that hit hard. Along the same lines is the doctor Giambattista Mele, who speaks of "an increase of cancer in Basilicata safe even if you can not do the oil equation = cancer, for monitoring has never been done and a committee was created this year alone City. " Then Apple warns: "On two occasions, November 24, 2008 and February 2, 2009 from the center of oil has risen to a roar and flame safety has reached 35 meters." But Eni denies that it is never an accident. There are fears for the health of citizens but also for the well-known crops: beans Sarconi, Pecorino di Moliterno, wine in the Val d'Agri, which has been recognized doc grazie alla sapienza dei fratelli Pisani.
Una voce di dissenso si alza anche dalla Basilica di Viggiano , che ospita la Madonna Nera, protettrice della Lucania e vero simbolo del paese. Citata nel Cristo si è fermato a Eboli di Carlo Levi e nei racconti di Leonardo Sinisgalli, la Madonna venerata dal Cinquecento anche in Calabria e in Campania sembra passata in secondo piano. Don Paolo D’Ambrosio, il colto parroco di Viggiano, non ha gradito il cartello che accoglie visitors after a recent decision of the City Council: "Welcome to Viggiano, harp and country music." In truth a few hundred meters before there is another sign, in 1995, which defines "Viggiano city of Mary." Don Paul says: "I do not recognize the transaction cultural pointing unilaterally on the harp and music. I do not want money, but I ask: what has been invested in the religious heritage? Nothing. " In fact, the Marian cult in Viggiano date from the thirteenth century, when according to tradition, the mountain of the country, 1775 meters, was discovered a wooden effigy of the mother of Jesus saved the iconoclastic fury of obvious influences that affected bizantini. Già una bolla di Giulio II nel Cinquecento parlava del culto della Madonna di Viggiano e nel 1892 alla cerimonia di incoronazione della protettrice della Basilicata parteciparono 30mila fedeli. La Regina della Lucania, che viene portata a spalle sulla cappella del monte ogni prima domenica di maggio e riportata in paese ogni prima domenica di settembre, con l’arrivo del petrolio sembra aver perso il centro della scena, tanto che don Paolo parla con sospetto di «rinascita massonica ». Una cultura, quella dei fratelli muratori, introdotta a Viggiano dai suonatori ambulanti che nelle capitali europee assorbivano idee liberali e socialiste. Tanto che nel 1911 quasi un terzo dei capifamiglia si dichiarava ateo.
Benvenuti nel paese di Maria, dell’arpa e del petrolio. E delle molte contraddizioni.
La storia
Cultura religiosa e laica corrono parallele a Viggiano, nella cui basilica è ospitata la statua lignea della Madonna Nera, patrona della Basilicata. Oltre al culto mariano, Viggiano custodisce un treasury of traditions attached to the harp portative. I Viggiano were from the eighteenth to early twentieth-century musicians will stroll in the great European centers, but then also in America and Australia. In this tradition goes back to the docu-fiction with Moni Ovadia, "Alma Story," which was presented to the November 28 Mei di Faenza. Viggiano has known in its modern history, two terrible earthquakes. The first, in 1857, destroyed the country and had eight hundred dead. The second was that of the severe earthquake that struck Nov. 23, 1980 Irpinia and Basilicata. Viggiano said the Municipality was severely damaged and has received about 50 billion dollars for reconstruction.
| ||
Moni Ovadia with Vince Coviello | | |
Alma read many story characters Viggiano, which was a stronghold of Sanseverino, the Sangro, the
Loffredo, ending in marquisate Sanfelice. Co-star is the pharmacist Nino Caiazza, president of the Pro Loco of life and a keen photographer. A small part on whether the versatile Dr. Caiazza was earned in Basilicata coast to coast, Rocco Papaleo's film, but the country in whose entrails flowing black gold that has given new life to all of Basilicata was little represented. So the son of Nino, Luca Caiazza, a pharmacist and he too Councillor for Culture, was the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a film entirely dedicated to Viggiano one night surfing the net came across an interview with Moni Ovadia, a group of students. The actor, writer and musician who has made the music popular in Italy with Ashkenazi folklore "Oylem Goylem" he told students of research conducted by his mentor Roberto Leydi, one of the founders of our ethnomusicology, viggianese on the harp. The only case of harp portative known in Italy.
Ovadia had struck at the heart Luca Caiazza, and at school, like all children of the place, he had to memorize the verses of the nineteenth-century poet Pier Paolo Parzanese, "I am viggianese the harp neck." A poem of 1838 photographing the fate of a community from the mid eighteenth century to the early twentieth century had found sustenance in a trade, that of the busker portative harp, flute and violin, recorded in the eighteenth-century statues of the Nativity in Naples Cuciniello and a series of documents released by the work of a brilliant ethnologist, Enzo Alliegro. Lecturer at the University of Naples, Alliegro, which is about to publish a history of ethnography Italian, born right here in Basilicata Viggiano and also with the pioneering work of Ernesto De Martino and Carpitella Diego, and author of The harp lost (Argo), where documents and explains the strange destiny of this country of which well you can make trades on behalf of a table of the couple between 1809 and 1910: on 4076, 2433 (60%) were farmers, while 537 musicians (13%). Next, craftsmen, owners, pastors, professionals. The Alma's artistic community has been so celebrated with a film thanks to the river of money that bear the black gold royalties. "We spend two hundred and fifty thousand euro a year for operations cultural, "says Luca Caiazza, leader of a program that ranges from a jazz festival in a festival concert harp, a competition named after the renowned flutist Leonardo De Lorenzo and one dedicated to film culture.
quarter of a million euro a year for the culture lot for a town of 3,150 people, but little compared to the approximately fifty million euro in ten years flowed into the coffers of the City.
Eni oil well before Viggiano |
A coat of arms with the harp on a house Viggiano |
I fedeli portano a spalla la prima domenica di maggio la statua della Madonna nella cappella sul monte |
Benvenuti nel paese di Maria, dell’arpa e del petrolio. E delle molte contraddizioni.
La cappella sul monte, a 1775 metri (servizio fotografico di Nino Caiazza) |
Cultura religiosa e laica corrono parallele a Viggiano, nella cui basilica è ospitata la statua lignea della Madonna Nera, patrona della Basilicata. Oltre al culto mariano, Viggiano custodisce un treasury of traditions attached to the harp portative. I Viggiano were from the eighteenth to early twentieth-century musicians will stroll in the great European centers, but then also in America and Australia. In this tradition goes back to the docu-fiction with Moni Ovadia, "Alma Story," which was presented to the November 28 Mei di Faenza. Viggiano has known in its modern history, two terrible earthquakes. The first, in 1857, destroyed the country and had eight hundred dead. The second was that of the severe earthquake that struck Nov. 23, 1980 Irpinia and Basilicata. Viggiano said the Municipality was severely damaged and has received about 50 billion dollars for reconstruction.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Rodriguez Trans Blog Post
Assange Wikileaks and the rapist. ..
guess that people used to read this blog will remain a little baffled from the explanations of this post. But a small revolution is happening in the contemporary world. Wikileaks has since begun to publish, I have always wondered when will last and how it will end. Murder, car accident or plane, suicide, death? There are many options available based on years of experience and strategies' or less oscure.La solution at present seems the most painless Assange accused of rape. Among the various dynamics that have developed in this battle computer and information, there are two points that I have surprised me more:
1 - Sweden will not be more now that nation which prided itself as a benchmark for the Protection of Civil Rights;
2 - countries which have always denied their civil rights and freedom of the press, Russia, China, Iran, lines up alongside Assange in the name of freedom of the press (oh my God, has lost the last shred of decency).
Among the many items around, I like the espresso here given in full.
1 - Sweden will not be more now that nation which prided itself as a benchmark for the Protection of Civil Rights;
2 - countries which have always denied their civil rights and freedom of the press, Russia, China, Iran, lines up alongside Assange in the name of freedom of the press (oh my God, has lost the last shred of decency).
Among the many items around, I like the espresso here given in full.
