Friday, February 26, 2010

How Much Is 300k Camera

More clarity for COOP members.


Il suggerimento consigliato, in casi simili, è di inviare una segnalazione all'Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato per pubblicità ritenuta ingannevole.

Redazione ACU

La presente è stata inviata alla COOP ed a Voi per conoscenza.

Buon giorno Sono Biagio Cottone, socio COOP nr. xxxxxx, abitante a  yyyyyyyyy in via zzzzzzzzz. Ci tengo a precisare che ho preso la tessera di socio perché ritengo i prodotti a marchio COOP di una certa qualità, and then also take advantage of any discounts and / or offers of membership. Another reason was the fact that we spend more time at Piombino, where the biggest hypermarket is IperCoop Salivoli. I was pleased to be able to enjoy the same opportunities I had at Pinerolo. Illusion! The first time I went grocery shopping at the IperCoop Piombino I was told that the card in my possession is only for the points (which are not the reasons that pushed me to join, to say the truth is thing I care less, not to say anything) and not the deals and / or others, as the cooperative (I seem to remember the Tyrrhenian Unicoop) is not the same as the Piedmont (the Novacoop).
For goodness sake, at the headquarters of Pinerolo also offered me two coupons for 10 euros each way of welcome, so the card only cost me 5 Euros. But this is not the point! I have not associated with any of the two, I intended to take the membership card COOP, as it was, and is touted by many. And enjoy the benefits it offers as COOP, in any of the outlets of Italy, frankly I do not administratively related to the fact that the same cooperative, with the same mark, the red COOP, had different names depending on the region, in fact on the card is written in large and small COOP Novacoop or Unicoop Tirreno. Adds that the sense that I can purchase a product, maybe even mark COOP, at a discount in Pinerolo (where the COOP - Novacoop) and not being able to take advantage of Piombino (where instead there is a COOP - Unicoop Tyrrhenian sea)? Specifically happened to me for a shirt that I bought deals in Pinerolo, arrived two days later in Piombino intended to buy another, given the convenience and quality. It was not possible, no matter the object itself, but the principle seems to me essential. Bottle everything seems unfair to the member as such, and to which "suggests" and "sells" as universal and non-COOP local.
Ripeto, non ho chiesto l'associazione alla Novacoop o alla Unicoop Tirreno ma alla COOP. Altra cosa, che per me passa un po' in secondo piano, ma che riveste una discreta importanza etica: quando sono andato per tesserarmi non c'è stato alcuno che mi abbia informato di questo fatto, ovvero la differenza che esiste da una regione all'altra. E quando sono tornato per chiedere spiegazione, l'unica risposta che mi si forniva è stata: "e sì, si tratta di società diverse" e nulla di più. Devo dire che mi sono sentito un po' preso in giro da tutta questa storia. Scherziamo! Si presentano tutte con lo stesso marchio, sempre lo stesso, rosso, COOP. Le pubblicità che passano in TV, o su i principali media, communicate, and mark only ever COOP, is never mentioned the name of the local cooperative. Yes, yes, the website "" makes me choose the province and thus diverts me on different pages, but always with the same layout. I myself, who work in the world of computers and the internet, I'm worried about going to see the site only after I realized this thing, let alone any housewife. All this while remaining the same conviction, expressed at the beginning, the quality of treated products, the belief that the increase does nothing but regret for this.
will send a copy of this to the various consumer associations to point out what I think is a fault I thank you and farewell Biagio Cottone.

add one last thing. Only yesterday afternoon I was contacted by telephone by COOP (which of course I sent the e-mail) with which I was on the phone for half an hour.
Miss, unfortunately I do not remember the name or maybe not told me, tried to get me to the history of the coop, has highlighted the quality of co-branded products (something on which I had not, and I have, no doubt) but unfortunately it is administratively different entities depending on the region where they are, it is considered in the future (much to come) to a solution of uniform type, but for the moment is not can not help it, if not take another card. It seems a bit 'absurd, regardless of cost. Although he kept repeating that I am aware of all this, Miss continued his dictation without giving other answers.
The membership card is the same all over Italy, as COOP great in red and the name of true black in small cooperative in talking only of the brand advertising COOP.
products sold under private label are all absolutely equal in the entire nation. It seems to me a marketing policy a bit 'strange if, as a shareholder are not treated the same way everywhere. In the sense that the box of tomatoes at the Coop brand, so for example, could cost a little 'more in one place rather than another (because of different costs of administration and logistics), but if at some point you decide to do a certain percentage discount for members, this percentage should be the same everywhere. Thank you again

Biagio Cottone

Technorati Tags:

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Eni Italgas solve the continuous block of boilers!

Hi, my condominium over the past 20 days has gone off the gas about six or seven times at the same now and in the coldest days. Every time we called the emergency that has always come quickly now I wonder if you can go on like this way. The problem is created by boilers that are blocked and must be reset and the elderly themselves are not able to do so.
Italgas has not been felt to solve the problem I have now I made a recommendation let '. Thanks for any response.
Antonio Barbagli

Thursday, February 25, 2010

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12 categories of trains, 4 classes and only one common denominator: the delays. Citroen

publish the following considerations of the President of commuters Piacenza.

Editorial ACU

Colleagues commuters Genoa-Milan, as usual, give us a great assist.

Moreover, the and phantasmagorical amazing news that we receive from the owners of the steam Piazza della Croce Rossa (read: FS or State Railways) imply that even the best script writer could invent Zelig, to make the audience laugh (sorry, travelers).

In Italy, a country of bananas, giustappunto, (now called a republic is disrespectful to the deep meaning that the word has mocked every day as the "public" - you can read a newspaper to realize any how every morning the worst of this country jumps out of the sewers of ill repute), the monopoly of state (as owner of 100%) of the rail assomma ben 7 categorie di treni a prezzi di mercato (chiediamo scusa ancora una volta gli economisti per avere usato un termine che in regime di monopolio è impronunciabile), ovvero :

EuroStar AV Fast , EuroSta AV, EuroStar Fast , EuroStar, EuroStar City, EuroCity, EuroNotte

3 categorie di treni cofinanziati dal contratto nazionale di servizio per il trasporto universale :




2 categories of train service contracts financed by the regions: Regional


In all 12 categories of trains . E 'world record as rightly tell us from Genoa .

But it does not end here, ladies and gentlemen.

Trenitalia, as anticipated by the press reports yesterday, also multiply the classes taking them from 2 to 4, almost tailored to the business caste.

Creativity commercial Trenitalia therefore reaches livelli ineguagliabili, il “ core business “ è quello di confondere il viaggiatore, imporgli limiti, difficoltà.

E, soprattutto, quello di farlo arrivare puntualmente in ritardo, magari dopo averlo multato per avere sbagliato inconsapevolmente il biglietto, non essere riuscito ad obliterarlo causa macchinette guaste, ed avere atteso in una sala d’aspetto che non esiste più, in una stazione impresenziata, dove al posto dei tabelloni degli orari, nuovissimi monitor ti sparano l’ultima pubblicità del deodorante “ per l’uomo che non deve chiedere mai “ .

Il quale, sventurato viaggiatore, di domande da porre ne avrebbe molte, ma in assenza di personale, traveling or not, those who make them?

Besides, does not matter whether you are in the first executive, or peons in the fourth, if you're on the same train delay is the matter in equally, as Our Lady of sickle

makes all equal in the famous 'A level' of Totò.

who is the principle of laughter if he were still alive, he had to face formidable competitors from the box office: the creativity of the rail.

Fortunately, it now does not travel anymore, but look at us from up there and remember, at every turn, and much to the chagrin of our portfolio, the most classic of his jokes: "And I'll pay! "

As always, a good trip at all.

