Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How Many Calories In Chinese Curry Sauce?

Euronics is only a mark: buying attention!


Buon giorno a tutti,
Dalla corrispondenza intercorsa di cui alle e-mail sotto riportate, emerge chiaramente che Euronics è solo un marchio.
Ogni punto vendita è un imprenditore a se stante e come tale può fallire senza che il marchio Euronics e/o la catena di distribuzione possa garantire il consumatore finale.
Vi prego di tenere conto di ciò che è accaduto a me.
Prego i mezzi di comunicazione in indirizzo e per conoscenza di divulgare questo aspetto della modalità di vendita di Euronics.
Prego le Associazioni di consumatori in indirizzo di pubblicare il caso sui loro siti.
Prego l'Autorità Antitrust di aggiungere anche questo argomento nell'ambito dell'istruttoria avviata nei confronti delle grosse catene di distribuzione per glissare gli obblighi della garanzia legale al consumatore.
Il consumatore che entra in un grande negozio con il marchio Euronics non sa di entrare da un qualsiasi imprenditore. Credo ci sia una asimmetria nella informazione che andrebbe veicolata al consumatore.
Se io avessi saputo che potevo incorrere in questo inconveniente, avrei scelto una catena distributiva diversa.
Saluto e ringrazio.
Gennaro Cimmino

*** *** ***

Gentile Cliente,

we have received your communication and, above all, we are sorry for the inconvenience you have suffered.

Spa Spadaro The company now bankrupt and a completely independent and distinct than Euronics Italy Spa : that the company benefited, by virtue of certain contractual relationships, the right to use the trademark Euronics .

On the basis of the above, and although as I said sorry for what happened, we regret to inform you of the impossibility of Euronics Spa Italy to intervene in any way in which you segnalataci problem.

At your disposal for any further clarification.


Euronics Italy Spa

Customer Service Euronics Buy On Line

*** *** ***

Good morning, I first thank you for responding
. In Annex I commit
file.pdf of the purchase receipt of the HP Notebook DV6780eL dating back to 03/01/2008.
We are in the two years of legal guarantee to the final consumer in Europe.
The purchase was made at Euronics Casoria (Via Circonvallaz. External) (NA).
I called HP support and they told me that their warranty for free, as producers (B2B) shall be limited to 1 year of HP product purchase.
During the second year of the legal guarantee (B2C), should I go to the product retailer, for me Euronics. Euronics
Casoria (081-7574784) says he can not provide legal guarantee of this year 2 because Euronics is just a brand. Behind every sign / shop / physical is a company, in my case now, "Group Tufano," but at the time of purchase was the "Group Spadaro" that no longer exists (to the consumer what cares?).
I am just a consumer who has chosen, at the time, a large chain of distribution, such as Euronics, to avoid the "Tarantella" the little shop downstairs. But if
to receive free assistance on a product warranty legal Euronics I sue, you know that consumer groups are informed that, in choosing which to direct the distribution chain for their purchase, put in debt account these pitfalls that may face the average consumer.
NOW, THEREFORE, I rephrase the question:
Who should I contact in order to receive legal assistance free of charge under warranty (2nd year) for your notebook purchased from a shop less than two years ago?
Trusting in a rapid and decisive response in particular, the opportunity is welcome to send cordial Regards.
Gennaro Cimmino

*** *** ***

Dear Customer,
Please return this by specifying which store better in the purchase was made. Sincerely

Euronics Italy Spa

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