The buffalo Assange rapist
Lara Crinò But you have understood what is the formal reason why it ended up in jail? Here is the surreal story of a sexual assault never happened, a condom broke and that his accusation is baseless
(07 December 2010) The Italian Foreign Minister Frattini, accepting with joy the news of Julian Assange, has left go to a phrase too: "It was time, luckily the international siege has been successful."
an admission, not too implied that sexual matters for which the founder of Wikileaks is finished in a prison in London are just an excuse, and that is in for what your site has revealed in recent days.
is therefore worthwhile to see what is the story of the crazy 'rape' per cui, formalmente, Assange è finito in manette a Londra, dopo che nei giorni scorsi l'Interpol aveva emesso un mandato contro Julian Assange per 'crimini sessuali'.
In realtà, tecnicamente, ciò che sta emergendo è che il fondatore di Wikileaks è stato arrestato per aver violato una legge svedese che, in un'interpretazione estesa, arriva a punire chiunque commetta qualsiasi forma di scorretteza relativa ad atti sessuali anche consensuali.
Ma andiamo con ordine.
Come riportato dal settimanale americano Newsweek ad agosto 2010, a far nascere il 'caso' della giustizia svedese contro Assange è stato un avvocato sed esponente socialdemocratico svedese, Claes Borgstrom named (study Borgstrom and Bostrom, Stockholm) representing two women whose statements led the investigation against mr. Wikileaks for 'sexual misconduct'. The
customers Borgstrom (we'll call, as did the international media, A and B) have both indicated that they had sexual relations with Assange last August, during his stay in the Swedish capital entitled "War and the role of the media" organized by the Brotherhood Movement, a Christian group linked to the social democratic party. Both were reported to the police's reluctance to use condoms Assange and accuse him of not wanting to undergo following reports, as by their request, on a test that would exclude sexually transmitted diseases.
The statements of the two women have brought the issue - and then the rapid cancellation - of the charge of rape, and subsequent parallel investigation for alleged 'harassment'. The Guardian published a detailed chronological account of the alleged sexual encounters with women A and B, that in both cases would be initiated by consensus but would then include both what the second would be "non-consensual sex" for refusing to Assange to use condoms.
is how the British Daily Mail tells the story: "When (Assange and woman) have returned from dinner, they had a sexual relationship, but there was a problem with the condom. It was broken. The woman believed that Assange had done it on purpose, but he argued that it was an accident. In any case, the next day, during the conference, A. appeared relaxed and calm. During the same conference had met the woman Assange B, another very pretty blonde, younger woman's A. B admits the woman tried to involve his hero in a conversation. Assange seemed pleased to have such an ardent admirer and, says B, looked at 'any time'.
The Daily Mail reports that, according to a source close to the Swedish police, during sexual intercourse seguito alla loro conoscenza donna B. avrebbe insistito con Assange per usare il preservativo, ma la mattina i due avrebbero avuto un rapporto non protetto. Questo, sempre secondo il Daily Mail "ha costituito la base per l'accusa di stupro. Tuttavia, la mattina dopo l'evento la donna B. era abbastanza serena da scendere a comprare la colazione per Assange".
In sostanza, le accuse delle due donne nei confronti di Assange di essere stato sessualmente scorretto per non aver usato il profilattico non sono state immediate: soltanto diversi giorni dopo i rapporti, le due donne hanno ritenuto che il comportamento di Assange poteva essere penalmente perseguibile. In questo senso, per le due donne sarebbe stato decisivo il rifiuto di Assange a farsi fare examination of AIDS, which they requested.
an admission, not too implied that sexual matters for which the founder of Wikileaks is finished in a prison in London are just an excuse, and that is in for what your site has revealed in recent days.
is therefore worthwhile to see what is the story of the crazy 'rape' per cui, formalmente, Assange è finito in manette a Londra, dopo che nei giorni scorsi l'Interpol aveva emesso un mandato contro Julian Assange per 'crimini sessuali'.
In realtà, tecnicamente, ciò che sta emergendo è che il fondatore di Wikileaks è stato arrestato per aver violato una legge svedese che, in un'interpretazione estesa, arriva a punire chiunque commetta qualsiasi forma di scorretteza relativa ad atti sessuali anche consensuali.
Ma andiamo con ordine.
Come riportato dal settimanale americano Newsweek ad agosto 2010, a far nascere il 'caso' della giustizia svedese contro Assange è stato un avvocato sed esponente socialdemocratico svedese, Claes Borgstrom named (study Borgstrom and Bostrom, Stockholm) representing two women whose statements led the investigation against mr. Wikileaks for 'sexual misconduct'. The
customers Borgstrom (we'll call, as did the international media, A and B) have both indicated that they had sexual relations with Assange last August, during his stay in the Swedish capital entitled "War and the role of the media" organized by the Brotherhood Movement, a Christian group linked to the social democratic party. Both were reported to the police's reluctance to use condoms Assange and accuse him of not wanting to undergo following reports, as by their request, on a test that would exclude sexually transmitted diseases.
The statements of the two women have brought the issue - and then the rapid cancellation - of the charge of rape, and subsequent parallel investigation for alleged 'harassment'. The Guardian published a detailed chronological account of the alleged sexual encounters with women A and B, that in both cases would be initiated by consensus but would then include both what the second would be "non-consensual sex" for refusing to Assange to use condoms.
is how the British Daily Mail tells the story: "When (Assange and woman) have returned from dinner, they had a sexual relationship, but there was a problem with the condom. It was broken. The woman believed that Assange had done it on purpose, but he argued that it was an accident. In any case, the next day, during the conference, A. appeared relaxed and calm. During the same conference had met the woman Assange B, another very pretty blonde, younger woman's A. B admits the woman tried to involve his hero in a conversation. Assange seemed pleased to have such an ardent admirer and, says B, looked at 'any time'.
The Daily Mail reports that, according to a source close to the Swedish police, during sexual intercourse seguito alla loro conoscenza donna B. avrebbe insistito con Assange per usare il preservativo, ma la mattina i due avrebbero avuto un rapporto non protetto. Questo, sempre secondo il Daily Mail "ha costituito la base per l'accusa di stupro. Tuttavia, la mattina dopo l'evento la donna B. era abbastanza serena da scendere a comprare la colazione per Assange".
In sostanza, le accuse delle due donne nei confronti di Assange di essere stato sessualmente scorretto per non aver usato il profilattico non sono state immediate: soltanto diversi giorni dopo i rapporti, le due donne hanno ritenuto che il comportamento di Assange poteva essere penalmente perseguibile. In questo senso, per le due donne sarebbe stato decisivo il rifiuto di Assange a farsi fare examination of AIDS, which they requested.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Women Doctors And Penises
An old article in the Guardian: Matera 2006
I wanted to take an old (?) Guardian article which speaks of Matera and from the beginning, in my humble opinion, to a series of articles and attention from many foreign journalists (see NY Times or Financial Times).
A common thread that draws world attention, especially Anglo-Saxon, a new goal and definition: Lucaniashire Materashire or more detail.
The article ranges from surreal landscapes to directors che qui hanno girato i loro film fino a descrivere hotel che nel loro integrarsi con l'ambiente urbanistico dei Sassi hanno creato un'esperienza senza eguali sul pianeta.
I wanted to take an old (?) Guardian article which speaks of Matera and from the beginning, in my humble opinion, to a series of articles and attention from many foreign journalists (see NY Times or Financial Times).
A common thread that draws world attention, especially Anglo-Saxon, a new goal and definition: Lucaniashire Materashire or more detail.
The article ranges from surreal landscapes to directors che qui hanno girato i loro film fino a descrivere hotel che nel loro integrarsi con l'ambiente urbanistico dei Sassi hanno creato un'esperienza senza eguali sul pianeta.