Ettore Fittavolini


Commuters Association Piacenza


Mail: pendolari.piacenza @ free. it

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Dear Leader, 19/1/2004 I own a Citroen C3 from FC8HXB purchased the dealership De Lorenzi of Cremona. The machine currently has license plate ZZZZZZZ just over 90,000 miles and has always been treated with the utmost care: regular coupons and use only factory dealer of Cremona. I think I was a good customer: regular payments and no problem for sellers. Basically I never asked anything to my dealer if not routine maintenance. We come to the facts: on 17/12/2009, returning from a mountain with my colleague Prof. XY known that the flow of the wiper does not work and I go to a provider of Cremona to fill it with water. It remains in the hands of the lever to open the bonnet. I go to the dealership to ask about 17.30 to fix it. The repair is done promptly. While the clerk to check the lever me Note that a right headlight bulb burned out. Despite what had already happened three times with condensation inside the lantern, I ask you to change the bulb. The thing is done quickly. Probably, since the recurrence of fact, the seal is bad but I do not quibble with the case. Aziono the machine and the pilot light that indicates a malfunction of the air bags. I ask the shop what happened: tell me I should check the system control unit. The verification is done and they tell me that the unit is not working. I note that I can not travel without the air bags and it is interpreted as one of my pedantry. I ask at this point using a courtesy car advertised by a large sign in front. I respond that the charges and in any case there are no courtesy cars available. I note that I need the machine on 22/12/2009: I booked a holiday in the mountains with deposit already paid. I will say that the piece can be ordered. They make me sign a statement in which I am told that the electronic box is damaged, the air bags do not work and I take full responsibility for any use of the machine. To control the electrical system (which I did not totally damaged) make me pay the modest sum of € 143.40. I leave the car dealership and my colleague went to take la sua automobile grazie ad un passaggio e mi trasporta a casa. Dopo due giorni telefono chiedendo se la mia auto fosse pronta. Mi dicono di si. Mi faccio accompagnare da mio padre alla concessionaria che mi lascia e scopro dopo qualche minuto che di “pronto” c’è solo il preventivo. Visto che ci siamo faccio ordinare anche il fanale per sostituire quello difettoso (che io non ho mai danneggiato). Sono allibito e a questo punto mi sembra un po’ troppo. Raggiungo la mia abitazione con un bus e abbastanza alterato per la scortesia e l’indisponibilità di una vettura di cortesia telefono ad uno dei figli del concessionario che si scusa e mi assicura di fare il possibile per farmi partire per la montagna con il mio mezzo il 22/12/2009 e che I will be well treated in the final bill. Of course there's the piece on 22/12 and I have to leave my car in the garage. 30/12/2009 The day of my appointment as provided are finally carried out the operations provided: 457.00 Total Account to be added to the previous 143.40. We are a total of € 600.40. The lady tells me that in case I was charged a 20% discount on the cost of the lantern. I pay and I go by the dealer who, after a few minutes, I liquid returning to the Lords of the workshop which obviously defending their actions and the costs incurred by me. I ask to speak again with Mr. De Lorenzi is nowhere to be found in his dealership. The children are obviously absent, they tell me on holiday in the mountains. Frankly pay an exorbitant cost for damage that I caused (in the shop say it is "coincidence" which of course I have to pay me), be left without a car from 17/12/2009 to 30/12/2009 without the possibility of having a courtesy car does not seem a great treatment from the dealership De Lorenzi. Of course no one is worried about the slightest inconvenience that I have created, no one apologized, no one has admitted the rudeness and lack of tact in dealing with a customer. According to them I would have to jump for joy at the 20% reduction in the cost of a lantern made to me (I had not damaged). Apparently not at all agree with this procedure e chiedo di essere risarcito economicamente per i disagi che la concessionaria mi ha causato.

In attesa di un doveroso riscontro, porgo distinti saluti. Prof. Ugo Di Felice

*** *** ***

Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 7:45 PM

Gentile Signor Di Felice,
nel ringraziarLa per averci contattato, La informiamo di aver preso nota della Sua segnalazione circa il trattamento ricevuto dalla nostra Autorizzata De Lorenzi di Cremona e siamo spiacenti delle criticità occorse alla Sua vettura.

Tuttavia Le chiediamo di rimanere in contatto con il Capo Officina della nostra Autorizzata, il quale oltre ad essere la persona tecnicamente  competent to assess the type of criticism has been completed, the person responsible for any explanation and evaluation in this regard.

Some of the expertise and the availability of our technical staff, which surely you have already activated to meet your requirements, we remain at your disposal, and the email address of your knowledge, is the toll free number 800.80.40.80, active from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 to 20.00.
We would like to offer you my best regards.

Citroën Italy Spa
Customer Relations Service

*** *** ***

Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 10:36 PM

Dear Head of Customer Relations, or perhaps we have not understood what I sent you a generic response that is sent to customers not satisfied with Citroen. The foreman of the Authorized De Lorenzi of Cremona has supported and justified the treatment I received. Then I turned to Mr. De Lorenzi course that has endorsed the view taken by the foreman and the employee with whom I had the discussion about "coincidences", "care" and treatment immediately following the disruption caused by Citroen and not by me. If you reread my letter (attached) not asking you to "take note" but to intervene in a timely, specific and personal to the dealer to get me to monetary compensation for their losses.
awaiting a quick response and I intend to forward my letter and your next response to consumer protection associations and the press.
Regards. Ugo Di Felice - Cremona

*** *** ***

Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 3:47 PM

Dear Mr Di Felice,
After the contacts established with our Customer Relations Toll customers, we inform you that you have carefully reviewed his report in order to furnish the required response. We see
his disappointment concerning the operations performed on the vehicle in his possession.
While I understand his disappointment and really regret about his remarks, we emphasize that problems of various kinds do not fall within the life of a car. Furthermore, the restoration originally implemented by competent persons, not related and not due secondarily to the felt.
For these reasons, the writer who can not defend the work done by these professionals within the Network Journal and reject any any liability for damages is there any ground.

sorry again, but assured that his remarks were dictated by Momentary discomfort caused by stationary cars and also understandable by the unexpected inconvenience caused thereby, to further remind the complete availability of Citroën Italy at the toll free number or via the website 800-80.40.80 www.citroë and we take ' opportunity to extend my most cordial greetings.

Citroen Italy SPA
Relations Service Clients
Commercial Section

*** *** ***

Posted: Thursday, February 11, 2010 23:40

After a month of waiting I get this additional response Citroen Italy SPA, which I think is absolutely unsatisfactory. Forward this correspondence associations of consumer protection that I know to whom I entrust the assessment if the treatment I received from Citroen is correct and just.

Regards. Prof. Ugo Di Felice

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

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general mobilization of immigrant workers.

First March 2010
general mobilization of immigrant workers.
Milan (Bovisa) at 17.00

Square Schiavone
(North Bus Loop-Fs 91-82-3)
Jovica Jovic and Muzicant of Paval-Noy;
NUEVA Generacion (hip hop);
LOLO EL GIGA (mambo);
GRAN EMPRESA (reggaeton);
EL LOKILLO, a diferencia (reggaeton);
ROZA Roed y su Grupo (bachata) I
N FRONTERAS (Latin American folk rock fusion).

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MILAN, February 27, 2010 15:00 Lyceum CARDUCCI

In France and Italy the movement of migrant workers has promoted for Mar. 1, 2010 a day of action and general strike against the exploitation of labor and conditions of discrimination, which bear the immigrant workers. The capitalist economic system is undergoing profound structural economic crisis. which is passed on to workers, particularly immigrants: privatization of public services, cuts to social status, job insecurity, irregular layoffs, layoffs.
MILAN, February 27, 2010

15.00 Liceo Carducci

via Beroldo nr. 9

(MM Loreto-bus 90-91-92)

Assembly to learn and discuss:

March 2010 FIRST

mobilization / general strike

of immigrant workers.

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improper costs "diagnosis" for the repair of an iron.

Having been a concern in relation to the conduct of a company at which I turned to the provision of work, I turned to your association by telephone. The receptionist told me to send an e-mail.

For a repair to the iron, I turned to an appliance parts center by paying a deposit of 10 € waiting for a quote that I would be notified. After about 20 days I received on my answering machine communication budget of 95 €. Having considered the high cost, I went to pick up the iron and parts center gave me the note - REPAIR in which it is written that the cost of labor is the total VAT 2.152 0.430 2.582 Total repair & # 160; total customer € 2.58. Apart from that note I was given a receipt in which it is written REPAIR SUBTOTAL € 10.00 € 10.00 TOTAL 10.

