The Committee Members of the district against disruptions and price increases! The ballet
We accepted the request of the Committee Members of the district of Rivoli was considered important to give space to them.
Editorial ACU Associations,
we mark the initiative of the Committee Members of the District Heating of Rivoli against the soaring costs of heating with little transparency managed by SEI from spa 'financial year 2004/2005 has never presented a statement of the service and consumption charges to users, in violation of the Charter of the Services agreed and signed with the previous administration. We hope we can count on your support to spread the protest to persuade the SEI spa to restore a proper relationship. Please find attached press release sent on 1 alla SEI e al Comune di Rivoli e 2 nostri interventi alla riunione della  Commissione controllo e garanzia del Comune di Rivoli del 28 gennaio 2010.
Cordiali saluti.
Dott. Giuseppe Lomazzo, via Mincio 11 10098 Rivoli, tel. 347/8286009,
Sig. Pietro Tronchin, P.zza Repubblica 19 10098 Rivoli, tel. 011/9574706,
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Rivoli 17 Gennaio 2010
Spett. S.E.I. spa , Via Moglia 19 10036 - SETTIMO TORINESE
Egr. Sign. SINDACO della CITTA’ di RIVOLI
ORGANI LOCAL INFORMATION: La Stampa, La Repubblica, New Moon, Torino Cronaca
Consumer Associations: Their Locations
Notice is hereby given that on 10/01/2010 at Rivoli has met a delegation of members of the district managed by SEI spa for a committee to promote the protection of the rights and interests of citizens who belong to that service.
are known to all contractual breaches and downtime previously incurred by citizens of those communities, overcoming the fears of communal assemblies, believe the public solicitation of can match the ideal of a clean and economical heating, convinced of the sincerity of its directors and the international credibility of the proposer SIRAM spa, part of the Dalkia Group.
As far as we know, the SIRAM spa has only to acquire a sufficient number of contracts to get under the service and then sell the package to users of municipal municipalities served that have transferred over from 2004/2005 managed by the subsidiary of SEI SpA Settimo Torinese.
SEI spa will certainly faced with many problems, but with good will we users lack of transparency has certainly adopted.
In terms of the contract, has never produced a statement of operations, explained the value and source of the increases in price, advertised the parameters of charging fees and provided an informed and timely service.
Only at the end of the troubled season 2008/2009, the SEI SpA distributed to someone a cash flow statement, perhaps to document the recording of 13 (thirteen) days of service detention, from which we note that the costs of service charge are much higher than those charged by other operators of district heating in the Province of Turin, the first of which IRIS spa.
The heat released by centrali di co-generazione analoghe a quello della nostra Città è un “prodotto di scarto” della produzione di energia elettrica, dalla cui commercializzazione le municipalizzate predette percepiscono già un utile.
Risulta pertanto particolarmente odioso rilevare che S.E.I. spa pratica costi differenziati alle diverse comunità aderenti al servizio ed a tariffe nettamente superiori a quelle di mercato.
All’inizio della stagione in corso, tutti hanno letto sugli organi di informazione l’ammontare dei debiti accumulati da S.E.I. spa in pochi anni di gestione e dei numerosi disservizi in molti Condomìni tra i quali quello di via Orbetello 4 a Rivoli; pochi invece hanno sentito talk and almost no one has received a copy of the "Charter Services" unapplied text agreed by the previous administration.
A small gallery of some of the shortcomings of SEI spa commitments under the Charter of the Services may be used for those who have not received the document easy to understand what we are dealing with shortages:
- SEI SpA is committed to provide any customer copy of the contract with the principal terms of service provision, (Article 2.6)
- SEI SpA is committed to provide a portal to which users can access for consultation of the contract and hopefully its position (Article . 2.6)
- SEI SpA is committed to respond to information and complaints on providing motivated by letter within 15 working days, (Article 3.2.4)
- SEI SpA is committed to automatically correct any abnormal invoices and billing errors, ( Art. 3.3.2), many have realized and obtained a refund of the balance charged double on the first and second invoice for the year 2007/2008?
- SEI SpA is committed to bring the meter readings to energy delivery,
- SEI SpA is committed to achieving a broad statement, (Article 4.1) ....
The list is still long and perhaps futile in spite of ourselves.