Articolo del Guardian, Saturday 3 June 2006
Rock chic
The surreal landscapes of Basilicata have inspired a generation of film directors. Now the area is getting its own glamorous makeove. . . leggi l'articolo
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
How To Know If Monitor Is Hd
Il Sole 24 ore: Matera, Cracow and Aliano. The scenarios that make you dream Lucan filmmakers
Cristo si è fermato a Eboli? Sbagliato. Non quello di Francesco Rosi. It was filmed in the beautiful town of Salerno autobiographical film based on the novel by Carlo Levi and quoted in the movie phenomenon of the New (Cine) Lucania Basilicata Coast to Coast Rocco Papaleo, with a toast in honor of the hero Gian Maria Volonte. It has stopped at Eboli not even that of Mel Gibson. Basilicata Felix international film and not, (re) was born out of The Passion, media phenomenon and median of a world that is being discovered, even on the big screen, religiously polarized.
Both passed the beautiful Cracow (Rosi, to be honest, he passed for Aliano), which hosted the other theocons Nativity film by Catherine Hardwicke, who, after thirteen Thirteen wild, si dedicò all'adolescente più famosa del mondo, Maria di Nazareth. E lì si fermarono anche i fratelli Taviani, con Il sole anche di notte, Lattuada per La Lupa, Lina Wertmuller con Ninfa Plebea e il nuovo 007 Daniel Craig con Quantum of Solace.
Vai all'articolo
Cristo si è fermato a Eboli? Sbagliato. Non quello di Francesco Rosi. It was filmed in the beautiful town of Salerno autobiographical film based on the novel by Carlo Levi and quoted in the movie phenomenon of the New (Cine) Lucania Basilicata Coast to Coast Rocco Papaleo, with a toast in honor of the hero Gian Maria Volonte. It has stopped at Eboli not even that of Mel Gibson. Basilicata Felix international film and not, (re) was born out of The Passion, media phenomenon and median of a world that is being discovered, even on the big screen, religiously polarized.
Both passed the beautiful Cracow (Rosi, to be honest, he passed for Aliano), which hosted the other theocons Nativity film by Catherine Hardwicke, who, after thirteen Thirteen wild, si dedicò all'adolescente più famosa del mondo, Maria di Nazareth. E lì si fermarono anche i fratelli Taviani, con Il sole anche di notte, Lattuada per La Lupa, Lina Wertmuller con Ninfa Plebea e il nuovo 007 Daniel Craig con Quantum of Solace.
Vai all'articolo
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Pain In Foot When Skating
Special Touring here ...
Il Touring Club tra le varie destinazioni in Italia indica anche alcune mete in Basilicata. Indica ai suoi lettori le Dolomiti Lucane con ... Picchi, guglie, profonde gole si insinuano nel territorio e dividono paesi, rilievi mai troppo alti che incombono con un'incredibile forza sulle case e gli edifici che l'uomo has managed to build in this environment so wild ... or Pollino National Park area carpeted with forests, deeply marked by the man who here has erected walls, built castles, monasteries, churches, cleared land, raised animals and built villages perched on the mountains ...
Among other initiatives, the editorial "Special Qui Touring", the bimonthly TCI, has lengthy report on National Park of the Val D'Agri Lucano that says so: .. . To travel to Basilicata unusual atmosphere, atavistic, we are no longer used, where bitterness is alternated with kindness, hill after hill, after significant relief, and return back in time, like a nineteenth-century Grand Tour, where everything is yet to be discovered, and wonder . " or ... "In an air volcanic strongly ignition, / the trees breathe with an unusual heartbeat, swelling in the oak logs with the substance of heaven."
Il Touring Club tra le varie destinazioni in Italia indica anche alcune mete in Basilicata. Indica ai suoi lettori le Dolomiti Lucane con ... Picchi, guglie, profonde gole si insinuano nel territorio e dividono paesi, rilievi mai troppo alti che incombono con un'incredibile forza sulle case e gli edifici che l'uomo has managed to build in this environment so wild ... or Pollino National Park area carpeted with forests, deeply marked by the man who here has erected walls, built castles, monasteries, churches, cleared land, raised animals and built villages perched on the mountains ...
Among other initiatives, the editorial "Special Qui Touring", the bimonthly TCI, has lengthy report on National Park of the Val D'Agri Lucano that says so: .. . To travel to Basilicata unusual atmosphere, atavistic, we are no longer used, where bitterness is alternated with kindness, hill after hill, after significant relief, and return back in time, like a nineteenth-century Grand Tour, where everything is yet to be discovered, and wonder . " or ... "In an air volcanic strongly ignition, / the trees breathe with an unusual heartbeat, swelling in the oak logs with the substance of heaven."
Clouded Vision After Cateract Surgery
Basilicata Basilicata and Magna Grecia. An invitation to travel
Lucania, a land of forests and magic, where mountains and sea blend into a concert silence, smells, colors overtime. Land almost untouched, unknown to the world in its most intimate secrets and natural in his performances of "naturalized civilization" that keeps the strong tradition of each country.
Read the article by methasiri
Lucania, a land of forests and magic, where mountains and sea blend into a concert silence, smells, colors overtime. Land almost untouched, unknown to the world in its most intimate secrets and natural in his performances of "naturalized civilization" that keeps the strong tradition of each country.
Read the article by methasiri
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Birthday Messages For Men
Adopt a fountain
Those of you who remember the fountains in cast iron? Many of my memories are tied to these fountains as soon as I saw this initiative and I could not report it. To respect the fountain
The project adopts a fountain, designed and built by Rabite has been selected to participate in the Week European Waste Reduction to be held across the EU 20 to 28 November 2010. Tal
event is promoted in Italy by the National Organizing Committee, under the auspices of UNESCO CNI, the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.
The project will take place in collaboration with students from Manlius dell'ITCGT Chapter Tursi, and with the support of the local City of Tursi, the Park of the Pollino and Aqueduct Lucan.
Poster European Week for Waste Reduction
10 rules to conserve water '
What do these acronyms?
Those of you who remember the fountains in cast iron? Many of my memories are tied to these fountains as soon as I saw this initiative and I could not report it. To respect the fountain
The project adopts a fountain, designed and built by Rabite has been selected to participate in the Week European Waste Reduction to be held across the EU 20 to 28 November 2010. Tal
event is promoted in Italy by the National Organizing Committee, under the auspices of UNESCO CNI, the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.
The project will take place in collaboration with students from Manlius dell'ITCGT Chapter Tursi, and with the support of the local City of Tursi, the Park of the Pollino and Aqueduct Lucan.
Poster European Week for Waste Reduction
10 rules to conserve water '
What do these acronyms?
Army Aviation Branch Powerpoint
was November 23 and in Basilicata and Irpinia earth trembles
"Suddenly the brutal truth restores the relationship between me and reality. These wasp nests are smashed homes, houses, or rather they were. "
"Suddenly the brutal truth restores the relationship between me and reality. These wasp nests are smashed homes, houses, or rather they were. "
(Alberto Moravia, I saw the dying South)
Sunday, November 21, 2010
50tj Anniversary Clip Art
The New York Times talking about Basilicata
After the Financial Times the New York Times speaks of Basilicata! The article, accompanied by a photo shoot, from luxury to poverty (see photo ), focuses on the transformation of the landscape. The title of the service In Italy, Luxury Hotels Transforms Into Caves, or The luxury hotel transforms the caves, also shows a landscape of ... social redemption.
But beyond the personal interpretations more or less, the fact is that a region until recently, completely ignored and invisible is cutting out a space all its own.
Here is the article translated into Italian, published in The New York Times on November 21 on page 9.
was a late afternoon in Matera, Basilicata region of southern Italy, and the swallows flew in the air, their melodious chirping was interrupted only by the ringing of the bells of the cows in the stream that watered down in the bottom of the canyon.
other side of the canyon is the ancient Matera, an area so old that you used to play in Judea film "The Passion of the Christ" Mel Gibson . Often called Sassi
(meaning stone / rock), or the city of the Sassi, this part of Matera is a labyrinth of caves, churches - Some of which date back to Roman times - zigzagging streets and stone facades carved on a cliff of tuff yellowed.
Just after I and my family we were placed in a completely new hotel called Hotel-Sextantio Spread The Caves of Civita, we noticed an elderly couple up the stairs, stone worn, hotel. The couple, who wore the clothing on Sunday, came on the terrace of stone, the hotel through an iron gate. In the lobby, we heard the man, Francesco Di Cecco, report to the operator and tell that he and his wife had come to visit his childhood home. Curious, we followed them as they found what they were looking in where the Suite is now 10. "I was born here in 1939," said Di Cecco as he opened a heavy wooden door that leads to a cave that stretched for about 60 meters.