Having noted that on-REPAIR NOTE the cost of repair is € 2.58 and on the receipt under repair, the cost is € 10.00 I expected che mi fosse corrisposta la differenza, invece con mia sorpresa mi è stato riferito che la differenza "è dovuta alla diagnosi ".

Appare chiaro che trattasi di importi irrilevanti, tuttavia mi piacerebbe sapere se il comportamento dell'azienda è corretto e in caso contrario quale tipo di rivalsa può essere operata.

Essendo disponibile ad inviare e copia del centro ricambi e copia dello scontrino fiscale gradirei un cenno di riscontro.

                                                                                                                                                                        Vi ringrazio

                                                                                                                                                                                           Nicola Romano

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Venetian increases the toll motorway concessions, public authorities are silent!



Da tempo si parla dei problemi relativi al casello autostradale di Mirano Dolo (VE), dovuti alle assurde tariffe applicate: chi esce a Mirano e rientra per Mestre paga 70 centesimi, mentre chi prosegue diretto da Padova a Mestre paga 2,70 euro! Ovviamente migliaia di auto escono a Mirano e rientrano subito dopo, intasando quotidianamente il traffico locale. Per risolvere il problema, si chiedeva a gran voce di liberalizzare realmente e per tutti il tratto Mirano-Mestre, eliminando l’iniquo balzello. Invece, a quanto pare, la CAV (Concessioni Autostradali Venete) ha deciso la strada meno logica ma più remunerativa: increase the toll for all, taking it from the current 70 cents to more than € 2.

seems a bit 'weird groped to solve a problem like this by increasing the toll rates. It seems very shortsighted not to calculate the logical consequences: many motorists commuters can not afford € 5 per day for the highway will have on ordinary roads .

This will obviously increase the traffic to a frightening, intolerable to a clogging of the municipalities visited, a steep rise in the pollution of the towns in particular with regard to fine particles.

Region silent, municipalities declare themselves incompetent on the motorway companies make their interests, and the citizens pay. Pagano, an increase of 300% of the toll, charged with incredible inconvenience of traffic, they pay in health.

I think it's important and urgent that all those who can intervene to take place, because once you finally have a preference to citizens' rights to economic and political interests of the usual suspects.

course of your interest, Sincerely


Loris Schivardi

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

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TIM prepaid or postpaid?

Mr. Alberto us stipulate in a subsequent communication, to have exposed Antitrust also call the incident who have expressed a desire to protect the rights of consumers considering the fact serious. In the meantime we have advised Mr. Alberto of formal complaint to TIM, and if not satisfied, to submit an application for conciliation.

Editorial ACU


My name is XXXXX and YYYYY customer TIM phone number. Recently, something very strange happened: my TIM prepaid card, against all logic, he created the debt. I chose a prepaid because despite the discomfort of frequent refills I was by definition impossible to use services at a cost greater than I expected. Logic dictates that when a prepaid credit reaches zero, each connection is being blocked and prevented from further connections until there are sufficient funds to run them. If this is not one that is sold as a prepaid customer is in effect a post-paid, and would act as a sort of credit card. Mysteriously, however, before my last recharge my card has arrived to create a debt amounting to approximately € 1200. The cause of this debt seems to find in some internet connections that I context.

This ordeal began Jan. 21, 2010, I received a text message from Tim telling me to "recharge not to remain speechless, "then made the same day a charge of € 5, shortly after another text message from Tim telling me that my traffic was exhausted at that point I began to get suspicious, the next morning I called customer service and about how Tim, and after I discovered the surprise of a review of a credit loss of € -1,200 assurdooooo about ...! Then the operator opened a practice as Tim told me to feel comfortable the first time clears the negative due to the condition that no longer occur and that unfortunately is the cause of their systems that are not able to stop debt internet connections by creating a negative and warn you not to make any kind of charging. Despite the constant phone calls to customer service to date 15/02/2010 Tim still my debt is, indeed, having an All Inclusive TIM 19 "every month I see € 19 credit on my credit card not being able to take advantage I paid the service (200 minutes at all) in more than having a bonus of about € 9 for making the move to Tim than even I can still enjoy.

requires that:

1) My debt is cleared.

2) I thus returned the € 5.00 charge last about 178 minutes + I could not get in January / February (which I paid) + the bonus for the month of February for the exchange operator, magari riaccreditandoli sulla mia prepagata.

3) La TIM si adoperi per migliorare I propri sistemi informatici in modo che le prepagate, come ci si aspetta, non consentano l'accesso ai servizi che non siano precedentemente stati pagati dall'utente.

Questo disservizio TIM mi è costato parecchio in termini di tempo e serenità, fra il tempo perso per eseguire i controlli sul traffico telefonico, quello speso al telefono con gli operatori del 119, quello che sto perdendo adesso per scrivere questa lettera e quello che perderò per inviarla via fax, oltre ad un notevole disagio per l'impossibilità ad utilizzare il telefono.

Se la TIM soddisferà le richieste da me avanzate, riterrò la questione resolved. Otherwise I will have to go to take legal action and also ask for reimbursement for damages.

hope that everything will be resolved, both for me and for others who have observed the same anomaly on their pre-paid, I greet you cordially and I look forward to hearing from you.


Terni, February 15, 2010

Technorati Tags:

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Applicability of VAT on TIA (Rate of Environmental Health)

Sentence no 238/2009 of the Constitutional Court ruled the non-applicability of VAT on the TIA and questioned the resolution of the Inland Revenue No 250 / E, June 17, 2008. This dichotomy has opened una serie di problematiche e quesiti irrisolti di varia natura, sia concettuale che pratica, che rendono auspicabile e necessario l’intervento del legislatore che disciplini gli effetti della sentenza in questione con un regolamento di attuazione.

Pubblichiamo di seguito un fac-simile di richiesta per il rimborso dell’IVA corrisposta negli ultimi 10 anni, ritendendo però sia giusto precisare che l’attuazione dovrà comunque essere regolamentata a livello legislativo.

Redazione ACU


Fac-simile del modulo della richiesta di rimborso

                                                                            Place and date

Recommended ar , & # 160; ; The Mayor of

& # 160; & # 160; City of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... Recommended

ar , & # 160; ; Dear Sirs Municipal Management &

# 160; , & # 160; , & # 160; environmental services and

pc & # 160; & # 160; Dear ACU-Consumers Association Members

& # 160; & # 160; Via Padre Luigi Monti, 20/c - 20162 Milano

                                                                       Fax 026425293, e-mail:

Subject: Request for refund of VAT paid for TARSU / TIA in the last 10 years

the undersigned ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ............ .......

born in ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. il………………………………………...................

codice fiscale……………………………… residente a………………………………prov………….............

in via…………………………………………………………………………………………………......................


- who has regularly paid, as required, the TARSU / TIA inclusive of VAT at 10% as per invoice,

- that the Constitutional Court ruling no. 238/2009 noted the fiscal nature of TARSU TIA and, in particular in paragraph, Reiterated that " There is no statutory provision that expressly imposes VAT on the service performance of waste disposal. If we consider the authoritative elements mentioned above, both of their TARSU that the TIA, both the revenue must be drawn back into the ranks of those "dues, fees, contributions" che la normativa comunitaria esclude in via generale dall’assoggettamento ad IVA, perché percepiti da enti pubblici “per le attività od operazioni che esercitano in quanto pubbliche autorità”,

- che con la decisione richiamata la Corte costituzionale ha di fatto inequivocabilmente escluso l’imponibilità ai fini IVA della tassa o tariffa TARSU/TIA,

Tutto ciò premesso, tenuto conto che l’IVA addebitata risulta indebitamente corrisposta, il sottoscritto diffida e costituisce in mora

□ il Comune di ………………………………………… nella persona del Sindaco p.t. in carica;

□ l’Azienda Municipalizzata di Gestione dei Servizi Ambientali.

Il sottoscritto inoltre invita

□ il Comune di ………………………………………… nella persona del Sindaco p.t. in carica;

□ l’Azienda Municipalizzata di Gestione dei Servizi Ambientali

a rimborsare quanto versato e non dovuto delle somme sotto specificate , con riferimento agli ultimi 10 (dieci) anni, oltre agli interessi legali decorrenti dal giorno dei singoli pagamenti.

