Friday, February 26, 2010

How Much Is 300k Camera

More clarity for COOP members.


Il suggerimento consigliato, in casi simili, è di inviare una segnalazione all'Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato per pubblicità ritenuta ingannevole.

Redazione ACU

La presente è stata inviata alla COOP ed a Voi per conoscenza.

Buon giorno Sono Biagio Cottone, socio COOP nr. xxxxxx, abitante a  yyyyyyyyy in via zzzzzzzzz. Ci tengo a precisare che ho preso la tessera di socio perché ritengo i prodotti a marchio COOP di una certa qualità, and then also take advantage of any discounts and / or offers of membership. Another reason was the fact that we spend more time at Piombino, where the biggest hypermarket is IperCoop Salivoli. I was pleased to be able to enjoy the same opportunities I had at Pinerolo. Illusion! The first time I went grocery shopping at the IperCoop Piombino I was told that the card in my possession is only for the points (which are not the reasons that pushed me to join, to say the truth is thing I care less, not to say anything) and not the deals and / or others, as the cooperative (I seem to remember the Tyrrhenian Unicoop) is not the same as the Piedmont (the Novacoop).
For goodness sake, at the headquarters of Pinerolo also offered me two coupons for 10 euros each way of welcome, so the card only cost me 5 Euros. But this is not the point! I have not associated with any of the two, I intended to take the membership card COOP, as it was, and is touted by many. And enjoy the benefits it offers as COOP, in any of the outlets of Italy, frankly I do not administratively related to the fact that the same cooperative, with the same mark, the red COOP, had different names depending on the region, in fact on the card is written in large and small COOP Novacoop or Unicoop Tirreno. Adds that the sense that I can purchase a product, maybe even mark COOP, at a discount in Pinerolo (where the COOP - Novacoop) and not being able to take advantage of Piombino (where instead there is a COOP - Unicoop Tyrrhenian sea)? Specifically happened to me for a shirt that I bought deals in Pinerolo, arrived two days later in Piombino intended to buy another, given the convenience and quality. It was not possible, no matter the object itself, but the principle seems to me essential. Bottle everything seems unfair to the member as such, and to which "suggests" and "sells" as universal and non-COOP local.
Ripeto, non ho chiesto l'associazione alla Novacoop o alla Unicoop Tirreno ma alla COOP. Altra cosa, che per me passa un po' in secondo piano, ma che riveste una discreta importanza etica: quando sono andato per tesserarmi non c'è stato alcuno che mi abbia informato di questo fatto, ovvero la differenza che esiste da una regione all'altra. E quando sono tornato per chiedere spiegazione, l'unica risposta che mi si forniva è stata: "e sì, si tratta di società diverse" e nulla di più. Devo dire che mi sono sentito un po' preso in giro da tutta questa storia. Scherziamo! Si presentano tutte con lo stesso marchio, sempre lo stesso, rosso, COOP. Le pubblicità che passano in TV, o su i principali media, communicate, and mark only ever COOP, is never mentioned the name of the local cooperative. Yes, yes, the website "" makes me choose the province and thus diverts me on different pages, but always with the same layout. I myself, who work in the world of computers and the internet, I'm worried about going to see the site only after I realized this thing, let alone any housewife. All this while remaining the same conviction, expressed at the beginning, the quality of treated products, the belief that the increase does nothing but regret for this.
will send a copy of this to the various consumer associations to point out what I think is a fault I thank you and farewell Biagio Cottone.

add one last thing. Only yesterday afternoon I was contacted by telephone by COOP (which of course I sent the e-mail) with which I was on the phone for half an hour.
Miss, unfortunately I do not remember the name or maybe not told me, tried to get me to the history of the coop, has highlighted the quality of co-branded products (something on which I had not, and I have, no doubt) but unfortunately it is administratively different entities depending on the region where they are, it is considered in the future (much to come) to a solution of uniform type, but for the moment is not can not help it, if not take another card. It seems a bit 'absurd, regardless of cost. Although he kept repeating that I am aware of all this, Miss continued his dictation without giving other answers.
The membership card is the same all over Italy, as COOP great in red and the name of true black in small cooperative in talking only of the brand advertising COOP.
products sold under private label are all absolutely equal in the entire nation. It seems to me a marketing policy a bit 'strange if, as a shareholder are not treated the same way everywhere. In the sense that the box of tomatoes at the Coop brand, so for example, could cost a little 'more in one place rather than another (because of different costs of administration and logistics), but if at some point you decide to do a certain percentage discount for members, this percentage should be the same everywhere. Thank you again

Biagio Cottone

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