As the homes that surround it, most of the hotel is made up of caves, their faces carved into the rock or built of limestone blocks. Suite 10 has been transformed into a magical version of Plato's cave , shining artificial golden light filtering through the small windows, and recessed lighting in the walls. The minimum space is furnished simply, with a desk, wooden art aged, a large bed with a white cover, vaulted ceilings and a pavimento in pietra patinata
"Sono cresciuto qui con i miei sette fratelli e sorelle," disse il signor Di Cecce, e indicando il bagno di lusso con la vasca da bagno a forma di uovo del design Philippe Starck. "E gli animali vivevano là dietro."
Nel 1945, quando "Cristo si è fermato a Eboli" – Carlo Levi racconta l'estrema povertà in Basilicata - è stato pubblicato, ha portato l'attenzione e la vergogna di questa regione dimenticata, inserita tra la Puglia e la Calabria. Un decennio più tardi, il signor Di Cecce e circa 15.000 abitanti nei Sassi sono stati trasferiti in nuovi alloggi a basso reddito, e le antiche case grotta furono abbandonati.
Mentre guardavo in giro per la stanza che un tempo era la casa di una famiglia di poverissimi, ho ricordato qualcosa che l'umorista americano Finley Peter Dunne una volta disse: "Il passato sembra sempre migliore di quanto non fosse perché non è qui".
Infatti, in questi periodo le grotte appaiono molto meglio che sotto la tutela dello stato . Nel 1993, nel tentativo di proteggere la storia significativa dei Sassi, l'Unesco ha dichiarato il Matera e i Sassi patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO, e gradualmente quelle case abbadonate a se stesse sono state trasformate in alberghi e ristoranti. Ora che alcune delle grotte sono progettati con vasche da bagno Starck e con alte tecnologie per il controllo della temperatura e umidità, alcuni viaggiatori sono disposti a spendere più di 400 dollari a notte per immergersi in una atmosfera incantata di antichità, anche se questo significa fare a meno di TV a schermo piatto o Wi -Fi.
Il regista e ... albergatore Francis Ford Coppola sta contribuendo a far girare il nome della Basilicata. La prossima primavera ha in programma di aprire completamente Palazzo Margherita, nella remota cittadina di Bernalda, a circa 25 miglia a sud di Matera, e meno di 10 miglia dalla costa del Mediterraneo.
Anche se è la sua sesta proprietà, questa è la sua più personale. Suo nonno Agostino Coppola è nato e cresciuto in una "casa piccola nel centro storico di Bernalda, " scrive Coppola in una e-mail. Ha added that his grandfather, who has spoken often of his native country, never failed to call his hometown "Bella Bernalda.
Mr. Coppola went to see Bella Bernalda for himself and in 1962 "has been embraced by the country and found that almost all was his cousin." In 2004 he bought the Palazzo Margherita, a large villa of the nineteenth century. The interiors were designed by Parisian designer Jacques Grange , and will feature nine suites, a restaurant and a bar side of the road. In his e-mail, Mr. Coppola described the charm of Basilicata: "E''difficile dig a hole in the ground everywhere, without finding a pot or a shard ancient greek. The wine is exceptional. The oil di oliva è eccezionale. Il cibo è unico. Ci sono cose che vengono mangiate che sono sconosciute altrove in Italia. "
Ci vuole un esploratore appassionato per di cucina per arrivare a Luna Rossa, un ristorante così fuori da ogni itinerario che si deve portare con sé quasi po 'di carburante di riserva. Lungo il percorso che si snoda attraverso il Parco Nazionale del Pollino che conduce al paese di Terranova di Pollin o, diventa chiaro il perché alcune delle ricette di Basilicata non hanno mai lasciato la zona.
"Alcune dei paesi in Basilicata sono così isolati che a volte è possibile trovare piatti che non sono cambiati molto dai tempi pagani", ha affermato Federico Valicenti, chef and owner of Luna Rossa, a self-proclaimed culinary anthropologist.
That particular day in May, he served his guests a meal that included thin slices of salami pigs eating acorns in the Pollino, blinds, local pasta in the shape of an ear, served with hard ricotta cheese and lemon zest, a plate of roast kid that was inspired by a medieval recipe, pork, eggs, cheese and local cheese. Luna Rossa on the wine list there are a dozen of the wines' Aglianico del Vulture, a red grape variety originating in ancient Greece, which is grown on the slopes of an extinct volcano in the northwest of Basilicata.
Although Mr. Valicenti seeks inspiration in the texts Medieval and Renaissance, said his recipes are his interpretations of traditional dishes. "I am lighter and they use modern cooking techniques," he said.
Newly opened is the Flower Tower Hotel, 10 minute drive from the small city on the hill of Pisticci , which offers a breakfast ricotta absolute value, produced by a local family that is dedicated to the craft cheese and cottage cheese for six generations. The hotel's chef, in turn, used to make a simple but memorable ricotta mousse.
The hotel, surrounded by wildflowers and wheat fields, was once a farm (a farm house with fortified walls typical of southern Italy), built by a wealthy landowner. Now is a dream realized by the owner, John Giannone, who was born in Pisticci, but emigrated to Toronto. E 'was originally designed as a holiday home for his family, but his children were so excited about the potential of the area who have decided to turn it into a boutique hotel with swimming pool and 13 suites.
The Flower Tower restaurant is popular among local connoisseurs who like Roberto Martin and his partner, Angelo Bianco, drove for 45 minutes from Matera to eat there.
Originally from Basilicata, the two moved to Florence where they are organized happenings of contemporary art. Circa quattro anni fa hanno deciso di tornare in Basilicata per realizzare SoutHeritage , una fondazione d'arte contemporanea che organizza mostre d'arte contemporanea in spazi storici in tutta la Basilicata.
Il signor Martino ha ricordato che la prime mostre attiravano gente p più per il vino e il cibo che per l’arte. "Idee moderne richiedono tempo per essere accettate qui," ha detto. "Siamo almeno 60 anni indietro rispetto l'Italia settentrionale." Poi, ha aggiunto con una risata: "Anche se a volte sembra secoli".
leggi l'articolo sul New York Times
After the Financial Times the New York Times speaks of Basilicata! The article, accompanied by a photo shoot, from luxury to poverty (see photo ), focuses on the transformation of the landscape. The title of the service In Italy, Luxury Hotels Transforms Into Caves, or The luxury hotel transforms the caves, also shows a landscape of ... social redemption.
But beyond the personal interpretations more or less, the fact is that a region until recently, completely ignored and invisible is cutting out a space all its own.
Here is the article translated into Italian, published in The New York Times on November 21 on page 9.
was a late afternoon in Matera, Basilicata region of southern Italy, and the swallows flew in the air, their melodious chirping was interrupted only by the ringing of the bells of the cows in the stream that watered down in the bottom of the canyon.
other side of the canyon is the ancient Matera, an area so old that you used to play in Judea film "The Passion of the Christ" Mel Gibson . Often called Sassi
(meaning stone / rock), or the city of the Sassi, this part of Matera is a labyrinth of caves, churches - Some of which date back to Roman times - zigzagging streets and stone facades carved on a cliff of tuff yellowed.
Just after I and my family we were placed in a completely new hotel called Hotel-Sextantio Spread The Caves of Civita, we noticed an elderly couple up the stairs, stone worn, hotel. The couple, who wore the clothing on Sunday, came on the terrace of stone, the hotel through an iron gate. In the lobby, we heard the man, Francesco Di Cecco, report to the operator and tell that he and his wife had come to visit his childhood home. Curious, we followed them as they found what they were looking in where the Suite is now 10. "I was born here in 1939," said Di Cecco as he opened a heavy wooden door that leads to a cave that stretched for about 60 meters.