Infine il sottoscritto richiede

□ to the City of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... in the person in charge of the Mayor pt;

□ Company Municipal Management and Environmental Services

to remove from the rolls immediately above the entry .

If any requests, the undersigned will perform the receipts of payments made in its possession, it being understood that the City and / or the 'Company Municipal Management and Environmental Services are required to keep the records for 10 (ten) years.

The undersigned, pursuant to Law No 7 August 1990 241 et seq updates, asks to be informed of the charge of the investigation of this in terms of 30 (thirty) days of receipt. If this fails, it fails to do this period, it will be forced to apply to the competent judicial authorities to protect their rights.

This, for all purposes of law, equivalent to a formal act of formal notice and warning and interruption of limitation periods.


Monday, February 22, 2010

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SOS: FNM Castellanza new station.

Dear Editor,
I would like to report a situation of great distress regarding the opening of the "new" station Castellanza (VA). L’evento è stato pubblicizzato come una svolta epocale , ma a noi pendolari chi ci pensa? L’argomento è già stato ampiamente dibattuto, e vi invito a leggere quanto è stato pubblicato in questi
Stazione Nord: stop ai lavori nel 2012
Le testimonianze dei pendolari: la stazione non è sicura
Farisoglio: July farewell to the catwalk

Since Dr. Giuseppe Biesuz, managing director of Trenitalia-LeNORD, said that "It is a specialized company dedicated exclusively to the local public transport and focuses on the commuter I ask you if you could bring to your attention the problems of "poor" commuters who would have been practically steal the train station, which was in the first location in the heart of the city. I remember that Castle is a university town, and it is shameful that it is not guaranteed a valid and final system of internal connection. The prestigious university has LIUC of European fame.

Hereby I would like to raise in particular the competent persons on the absolute need to respect the promise of citizenship before work, about the implementation of a train-tram that connects the seat with an optimal frequency of new station and the new one, which can add an additional stop in the most central and therefore closer to LIUC.
several occasions, it was pointed out by a competent person that the commissioning of this train-tram (streetcar or light) does not involve excessive economic or technical efforts, as it is possible to exploit the existing rolling stock. It is currently
started a bus service could be improved, but my main concern is that we have been told that this service is only guaranteed until the end of 2010. What next? What sense is there so much publicity and public transport if people are forced to use the machine?

I would urge a concrete commitment to implementing the train-tram now that work for the completion of the station, and all appurtenances, are far from complete, it is the right time to plan how and where that additional work must be completed and in any case unavoidable.

thank you for your attention.


Anna Giudici

Friday, February 19, 2010

Help Im Having A Baby Shower

Vodafone Station: "slow service, poor, very seriously."

do not know if the email address is correct, however present a complaint against Vodafone and its offers of discount exempt from the fee Telecom. In late October I signed a contract with that company, a contract that would allow me, through the Vodafone station, you can call all landlines at only 16 cents and navigate with high-speed ADSL up to 7 mega 24 hours 24. In reality the transition from Telecom has never happened and I never had high speed internet, even an operator Vodafone has called me to tell me that the high-speed ADSL could not be activated because the activation could compromise the entire Internet (I wonder whether it may be true) and I was really unbecoming a counteroffer: keep the contract with Vodafone, always paying € 29 per month with the ability to connect with a 56k modem only 10 hours a day, taking that, as I was still Telecom phone line, then I'd have to pay only 29 € a month get to spend more than twice, because I had to Vodafone and Telecom as internet telephone line. Of course I refused and asked to be able to cancel that contract, it is entirely inappropriate. I was provided the information to cancel and a green number to call before returning the Vodafone station. I lost a whole morning to be able to Take the green line with that number, and then they told me to call another day. After a long odyssey, I finally managed to get the address to send the equipment, and so I did. After a couple of days after the return of Vodafone station, I was contacted by Vodafone informing me that Vodafone had decided not to pay the penalty for early termination of the contract (which had remained unknown, but I knew from the beginning not have to pay because of the inefficiency and therefore an exception to the Vodafone contract early recession). Today, after nearly a month after the return of Vodafone station, I received a letter from Vodafone, where I'm informed that I will be reimbursed Activation of the cost of the contract, I can store it and the sim (which I had said before you can take and use) will be turned off instead. The service was slow to say the least, poor, very seriously. I sincerely hope that my mail is taken into account because they are certainly the only one who was swindled by Vodafone. Now I have Alice Telecom for Internet and telephone, I had a problem on the line that was not resolved in a couple of days, quickly browse and yes, I pay the rent, but I have a real service.
Thanks for listening.


PS: I forgot to write in the mail that Vodafone in the center where I Vodafone bought the station I was assured the availability of ADSL. I think it's an important detail.

Technorati Tags: Vodafone

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Samsung Ln52a630 Base Cover

Ebay, Paypal and Posteitaliane and fifteen value days.

Dear Sirs,

are to bring to your attention a strange case of "passing problem" between three major companies operating in Italian territory. Are Ebay, and Posteitaliane Paypall.

So I'm forced to be a bit 'long starting from the beginning:

just since I started selling some items I own on Ebay and I was advised by friends to receive payment tramite ricarica Postepay, quindi mi sono recato nell'ufficio postale del mio paese per creare una PostePay a mio nome. Nel momento della Verifica della carta richiesto da Paypal per diventare un venditore si Ebay, il pagamento non viene fatto direttamente sulla Carta PostePay ma prima finisce in un conto "virtuale" e a mio nome sul sito Paypal (che non si capisce bene se è una banca o cosa... ) Per avere la disponibilità del denaro sulla carta e quindi poter ritirare il contante bisogna ordinare a Paypal, una vota che arriva la conferma di pagamento, di girare la somma sulla propria carta con 2/3 giorni lavorativi di valuta.... E qui scatta la truffa! Nel creare l'inserzione su Ebay dobbiamo inserire i giorni di spedizione e le spese delivery which in my case were charged to the buyer. Now, after thinking about having 2 / 3 days, the availability of money, the time of delivery included in the listing I was 5 days. After six days the money was not available on paper and then I phoned the service center to Paypal to see what had happened ... Paypal told me that, and it was not their job to tell me, other Posteitaliane takes 15/16 days to make the money available on the Charter. Obviously no one, much less do Paypal Ebay, I have warned in recent days more than expected. I called Posteitaliane that the moment they told me I was doing a "misuse" of the paper and they are missing assolutamente nulla. In una telefonata successiva mi è stato detto che non è possibile che ci siano tutti questi giorni da spettare e hanno "girato la palla" a Paypal... Una bella confusione non c'è che dire.

Per concludere io mi trovo con dei clienti scontenti per il dilatarsi delle spese di spedizione; la prima regola di "buon senso" del commercio elettronico è quella di spedire il bene solo a pagamento avvenuto, ma non pagamento virtuale. Poi le spese di spedizione che ovviamente sono a carico dell'acquirente io non ho alcuna intenzione di anticiparle rimanendo "fuori" con del denaro, anche se si tratta di pochi euro... La mia domanda è la seguente: Ebay, Posteitaliane, and Paypal can really omit those notorious 15-day currency? There should be warned customers about this? In no card out I was warned about this and I still have not the availability of money on my card and my clients are still waiting for me to send the article ...

I leave you this dilemma, with the certainty that in these 20 days of waiting my money "turn" and who knows where doing who knows who enrich ...

Thanks for your attention, I look forward to a welcome your feedback.

