Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Compare Audi A3 To Jetta Sport Wagon

TIM prepaid or postpaid?

Mr. Alberto us stipulate in a subsequent communication, to have exposed Antitrust also call the incident who have expressed a desire to protect the rights of consumers considering the fact serious. In the meantime we have advised Mr. Alberto of formal complaint to TIM, and if not satisfied, to submit an application for conciliation.

Editorial ACU


My name is XXXXX and YYYYY customer TIM phone number. Recently, something very strange happened: my TIM prepaid card, against all logic, he created the debt. I chose a prepaid because despite the discomfort of frequent refills I was by definition impossible to use services at a cost greater than I expected. Logic dictates that when a prepaid credit reaches zero, each connection is being blocked and prevented from further connections until there are sufficient funds to run them. If this is not one that is sold as a prepaid customer is in effect a post-paid, and would act as a sort of credit card. Mysteriously, however, before my last recharge my card has arrived to create a debt amounting to approximately € 1200. The cause of this debt seems to find in some internet connections that I context.

This ordeal began Jan. 21, 2010, I received a text message from Tim telling me to "recharge not to remain speechless, "then made the same day a charge of € 5, shortly after another text message from Tim telling me that my traffic was exhausted at that point I began to get suspicious, the next morning I called customer service and about how Tim, and after I discovered the surprise of a review of a credit loss of € -1,200 assurdooooo about ...! Then the operator opened a practice as Tim told me to feel comfortable the first time clears the negative due to the condition that no longer occur and that unfortunately is the cause of their systems that are not able to stop debt internet connections by creating a negative and warn you not to make any kind of charging. Despite the constant phone calls to customer service to date 15/02/2010 Tim still my debt is, indeed, having an All Inclusive TIM 19 "every month I see € 19 credit on my credit card not being able to take advantage I paid the service (200 minutes at all) in more than having a bonus of about € 9 for making the move to Tim than even I can still enjoy.

requires that:

1) My debt is cleared.

2) I thus returned the € 5.00 charge last about 178 minutes + I could not get in January / February (which I paid) + the bonus for the month of February for the exchange operator, magari riaccreditandoli sulla mia prepagata.

3) La TIM si adoperi per migliorare I propri sistemi informatici in modo che le prepagate, come ci si aspetta, non consentano l'accesso ai servizi che non siano precedentemente stati pagati dall'utente.

Questo disservizio TIM mi è costato parecchio in termini di tempo e serenità, fra il tempo perso per eseguire i controlli sul traffico telefonico, quello speso al telefono con gli operatori del 119, quello che sto perdendo adesso per scrivere questa lettera e quello che perderò per inviarla via fax, oltre ad un notevole disagio per l'impossibilità ad utilizzare il telefono.

Se la TIM soddisferà le richieste da me avanzate, riterrò la questione resolved. Otherwise I will have to go to take legal action and also ask for reimbursement for damages.

hope that everything will be resolved, both for me and for others who have observed the same anomaly on their pre-paid, I greet you cordially and I look forward to hearing from you.


Terni, February 15, 2010

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