Su tutti gli organi di informazione è ormai stata pubblicizzata la cessione quasi totale (85%) di S.E.I. spa a Kinexia spa, una neonata società finanziaria attratta dal business dell’energia che dovrebbe ripianare i debiti di S.E.I. spa e rilevare il controllo del nostro “pacco di contratti” dal prossimo 01/03/2010.
Temiamo pertanto che ancora una volta vengano pregiudicati i nostri diritti e calpestati i nostri interessi, non tutelati certamente da una Carta dei Servizi sottoscritta da una società ceduta a terzi non tenuti a rispettarli.
Prima che questo avvenga ed al fine di evitare un futuro contenzioso, il sottoscritto Comitato ritiene opportuno una collaborazione minima dagli Enti in address in order to create the conditions for a rapid and transparent normalization of relations between the company and the managing district heating users.
The undersigned Committee therefore asks:
- SEI spa to send to each user within 31/01/2010, the undersigned Committee and the City of Rivoli copy of the prospectus / statement of operations of district heating 2004/2005, 2005/2006, 2006/2007, 2007/2008 with the clarification of the amounts charged to each condominium or customer / user of the City of Rivoli, with details of the criteria used for the calculation of the share accruing to each user, with individual values and sources used for the adjustment of tariffs.
- to the town of Rivoli to publish the next issues of Rivoli Ri Service Charter of the City of Rivoli and this letter to reinforce the door to information and advice open to the public on the district at the town flanking the SEI spa staff an officer / employee informed on the subject and the Charter of the Services, to facilitate the reduction / extension of the heating rate to users who request them for proven need, to work for greater protection of citizens and users of heating like the municipalities and Collegno Grugliasco, or at least, to take action so that the rules of the Service Charter and the demands of this letter are understood and respected by SEI spa and the new company after the 01/03/2010.
Committee, the undersigned non-profit organization, is an independent, democratic, non-partisan and non-denominational.
For further information, membership of the Committee, proposals or reply address and send correspondence to Dr. Joseph Lomazzo Contact via Mincio 11 10098 Rivoli.
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Rivoli 28 January 2010 Dear
Subject: District Heating in the Town of Rivoli
We have been told these days that a user of a specific question, someone would have said that the problems of users of district heating Rivoli private facts between apartment buildings SEI and the spa operator.
We strongly agree with this statement because Rivoli there was then a sudden spasm that led to the ecological community of users to abandon the traditional heating systems for buildings relying on unknown providers new technologies.
Personally I was against to change the distribution of heat in thermal power plant in which we had just spent substantial sums to catch up with the times, held back by the old adage that teaches us not to entrust to others the management of your assets and your interests if you do not have time to verify and monitor constantly the case of a serious person, competent and honest. Many of us have relationships with banks and a bank account and can understand what I mean.
membership district was considered on the basis of information brought to the assembly building administrator, the explanations given by an official of SIRAM spa and spread the word that interested in the push for innovation There was also the town of Rivoli.
Unfortunately no one has thought to investigate the problem would have seen the letter of intent from a company called C.EN.TO scpa, created to provide energy to the industrial area of \u200b\u200bRivoli companies boast the ability to serve not only heat the municipal office building but also to private users adjacent to the distribution network, with savings of 20-25% at full cost on the existing market.
would see the diligence of our City in approving and signing in less than two months and the project proposed by that company request that the text of the Convention and also the draft contract type to be offered to new customers drawn by the same company, without first having checked on the file or an opinion on whether or not to achieve such a miracle, without reserving the possibility of a decisive control over an investment of this scale and so intent on challenging without pretending that it was a third company to acquire and manage new contracts for private users, perhaps by waiving the annual gianduiotto € 4 per user promised and agreed with the town of Rivoli.
promote adherence to the contrary, in addition to the town criers, but appeared no doubt about the conflict of interest SIRAM spa, a subsidiary of Dalkia Group che aveva vinto l’appalto di gestione del riscaldamento del Comune di Rivoli, con fornitura del calore tramite teleriscaldamento dalla medesima centrale di proprietà della società beneficiaria della convenzione,
I prospetti di calcolo del risparmio furono costruiti con tariffe di riferimento funzionali a costruire il rapporto di convenienza vantaggioso sbandierato nella lettera di intenti e tale da convincere gli utenti potenziali senza ulteriori riflessioni.