Barnabas Monti

Technorati Tags: Ebay , ,

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Body Aches What To Do When My Body Aches

New Vodafone tariffs.

at the end of 2009 the mobile operators have announced a lowering of the maximum cost of the SMS in Italy, the highest in Europe. As expected, these new rates do not even see the shadow.
But you can always get worse: not only, in fact, Italy will be among the countries at a cost of sending SMS to Europe's highest, but it can also boast that position in the ranking of costs for light use of Internet connectivity by phone.
Vodafone, in fact, from February 15 will force its customers to use a daily rate for data traffic, and not actually consumed in traffic, a minimum of € 1.5 per day. Attached the new plan.
The impression is this: Vodafone (but how long it takes for other players to adapt?) Is going to arbitrarily raise the conditions of use for non-intensive users of mobile Internet, violating net neutrality and creating a serious injury against a broad range of consumers. True, there are already flat rates, but why exclude the possibilities offered by all mobile users who connect daily, making a traffic light a few KB? From this choice would be penalized for any application, now widespread and common, which by mail and instant messaging services reaching navigation / mapping from mobile which do not require intensive use of the Internet mobile.
What do you think?
soon, Luigi Orsi Carbone

The following Annex:

New rates for basic Internet browsing

Useful information for customers Rechargeable

The new daily rate for navigation Internet on mobile made through the access point and, since March 15, 2010, through access points and, forecasts for the traffic made in Italy:
- 1.50 € including VAT per day up to 100 MB of traffic
- beyond that threshold, the rate will be 1, € 50 per 100 MB prepaid units of 100 KB.
Access to the homepage of the Vodafone live! will be free. As for the
Internet surfing by using Vodafone Internet Key PC or mobile phone as a modem via the access point rates (including VAT), the new tariff schedule for connections made from ' Italy:
- 5 € including VAT per day, up to 500 MB of traffic.
- Later daily threshold the fare is 1 € for every 10 MB, charging units in advance of 100 KB.
Daily rates to surf the Internet using your mobile phone will be available from January 15, 2010 for re-activation of SIM and SIM for all those on which, for technical reasons, you must do this suspension and reactivation of GPRS .
For Rechargeable SIM activated before 15 January 2010, the fee will be applied progressively from 15 February 2010 and be completed by March 15, 2010.

to know the actual date of availability of the new daily rate on your cell phone number, click on the GO button and follow the directions reported.


For full details on the conditions for surfing the Internet from mobile abroad click here.
The fee for PC to surf the Internet from abroad does not change.
To learn how to freely exercise the right of withdrawal click here. Discover all the offers
to surf the Internet from your PC and your cell phone.

Technorati Tags: Vodafone

Sd Cards Work In Car Stereo

Wonderland Club Q8: no explanation for the failure to deliver the prize.

Dear Consumers' Association

Maggiacomo My name is Sergio and I was born in Formia (LT) where now reside.

I write not knowing where to turn on problems encountered with the company Q8, which in respect to the collection points "Wonderland Club " despite numerous protest email and fax, phone calls, sending documentation, and, for the last notice in the press release and the card otherwise I would have left the practice to your Dear Association, which led to the final block of the same paper,


complied with what was promised collected in these points because I look in vain for a gift (22-inch LCD TV ordered on 24/09/2008) collection from 2007-2008, and I immediately blocked the card with more than fifteen points paid in the last two or three years of daily supplies means less than 35 tons, and conform with the requirements of their catalogs on the same Q8. That said I have not been able to have valid explanations and unique by the customer care personnel, which in turn required me copies of my documents, fax and email, and so only to waste more time and never to deliver what dovutomi.

thank advance who can possibly help me or advice, I recognize that a problem is frivolous, but that is now a matter of principle.

Formia (LT) 04.02.2010

responses CustomerCare:

Dear Customer,

you confirm that the card is locked due to excessive and often loaded with fuel.

To speed up the evaluation please send us a self-giving:

˚ & # 160;

· Name Last Name

·         Cellulare

·         Motivo utilizzo automezzo

·         Motivo dell’eccessivo carico di carburante

·         E-mail

·         A photocopy of an identity

If you have a company or firm that is associated with the use of the vehicle or vehicles the business name and registered office.

Please note however that we reserve the right to perform all required inspections and keep blocking the paper, if the anomaly is not sufficiently supported by the information provided.

Sincerely, ----------------------------------

Customer Care ( )

Kuwait Petroleum

SpA Via the Indian Ocean, 13

00144, Rome

---------------------------- ------

Dear Customer,

Your practice is still being evaluated. We will inform you promptly when we have more news


--------------------------------- - Customer Care


Kuwait Petroleum

SpA Via the Indian Ocean, 13

00144, Rome

------------------ ----------------

Technorati Tags:

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Can A Twisted Bowel Cause Back Pain

Digital terrestrial TV Samsung unusable!

Dear Sirs,
sending this letter to each according to competence and within the possibilities of each hoping to raise awareness and bring to a personal issue following the purchase of a TV and Samsung, according to a recent consultation with its own forum, applicant for a wide audience of clients Samsung.
Specifically, less than two years ago I had a gift a 37 inch TV Samsung LE37M86BDX-XEC type with built-in digital terrestrial.
The reasons for my choice-the gift has been "commissioned" - related mainly to the fact that, beyond the technical characteristics of the television undoubtedly possessed, offered, including the basic equipment, digital integrated terrestrial and feature full HD.
Unfortunately, and I found only recently and only after the transition to digital terrestrial television throughout the territory of Campania (region in which I reside), I had the great displeasure to verify that none of the two features (digital and full HD) is used from the unit.
I mean
• with regard to digital TV, channel tuning (and hence the utopian storage of the various lists of favorite groups or not), is lost whenever turn off the TV (even in standby mode!). So always, several times a day. Result is that defection ad ogni accensione del televisore, devo effettuare, come fosse la prima volta, la memorizzare di tutti i canali.
•    circa la caratteristica full HD, anche qui con non poca amarezza da parte mia, ho dovuto constatare che i vari canali Rai HD (credo unica azienda ad offrire tale possibilità) non sono visibili.
Ho tempestivamente contattato il numero verde della Samsung (800-7267864) dal quale, dopo aver avuto assegnato un numero cliente (2303604548), ho appreso che tutto dipende dalla versione del software. Ho pertanto ricevuto dall’operatore le dovute  istruzioni per effettuare l’aggiornamento del software (da effettuare solo in determinati times and only on certain channels).
operation performed systematically and personally for over a month now (I am an optimist by nature) but always with negative results: "I do not update this software! After the umpteenth phone call assistance
Samsung, I was put on the waiting list (now about a week) to be contacted by a mysterious service center that will make an appointment with a technician (in charge) in order to carry out ' Update on the spot.
Moral of the story, I have a Samsung unit that the state of things is useless! This also and especially in view of the fact that not everyone is able, condizione e con il tempo necessario a effettuare la memorizzazione di tutti i canali televisivi.
Mi troverò costretto, se lo stato delle cose persiste o viceversa se il preventivo dell’assistenza supera i 20 euro, ad acquistare, mio malgrado, un ennesimo decoder esterno (con antiestetici collegamenti+ennesimi telecomandi). 

Non sono un legale, ma a lume di ragione ho una netta sensazione di essere stato frodato, preso in giro!

P.S.: il Protocollo  d'intesa DGTVi - ANIE (parliamo dell’anno 2005!!) intende favorire un confronto continuo tra le esigenze dei produttori e le strategie dei broadcaster, perché i decoder e la loro evoluzione, follow that the rules of the market and at the same time the needs of consumers ("all decoders must be able to receive all services and all services").

Technorati Tags: Samsung

Monday, February 15, 2010

Cervical Mucus Like White Snot

ABI: suspending mortgage payments. Collect Signatures

ABI receive this valuable information for families interested in measures of suspension.

Editorial ACU

We think it can be useful to recall the steps necessary to directly access information on the suspension of mortgage payments (list of member banks, technical document, form di domanda...) che l'ABI ha pubblicato sul sito in una sezione dedicata al Piano Famiglie (riquadro giallo in alto a destra).

Pertanto se cliccate sul suddetto riquadro, vi si aprirà una pagina intitolata Piano famiglie. In basso, in arancio, trovate una lista di link.
Cliccando sul primo link "Accordo per la sospensione del mutuo" si apre una seconda pagina che contiene l'elenco dei documenti relativi alla misura di sospensione delle rate del mutuo.
Nel "Documento tecnico" che è decisivo per quanto riguarda il merito di molte possibili richieste d'informazioni, è contenuto il modulo per la domanda di sospensione che il cliente deve compilare(attenzione a non confonderlo con quello destinato alla banca per l'adesione alla sospensione).
In alto a sinistra invece c'è il link "Banche aderenti" contenente la lista aggiornata delle banche.

Hair Volume Infomercials

commuter rail service disruptions to continue, delivered by RFI.

