Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sd Cards Work In Car Stereo

Wonderland Club Q8: no explanation for the failure to deliver the prize.

Dear Consumers' Association

Maggiacomo My name is Sergio and I was born in Formia (LT) where now reside.

I write not knowing where to turn on problems encountered with the company Q8, which in respect to the collection points "Wonderland Club " despite numerous protest email and fax, phone calls, sending documentation, and, for the last notice in the press release and the card otherwise I would have left the practice to your Dear Association, which led to the final block of the same paper,


complied with what was promised collected in these points because I look in vain for a gift (22-inch LCD TV ordered on 24/09/2008) collection from 2007-2008, and I immediately blocked the card with more than fifteen points paid in the last two or three years of daily supplies means less than 35 tons, and conform with the requirements of their catalogs on the same Q8. That said I have not been able to have valid explanations and unique by the customer care personnel, which in turn required me copies of my documents, fax and email, and so only to waste more time and never to deliver what dovutomi.

thank advance who can possibly help me or advice, I recognize that a problem is frivolous, but that is now a matter of principle.

Formia (LT) 04.02.2010

responses CustomerCare:

Dear Customer,

you confirm that the card is locked due to excessive and often loaded with fuel.

To speed up the evaluation please send us a self-giving:

˚ & # 160;

· Name Last Name

·         Cellulare

·         Motivo utilizzo automezzo

·         Motivo dell’eccessivo carico di carburante

·         E-mail

·         A photocopy of an identity

If you have a company or firm that is associated with the use of the vehicle or vehicles the business name and registered office.

Please note however that we reserve the right to perform all required inspections and keep blocking the paper, if the anomaly is not sufficiently supported by the information provided.

Sincerely, ----------------------------------

Customer Care ( )

Kuwait Petroleum

SpA Via the Indian Ocean, 13

00144, Rome

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Dear Customer,

Your practice is still being evaluated. We will inform you promptly when we have more news


--------------------------------- - Customer Care


Kuwait Petroleum

SpA Via the Indian Ocean, 13

00144, Rome

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