As the homes that surround it, most of the hotel is made up of caves, their faces carved into the rock or built of limestone blocks. Suite 10 has been transformed into a magical version of Plato's cave , shining artificial golden light filtering through the small windows, and recessed lighting in the walls. The minimum space is furnished simply, with a desk, wooden art aged, a large bed with a white cover, vaulted ceilings and a pavimento in pietra patinata
"Sono cresciuto qui con i miei sette fratelli e sorelle," disse il signor Di Cecce, e indicando il bagno di lusso con la vasca da bagno a forma di uovo del design Philippe Starck. "E gli animali vivevano là dietro."
Nel 1945, quando "Cristo si è fermato a Eboli" – Carlo Levi racconta l'estrema povertà in Basilicata - è stato pubblicato, ha portato l'attenzione e la vergogna di questa regione dimenticata, inserita tra la Puglia e la Calabria. Un decennio più tardi, il signor Di Cecce e circa 15.000 abitanti nei Sassi sono stati trasferiti in nuovi alloggi a basso reddito, e le antiche case grotta furono abbandonati.
Mentre guardavo in giro per la stanza che un tempo era la casa di una famiglia di poverissimi, ho ricordato qualcosa che l'umorista americano Finley Peter Dunne una volta disse: "Il passato sembra sempre migliore di quanto non fosse perché non è qui".
Infatti, in questi periodo le grotte appaiono molto meglio che sotto la tutela dello stato . Nel 1993, nel tentativo di proteggere la storia significativa dei Sassi, l'Unesco ha dichiarato il Matera e i Sassi patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO, e gradualmente quelle case abbadonate a se stesse sono state trasformate in alberghi e ristoranti. Ora che alcune delle grotte sono progettati con vasche da bagno Starck e con alte tecnologie per il controllo della temperatura e umidità, alcuni viaggiatori sono disposti a spendere più di 400 dollari a notte per immergersi in una atmosfera incantata di antichità, anche se questo significa fare a meno di TV a schermo piatto o Wi -Fi.
Il regista e ... albergatore Francis Ford Coppola sta contribuendo a far girare il nome della Basilicata. La prossima primavera ha in programma di aprire completamente Palazzo Margherita, nella remota cittadina di Bernalda, a circa 25 miglia a sud di Matera, e meno di 10 miglia dalla costa del Mediterraneo.
Anche se è la sua sesta proprietà, questa è la sua più personale. Suo nonno Agostino Coppola è nato e cresciuto in una "casa piccola nel centro storico di Bernalda, " scrive Coppola in una e-mail. Ha added that his grandfather, who has spoken often of his native country, never failed to call his hometown "Bella Bernalda.
Mr. Coppola went to see Bella Bernalda for himself and in 1962 "has been embraced by the country and found that almost all was his cousin." In 2004 he bought the Palazzo Margherita, a large villa of the nineteenth century. The interiors were designed by Parisian designer Jacques Grange , and will feature nine suites, a restaurant and a bar side of the road. In his e-mail, Mr. Coppola described the charm of Basilicata: "E''difficile dig a hole in the ground everywhere, without finding a pot or a shard ancient greek. The wine is exceptional. The oil di oliva è eccezionale. Il cibo è unico. Ci sono cose che vengono mangiate che sono sconosciute altrove in Italia. "
Ci vuole un esploratore appassionato per di cucina per arrivare a Luna Rossa, un ristorante così fuori da ogni itinerario che si deve portare con sé quasi po 'di carburante di riserva. Lungo il percorso che si snoda attraverso il Parco Nazionale del Pollino che conduce al paese di Terranova di Pollin o, diventa chiaro il perché alcune delle ricette di Basilicata non hanno mai lasciato la zona.
"Alcune dei paesi in Basilicata sono così isolati che a volte è possibile trovare piatti che non sono cambiati molto dai tempi pagani", ha affermato Federico Valicenti, chef and owner of Luna Rossa, a self-proclaimed culinary anthropologist.
That particular day in May, he served his guests a meal that included thin slices of salami pigs eating acorns in the Pollino, blinds, local pasta in the shape of an ear, served with hard ricotta cheese and lemon zest, a plate of roast kid that was inspired by a medieval recipe, pork, eggs, cheese and local cheese. Luna Rossa on the wine list there are a dozen of the wines' Aglianico del Vulture, a red grape variety originating in ancient Greece, which is grown on the slopes of an extinct volcano in the northwest of Basilicata.
Although Mr. Valicenti seeks inspiration in the texts Medieval and Renaissance, said his recipes are his interpretations of traditional dishes. "I am lighter and they use modern cooking techniques," he said.
Newly opened is the Flower Tower Hotel, 10 minute drive from the small city on the hill of Pisticci , which offers a breakfast ricotta absolute value, produced by a local family that is dedicated to the craft cheese and cottage cheese for six generations. The hotel's chef, in turn, used to make a simple but memorable ricotta mousse.
The hotel, surrounded by wildflowers and wheat fields, was once a farm (a farm house with fortified walls typical of southern Italy), built by a wealthy landowner. Now is a dream realized by the owner, John Giannone, who was born in Pisticci, but emigrated to Toronto. E 'was originally designed as a holiday home for his family, but his children were so excited about the potential of the area who have decided to turn it into a boutique hotel with swimming pool and 13 suites.
The Flower Tower restaurant is popular among local connoisseurs who like Roberto Martin and his partner, Angelo Bianco, drove for 45 minutes from Matera to eat there.
Originally from Basilicata, the two moved to Florence where they are organized happenings of contemporary art. Circa quattro anni fa hanno deciso di tornare in Basilicata per realizzare SoutHeritage , una fondazione d'arte contemporanea che organizza mostre d'arte contemporanea in spazi storici in tutta la Basilicata.
Il signor Martino ha ricordato che la prime mostre attiravano gente p più per il vino e il cibo che per l’arte. "Idee moderne richiedono tempo per essere accettate qui," ha detto. "Siamo almeno 60 anni indietro rispetto l'Italia settentrionale." Poi, ha aggiunto con una risata: "Anche se a volte sembra secoli".
leggi l'articolo sul New York Times
Friday, November 19, 2010
Will Implantation Bleeding Have Cervical Mucus
's time to chestnuts in Basilicata Basilicata
surprise me. I read a post on the web site Trentino speaking of chestnuts and Basilicata. In continuing the reading, I realize well-defined trails and detailed information. Much more accurate and comprehensive records of many local sites and Basilicata. Running, then I realize that the author of this article is one of the biggest names in gastronomy and its dissemination, Frederick Valicenti i. discovered this, and knowing the thickness in the area ... and more ... I enjoy reading the full post here reproduce.
to eat alone, roasted or boiled, mixed in sweets or in the form of jam, but always sweet and tasty like every year. time chestnuts, a good excuse to gather the family together and spend a Sunday sound and intelligent. Basilicata now has become a favorite from nearby Puglia.
to eat alone, roasted or boiled, mixed in sweets or in the form of jam, but always sweet and tasty like every year. time chestnuts, a good excuse to gather the family together and spend a Sunday sound and intelligent. Basilicata now has become a favorite from nearby Puglia.
Every weekend during these months of October, November, entire organizations, social clubs, organized also by bus, families, couples or singles, sketch the route of the chestnuts. Routes leading to the discovery of the territory also Lucan starting to gear up with festivals and events autumn always better to catch this segment of the local tourism. From
Melfese to Lagonegrese , from the park of Pollino Val d'Agri hundreds of people arriving tourists in search of chestnut curls, to take as souvenirs or to introduce them to children in schools in their homes. Through this route do it yourself, you rediscover nature trails, beautiful scenery, fall colors that only a region still intact and virgin like Basilicata has to offer.
Groups of people flood the restaurants, hotels, bringing the farm economy that builds loyalty through the knowledge of the matter before any good host, every good cook, and knows every good producer should be able to sell that are typical or chestnuts. Earth chestnut Basilicata offers an incredible variety of biodiversity . Being able to distinguish the brown from castagne non è di vitale importanza ma arricchisce e accresce la conoscenza, il marrone ha forma più arrotondata con facce convesse, cresce al massimo in numero di due per ogni riccio, ha generalmente colore più chiaro, sul biondo caldo, presenta striature longitudinali abbastanza evidenti. Oltre alla dimensione, i marroni sono più grossi, ma esistono castagne normali anch’ esse assai grosse, la caratteristica più importante nella determinazione della qualità di una castagna, e’ il numero di semi contenuti nella buccia esterna.
