Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mini Cooper 2004 Cgange Oil Filter


Dear Leader, 19/1/2004 I own a Citroen C3 from FC8HXB purchased the dealership De Lorenzi of Cremona. The machine currently has license plate ZZZZZZZ just over 90,000 miles and has always been treated with the utmost care: regular coupons and use only factory dealer of Cremona. I think I was a good customer: regular payments and no problem for sellers. Basically I never asked anything to my dealer if not routine maintenance. We come to the facts: on 17/12/2009, returning from a mountain with my colleague Prof. XY known that the flow of the wiper does not work and I go to a provider of Cremona to fill it with water. It remains in the hands of the lever to open the bonnet. I go to the dealership to ask about 17.30 to fix it. The repair is done promptly. While the clerk to check the lever me Note that a right headlight bulb burned out. Despite what had already happened three times with condensation inside the lantern, I ask you to change the bulb. The thing is done quickly. Probably, since the recurrence of fact, the seal is bad but I do not quibble with the case. Aziono the machine and the pilot light that indicates a malfunction of the air bags. I ask the shop what happened: tell me I should check the system control unit. The verification is done and they tell me that the unit is not working. I note that I can not travel without the air bags and it is interpreted as one of my pedantry. I ask at this point using a courtesy car advertised by a large sign in front. I respond that the charges and in any case there are no courtesy cars available. I note that I need the machine on 22/12/2009: I booked a holiday in the mountains with deposit already paid. I will say that the piece can be ordered. They make me sign a statement in which I am told that the electronic box is damaged, the air bags do not work and I take full responsibility for any use of the machine. To control the electrical system (which I did not totally damaged) make me pay the modest sum of € 143.40. I leave the car dealership and my colleague went to take la sua automobile grazie ad un passaggio e mi trasporta a casa. Dopo due giorni telefono chiedendo se la mia auto fosse pronta. Mi dicono di si. Mi faccio accompagnare da mio padre alla concessionaria che mi lascia e scopro dopo qualche minuto che di “pronto” c’è solo il preventivo. Visto che ci siamo faccio ordinare anche il fanale per sostituire quello difettoso (che io non ho mai danneggiato). Sono allibito e a questo punto mi sembra un po’ troppo. Raggiungo la mia abitazione con un bus e abbastanza alterato per la scortesia e l’indisponibilità di una vettura di cortesia telefono ad uno dei figli del concessionario che si scusa e mi assicura di fare il possibile per farmi partire per la montagna con il mio mezzo il 22/12/2009 e che I will be well treated in the final bill. Of course there's the piece on 22/12 and I have to leave my car in the garage. 30/12/2009 The day of my appointment as provided are finally carried out the operations provided: 457.00 Total Account to be added to the previous 143.40. We are a total of € 600.40. The lady tells me that in case I was charged a 20% discount on the cost of the lantern. I pay and I go by the dealer who, after a few minutes, I liquid returning to the Lords of the workshop which obviously defending their actions and the costs incurred by me. I ask to speak again with Mr. De Lorenzi is nowhere to be found in his dealership. The children are obviously absent, they tell me on holiday in the mountains. Frankly pay an exorbitant cost for damage that I caused (in the shop say it is "coincidence" which of course I have to pay me), be left without a car from 17/12/2009 to 30/12/2009 without the possibility of having a courtesy car does not seem a great treatment from the dealership De Lorenzi. Of course no one is worried about the slightest inconvenience that I have created, no one apologized, no one has admitted the rudeness and lack of tact in dealing with a customer. According to them I would have to jump for joy at the 20% reduction in the cost of a lantern made to me (I had not damaged). Apparently not at all agree with this procedure e chiedo di essere risarcito economicamente per i disagi che la concessionaria mi ha causato.

In attesa di un doveroso riscontro, porgo distinti saluti. Prof. Ugo Di Felice

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Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 7:45 PM

Gentile Signor Di Felice,
nel ringraziarLa per averci contattato, La informiamo di aver preso nota della Sua segnalazione circa il trattamento ricevuto dalla nostra Autorizzata De Lorenzi di Cremona e siamo spiacenti delle criticità occorse alla Sua vettura.

Tuttavia Le chiediamo di rimanere in contatto con il Capo Officina della nostra Autorizzata, il quale oltre ad essere la persona tecnicamente  competent to assess the type of criticism has been completed, the person responsible for any explanation and evaluation in this regard.

Some of the expertise and the availability of our technical staff, which surely you have already activated to meet your requirements, we remain at your disposal, and the email address of your knowledge, is the toll free number 800.80.40.80, active from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 to 20.00.
We would like to offer you my best regards.

Citroën Italy Spa
Customer Relations Service

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Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 10:36 PM

Dear Head of Customer Relations, or perhaps we have not understood what I sent you a generic response that is sent to customers not satisfied with Citroen. The foreman of the Authorized De Lorenzi of Cremona has supported and justified the treatment I received. Then I turned to Mr. De Lorenzi course that has endorsed the view taken by the foreman and the employee with whom I had the discussion about "coincidences", "care" and treatment immediately following the disruption caused by Citroen and not by me. If you reread my letter (attached) not asking you to "take note" but to intervene in a timely, specific and personal to the dealer to get me to monetary compensation for their losses.
awaiting a quick response and I intend to forward my letter and your next response to consumer protection associations and the press.
Regards. Ugo Di Felice - Cremona

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Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 3:47 PM

Dear Mr Di Felice,
After the contacts established with our Customer Relations Toll customers, we inform you that you have carefully reviewed his report in order to furnish the required response. We see
his disappointment concerning the operations performed on the vehicle in his possession.
While I understand his disappointment and really regret about his remarks, we emphasize that problems of various kinds do not fall within the life of a car. Furthermore, the restoration originally implemented by competent persons, not related and not due secondarily to the felt.
For these reasons, the writer who can not defend the work done by these professionals within the Network Journal and reject any any liability for damages is there any ground.

sorry again, but assured that his remarks were dictated by Momentary discomfort caused by stationary cars and also understandable by the unexpected inconvenience caused thereby, to further remind the complete availability of Citroën Italy at the toll free number or via the website 800-80.40.80 www.citroë and we take ' opportunity to extend my most cordial greetings.

Citroen Italy SPA
Relations Service Clients
Commercial Section

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Posted: Thursday, February 11, 2010 23:40

After a month of waiting I get this additional response Citroen Italy SPA, which I think is absolutely unsatisfactory. Forward this correspondence associations of consumer protection that I know to whom I entrust the assessment if the treatment I received from Citroen is correct and just.

Regards. Prof. Ugo Di Felice


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