  Il signor Piras ha inoltrato la lettera all'Assessore ai trasporti della Regione Abruzzo, il suggerimento è stato quello di coinvolgere anche l'Assessorato ai trasporti della Regione Molise in una auspicabile trattativa con Trenitalia.

Redazione ACU


Spett.le Associazione

chi scrive è un pendolare della tratta Station San Vito Lanciano - Termoli. I pass a general discontent, which has also resulted in a petition delivered to the company RFI at the resort of Pescara. With the new timetable, the train was delayed for 21 570 hypothetical 15 minutes from 18:10 to 18:25 today. I'm talking about hypothetical because every night the train behind schedule scary. Last night, for example, started from Termoli at 18:50!

The disservice is now a constant. I note in particular is there a train between the time slot 16:00 to 18:00. The train is in fact the previous 15:52. Between 15:52 and 18:25 there is a train running from Termoli north. Dear I request that this Associazione si faccia promotrice delle problematiche di numerose famiglie che devono sopportare l'inefficienza e la disorganizzazione delle Ferrovie dello Stato e si attivi attraverso i propri canali presso i vertici delle Ferrovie per risolvere la problematica.

Rimango in attesa di una risposta che sono sicuro non tarderà ad arrivare.

Distinti saluti

Francesco Piras

Friday, February 12, 2010

Treat Pre Pyloric Ulcer

Municipality of Certaldo: Warning signs clearer!


chiedo cortesemente il vostro aiuto per un fatto successo pochi giorni fa.

Mi trovavo per lavoro nel piccolo comune di CERTALDO (FI) sono arrivato sulla strada del mio piccolo albergo alle ore 23.30 circa del giorno 27.01.2010, strada buia, senza luci, parcheggio la mia auto, su strisce bianche, quindi gratuite e libere.

La mattina seguente però mi trovo una bella sorpresa di benvenuto dal comune, una bella multa per infrazione al codice della strada, 38 euro per divieto di sosta e ho rischiato anche la rimozione forzata, che mi avrebbe bloccato in questo paesino per tutta la giornata, facendomi perdere la giornata di lavoro, e tutto ciò che ne consegue.

Ora al momento del parcheggio, ho guardato all'inizio delle strisce di parcheggio, ma non c'erano cartelli di segnalazione, (premetto che era comunue tarda sera e che ho parcheggiato al primo posto segnalato con strisce bianche) davanti a me qualche posto vuoto, poi tre o quattro altre automobili.

I took some pictures from the internet, and I am attaching a copy of the fine, to show it all, hoping for your help, since the days of protest, I look around but not known anything better, if not in the previous section of road , where I noticed a normal no parking, and about 150 meters after the strips where I parked my car, where I noticed a small sign for you, cleaning the road and its ban, I go to the command of the brigade, and after a check I am told that the sign is there and visible, and then I have to pay the fine.

image image

image image

image image


I made the license a year ago and although they work for about 3000 km per month, I try to be careful in ztl, ecopass, speed limits, etc., (which is already very difficult if you exit from your city, because of the millions of signs barely visible, hidden away or covered with huge billboards), but this is not one of my own carelessness.

not for 38 euro, but they make me angry, because I work a day of fruit about that sum, but for common sense.

Now I have paid for everything, but I would not end here, I would figure out how to their inattention (they could be clear, start putting up a sign) a person like me, aged 19, who works with dreams, hopes, is in trouble when these things happen. I

your opinion, any your check.

Can you help?

remain at your disposal for any further clarifications.


broser Stefano

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Votka Problems With Male

The Committee Members of the district against disruptions and price increases! The ballet

We accepted the request of the Committee Members of the district of Rivoli was considered important to give space to them.

Editorial ACU Associations,
we mark the initiative of the Committee Members of the District Heating of Rivoli against the soaring costs of heating with little transparency managed by SEI from spa 'financial year 2004/2005 has never presented a statement of the service and consumption charges to users, in violation of the Charter of the Services agreed and signed with the previous administration. We hope we can count on your support to spread the protest to persuade the SEI spa to restore a proper relationship. Please find attached press release sent on 1 alla SEI e al Comune di Rivoli e 2 nostri interventi alla riunione della  Commissione controllo e garanzia del Comune di Rivoli del 28 gennaio 2010.
Cordiali saluti.
Dott. Giuseppe Lomazzo, via Mincio 11 10098 Rivoli, tel. 347/8286009,

Sig. Pietro Tronchin, P.zza Repubblica 19 10098 Rivoli, tel. 011/9574706,

*** *** ***

Rivoli 17 Gennaio 2010

Spett. S.E.I. spa , Via Moglia 19 10036 - SETTIMO TORINESE

Egr. Sign. SINDACO della CITTA’ di RIVOLI

ORGANI LOCAL INFORMATION: La Stampa, La Repubblica, New Moon, Torino Cronaca

Consumer Associations: Their Locations


Notice is hereby given that on 10/01/2010 at Rivoli has met a delegation of members of the district managed by SEI spa for a committee to promote the protection of the rights and interests of citizens who belong to that service.

are known to all contractual breaches and downtime previously incurred by citizens of those communities, overcoming the fears of communal assemblies, believe the public solicitation of can match the ideal of a clean and economical heating, convinced of the sincerity of its directors and the international credibility of the proposer SIRAM spa, part of the Dalkia Group.

As far as we know, the SIRAM spa has only to acquire a sufficient number of contracts to get under the service and then sell the package to users of municipal municipalities served that have transferred over from 2004/2005 managed by the subsidiary of SEI SpA Settimo Torinese.

SEI spa will certainly faced with many problems, but with good will we users lack of transparency has certainly adopted.

In terms of the contract, has never produced a statement of operations, explained the value and source of the increases in price, advertised the parameters of charging fees and provided an informed and timely service.

Only at the end of the troubled season 2008/2009, the SEI SpA distributed to someone a cash flow statement, perhaps to document the recording of 13 (thirteen) days of service detention, from which we note that the costs of service charge are much higher than those charged by other operators of district heating in the Province of Turin, the first of which IRIS spa.

The heat released by centrali di co-generazione analoghe a quello della nostra Città è un “prodotto di scarto” della produzione di energia elettrica, dalla cui commercializzazione le municipalizzate predette percepiscono già un utile.

Risulta pertanto particolarmente odioso rilevare che S.E.I. spa pratica costi differenziati alle diverse comunità aderenti al servizio ed a tariffe nettamente superiori a quelle di mercato.

All’inizio della stagione in corso, tutti hanno letto sugli organi di informazione l’ammontare dei debiti accumulati da S.E.I. spa in pochi anni di gestione e dei numerosi disservizi in molti Condomìni tra i quali quello di via Orbetello 4 a Rivoli; pochi invece hanno sentito talk and almost no one has received a copy of the "Charter Services" unapplied text agreed by the previous administration.

A small gallery of some of the shortcomings of SEI spa commitments under the Charter of the Services may be used for those who have not received the document easy to understand what we are dealing with shortages:

- SEI SpA is committed to provide any customer copy of the contract with the principal terms of service provision, (Article 2.6)

- SEI SpA is committed to provide a portal to which users can access for consultation of the contract and hopefully its position (Article . 2.6)

- SEI SpA is committed to respond to information and complaints on providing motivated by letter within 15 working days, (Article 3.2.4)

- SEI SpA is committed to automatically correct any abnormal invoices and billing errors, ( Art. 3.3.2), many have realized and obtained a refund of the balance charged double on the first and second invoice for the year 2007/2008?

- SEI SpA is committed to bring the meter readings to energy delivery,

- SEI SpA is committed to achieving a broad statement, (Article 4.1) ....

The list is still long and perhaps futile in spite of ourselves.

Su tutti gli organi di informazione è ormai stata pubblicizzata la cessione quasi totale (85%) di S.E.I. spa a Kinexia spa, una neonata società finanziaria attratta dal business dell’energia che dovrebbe ripianare i debiti di S.E.I. spa e rilevare il controllo del nostro “pacco di contratti” dal prossimo 01/03/2010.

Temiamo pertanto che ancora una volta vengano pregiudicati i nostri diritti e calpestati i nostri interessi, non tutelati certamente da una Carta dei Servizi sottoscritta da una società ceduta a terzi non tenuti a rispettarli.

