Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Can You Use Baby Oil After Brazilliian

Lamentela verso Sky Tv.

Dear ACU-Association Consumer Users - Milano

Antonio Satta, the undersigned, John was born in the xxyy xxyy and settled in xxyy, SKY subscription (since the days of Tele +), sends the following to complain about the behavior of the same. Having acceded to an offer dating back to February 2009, in which the offer or offers an LCD TV with MY SKY HD, you can pay in installments along with your subscription, but despite numerous reminders Telephone (probably from what I've spent only in phone calls would also release a television better than I had to send them) that I only received promises from their players (including some very rude, Having closed the phone down) però della televisione neanche l’ombra. Intorno al mese di luglio sono stato contattato dalla stessa azienda per dirmi che la stessa settimana avrei ricevuto il tutto, ma settimane ne sono trascorse molte altre senza nessun esito. Arrivati al mese di novembre, e sentendomi preso letteralmente in giro, ho inviato una lettera per lamentarmi di ciò avvisandomi che se entro un mese dal ricevimento della stessa non avrei nessuna risposta, gli avrei fatto la disdetta del contratto.

Essendo arrivato proprio alla disdetta, sarebbe dovuta diventare operativa dal 31 gennaio u.s., da allora mi hanno tempestato di telefonate facendomi varie proposte, finché non mi hanno fatto cambiare idea facendomi uno sconto del 50% per quattro mesi sull’abbonamento, and that I could go at their store to pick up the TV with the new offer (I had to give, taking a TV 37 ", 100 deposit of € 49 more for HD). Then I went on the 16th January, at a store where, viewed the TV, I spoke with an employee to perfect everything, but there was another surprise, the computer, everything was blocked. I picked up the phone, for the umpteenth time and I called their toll free number, which work he said he was locked in what was still working my previous request (that is, that in February a year ago), and that were activated for the cancellation, however, that take a few days. After a week, I phoned again to see if I could finally go to pick up the TV and I was told that everything was OK, but that had changed since the day before, I should have, according to the new rules make a down payment on the tv no more than € 100 but 170, and otherwise I would be contacted this week to see how I could have meet since there were all these problems. I hope Please tell me how do I do because I feel literally made fun of by a company which I honestly thought I was more serious, and some of vs. early reply, I leave you my number also. mobile phone which is xxxxxxxxx.


Antonio Satta

25 gennaio 2010

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