La realtà per i nuovi utenti è stata più amara già nel primo anno di gestione ma non è stata tale da impedire a fine 2003 alla S.E.I. spa, di considerare appetibile l’acquisto della C.EN.T.O. scpa con dowry in a convention of the City of Rivoli, which enabled her to develop the potential of the network have already installed without barriers, and competition, with new contracts valued based out of the market which would have enabled the cost of providing eye-catching edge.
Any normal new operator, the small shopkeeper to the largest company, advertises proper change management, points to its market news, participate in the joys and pains resulting from the takeover.
None of us has received from SEI spa this news, although after the signing of contracts of adhesion SIRAM spa had already set aside the building managers by establishing direct relationships with individual user accounts, each of which paid to the City's famous ... gianduiotto
SEI spa has had plenty of time to evaluate in detail the feasibility of the project proposed in the letter of C.EN.TO scpa intent of the City of Rivoli, and with his expertise in the industry and the ethics of public corporations, providing a public service or at least in the public interest would have been able to confirm whether or not the odds of saving that the task of divining C.EN.TO scpa had boasted.
SEI scpa we were never informed of this, violating the provisions of the Consumer Code which is subject to our opinion and being complicit with the reticence of an imaginative project designed to make a profit snatching the credulity and good faith of the public user.
We wonder, therefore, that so far no one has brought the news to the public prosecutor to assess whether or not there against those involved in the details of the fraud or gross negligence.
This was the first breach of contract with SEI spa users, which so far has paid dearly for the increase in value of the company and the same six C.EN.TO scpa spa, to an extent that reschedule the sale of both a third of the debts of the Group.
The City of Rivoli was distracted in recent years and despite his victim of his own negligence.
We are not prejudiced against the district and we can recover a proper contractual relationship with the spa about SEI has shown signs of readiness.
therefore ask YOU to our spa to provide the Committee and to each user already requested a copy of your tenancy agreement for the annual detailed management of each individual.
Failing that, not having received the statements of the Condominium Management heating could not submit them to their respective assemblies, with the possibility that any user will then relies on the legality and appropriateness of costs, opening the door to a huge class action that any consumer movement would be happy to sponsor.
To the City of Rivoli ask you to review the ILO Convention 27/06/2002 6.130/del to prove whether or not realized the intentions and commitments owed by the applicant and included in the Convention which formed the basis of that resolution, if there was, willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of those involved or opportunities for other reasons justifying the revocation of the Convention or its ridefinizione con nuovi rapporti contrattuali con la C.EN.T.O. scpa, con la cessionaria S.E.I. spa, o con altro fornitore e gestore.
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Rivoli 28 Gennaio 2010
Il Comitato Utenti del Teleriscaldamento di Rivoli ringrazia anzi tutto il Presidente ed i signori Consiglieri della Commissione di Controllo e Garanzia per l’invito a questa riunione che ha per tema il comune interesse di migliaia citizens to work and good management of district heating distribution to approximately 165 Rivoli in condominiums.
The Committee, consisting of less than twenty days, was created to bring together the main issues related to the operation and management of the service and to provide protection to people suffering from various failures and breaches of contract that have failed to resolve, .
After the public solicitation conducted by the Municipality of Rivoli in 2002/2003 as a result of the commitments undertaken by signing the Agreement with the Consortium for Energy West Turin (C.EN.TO), there seems to have fallen on the heating the curtain when the company responsible for laying the network SIRAM spa Dalkia Group managed to acquire a sufficient number of contracts to get under the service and to pay a bonus to our dear Directors agreed to additional € 4 for each user.
There was therefore no information to users on the sale of C.EN.TO cogeneration plant and the transfer of supply contracts and management acquired by the municipal SEI SIRAM spa spa, there was no verification of the conditions contract clauses used by SEI spa to new audiences, there has been interest in the municipal administration then in office to get more say in the spa like SEI government and the municipalities of Grugliasco Collegno, served by the same station.
This neglect has been paid so far by the citizens of Rivoli in making connections with delays, with unequal conditions of the contract signed on 27/06/2002 by the local authority in the Convention with C.EN.TO, with many days to cold in winter and tropical heat in April for lack of service, lack of temperature control and lack of scruples of the Manager in the waste heat for reasons of cash.