Secondo alcuni specialisti, il "marrone" e’ una varietà della castagna dotata di un solo seme, il che significa minore o nulla penetrazione della seconda buccia nella polpa. Questo e’ un grosso vantaggio sia per il gusto sia per la lavorazione pratica del frutto. Oggi meta di passeggiate in famiglia e di sagre di paese, il valore del castagno è sempre stato il frutto ma anche il bosco, la classica “castagnara”, è stata per secoli un’importante fonte di sostentamento e aggregazione nella civiltà contadina. Chiamato anticamente anche albero del pane il castagno ha avuto un ruolo fondamentale nell’economia della montagna fino a pochi decenni fa. L’albero ha pregi per il legno, che è ricco di tannino, resistente, di lunga durata, buono per la costruzione di travi, mobili e infissi. La Castanea sativa, della famiglia delle fagacee, è still a precious plant. Spread throughout Europe began with the Greeks, was enlarged by the Romans and went on continuously throughout the Middle Ages through the work of the monastic orders The purpose of this extension was his double role as culinary resource, the chestnut is a starchy and technology as wood for building. Since the Renaissance, in conjunction with the technical progress in agriculture and the increasing development of cereal, began the crisis of the chestnut.
Secondo alcuni specialisti, il "marrone" e’ una varietà della castagna dotata di un solo seme, il che significa minore o nulla penetrazione della seconda buccia nella polpa. Questo e’ un grosso vantaggio sia per il gusto sia per la lavorazione pratica del frutto. Oggi meta di passeggiate in famiglia e di sagre di paese, il valore del castagno è sempre stato il frutto ma anche il bosco, la classica “castagnara”, è stata per secoli un’importante fonte di sostentamento e aggregazione nella civiltà contadina. Chiamato anticamente anche albero del pane il castagno ha avuto un ruolo fondamentale nell’economia della montagna fino a pochi decenni fa. L’albero ha pregi per il legno, che è ricco di tannino, resistente, di lunga durata, buono per la costruzione di travi, mobili e infissi. La Castanea sativa, della famiglia delle fagacee, è still a precious plant. Spread throughout Europe began with the Greeks, was enlarged by the Romans and went on continuously throughout the Middle Ages through the work of the monastic orders The purpose of this extension was his double role as culinary resource, the chestnut is a starchy and technology as wood for building. Since the Renaissance, in conjunction with the technical progress in agriculture and the increasing development of cereal, began the crisis of the chestnut.
Since then and until the nineteenth century, the chestnut suffered a slow and gradual abandonment occur despite expansions of local significance that, over the centuries, they vary the distribution of chestnut, at least in Italy. At the end of the nineteenth century began the decline of the real chestnut, and lasted for decades because of the competition of multiple causes, such as changes in dietary habits of European populations, the introduction of alternative materials such as metal and plastic in ' exhibition of artifacts and infrastructure projects, civil and agricultural crisis of the tannin industry after the thirties, the growing interest in other species from forest wood, chestnut as alternatives to the black locust and cherry, the human pressure on forest environments. Even the cuisine of both fresh and dried chestnuts, had its ups and downs but has managed to preserve the memory of the recipes as keeping food on the basis of the typical old canteen, which is now ample space in the menus of restaurants and trattorias guardians of each region.
The most simple, usable at home, and 'prolonged immersion, 8 days in water at room temperature. Revolt often the first day to come to the surface as flawed, but the water does not change throughout the period. Then rinse and dry carefully, putting them in a cool place for 2 or 3 weeks, once you dare to keep them for months in jute bags. Nowadays c 'and' a system even easier, the chestnuts, in fact, can be stored in the freezer with no problems, with only two caveats: a small incision in the frozen if you plan to roast and prior immersion in water to identify those buggy.
How to cook: To roast
need to practice on one side of the skin incision and then cook over an open fire in an iron pan perforated. To boil, boil immersing them in lightly salted cold water and flavored with bay leaves or fennel seeds. Peel and sieve, then become the basis of many classic recipes, sweet or savory. Chestnuts can also boil or simmer after first having peeled; In this case, just cut the peel and soak for 5 minutes in boiling water, peeling away. Then boil them with a little water and letting the flavors more suited to undo or holding the tooth. . Or put them to simmer in a pan with butter and vegetables such as celery, leeks, onions, cover with broth and cook until you get an excellent side dish or the ingredient is ideal for stuffing. The starting point is described by cooking you can get jams, ice creams, savory creams, puddings. Many traditional recipes such as the chestnut cake, polenta, pancakes, require the use of chestnut flour, available in any supermarket, but other recipes require the use of dried chestnuts. In this case, soak them in warm water and clean them of any residual internal peel before cooking. With dried chestnuts you get a lot of classic country cooking soups.
To make a good meal without the digestive problems can be combined with chestnuts and other starchy foods with vegetables, while it is definitely not recommended combination with fruits, milk, yogurt and low-fat cheese . Finally, you can eat the chestnuts with legumes, protein, fruits, oil and fats. But even simple roasted chestnuts, rustling in the iron pot, perforated, rejoice a bit 'all, with the desire to vino novello.
“ Munnulata” di Castelsaraceno
Ingredienti 300 gr di castagne 150 gr di fagioli 1 cucchiaio di olio extravergine di oliva 1 spicchio d’aglio 1 cucchiaio di polvere di peperone macinato Procedimento Sbucciare le castagne: corteccia esterna, metterle in acqua fredda per un pò e togliere le pellicine interne quindi bollire le castagne in pignata con acqua e un pizzico di sale, far cuocere evitando una cottura prolungata, non far ammorbidire troppo le castagne. Cuocere a parte i fagioli rossi, preferibilmente, comunque non bianchi, in acqua con un pizzico di sale nella pignata. A cottura ultimata mischiare fagioli e castagne. In una padella oil and fry garlic powder pepper (puparul pisat: u CIFT) pour into the mix of chestnuts and beans and serve
cake, brown Marradi
For the dough: 1 kg of mashed brown 1 liter of milk 4 eggs 400 grams sugar teaspoon of vanilla extract, half a glass of rum, 2 tablespoons alchermes, a pinch of salt grated rind of a lemon. For the pastry: 200 gr flour 1 tablespoon of butter milk and water as required.
Preparation: Carve the browns, especially when still fresh, and boil on high heat for 2 or 3 minutes using the perforated pan or passing them in the microwave. Then proceed to the peeling. Boil them in water salted water for about an hour. Drain and strain through fine sieve. Mix the puree with brown sugar, vanilla, lemon peel, rum el'alchermes. Beat eggs and add to the mix. Let stand for about two hours. Combine the milk and stir well. Meanwhile, mix the flour with the butter, milk and water enough to obtain a sheet with a rolling pin to roll. Cover the pan and then with this sheet including the edges. Pour the mixture into the pan to brown not exceed a height of 4 cm. Bake in preheated oven at 120 degrees for about three hours making sure that the mixture never reaches the boiling point. Check the cooking by dipping a toothpick, which in the right area, will come out completely clean. This cake must be cut in cold lozenges better the day after cooking. A variation of the recipe is to simmer the chestnuts in half milk and half water, or only in milk. In almost all the old recipes, whose common characteristic is that of maximum simplicity of the products used, the chestnuts were boiled in water, cooking that keeps them whole and makes them more digestible. The rich families were cooking the other hand, in the past, the chestnuts in milk, as they do today.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
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, heaven ... according to Italian Republic ( part 2)
But for those seeking tranquility, also Bernalda is a goal to pursue. A cluster of houses around the castle (named Bernardino de Bernaudo who built the manor), thirteen thousand souls, and a national Honorary exception since 1988: Francis Ford Coppola . The great director of "The Godfather" (who was born in Detroit, Michigan) comes down from his grandfather Agostino original Bernalda and emigrated in the early '900. Here recently bought Palazzo Margherita (in Corso Umberto, pulsating soul of the community), who has renovated a ruined castle and a few months will become a luxury hotel. Not infrequently it happens to meet in the center, aim to exchange a few words with the residents.