Prima che questo avvenga ed al fine di evitare un futuro contenzioso, il sottoscritto Comitato ritiene opportuno una collaborazione minima dagli Enti in address in order to create the conditions for a rapid and transparent normalization of relations between the company and the managing district heating users.

The undersigned Committee therefore asks:

- SEI spa to send to each user within 31/01/2010, the undersigned Committee and the City of Rivoli copy of the prospectus / statement of operations of district heating 2004/2005, 2005/2006, 2006/2007, 2007/2008 with the clarification of the amounts charged to each condominium or customer / user of the City of Rivoli, with details of the criteria used for the calculation of the share accruing to each user, with individual values and sources used for the adjustment of tariffs.

- to the town of Rivoli to publish the next issues of Rivoli Ri Service Charter of the City of Rivoli and this letter to reinforce the door to information and advice open to the public on the district at the town flanking the SEI spa staff an officer / employee informed on the subject and the Charter of the Services, to facilitate the reduction / extension of the heating rate to users who request them for proven need, to work for greater protection of citizens and users of heating like the municipalities and Collegno Grugliasco, or at least, to take action so that the rules of the Service Charter and the demands of this letter are understood and respected by SEI spa and the new company after the 01/03/2010.

Committee, the undersigned non-profit organization, is an independent, democratic, non-partisan and non-denominational.

For further information, membership of the Committee, proposals or reply address and send correspondence to Dr. Joseph Lomazzo Contact via Mincio 11 10098 Rivoli.

*** *** ***

Rivoli 28 January 2010 Dear


Subject: District Heating in the Town of Rivoli

We have been told these days that a user of a specific question, someone would have said that the problems of users of district heating Rivoli private facts between apartment buildings SEI and the spa operator.

We strongly agree with this statement because Rivoli there was then a sudden spasm that led to the ecological community of users to abandon the traditional heating systems for buildings relying on unknown providers new technologies.

Personally I was against to change the distribution of heat in thermal power plant in which we had just spent substantial sums to catch up with the times, held back by the old adage that teaches us not to entrust to others the management of your assets and your interests if you do not have time to verify and monitor constantly the case of a serious person, competent and honest. Many of us have relationships with banks and a bank account and can understand what I mean.

membership district was considered on the basis of information brought to the assembly building administrator, the explanations given by an official of SIRAM spa and spread the word that interested in the push for innovation There was also the town of Rivoli.

Unfortunately no one has thought to investigate the problem would have seen the letter of intent from a company called C.EN.TO scpa, created to provide energy to the industrial area of \u200b\u200bRivoli companies boast the ability to serve not only heat the municipal office building but also to private users adjacent to the distribution network, with savings of 20-25% at full cost on the existing market.

would see the diligence of our City in approving and signing in less than two months and the project proposed by that company request that the text of the Convention and also the draft contract type to be offered to new customers drawn by the same company, without first having checked on the file or an opinion on whether or not to achieve such a miracle, without reserving the possibility of a decisive control over an investment of this scale and so intent on challenging without pretending that it was a third company to acquire and manage new contracts for private users, perhaps by waiving the annual gianduiotto € 4 per user promised and agreed with the town of Rivoli.

promote adherence to the contrary, in addition to the town criers, but appeared no doubt about the conflict of interest SIRAM spa, a subsidiary of Dalkia Group che aveva vinto l’appalto di gestione del riscaldamento del Comune di Rivoli, con fornitura del calore tramite teleriscaldamento dalla medesima centrale di proprietà della società beneficiaria della convenzione,

I prospetti di calcolo del risparmio furono costruiti con tariffe di riferimento funzionali a costruire il rapporto di convenienza vantaggioso sbandierato nella lettera di intenti e tale da convincere gli utenti potenziali senza ulteriori riflessioni.

La realtà per i nuovi utenti è stata più amara già nel primo anno di gestione ma non è stata tale da impedire a fine 2003 alla S.E.I. spa, di considerare appetibile l’acquisto della C.EN.T.O. scpa con dowry in a convention of the City of Rivoli, which enabled her to develop the potential of the network have already installed without barriers, and competition, with new contracts valued based out of the market which would have enabled the cost of providing eye-catching edge.

Any normal new operator, the small shopkeeper to the largest company, advertises proper change management, points to its market news, participate in the joys and pains resulting from the takeover.

None of us has received from SEI spa this news, although after the signing of contracts of adhesion SIRAM spa had already set aside the building managers by establishing direct relationships with individual user accounts, each of which paid to the City's famous ... gianduiotto

SEI spa has had plenty of time to evaluate in detail the feasibility of the project proposed in the letter of C.EN.TO scpa intent of the City of Rivoli, and with his expertise in the industry and the ethics of public corporations, providing a public service or at least in the public interest would have been able to confirm whether or not the odds of saving that the task of divining C.EN.TO scpa had boasted.

SEI scpa we were never informed of this, violating the provisions of the Consumer Code which is subject to our opinion and being complicit with the reticence of an imaginative project designed to make a profit snatching the credulity and good faith of the public user.

We wonder, therefore, that so far no one has brought the news to the public prosecutor to assess whether or not there against those involved in the details of the fraud or gross negligence.

This was the first breach of contract with SEI spa users, which so far has paid dearly for the increase in value of the company and the same six C.EN.TO scpa spa, to an extent that reschedule the sale of both a third of the debts of the Group.

The City of Rivoli was distracted in recent years and despite his victim of his own negligence.

We are not prejudiced against the district and we can recover a proper contractual relationship with the spa about SEI has shown signs of readiness.

therefore ask YOU to our spa to provide the Committee and to each user already requested a copy of your tenancy agreement for the annual detailed management of each individual.

Failing that, not having received the statements of the Condominium Management heating could not submit them to their respective assemblies, with the possibility that any user will then relies on the legality and appropriateness of costs, opening the door to a huge class action that any consumer movement would be happy to sponsor.

To the City of Rivoli ask you to review the ILO Convention 27/06/2002 6.130/del to prove whether or not realized the intentions and commitments owed by the applicant and included in the Convention which formed the basis of that resolution, if there was, willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of those involved or opportunities for other reasons justifying the revocation of the Convention or its ridefinizione con nuovi rapporti contrattuali con la C.EN.T.O. scpa, con la cessionaria S.E.I. spa, o con altro fornitore e gestore.

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Rivoli 28 Gennaio 2010





Il Comitato Utenti del Teleriscaldamento di Rivoli ringrazia anzi tutto il Presidente ed i signori Consiglieri della Commissione di Controllo e Garanzia per l’invito a questa riunione che ha per tema il comune interesse di migliaia citizens to work and good management of district heating distribution to approximately 165 Rivoli in condominiums.

The Committee, consisting of less than twenty days, was created to bring together the main issues related to the operation and management of the service and to provide protection to people suffering from various failures and breaches of contract that have failed to resolve, .

After the public solicitation conducted by the Municipality of Rivoli in 2002/2003 as a result of the commitments undertaken by signing the Agreement with the Consortium for Energy West Turin (C.EN.TO), there seems to have fallen on the heating the curtain when the company responsible for laying the network SIRAM spa Dalkia Group managed to acquire a sufficient number of contracts to get under the service and to pay a bonus to our dear Directors agreed to additional € 4 for each user.

There was therefore no information to users on the sale of C.EN.TO cogeneration plant and the transfer of supply contracts and management acquired by the municipal SEI SIRAM spa spa, there was no verification of the conditions contract clauses used by SEI spa to new audiences, there has been interest in the municipal administration then in office to get more say in the spa like SEI government and the municipalities of Grugliasco Collegno, served by the same station.

This neglect has been paid so far by the citizens of Rivoli in making connections with delays, with unequal conditions of the contract signed on 27/06/2002 by the local authority in the Convention with C.EN.TO, with many days to cold in winter and tropical heat in April for lack of service, lack of temperature control and lack of scruples of the Manager in the waste heat for reasons of cash.