SEI spa asked annually to users of adjustments without ever presenting a preliminary and final statements of operations, without documenting le letture dei contatori dell’energia ceduta, senza precisare e documentare il criterio di calcolo delle quote per ogni Utente, senza indicare gli estremi normativi e le tabelle adottate per le variazioni di tariffa, senza conteggiare e retrocedere le diminuzioni di imposte e di accise di spettanza agli Utenti di riscaldamento per uso domestico.
Dall’inizio della gestione del teleriscaldamento nel 2002/2003, gli Utenti di Rivoli hanno subìto rincari del servizio nettamente superiori a quelli praticati da altri gestori della Provincia di Torino, primo fra tutti Iride spa, senza mai sfiorare i risparmi del 20/25% e gli altri benefici ipotizzati nella predetta Convenzione n. 6.130 sottoscritta dal Comune di Rivoli il 27/06/2002.
users who have had the need to report a fault or a malfunction has always responded apathetic Call Center with no decision-making autonomy in the selection of emergency and users interested in knowing more in detail the method of calculation of quotas has been the opposite generally the ridiculous excuse of a "software problem" in the course of solution.
The Service Charter signed by the SEI spa for a formal compliance with the rule laid down by art. 101 paragraph 4 of the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree no. 06/09/2005 No 206) did not produce significant changes in the contractual relationship between users and SEI spa and commitments is not been complied with.
This is minimal and easy to implement commitments such as the delivery of a copy of the contract with the principal terms of delivery to each customer, the establishment of a portal to which users have access to review the contract, the conditions of supply its bargaining position, the written response within 15 days to complaints and requests for information, the automatic correction of errors and defects in billing, reporting on the invoice of meter readings to energy suppliers, a wide-ranging and conducted other of ordinary common sense applied by any shopkeeper. The
Users report instead of receiving unsatisfactory answers, filled with jargon that confused even leave the counter set up at the headquarters of the City of Rivoli.
Others have promoted autonomous actions at law for the protection of their rights not managed by the building managers of lack of professionalism, taking on the costs involved.
Users of the district form a committee of Rivoli therefore intend to withdraw from the Commission of their malaise to these shortcomings, worried about the future by the recent press reports on the debts of the SEI parent ASM spa and spa and the assignment 01/03/2010 with effect of the controlling stake SEI Kinexia spa to spa, a holding company del'energia attracted to the business, run by directors who have not investigated certainly the mission of charity.
Before this can happen and in order to avoid future litigation, the undersigned Committee believes it appropriate to your partnership to achieve a rapid and transparent normalization of relations between the managing company of the district and the users of Rivoli.
Subject to evaluate the accuracy of the documentation received and the convenience of the service provided, the Committee calls for:
- SEI the spa, public corporations and providers of public services to send to each user within 31/01/2010, the undersigned Committee and the City of Rivoli copy of statement of operations of district heating 2003/2004, 2004/2005, 2005/2006, 2006/2007 , 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 for each apartment block, complete with the initial and final readings of meters for energy suppliers, the criteria used to calculate the contributions of each individual user, with the values, sources and scales used to revisions to the tariffs,
- to the City of Rivoli, who holds the power of leadership, control and supervision also deriving from the Directive of the President of the Council of Ministers on 27/01/1994 Principles on the provision of public services, to publish the next issues of Rivoli Ri Service Charter signed by SEI and spa this letter to reinforce the door open for information and advice from the City alongside the staff of the SEI own spa official information on the subject and the Charter of the Services, to facilitate the reduction / extension of the heating rate to users who request them for proven need to strive for greater protection of citizens like the people of the district municipalities and Collegno Grugliasco, to promote an agreement for the free energy certification of all buildings served by district heating e di accertare in quali mani sarà consegnata la gestione di interessi e servizi primari di migliaia di cittadini di Rivoli dopo il 01/03/2010.