" a child - said in another spot promoted by tourism promotion - I heard wonderful stories from my grandfather who used to make wine in the cellar home in New York and eat foods such as "lambascione" that few know in Italy. When you see the sky from Basilicata, see fields, vineyards, beautiful landscapes ... see the earth as it should be! "
And it is always the nature, now flourishing, now a bitter be the common thread that binds this land , so that. another is the excellence Natural Park Gallipoli Cognato a concentration of vertiginous cliffs, narrow gorges cut by rivers flowing through it (primarily the Basento), and a favorite destination for bird watching: the more fortunate can also see the rare black stork that move across the sky in slow speed and which has found its natural habitat. Here and there you can see "the sumptuous of cows, which give little milk, but of extraordinary quality, from which it derives the caciocavallo cheese, the noble variant of the Lucan dairy, natural defense of the territory.
Wherever the quality of life is good (as in countries within the Park, Castelmezzano and Pietrapertosa perched in the rock that it seems natural cribs; Accettura , Oliveto Lucano , Calciano ) "there is not even the Mafia" (following the rap film Papaleo). And that sense of limitless and intact, is also found San Mauro Forte, Norman period, which seems to come out directly from images in black and white, 50s, taking in order like a living room. The streets are full of corridors baronial buildings: there are about fourteen surveyed by the Superintendent, as Acquaviva, Di Sanza, Lauria, to name a few, and whose project is the creation of a popular hotel.
speech apart for Sassi of Matera declared UNESCO world heritage site, which now have become the true driving force of tourism Lucan. The facades of tufa frozen in time, hiding unexpected contemporary interiors. Come sono lontani i tempi quando queste costruzioni in pietra furono bollate dal governo De Gasperi, come vergogna nazionale. Dalla piccola terrazza belvedere in Piazzetta Pascoli (prende il nome dal vecchio liceo classico in cui il poeta insegnò per due anni), le case scavate nella roccia, le chiese rupestri e il perfetto stato di conservazione di simili concentrati d'arte e architettura popolare, generano una sorta di vertigine culturale. Poco distante, c'è il paese d' Irsina divenuto famoso perché conserva la scultura a tutto tondo in pietra dipinta, raffigurante Santa Eufemia, attribuita ad Andrea Mantegna, che attualmente rappresenta l'unica scultura mai ritrovata al mondo del genio padovano.
Everywhere, the Basilicata also plays the card of food, made fresh pasta, meats, lampascioni - cult of the old country cooking - and good wine Aglianico del Vulture . And who knows, even beyond the English Channel, these dishes, as well as brawn, scarpedd (fried bread dough) and peppers cruschi (sun-dried and passed in hot oil), do not end up like most of the " fish and chips. "
article Isa Grasonville, Republic 16/09/2010
place here the second part of the Republic, which defines the Basilicata Italian like heaven. ( read the first part )
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Metaponto Beach at sunset (photo by super cool ) |
" a child - said in another spot promoted by tourism promotion - I heard wonderful stories from my grandfather who used to make wine in the cellar home in New York and eat foods such as "lambascione" that few know in Italy. When you see the sky from Basilicata, see fields, vineyards, beautiful landscapes ... see the earth as it should be! "
And it is always the nature, now flourishing, now a bitter be the common thread that binds this land , so that. another is the excellence Natural Park Gallipoli Cognato a concentration of vertiginous cliffs, narrow gorges cut by rivers flowing through it (primarily the Basento), and a favorite destination for bird watching: the more fortunate can also see the rare black stork that move across the sky in slow speed and which has found its natural habitat. Here and there you can see "the sumptuous of cows, which give little milk, but of extraordinary quality, from which it derives the caciocavallo cheese, the noble variant of the Lucan dairy, natural defense of the territory.
Wherever the quality of life is good (as in countries within the Park, Castelmezzano and Pietrapertosa perched in the rock that it seems natural cribs; Accettura , Oliveto Lucano , Calciano ) "there is not even the Mafia" (following the rap film Papaleo). And that sense of limitless and intact, is also found San Mauro Forte, Norman period, which seems to come out directly from images in black and white, 50s, taking in order like a living room. The streets are full of corridors baronial buildings: there are about fourteen surveyed by the Superintendent, as Acquaviva, Di Sanza, Lauria, to name a few, and whose project is the creation of a popular hotel.
speech apart for Sassi of Matera declared UNESCO world heritage site, which now have become the true driving force of tourism Lucan. The facades of tufa frozen in time, hiding unexpected contemporary interiors. Come sono lontani i tempi quando queste costruzioni in pietra furono bollate dal governo De Gasperi, come vergogna nazionale. Dalla piccola terrazza belvedere in Piazzetta Pascoli (prende il nome dal vecchio liceo classico in cui il poeta insegnò per due anni), le case scavate nella roccia, le chiese rupestri e il perfetto stato di conservazione di simili concentrati d'arte e architettura popolare, generano una sorta di vertigine culturale. Poco distante, c'è il paese d' Irsina divenuto famoso perché conserva la scultura a tutto tondo in pietra dipinta, raffigurante Santa Eufemia, attribuita ad Andrea Mantegna, che attualmente rappresenta l'unica scultura mai ritrovata al mondo del genio padovano.
Everywhere, the Basilicata also plays the card of food, made fresh pasta, meats, lampascioni - cult of the old country cooking - and good wine Aglianico del Vulture . And who knows, even beyond the English Channel, these dishes, as well as brawn, scarpedd (fried bread dough) and peppers cruschi (sun-dried and passed in hot oil), do not end up like most of the " fish and chips. "
article Isa Grasonville, Republic 16/09/2010
points of spoken
See the map
Cost Of Tattoo On Ear
Basilicata, the Italian paradise ... the second Republic (part 1)
seems that all of a sudden attention to the region has exploded and Lucan has drawn the attention of many who, for various reasons, describing the territory and beyond . And in this blog there is a small series articles. Some
definifito this phenomenon as the POINT B . But beyond the definitions and classifications and staying with the facts, another important test, Republic appears at the window and realizes that there is a small region with much to show, tell and find out. Responsible Sassi di Matera for Papaleo, of Venice Mariolina , political action and communication on the Basilicata region they are discovering their visiting? Maybe! All true, for the analysis is still early but we must, however, look carefully at the phenomenon.
If we think of the great emphasis that this same land was a few decades ago. But there was no talk of heaven, even the right word was hell! These days, marks a sad anniversary. a devastating earthquake struck parts of B asilicata and Irpinia. Homelessness, deaths, arrivals. The chronicle of those days and years to come has the marked body and the soul of many lucani.
Guardare la Basilicata 30 anni dopo e leggere questi articoli fa piacere.
Leggi l'articolo:
Il cinema l'ha rilanciata, gli inglesi la stanno trasformando nel loro ultimo buen retiro, al posto del Chiantishire. Da Matera a Maratea, dal mare ai monti, il successo di una regione rimasta autentica
Basilicata, bella scoperta".(vedi il VIDEO ) E' lo slogan di uno spot pubblicitario, di qualche tempo fa, per promuovere una delle regioni meno conosciute d'Italia con protagonista un curioso Leonardo da Vinci che, tentando di presentare la sua macchina volante ai forestieri, resta stupito e incantato dalle bellezze della sconosciuta Lucania. Oggi sono in tanti a scoprire quest'angolo del "Sud Italia", complice il recente film del lucano Rocco Papaleo , " Basilicata Coast to Coast " con i suoi 4 milioni di incassi e ancora in proiezione. "La Basilicata è come il concetto di Dio o ci credi o non ci credi". Così esclama Rocco Papaleo per bocca di Nicola Palmieri, uno dei protagonisti. «La Basilicata, che ci crediate o no, esiste». Chi scrive, lo sa bene, essendo d'origine lucana, ma, di recente, se ne sono accorti anche gli inglesi che in un articolo del "Financial Times" hanno paragonato questa piccola regione niente meno che alla Toscana, spiegando come i sudditi di sua Maestà, in recent years have begun to crowd the so-called Chiantishire, investing in real estate, are now doing the same region of southern Italy. A new Eden, a Lucaniashire .
has attracted slow pace, with its rustic the clear sea, thick woods and tasty food and wine. And so the centers Lucan back to relive an itinerary that maintains the charm of the time. You come into contact with towns and cities, away from mass tourism, and it is always the British newspaper to draw the map of the most popular: Maratea, Matera , Bernalda , Irsina, San Mauro Forte . Alcuni sono più famosi, altri quasi sconosciuti. Tutti hanno un denominatore comune: le bellezze architettoniche e la natura incontaminata. E tutti rappresentano destinazioni vantaggiose anche per gli investimenti immobiliari: storici palazzi nobiliari e vecchie case (spesso vuote a causa dell'emigrazione), sono offerte a prezzi contenuti.
