Friday, February 19, 2010

Help Im Having A Baby Shower

Vodafone Station: "slow service, poor, very seriously."

do not know if the email address is correct, however present a complaint against Vodafone and its offers of discount exempt from the fee Telecom. In late October I signed a contract with that company, a contract that would allow me, through the Vodafone station, you can call all landlines at only 16 cents and navigate with high-speed ADSL up to 7 mega 24 hours 24. In reality the transition from Telecom has never happened and I never had high speed internet, even an operator Vodafone has called me to tell me that the high-speed ADSL could not be activated because the activation could compromise the entire Internet (I wonder whether it may be true) and I was really unbecoming a counteroffer: keep the contract with Vodafone, always paying € 29 per month with the ability to connect with a 56k modem only 10 hours a day, taking that, as I was still Telecom phone line, then I'd have to pay only 29 € a month get to spend more than twice, because I had to Vodafone and Telecom as internet telephone line. Of course I refused and asked to be able to cancel that contract, it is entirely inappropriate. I was provided the information to cancel and a green number to call before returning the Vodafone station. I lost a whole morning to be able to Take the green line with that number, and then they told me to call another day. After a long odyssey, I finally managed to get the address to send the equipment, and so I did. After a couple of days after the return of Vodafone station, I was contacted by Vodafone informing me that Vodafone had decided not to pay the penalty for early termination of the contract (which had remained unknown, but I knew from the beginning not have to pay because of the inefficiency and therefore an exception to the Vodafone contract early recession). Today, after nearly a month after the return of Vodafone station, I received a letter from Vodafone, where I'm informed that I will be reimbursed Activation of the cost of the contract, I can store it and the sim (which I had said before you can take and use) will be turned off instead. The service was slow to say the least, poor, very seriously. I sincerely hope that my mail is taken into account because they are certainly the only one who was swindled by Vodafone. Now I have Alice Telecom for Internet and telephone, I had a problem on the line that was not resolved in a couple of days, quickly browse and yes, I pay the rent, but I have a real service.
Thanks for listening.


PS: I forgot to write in the mail that Vodafone in the center where I Vodafone bought the station I was assured the availability of ADSL. I think it's an important detail.

Technorati Tags: Vodafone


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