SEI spa asked annually to users of adjustments without ever presenting a preliminary and final statements of operations, without documenting le letture dei contatori dell’energia ceduta, senza precisare e documentare il criterio di calcolo delle quote per ogni Utente, senza indicare gli estremi normativi e le tabelle adottate per le variazioni di tariffa, senza conteggiare e retrocedere le diminuzioni di imposte e di accise di spettanza agli Utenti di riscaldamento per uso domestico.

Dall’inizio della gestione del teleriscaldamento nel 2002/2003, gli Utenti di Rivoli hanno subìto rincari del servizio nettamente superiori a quelli praticati da altri gestori della Provincia di Torino, primo fra tutti Iride spa, senza mai sfiorare i risparmi del 20/25% e gli altri benefici ipotizzati nella predetta Convenzione n. 6.130 sottoscritta dal Comune di Rivoli il 27/06/2002.

users who have had the need to report a fault or a malfunction has always responded apathetic Call Center with no decision-making autonomy in the selection of emergency and users interested in knowing more in detail the method of calculation of quotas has been the opposite generally the ridiculous excuse of a "software problem" in the course of solution.

The Service Charter signed by the SEI spa for a formal compliance with the rule laid down by art. 101 paragraph 4 of the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree no. 06/09/2005 No 206) did not produce significant changes in the contractual relationship between users and SEI spa and commitments is not been complied with.

This is minimal and easy to implement commitments such as the delivery of a copy of the contract with the principal terms of delivery to each customer, the establishment of a portal to which users have access to review the contract, the conditions of supply its bargaining position, the written response within 15 days to complaints and requests for information, the automatic correction of errors and defects in billing, reporting on the invoice of meter readings to energy suppliers, a wide-ranging and conducted other of ordinary common sense applied by any shopkeeper. The

Users report instead of receiving unsatisfactory answers, filled with jargon that confused even leave the counter set up at the headquarters of the City of Rivoli.

Others have promoted autonomous actions at law for the protection of their rights not managed by the building managers of lack of professionalism, taking on the costs involved.

Users of the district form a committee of Rivoli therefore intend to withdraw from the Commission of their malaise to these shortcomings, worried about the future by the recent press reports on the debts of the SEI parent ASM spa and spa and the assignment 01/03/2010 with effect of the controlling stake SEI Kinexia spa to spa, a holding company del'energia attracted to the business, run by directors who have not investigated certainly the mission of charity.

Before this can happen and in order to avoid future litigation, the undersigned Committee believes it appropriate to your partnership to achieve a rapid and transparent normalization of relations between the managing company of the district and the users of Rivoli.

Subject to evaluate the accuracy of the documentation received and the convenience of the service provided, the Committee calls for:

- SEI the spa, public corporations and providers of public services to send to each user within 31/01/2010, the undersigned Committee and the City of Rivoli copy of statement of operations of district heating 2003/2004, 2004/2005, 2005/2006, 2006/2007 , 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 for each apartment block, complete with the initial and final readings of meters for energy suppliers, the criteria used to calculate the contributions of each individual user, with the values, sources and scales used to revisions to the tariffs,

- to the City of Rivoli, who holds the power of leadership, control and supervision also deriving from the Directive of the President of the Council of Ministers on 27/01/1994 Principles on the provision of public services, to publish the next issues of Rivoli Ri Service Charter signed by SEI and spa this letter to reinforce the door open for information and advice from the City alongside the staff of the SEI own spa official information on the subject and the Charter of the Services, to facilitate the reduction / extension of the heating rate to users who request them for proven need to strive for greater protection of citizens like the people of the district municipalities and Collegno Grugliasco, to promote an agreement for the free energy certification of all buildings served by district heating e di accertare in quali mani sarà consegnata la gestione di interessi e servizi primari di migliaia di cittadini di Rivoli dopo il 01/03/2010.


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“Abbiamo partecipato alla riunione della Commissione di Controllo e Garanzia del Comune di Rivoli presieduta dal Consigliere Valerio Calosso tenutasi alle ore 18 del 28/01/2010 nell’aula del Centro Congressi di Rivoli con all’ordine del giorno: Le recenti problematiche sottese al funzionamento del teleriscaldamento. Erano presenti i consiglieri ed il vicepresidente Commission Perez, the deputy Massimo Fimiani, Dr. Campbell and have worked for SEI spa general manager in May with the sales manager Roberto Roberto Chiapello. After the introduction of President Calo, spoke Fimiani Assessor to confirm the attention of the City on the heating recalling the many initiatives undertaken by the Department in cooperation with neighborhood committees, the building managers and SEI spa to hear citizens' complaints and suggest solutions which made the Service Charter and the recent establishment of the ATM at the municipal office of District Heating. Dr. May, then summarized the technical and organizational problems that have interfered in the regular service delivery and transparency prevented the total consumption and charges. The President Calo then opened the discussion to citizens, with many interventions have confirmed that the initiatives described have been insufficient, the spa are you never sent me the information consumer, the tables used for the adjustment of tariffs, the annual report of the management has planned to send bills at rates too narrow, with claims for adjustments in some cases up to € 300.00, with pricing plans built on the basis of inaccurate statements and documents - Someone said that the basic contract of his apartment building has been calculated on the consumption of diesel fuel last year, was lower then of 1,000 liters - in many cases, fuel consumption documented by building managers already acquired stocks included in tank but not consumed, and in other cases billed but not provided, there was no case in an energy audit of the heating requirements of buildings highlighted gaps and weaknesses of the systems. All these failures have led to increasingly high costs of heating and not commensurate with the known rates of methane, full service irregularities in winter for technical and programmatic deficiencies network, for lack of temperature control and maintenance of the competence of the individual blocks, for lack of professionalism and cooperation of some building managers on the payroll of SEI spa. The Service Charter signed by the SEI spa has not been explained and disseminated to users, and listened to the interventions was not met.

The Committee of Members of District Heating Rivoli spoke with the two reports attached, read by Dr. referent. And Mr Peter Joseph Lomazzo Tronchin that, going over the themes of the release of onset have also focused on the original error of granting of a privileged and authoritative convention support the intent of a company che prometteva con l’adesione al teleriscaldamento risparmi del 20/25% senza averli prima adeguatamente valutati.

I consiglieri comunali intervenuti hanno confermato tutti l’esistenza per le problematiche sollevate e l’interesse per la loro soluzione con varie proposte tra quali e nell’ordine la convocazione degli amministratori di condominio dal consigliere Massaro, la vertenza organizzata per la trasparenza anche con la promozione di una Class Action dal consigliere Moglia, il sostegno e le agevolazioni alle fasce di utenza debole da parte del consigliere Lucarelli, un integrale riesame e rivalutazione delle delibere comunali e della documentazione relativa alla creazione e promozione del teleriscaldamento a Rivoli dal consigliere Found, the motion to the Mayor to establish any breach of contract with fraud or gross negligence of the company C.EN.TO scpa, recipient of the ILO Convention 6130 of 27/06/2002, to give citizens and the City of Rivoli by the board of the Valley, the reconvening of the Commission to control and guarantee of two months to check whether the solution of problems and proposed any steps taken with the simultaneous blockade of the payment of invoices issued by the Director Basile, the reference to building managers for greater control and maintenance of the jurisdiction by the Adviser Monzeglio. Dr. May reconfirmed the commitment of all company to remove the issues raised and lower areas of physiological disruption of the user, the maximum availability to discuss and agree on solutions to improve the service provided and to review each contract, rather unavailable to the blocking of payments having to ensure continuity of service. Too bad that all this effort and all this availability has not translated into a concrete gesture of good will which the production, even partial accounts and rates of consumption required to SEI spa and never documented. Closed the meeting Councillor Fimiani was proposing the establishment and convening of a permanent table at which to involve all stakeholders to the problems of heating and then, in addition to the SEI SpA, the municipal councilors, administrators interested in building, neighborhood committees, movements and organizations of consumers and citizens, including the Users' Committee of the District Heating of Rivoli.

In our opinion, is looming as usual plethoric with little prospect of meeting summary of decisions and shared. The City Council of Rivoli on the basis of its powers to direct supervision and control of all, it should review the entire law-making on the deliberate heating, to assess whether there were deficiencies and understatements and being proactive to make the actors concerned what were the results of this work and what the issues on which to focus attention and efforts of all for a speedy resolution. "

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