Come a Maratea, la perla del Tirreno , con un clima sempre mite, dove il costo degli immobili sul mare è, a causa della crisi, per il 10-15 per cento al di sotto del loro picco. C'è solo l'imbarazzo della scelta, sia sulle colline, in posizione privilegiata sulle acque cristalline, che nel grazioso e raccolto centro storico (preservato controlled by a policy of cementing) with narrow alleys smelling of sage, fig, mint. Live Free or just take a holiday in this beautiful city always gives a feeling, among the narrow streets dotted with colorful houses, charming squares between the animated coffee or workshops with local production of ceramics and baskets of broom, among the 44 churches dotted around the area (many custodians of art treasures, like the church of which houses an altarpiece depicting the "Annunciation", attributed to the sixteenth-century painter Simone from Florence).
It is worth to go to Monte San Biagio where stands the imposing statue of Christ the Redeemer (21 meters high and an opening of arms 19 meters), with its dazzling whiteness, overlooking the hills and remember, for dimension, that of Corcovado in Rio.
source Republic
seems that all of a sudden attention to the region has exploded and Lucan has drawn the attention of many who, for various reasons, describing the territory and beyond . And in this blog there is a small series articles. Some
definifito this phenomenon as the POINT B . But beyond the definitions and classifications and staying with the facts, another important test, Republic appears at the window and realizes that there is a small region with much to show, tell and find out. Responsible Sassi di Matera for Papaleo, of Venice Mariolina , political action and communication on the Basilicata region they are discovering their visiting? Maybe! All true, for the analysis is still early but we must, however, look carefully at the phenomenon.
If we think of the great emphasis that this same land was a few decades ago. But there was no talk of heaven, even the right word was hell! These days, marks a sad anniversary. a devastating earthquake struck parts of B asilicata and Irpinia. Homelessness, deaths, arrivals. The chronicle of those days and years to come has the marked body and the soul of many lucani.
Guardare la Basilicata 30 anni dopo e leggere questi articoli fa piacere.
Leggi l'articolo:
Il cinema l'ha rilanciata, gli inglesi la stanno trasformando nel loro ultimo buen retiro, al posto del Chiantishire. Da Matera a Maratea, dal mare ai monti, il successo di una regione rimasta autentica
Basilicata, bella scoperta".(vedi il VIDEO ) E' lo slogan di uno spot pubblicitario, di qualche tempo fa, per promuovere una delle regioni meno conosciute d'Italia con protagonista un curioso Leonardo da Vinci che, tentando di presentare la sua macchina volante ai forestieri, resta stupito e incantato dalle bellezze della sconosciuta Lucania. Oggi sono in tanti a scoprire quest'angolo del "Sud Italia", complice il recente film del lucano Rocco Papaleo , " Basilicata Coast to Coast " con i suoi 4 milioni di incassi e ancora in proiezione. "La Basilicata è come il concetto di Dio o ci credi o non ci credi". Così esclama Rocco Papaleo per bocca di Nicola Palmieri, uno dei protagonisti. «La Basilicata, che ci crediate o no, esiste». Chi scrive, lo sa bene, essendo d'origine lucana, ma, di recente, se ne sono accorti anche gli inglesi che in un articolo del "Financial Times" hanno paragonato questa piccola regione niente meno che alla Toscana, spiegando come i sudditi di sua Maestà, in recent years have begun to crowd the so-called Chiantishire, investing in real estate, are now doing the same region of southern Italy. A new Eden, a Lucaniashire .
has attracted slow pace, with its rustic the clear sea, thick woods and tasty food and wine. And so the centers Lucan back to relive an itinerary that maintains the charm of the time. You come into contact with towns and cities, away from mass tourism, and it is always the British newspaper to draw the map of the most popular: Maratea, Matera , Bernalda , Irsina, San Mauro Forte . Alcuni sono più famosi, altri quasi sconosciuti. Tutti hanno un denominatore comune: le bellezze architettoniche e la natura incontaminata. E tutti rappresentano destinazioni vantaggiose anche per gli investimenti immobiliari: storici palazzi nobiliari e vecchie case (spesso vuote a causa dell'emigrazione), sono offerte a prezzi contenuti.
Come a Maratea, la perla del Tirreno , con un clima sempre mite, dove il costo degli immobili sul mare è, a causa della crisi, per il 10-15 per cento al di sotto del loro picco. C'è solo l'imbarazzo della scelta, sia sulle colline, in posizione privilegiata sulle acque cristalline, che nel grazioso e raccolto centro storico (preservato controlled by a policy of cementing) with narrow alleys smelling of sage, fig, mint. Live Free or just take a holiday in this beautiful city always gives a feeling, among the narrow streets dotted with colorful houses, charming squares between the animated coffee or workshops with local production of ceramics and baskets of broom, among the 44 churches dotted around the area (many custodians of art treasures, like the church of which houses an altarpiece depicting the "Annunciation", attributed to the sixteenth-century painter Simone from Florence).
It is worth to go to Monte San Biagio where stands the imposing statue of Christ the Redeemer (21 meters high and an opening of arms 19 meters), with its dazzling whiteness, overlooking the hills and remember, for dimension, that of Corcovado in Rio.
source Republic
Friday, November 12, 2010
Heather Brooke Mother
wines not to be missed in Basilicata
Autumn is the time of strange and extraordinary, the colors especially heated, the days become intimate and the earth offers new flavors. Oil , chestnuts, mushrooms (ask Pollino course) but especially wine. The immortal drink wine and even more fascinating Basilicata has its merits and secrets . I speak of the ancient Aglianico of Grottino Roccanova, of Matera DOC, the wines family and personal metapontino, known in antiquity as Enotria "Wine Country", with which wines I have always compared. I remember the time of harvest, and I can recognize the smell of fermentation in a cellar and I have always great respect for the day of San Martino . A winemaker and
gastronaut, Luciano Pignataro , in a book its wineblog ( follow up FB), suggests a number of wines Basilicata not to be missed.
I wines not to be missed in Basilicata:
'Aglianico del Vulture 1985 doc
Autumn is the time of strange and extraordinary, the colors especially heated, the days become intimate and the earth offers new flavors. Oil , chestnuts, mushrooms (ask Pollino course) but especially wine. The immortal drink wine and even more fascinating Basilicata has its merits and secrets . I speak of the ancient Aglianico of Grottino Roccanova, of Matera DOC, the wines family and personal metapontino, known in antiquity as Enotria "Wine Country", with which wines I have always compared. I remember the time of harvest, and I can recognize the smell of fermentation in a cellar and I have always great respect for the day of San Martino . A winemaker and
gastronaut, Luciano Pignataro , in a book its wineblog ( follow up FB), suggests a number of wines Basilicata not to be missed.
I wines not to be missed in Basilicata:
'Aglianico del Vulture 1985 doc
' Aglianico del Vulture 2001 doc
" frosted 2006 IGT Basilicata
"The Kite Grigio 2003 Aglianico del Vulture doc
" The 2008 Preliminary Basilicata White igt
" The Directory 2003 Aglianico del Vulture doc
» Conclusion The 2004 Aglianico Sparkling Rosé Brut
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