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“Abbiamo partecipato alla riunione della Commissione di Controllo e Garanzia del Comune di Rivoli presieduta dal Consigliere Valerio Calosso tenutasi alle ore 18 del 28/01/2010 nell’aula del Centro Congressi di Rivoli con all’ordine del giorno: Le recenti problematiche sottese al funzionamento del teleriscaldamento. Erano presenti i consiglieri ed il vicepresidente Commission Perez, the deputy Massimo Fimiani, Dr. Campbell and have worked for SEI spa general manager in May with the sales manager Roberto Roberto Chiapello. After the introduction of President Calo, spoke Fimiani Assessor to confirm the attention of the City on the heating recalling the many initiatives undertaken by the Department in cooperation with neighborhood committees, the building managers and SEI spa to hear citizens' complaints and suggest solutions which made the Service Charter and the recent establishment of the ATM at the municipal office of District Heating. Dr. May, then summarized the technical and organizational problems that have interfered in the regular service delivery and transparency prevented the total consumption and charges. The President Calo then opened the discussion to citizens, with many interventions have confirmed that the initiatives described have been insufficient, the spa are you never sent me the information consumer, the tables used for the adjustment of tariffs, the annual report of the management has planned to send bills at rates too narrow, with claims for adjustments in some cases up to € 300.00, with pricing plans built on the basis of inaccurate statements and documents - Someone said that the basic contract of his apartment building has been calculated on the consumption of diesel fuel last year, was lower then of 1,000 liters - in many cases, fuel consumption documented by building managers already acquired stocks included in tank but not consumed, and in other cases billed but not provided, there was no case in an energy audit of the heating requirements of buildings highlighted gaps and weaknesses of the systems. All these failures have led to increasingly high costs of heating and not commensurate with the known rates of methane, full service irregularities in winter for technical and programmatic deficiencies network, for lack of temperature control and maintenance of the competence of the individual blocks, for lack of professionalism and cooperation of some building managers on the payroll of SEI spa. The Service Charter signed by the SEI spa has not been explained and disseminated to users, and listened to the interventions was not met.
The Committee of Members of District Heating Rivoli spoke with the two reports attached, read by Dr. referent. And Mr Peter Joseph Lomazzo Tronchin that, going over the themes of the release of onset have also focused on the original error of granting of a privileged and authoritative convention support the intent of a company che prometteva con l’adesione al teleriscaldamento risparmi del 20/25% senza averli prima adeguatamente valutati.
I consiglieri comunali intervenuti hanno confermato tutti l’esistenza per le problematiche sollevate e l’interesse per la loro soluzione con varie proposte tra quali e nell’ordine la convocazione degli amministratori di condominio dal consigliere Massaro, la vertenza organizzata per la trasparenza anche con la promozione di una Class Action dal consigliere Moglia, il sostegno e le agevolazioni alle fasce di utenza debole da parte del consigliere Lucarelli, un integrale riesame e rivalutazione delle delibere comunali e della documentazione relativa alla creazione e promozione del teleriscaldamento a Rivoli dal consigliere Found, the motion to the Mayor to establish any breach of contract with fraud or gross negligence of the company C.EN.TO scpa, recipient of the ILO Convention 6130 of 27/06/2002, to give citizens and the City of Rivoli by the board of the Valley, the reconvening of the Commission to control and guarantee of two months to check whether the solution of problems and proposed any steps taken with the simultaneous blockade of the payment of invoices issued by the Director Basile, the reference to building managers for greater control and maintenance of the jurisdiction by the Adviser Monzeglio. Dr. May reconfirmed the commitment of all company to remove the issues raised and lower areas of physiological disruption of the user, the maximum availability to discuss and agree on solutions to improve the service provided and to review each contract, rather unavailable to the blocking of payments having to ensure continuity of service. Too bad that all this effort and all this availability has not translated into a concrete gesture of good will which the production, even partial accounts and rates of consumption required to SEI spa and never documented. Closed the meeting Councillor Fimiani was proposing the establishment and convening of a permanent table at which to involve all stakeholders to the problems of heating and then, in addition to the SEI SpA, the municipal councilors, administrators interested in building, neighborhood committees, movements and organizations of consumers and citizens, including the Users' Committee of the District Heating of Rivoli.
In our opinion, is looming as usual plethoric with little prospect of meeting summary of decisions and shared. The City Council of Rivoli on the basis of its powers to direct supervision and control of all, it should review the entire law-making on the deliberate heating, to assess whether there were deficiencies and understatements and being proactive to make the actors concerned what were the results of this work and what the issues on which to focus attention and efforts of all for a speedy resolution. "