Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ntldr Is Missing After Mac

12 categories of trains, 4 classes and only one common denominator: the delays. Citroen

publish the following considerations of the President of commuters Piacenza.

Editorial ACU

Colleagues commuters Genoa-Milan, as usual, give us a great assist.

Moreover, the and phantasmagorical amazing news that we receive from the owners of the steam Piazza della Croce Rossa (read: FS or State Railways) imply that even the best script writer could invent Zelig, to make the audience laugh (sorry, travelers).

In Italy, a country of bananas, giustappunto, (now called a republic is disrespectful to the deep meaning that the word has mocked every day as the "public" - you can read a newspaper to realize any how every morning the worst of this country jumps out of the sewers of ill repute), the monopoly of state (as owner of 100%) of the rail assomma ben 7 categorie di treni a prezzi di mercato (chiediamo scusa ancora una volta gli economisti per avere usato un termine che in regime di monopolio è impronunciabile), ovvero :

EuroStar AV Fast , EuroSta AV, EuroStar Fast , EuroStar, EuroStar City, EuroCity, EuroNotte

3 categorie di treni cofinanziati dal contratto nazionale di servizio per il trasporto universale :




2 categories of train service contracts financed by the regions: Regional


In all 12 categories of trains . E 'world record as rightly tell us from Genoa .

But it does not end here, ladies and gentlemen.

Trenitalia, as anticipated by the press reports yesterday, also multiply the classes taking them from 2 to 4, almost tailored to the business caste.

Creativity commercial Trenitalia therefore reaches livelli ineguagliabili, il “ core business “ è quello di confondere il viaggiatore, imporgli limiti, difficoltà.

E, soprattutto, quello di farlo arrivare puntualmente in ritardo, magari dopo averlo multato per avere sbagliato inconsapevolmente il biglietto, non essere riuscito ad obliterarlo causa macchinette guaste, ed avere atteso in una sala d’aspetto che non esiste più, in una stazione impresenziata, dove al posto dei tabelloni degli orari, nuovissimi monitor ti sparano l’ultima pubblicità del deodorante “ per l’uomo che non deve chiedere mai “ .

Il quale, sventurato viaggiatore, di domande da porre ne avrebbe molte, ma in assenza di personale, traveling or not, those who make them?

Besides, does not matter whether you are in the first executive, or peons in the fourth, if you're on the same train delay is the matter in equally, as Our Lady of sickle

makes all equal in the famous 'A level' of Totò.

who is the principle of laughter if he were still alive, he had to face formidable competitors from the box office: the creativity of the rail.

Fortunately, it now does not travel anymore, but look at us from up there and remember, at every turn, and much to the chagrin of our portfolio, the most classic of his jokes: "And I'll pay! "

As always, a good trip at all.

Ettore Fittavolini


Commuters Association Piacenza


Mail: pendolari.piacenza @ free. it


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